Will mask cause more harm then the coronavirus?


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2019
Mask are stupid. Not only do 99.999% of people not use them correctly, they reuse them and even wear them exercising. The germs growing in your reused mask are far more dangerous then the coronavirus.

Karma is coming for the mask nazis
So masks are kind of like nasal hair?

I wear my nasal hair properly.

Mask are stupid. Not only do 99.999% of people not use them correctly, they reuse them and even wear them exercising. The germs growing in your reused mask are far more dangerous then the coronavirus.

Karma is coming for the mask nazis
Masks are making the virus stronger and more infectious.....some people like the elderly and sickly should wear them but not the entire population......its causing the virus to mutate stronger not weaker....
Mask are stupid. Not only do 99.999% of people not use them correctly, they reuse them and even wear them exercising. The germs growing in your reused mask are far more dangerous then the coronavirus.

Karma is coming for the mask nazis
Masks are making the virus stronger and more infectious.....some people like the elderly and sickly should wear them but not the entire population......its causing the virus to mutate stronger not weaker....

And the coming flu season. People touch a door handle with a virus, then touch their mask, then breathe it in and out all day into their mask.

Mask aren't meant to be reused
The biggest scam of the century . These lunatic will stop at nothing to beat Trump. I met a group of three teenagers here in rural pa. They claimed there are 17 teens total that for the past 5 weeks. They been trying to catch covid 19 . And they can't.
Mask are stupid. Not only do 99.999% of people not use them correctly, they reuse them and even wear them exercising. The germs growing in your reused mask are far more dangerous then the coronavirus.

Karma is coming for the mask nazis
They're dangerous in two ways:

1) They're a useless placebo, that gives many wearing them the false sense that they are safer wearing one.

2) They demostrate to despotic politicians how eailily the hoi polli can be ordered around by proclamation.
Mask are stupid. Not only do 99.999% of people not use them correctly, they reuse them and even wear them exercising. The germs growing in your reused mask are far more dangerous then the coronavirus.

Karma is coming for the mask nazis

I talked to a lady a couple weeks ago who said her husband got a nasty lung infection from wearing a mask. His lungs also collapsed.

It's not a good thing to breathe in the same shit you're breathing out. Many masks are still made in China and those using them are more than likely breathing in cloth fibers. Then there are the masks that have brightly-colored dyes in the material. One can only wonder what the long-term effects are of breathing through those.

A recent study was done on the pollutants present in exhaled breath. This should scare the living crap out of anyone: Acetone, Benzene, Isoprene, Toluene, Hexane, and a whole bunch of other shit...

Fascinating, how the Trump cult has determined that the last century of medical science is all wrong, because TheParty told them so. We are truly blessed to have such geniuses among us.
Mask are stupid. Not only do 99.999% of people not use them correctly, they reuse them and even wear them exercising. The germs growing in your reused mask are far more dangerous then the coronavirus.

Karma is coming for the mask nazis
You must an non educated trump follower.
English is my 4th language and I couldn't help but call you out.
In the title you used then instead of than.
Also we say MASKS are stupid and not mask are stupid.
Mask are stupid. Not only do 99.999% of people not use them correctly, they reuse them and even wear them exercising. The germs growing in your reused mask are far more dangerous then the coronavirus.

Karma is coming for the mask nazis
You must an non educated trump follower.
English is my 4th language and I couldn't help but call you out.
In the title you used then instead of than.
Also we say MASKS are stupid and not mask are stupid.
Sew wen iz vakseen kumeng owt?
Fascinating, how the Trump cult has determined that the last century of medical science is all wrong, because TheParty told them so. We are truly blessed to have such geniuses among us.
Some doctors such as Dr. Scott Atlas know what they are talking about when they discuss Coronavirus.
Mask are stupid. Not only do 99.999% of people not use them correctly, they reuse them and even wear them exercising. The germs growing in your reused mask are far more dangerous then the coronavirus.

More to the point, these masks literally do •NOTHING• to protect anyone from any virus. To believe that they do requires one to be stupid enough to believe that a chain link fence can protect anyone from mosquitoes. The gaps in even a proper N95 mask (which is a much better mask than what most people are wearing under the delusion that doing so offers any protection against the #CoronaHoax2020 virus) are literally hundreds of times bigger than the #CoronaHoax virus itself.

Now, all the claims about possible harmful effects of wearing the mask, I don't know about. The only one that I have tested is the one about it reducing the amount of oxygen in one's blood. While exercising heavily, but consistently on an exercise bicycle, while wearing an oximeter, I did determine that taking the mask off and putting it on again made a difference of about 2% or 3% in my blood oxygen level. Detectable, but not really significant. Now I'm a late-middle-aged man, with very healthy lungs. It seems entirely possible to me that someone whose lungs are less robust than mine might experience a more significant impact on their blood oxygen level from wearing a mask.

In any event, if there is any risk at all of adverse effects from wearing a mask, then objectively, it's not worth it at all, because there is absolutely no actual benefit from wearing one.

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