Will libs fight to pull the plug on this girl

Texas man Erick Munoz found his wife Marlise unconscious on their living room floor at 2:00 a.m. on Nov. 26, WFAA in Dallas-Fort Worth reports. Munoz, a paramedic, began CPR and called 911, and his wife -- also a paramedic -- was taken to John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. She apparently experienced a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal blood clot.

Report: Pregnant woman kept on life support against husband's wishes - CBS News

no one has any idea how long the fetus was without oxygen......
but really nc does having morals mean keeping a woman alive against her family's wishes.....her parents agree with her husband and here i thought you were against government forced health care?

one cannot have it both ways
Texas man Erick Munoz found his wife Marlise unconscious on their living room floor at 2:00 a.m. on Nov. 26, WFAA in Dallas-Fort Worth reports. Munoz, a paramedic, began CPR and called 911, and his wife -- also a paramedic -- was taken to John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. She apparently experienced a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal blood clot.

Report: Pregnant woman kept on life support against husband's wishes - CBS News

no one has any idea how long the fetus was without oxygen......

She apparently experienced a pulmonary embolism, nothing definitive
but really nc does having morals mean keeping a woman alive against her family's wishes.....her parents agree with her husband and here i thought you were against government forced health care?

one cannot have it both ways
What about her wishes? No one knows what they are.
That rule states, "a person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient."

But, Erick says he and his wife had discussed and mutually agreed upon “do not resuscitate” (DNR) orders, though one was never signed. She has not shown brain activity since, and doctors are unsure how long the fetus was without oxygen and nutrients, so it's unknown whether the fetus is even viable.

Report: Pregnant woman kept on life support against husband's wishes - CBS News
Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?

And never be able to bring your own child into this world?

What kind of monsters are you people?

We can do everything possible to keep a murderer alive but not an unborn child.
her parents and hubby both say she did not want life support....i know what my husband wants....do you know what your spouse wants?

My wife doesn't want it.

Things change when you really actually face death. When that happens you tend to fight for your life instead of just giving up. Especially when you have something to live for.

I'd do anything I could to keep her alive despite her wishes.
and there you have it...mud...doesnt matter what is signed or not signed....what is said or not said.....it all boils down to the wishes of the next of kin normally...cause they are the ones that can sue...

and i fear you are much like me...the only way i could pull the plug on hubby.....would be if they allowed me to lay down and die with him..i would not force my decision on others however

btw nice winter solstice img
her parents and hubby both say she did not want life support....i know what my husband wants....do you know what your spouse wants?

I miss the part where the parents have said anything, and yes I know what my wife wants right now, but what will she want when actually face with death? Death will make a skeptic a believer in life when faced with the real thing.
and there you have it...mud...doesnt matter what is signed or not signed....what is said or not said.....it all boils down to the wishes of the next of kin normally...cause they are the ones that can sue...

and i fear you are much like me...the only way i could pull the plug on hubby.....would be if they allowed me to lay down and die with him..i would not force my decision on others however

btw nice winter solstice img


I felt it was rather festive.
Court Appoints Neurologist To Assess Teen Declared Brain Dead...
Jahi McMath: Judge extends order to keep brain-dead girl on ventilator
23 Dec.`13 -- A judge on Monday gave the family of Jahi McMath the gift of Christmas with the 13-year-old brain-dead girl, ordering that she be kept on a ventilator through next week while doctors perform more tests to determine if the girl has any chance of recovering.
A court-appointed neurologist was scheduled to report his findings in a closed hearing Tuesday morning, but no matter the result of the tests, Jahi's family vowed to keep fighting to keep the girl breathing. The ruling Monday from Alameda County Superior Court Judge Evelio Grillo will likely allow the family to spend Christmas in the girl's room on the third floor of Children's Hospital Oakland. Above all else, the family wants "to give her more time," Jahi's mother, Nailah Winkfield, said. "Hopefully everything will work out in her favor, because I know my daughter wants to live. She enjoys life, and I know she wouldn't like somebody putting a time limit on her life."

The family's attorney, Christopher Dolan, said that "hope stays alive if she stays alive," adding that he was grateful "that this family won't be attending a funeral on Christmas." Grillo originally barred the hospital from taking the girl off the ventilator or ending her IV fluids before Monday. On Monday, Grillo appointed Dr. Paul Fisher, chief of pediatric neurology at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, to test Jahi's brain activity. Fisher will present his findings in a closed-court hearing at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday in downtown Oakland. The judge has not said when he will rule on whether the hospital can take the girl off the ventilator after his order expires.

Jahi underwent tonsil surgery to correct sleep apnea on Dec. 9; she began suffering complications including bleeding after the surgery, went into cardiac arrest and was declared brain dead Dec. 12. Since then, the family has been embroiled in a public battle with hospital administrators in a case that has gained national attention, at one point saying that the hospital's chief of pediatrics told them the girl needed to be taken off the ventilator "quickly." After the hearing Monday, Dr. David Durand, Children's Hospital Oakland's chief of pediatrics, spoke to the media for the first time and said that Jahi's condition was the result of a "very complex surgery. It was more complex than just a tonsillectomy." When pressed, Durand said he was unable to discuss the case any further. Hospital officials have repeatedly declined to discuss specifics of the case, citing medical privacy laws and asking the family's permission to release information.

The family also wants to bring in a second expert: Dr. Paul A. Byrne, neonatologist, pediatrician and clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Toledo's College of Medicine, who has clashed with other physicians over the diagnosis of "brain dead." Byrne, a devout Catholic, has said that brain death is not true death, a belief that contrasts with the majority of the medical establishment. Both sides expressed satisfaction with Monday's ruling. Jahi's grandmother, Sandra Chatman, said it would allow Jahi's family to be "a little settled." "We're not totally satisfied," she said. "But we do feel like we are finally being heard, and that this is a step toward making sure that Jahi is still alive on Christmas, and that's been very important to us since the beginning of this whole thing."

i think it is up to her parents...simple as that....

will conservative fight to make this women give birth?

Texas Father Barred from Taking Pregnant Wife Off Life Support

here i think it is up to her husband

But according to the Center for Women Policy Studies, as of 2012, Texas and 11 other states have automatically invalidated pregnant women's advance directives to refrain from using extraordinary measures to keep them alive, and others have slightly less restrictive but similar laws. A spokesperson from the hospital told Yahoo Shine, "Our responsibility is to be a good corporate citizen while also providing quality care for our patients. At all times, JPS will follow the law as it applies to healthcare in the state of Texas."

Yep. Sounds like a dream come true for the meddling rw's.
Liberals will fight to allow the family to decide what's best for the family member in private as long as the result is something liberals perceive is correct. Anything else is pressure from the right.

The family in this case isn't behaving in the approved liberal fashion. They don't want their daughter taken off life support. This is liberal heresy, they should be FOR euthanasia and a quick death. Even though the family is black, they must be something else that's evil, maybe Christians.

The girl went in for an unroutine tonsilectomy involving three separate surgeries. Something went terribly wrong with an operation that was initially successful. The family can't get used to it, something terrible happened. They don't believe it. The hospital needs to do whatever it takes to help this family adjust. The girl is gone. It looks like the child's weight might have contributed or been the cause of the complications that caused her death. She was enormous.

What the family wants is "god" do decide if she lives or dies..... not the hospital.


If that is the case pull her plugs, take her off of life support..... and let god decide.

God has already decided. The child is gone. The family can't believe it. She was in the hospital, a place of safety, she had a successful operation. This can't be true. Their little girl can't be dead. They need time to internalize this tragedy. It needs to become real to them. As the hospital bears some responsibility they should do whatever the family wants to help them get through this including keeping the girl on life support while the family gets whatever form of counseling that will help them.
If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.

An individual does not 'sign a DNR.' DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) is an order from a doctor. Individuals may make a Living Will, or a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care naming their wishes and the person they want making their medical decisions. The doctor does not have to follow your directive. Nor do the courts. Having such a document does not mean the court cannot step in and make a different choice. It happens fairly frequently.

And anyway, this is not in your country. So you don't have a dog in the hunt.

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