Will libs fight to pull the plug on this girl

Long gone defined as moving , smiling and making sounds?

Her brain was half the size it should have been. The autopsy refuted the claims made by the parents. She was not cognitive of her surroundings and she was blind. According to her autopsy results "doctors said her reactions were automatic responses and not evidence of thought or consciousness". From Schiavo autopsy shows irreversible damage - US news | NBC News

so what? cognitive function is not always dependent on brain size.
it might be present albeit impaired even if 1/3 of the brain is gone.

should we kill all blind people? preferably by starving them to death?

Half her brain was gone. The entire upper portion of her brain was no longer there. This is not something that someone recovers from. The brain had developed hydrocephalus ex vacuo. This is a condition in which the empty spaces her brain tissue had occupied were now occupied by cerebrospinal fluid. You do not regrow brain tissue. and that fluid does not do what brain tissue does.

You say cognitive function might be present if even 1/3 of the brain is gone? It would have had to regrow around 250 grams of brain tissue to get up to only having lost 1/3.

The normal human brain weights between 1,300 and 1,400 grams. Terri's weighed 615 grams.
i think it is up to her parents...simple as that....

will conservative fight to make this women give birth?

Texas Father Barred from Taking Pregnant Wife Off Life Support

here i think it is up to her husband

Horrible. I agree, the husband has the say here. WTF is with some people thinking they have the answers better than a spouse? It's not right. Fucking tragic.

Especially a spouse that doesn't want to be saddled with a baby. The last living part of his beloved wife. Yeah.
Liberals would fight to allow the family to decide what’s best for the family member in private, absent interference from the government or the courts – and in particular absent interference from the partisan right eager to exploit the family’s tragedy for some perceived political gain.
Liberals will fight to allow the family to decide what's best for the family member in private as long as the result is something liberals perceive is correct. Anything else is pressure from the right.

The family in this case isn't behaving in the approved liberal fashion. They don't want their daughter taken off life support. This is liberal heresy, they should be FOR euthanasia and a quick death. Even though the family is black, they must be something else that's evil, maybe Christians.

The girl went in for an unroutine tonsilectomy involving three separate surgeries. Something went terribly wrong with an operation that was initially successful. The family can't get used to it, something terrible happened. They don't believe it. The hospital needs to do whatever it takes to help this family adjust. The girl is gone. It looks like the child's weight might have contributed or been the cause of the complications that caused her death. She was enormous.
i think it is up to her parents...simple as that....

will conservative fight to make this women give birth?

Texas Father Barred from Taking Pregnant Wife Off Life Support

here i think it is up to her husband

Horrible. I agree, the husband has the say here. WTF is with some people thinking they have the answers better than a spouse? It's not right. Fucking tragic.

Especially a spouse that doesn't want to be saddled with a baby. The last living part of his beloved wife. Yeah.

You're a mind reader? She was three months along. Were she six or more there would be an argument to keep the mother breathing until a c-section could be done safely.
Horrible. I agree, the husband has the say here. WTF is with some people thinking they have the answers better than a spouse? It's not right. Fucking tragic.

Especially a spouse that doesn't want to be saddled with a baby. The last living part of his beloved wife. Yeah.

You're a mind reader? She was three months along. Were she six or more there would be an argument to keep the mother breathing until a c-section could be done safely.

Baby born to brain dead mother as foetus survives from 15 to 27 weeks | Mail Online

The only argument is that the husband didn't want this small part of his wife. He'd rather not look at that nose, the shape of an eye, maybe a chin, that would keep some part of his wife alive.

Wives whose husbands go off to war routinely preserve their sperm so that if disaster should strike, they can have a child from their much loved husband.

I'm not going to fault him. It's his decision. The decision comes from a man who didn't love his wife all that much and certainly doesn't want to be burdened with her baby.
Liberals will fight to allow the family to decide what's best for the family member in private as long as the result is something liberals perceive is correct. Anything else is pressure from the right.

The family in this case isn't behaving in the approved liberal fashion. They don't want their daughter taken off life support. This is liberal heresy, they should be FOR euthanasia and a quick death. Even though the family is black, they must be something else that's evil, maybe Christians.

The girl went in for an unroutine tonsilectomy involving three separate surgeries. Something went terribly wrong with an operation that was initially successful. The family can't get used to it, something terrible happened. They don't believe it. The hospital needs to do whatever it takes to help this family adjust. The girl is gone. It looks like the child's weight might have contributed or been the cause of the complications that caused her death. She was enormous.

What the family wants is "god" do decide if she lives or dies..... not the hospital.


If that is the case pull her plugs, take her off of life support..... and let god decide.
She is 18 weeks pregnant and has been on life support for nearly a month, after collapsing at home. She and her husband are both paramedics, and neither want to be kept alive by artificial means. He wants to take her off life support, in accordance with her wishes, but the law puts the fetus ahead of her wishes, so he is banned from taking her off life support - I guess she has to be a brain dead incubator until baby arrives?

A TEXAS man has been barred from taking his pregnant wife off life support because state laws prioritise the rights of the foetus.

Marlise Munoz, 33, has been unconscious since November 26, when her husband Erick Munoz found her collapsed on the living room floor.

Now ABC News reports Erick wants to turn off her ventilator. He said that years ago, Marlise had specifically told him she would never want to be kept alive by machines.

But because Marlise is 18-weeks pregnant, state law prohibits her being taken off life support.

The couple, both paramedics, never signed a do-not-resuscitate order, and family lawyers say it will be difficult to convince a judge to grant an injunction or restraining order to put the mother's wishes ahead of her child.

Texas man barred from taking pregnant wife off life support | News.com.au

So they didn't sign a DNR - but who does at such a young age? Because doctors don't know how long her brain was starved of oxygen, the baby, when born, could be severely brain damaged - and will cost the healthcare system, and her husband, a fortune.
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If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.
If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?
She is 18 weeks pregnant and has been on life support for nearly a month, after collapsing at home. She and her husband are both paramedics, and neither want to be kept alive by artificial means. He wants to take her off life support, in accordance with her wishes, but the law puts the fetus ahead of her wishes, so he is banned from taking her off life support - I guess she has to be a brain dead incubator until baby arrives?

A TEXAS man has been barred from taking his pregnant wife off life support because state laws prioritise the rights of the foetus.

Marlise Munoz, 33, has been unconscious since November 26, when her husband Erick Munoz found her collapsed on the living room floor.

Now ABC News reports Erick wants to turn off her ventilator. He said that years ago, Marlise had specifically told him she would never want to be kept alive by machines.

But because Marlise is 18-weeks pregnant, state law prohibits her being taken off life support.

The couple, both paramedics, never signed a do-not-resuscitate order, and family lawyers say it will be difficult to convince a judge to grant an injunction or restraining order to put the mother's wishes ahead of her child.

Texas man barred from taking pregnant wife off life support | News.com.au

So they didn't sign a DNR - but who does at such a young age? Because doctors don't know how long her brain was starved of oxygen, the baby, when born, could be severely brain damaged - and will cost the healthcare system, and her husband, a fortune.

What caused her to end up on the floor? The husband seen to quick to want to do away with his wife. Did the husband cause his wife to fall?
She is 18 weeks pregnant and has been on life support for nearly a month, after collapsing at home. She and her husband are both paramedics, and neither want to be kept alive by artificial means. He wants to take her off life support, in accordance with her wishes, but the law puts the fetus ahead of her wishes, so he is banned from taking her off life support - I guess she has to be a brain dead incubator until baby arrives?

A TEXAS man has been barred from taking his pregnant wife off life support because state laws prioritise the rights of the foetus.

Marlise Munoz, 33, has been unconscious since November 26, when her husband Erick Munoz found her collapsed on the living room floor.

Now ABC News reports Erick wants to turn off her ventilator. He said that years ago, Marlise had specifically told him she would never want to be kept alive by machines.

But because Marlise is 18-weeks pregnant, state law prohibits her being taken off life support.

The couple, both paramedics, never signed a do-not-resuscitate order, and family lawyers say it will be difficult to convince a judge to grant an injunction or restraining order to put the mother's wishes ahead of her child.

Texas man barred from taking pregnant wife off life support | News.com.au

So they didn't sign a DNR - but who does at such a young age? Because doctors don't know how long her brain was starved of oxygen, the baby, when born, could be severely brain damaged - and will cost the healthcare system, and her husband, a fortune.

What caused her to end up on the floor? The husband seen to quick to want to do away with his wife. Did the husband cause his wife to fall?
Shades of Terry Schaivo.
If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?
She is 18 weeks pregnant and has been on life support for nearly a month, after collapsing at home. She and her husband are both paramedics, and neither want to be kept alive by artificial means. He wants to take her off life support, in accordance with her wishes, but the law puts the fetus ahead of her wishes, so he is banned from taking her off life support - I guess she has to be a brain dead incubator until baby arrives?

Texas man barred from taking pregnant wife off life support | News.com.au

So they didn't sign a DNR - but who does at such a young age? Because doctors don't know how long her brain was starved of oxygen, the baby, when born, could be severely brain damaged - and will cost the healthcare system, and her husband, a fortune.

What caused her to end up on the floor? The husband seen to quick to want to do away with his wife. Did the husband cause his wife to fall?
Shades of Terry Schaivo.
That's the first thing I thought of.
We don't really know if she said she didn't want to be kept alive, just his word. He should be looked at as a suspect before they make the decision to kill her (and her baby).
We don't really know if she said she didn't want to be kept alive, just his word. He should be looked at as a suspect before they make the decision to kill her (and her baby).
What Noomi doesn't realize the woman can't speak for herself she right now is like an unborn child, she needs protecting because she cannot speak for herself

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