Will more guns create a safer society?

Your license plate and fees doesn't supply care for anyone

The license plate traces the vehicle back to me and my insurance on the vehicle. I didn't realize that you needed a detailed map to connect those dots.

Well, I don't have a lot of experience with my vehicle being stolen ... The criminals around here know I will shoot them ... Hahaha!


Will your car insurance cover their gun shot wounds?
If you shoot a person and the shooting is deemed unjustified then you are subject to arrest, and civil law suits.

And if your child shoots someone? Please provide valid reasons why gun owners should not be required to have insurance coverage just as you do for vehicles? What makes guns the exception to being responsible and accountable for what happens when your possessions cause harm to others?

If your child shoots someone the parent is still responsible for any damages.

The same is if your kid torched a neighbors house.
You are a responsible gun owner. Can you say the same for the other 80 million gun owners?

You also failed to address the issue of accountability. Do you agree that I am accountable for insuring my vehicles so that if it is involved in an accident that should someone be injured there will be funds to pay for their injuries? Why shouldn't the same accountability apply to guns?

I did go back and edit my post in regards to accountability ...

"If someone steals your car and runs over someone else ... They don't charge you with vehicular homicide and take your ability to own a car away."


Thank you.

It's not impossible anyway ... There are cases where gun owners are held accountable for their actions or lack thereof. It is the same as when a bartender can be charged as an accessory in vehicular homicide if they continue to serve a visibly drunk customer they may suspect will drive.


And the responsible owner of the bar will have insurance coverage for that eventuality because he knows that he can be held accountable. Why should guns be the exception?

That won't help the bartender though ...


The bar owner's coverage will cover his employees.
Why should guns be the exception?

You lefties...you really have a hard time understanding the nature of a "right" don't you.....

Again...should all internet posters have to register with the government before they post?

Should all internet posters be required to get "libel" insurance before they post?

If not...why not?

Should all Journalists register with the government before they are allowed to write one word..ditto any author?

Should all Journalists and authors be required to obtain "libel" insurance before they are allowed to write one word?

If not, why not....?

Should all religious people register their religious practice with the government before they can attend a service?
If you shoot a person and the shooting is deemed unjustified then you are subject to arrest, and civil law suits.

And if your child shoots someone? Please provide valid reasons why gun owners should not be required to have insurance coverage just as you do for vehicles? What makes guns the exception to being responsible and accountable for what happens when your possessions cause harm to others?

If your child shoots someone the parent is still responsible for any damages.

The same is if your kid torched a neighbors house.

You still haven't explained why you should not have insurance.
You haven't explained why you shouldn't be registered with the government to post here on U.S. message...or why you shouldn't have to have "libel" insurance before you post here on U.S. message....
Guns are an "inalienable" right....cars are means of transportation....
The bar owner's coverage will cover his employees.

Not against the vehicular homicide charges ... And that also varies from state to state. I only know about that because I worked as a bartender in college and was required to take the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance class and get the certification.

Here we have a cogent argument against insurance....

Mandatory Gun Insurance Problem The Problem With Mandatory Gun Insurance Is 8230 Extrano s Alley a gun blog

Someone came by searching for “mandatory gun insurance problem.”

I assume the search was for “what is wrong with mandatory liability insurance for gun owners.”

Well, first there is the cost. The insurance industry has little or no data on what a liability policy for gun owners would cost, and it appears at least one State’s regulator guesses a premium of $12.50 a thousand would cover payouts. The million dollar policy the Democrats want would cost $12,500 a year. And price virtually every gun owner out of ownership.

Second, the cost of a policy is regulated by the State. Which could jack the price up to a million dollars a year without notice and without recourse.

Third, even if such insurance were fixed at $10 a year, those who can afford mandatory liability insurance would literally be on a State accessible list. Yes, that would be gun owner registration, and the historic path to totalitarianism.

Fourth, mandatory insurance amounts to gun owner licensing. Your paid up insurance policy would be your license to possess.

And the benefits? Since criminals do not, by definition, obey the law, the sixteen million or so guns that arm the underworld would still be in circulation. So crime in Baltimore, Bridgeport, and Chicago would only increase. Just as it has every time gun control schemes have been imposed.

So, again...what seems like a reasonable idea is just another way for anti gunners to attack and punish the people who own the very thing the anti gunners are terrified of...guns....


The million dollar policy the Democrats want would cost $12,500 a year. And price virtually every gun owner out of ownership

It would give the government the power to price gun ownership out of existence...it is essentially a "poll" tax on gun owners....
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Will your car insurance cover their gun shot wounds?

No ... And I would like to slightly amend the overall comment to better portray my actual stance in regards to gun shot wounds and vehicle theft.

If I am in the vehicle at the time someone decides to steal it, then they get shot. If I am not in the vehicle I might chose to take different more appropriate measures depending on public safety and the possibility of personal danger.

My firearms are insured against theft but not necessarily use ... Especially if stolen by criminals.

The bar owner's coverage will cover his employees.

Not against the vehicular homicide charges ... And that also varies from state to state. I only know about that because I worked as a bartender in college and was required to take the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance class and get the certification.


The bartender is charged with vehicular homicide? In which state(s) does that happen?

But you raise an interesting point. As a bartender you were required to be certified to handle alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner and were told that you would be held accountable should you fail to perform your duties with due diligence. How is that any different to being a gun owner?
But you raise an interesting point. As a bartender you were required to be certified to handle alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner and were told that you would be held accountable should you fail to perform your duties with due diligence. How is that any different to being a gun owner?

Bar tending is not listed in the Bill of Rights.....
Will your car insurance cover their gun shot wounds?

No ... And I would like to slightly amend the overall comment to better portray my actual stance in regards to gun shot wounds and vehicle theft.

If I am in the vehicle at the time someone decides to steal it, then they get shot. If I am not in the vehicle I might chose to take different more appropriate measures depending on public safety and the possibility of personal danger.

My firearms are insured against theft but not necessarily use ... Especially if stolen by criminals.


As a responsible gun owner you are already assuming accountability. The problem we are dealing with is that amongst the 8- million gun owners there are those who are not as responsible as you are. Given that we have statistics on accidental injuries and deaths why should gun owners be exempted from having insurance for that eventuality?
The bartender is charged with vehicular homicide? In which state(s) does that happen?

Louisiana ... And cases have been tried successfully.
Gun owners can also be held accountable for negligence in cases where gross disregard for firearm safety results in injury or death ... Even if the weapon is not in their possession at the time (mother leaves loaded firearm on the coffee table etc....).

But you raise an interesting point. As a bartender you were required to be certified to handle alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner and were told that you would be held accountable should you fail to perform your duties with due diligence. How is that any different to being a gun owner?

Bar tending is not listed in the Bill of Rights.....

Given that we have statistics on accidental injuries and deaths why should gun owners be exempted from having insurance for that eventuality?

Mandating gun insurance is the equivalent of a "poll" tax for exercising a right....and we already have laws for accidentally injuring people, or killing them....there are legal and civil consequences...

You just want to pound on legal gun owners....
The bartender is charged with vehicular homicide? In which state(s) does that happen?

Louisiana ... And cases have been tried successfully.
Gun owners can also be held accountable for negligence in cases where gross disregard for firearm safety results in injury or death ... Even if the weapon is not in their possession at the time (mother leaves loaded firearm on the coffee table etc....).


This is why having mandated insurance eliminates the need for litigation. The cost of car insurance dropped when law suits were excluded from policies. Same thing applies to gun ownership across a pool of 80 million people.
As a responsible gun owner you are already assuming accountability. The problem we are dealing with is that amongst the 8- million gun owners there are those who are not as responsible as you are. Given that we have statistics on accidental injuries and deaths why should gun owners be exempted from having insurance for that eventuality?

Well ... I understand your point ... But insuring your weapons against possible use just pays for injuries. It doesn't supply accountability for the irresponsible behavior ... It just pays for mitigating circumstances. I would rather gun owners be criminally accountable for negligence should the circumstances support such a charge.

And remember that vehicular homicide is a criminal charge and not a civil charge regarding compensation exclusively.

Here is a history lesson as one political group, the democrats, tried to deny rights to another group....blacks....the same applies to mandating prohibitive insurance policies on gun owners trying to exercise their 2nd amendment rights...

Poll tax United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

After the right to vote was extended to all races by the enactment of the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, many Southern states enacted poll tax laws as a device for restricting voting rights.

This is what mandatory insurance would do....

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