Will libs fight to pull the plug on this girl

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?

So people should be killed to keep from incurring medical bills. Groovy.

Could you get any more lame? Seriously. Your thinking is whacked. This woman didn't make her wishes known, but even if she had the courts still could have opted to keep the baby alive. It happens. This is not the first time.
If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

An amniocentesis test would be able to tell if the baby is brain damaged. Even if she signed a DNR, that affects her. It's called personal choice.

What's obvious is that this husband just didn't love his wife all that much and wants reminders of her off the face of the earth. Maybe he's like Michael Schiavo and already has a honey on the side.
If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.

You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

That's how I kind of see it. Yes she didn't want life support, but I bet she wasn't pregnant when she said that.

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Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.

You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

An amniocentesis test would be able to tell if the baby is brain damaged. Even if she signed a DNR, that affects her. It's called personal choice.

What's obvious is that this husband just didn't love his wife all that much and wants reminders of her off the face of the earth. Maybe he's like Michael Schiavo and already has a honey on the side.

Did her parents not love her too? They agree with him.

I think they should see what happens with the baby, but you shouldn't make those types of judgments.

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If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

They have to follow the law regardless. Just because you have a Living Will or Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare, it does not mean you are exempt from the law. The child is a third party consideration which would not be covered by the woman's LW or DPOA.

Even if they had her wishes in writing, notarized, and registered with the county clerk this would still have been an issue. Doctors take an oath to prolong life. The doctor would still not have allowed the child to die. It would still have ended up in court.
Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

An amniocentesis test would be able to tell if the baby is brain damaged. Even if she signed a DNR, that affects her. It's called personal choice.

What's obvious is that this husband just didn't love his wife all that much and wants reminders of her off the face of the earth. Maybe he's like Michael Schiavo and already has a honey on the side.

Not it would not. Amniocentesis diagnoses some fetal defects such as Down's Syndrome, no brain damage due to hypoxia.

Amniocentesis - Definition, Purpose, Precautions, Description, Risks, Normal results
matter of fact she has a living will that calls for all medical treatment to be with held if she is found to have dementia..well we are there.....and i simply do not follow the living will...anything that can be treated within reason is.....i did draw the line at the heart procedure when they talked about tying her to the bed for days.....decided no one needed that....

now is any court really gonna step up and force me to with hold medical treatment? the never happens but i can tell you if i suddenly with drew all treatments ...someone would step it...odd how that works
Is there Obamacare in Texas? Cuz he's going to be financially destroyed by these medical bills.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

How did his wife end up on the floor? Did he cause it?


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slack ass bitch keep up or shut the fuck up. The original link didn't have the cause of why she was found on the floor, the other link suggested it might be something else. and that was yesterday.
matter of fact she has a living will that calls for all medical treatment to be with held if she is found to have dementia..well we are there.....and i simply do not follow the living will...anything that can be treated within reason is.....i did draw the line at the heart procedure when they talked about tying her to the bed for days.....decided no one needed that....

now is any court really gonna step up and force me to with hold medical treatment? the never happens but i can tell you if i suddenly with drew all treatments ...someone would step it...odd how that works

People don't always understand what they are doing when they give that type of directive. What you have described amounts to killing a physically healthy person. The purpose of the Living Will or DPOA is for a person to be able to refuse 'extraordinary measures' with extraordinary measures being things like a respirator, CPR, etc. When someone reaches the end stage of dementia, they lose the ability to communicate and they lose mobility, stop eating etc. In those cases the doctor can order 'palliative care only.' That means if they are in pain, the pain will be treated, but they will not be given parenteral nutrition, or other medications. No doctor is going to just let a person die because they carry a diagnosis of dementia. No matter what the patient wants. Not going to happen.
Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?

It's disturbing on multiple levels....and yes...who's paying?
1. No one knows how long the woman was unconscious?
2. Possible pulmonary embolism? She must have presented with "the veil of death", for physicians to come to this possibility. It's unmistakable.
3. Can an EEG be performed on a fetus?
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