Will Nancy Pelosi allow a Vote?

Will Nancy Pelosi allow a vote on the New Trade Deal between Mexico, Canad and the U.S.A.?

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Why these Democrats want to make a trade deal with Trump

It seem moderate Democrats are pressuring a vote on the new trade deal between Canada, Mexico and America, so will they get their wish or will the Cortez faction of the party win this battle?

If she was smart she would work out a deal with the Repub Senate leaders to bring up for a vote some of the bills sent to them.

Actually she has worked out a deal with the Labor Union (AFL-CIO). Their leadership said that they won't support the deal because it
cannot be verified. They are trying to cover their ass and not give Trump a win. Trump just won back all the blue collar vote.
Why these Democrats want to make a trade deal with Trump

It seem moderate Democrats are pressuring a vote on the new trade deal between Canada, Mexico and America, so will they get their wish or will the Cortez faction of the party win this battle?

You kidding?? That kid is a Boston Univ graduate of economics... She'll destroy that evil plot to improve US trade relations like she chased Amazon out of NYCity.. She'll roast them with theory, facts and figures...


Stop attacking the lust of my life ( Cortez and not Pelosi before you even ask )!

Truthfully I see moderate Democrats pushing forward and telling Cortez to sit down and let the adults run the country if Pelosi has any sense...

Pelosi highly over rates her ability to control any narratives.. The media is so fractured and useless that if THEY want Cortez as a chew toy or comic relief or make her into some kind of Social Justice warrior princess -- they will.. She's far more entertaining and tabloid worthy than Pelosi...


I had to take time to digest the reality that Cortez is actually the face of the future Democratic Party and that is scary not because of her looks but her close minded views...

Democrats from the Blue Dog side better notice what Trump could do and if does what I believe he is going to do then he win by a landslide!

He created what the Democrats perceive as a mess with China but did he?

What if his plan has been all the long to highlight the Democrats unwillingness to negotiate for the better of the people and he will prove it through trade deals and Pelosi unwillingness to vote on The Canada and Mexico one and if he hammer out the China one and she sit on it he will use it against the Democrats showing they put politics before the people...

I hate Trump but I know him and he is that type to pull that stunt!

Pelosi will lose the House if she sit on trade deals because she fear it is a political victory for Trump...

One last thing watch to see if Trump calls for Immigration Reform bill so he can use it against Pelosi and Democrats unwillingness to work with him on the issue!
Democrats from the Blue Dog side better notice what Trump could do and if does what I believe he is going to do then he win by a landslide!

There ARE NO MORE "blue dog Democrats" dammit.. The DNC hunted those critters into extinction and left the 45% of Southern Dems with NO ONE to vote for... They're gone.. So are all the Civil Libertarians in the Dem party that used to list as on my side. THEY are gone... It's all bigger more muscular govt..

AS THO the big fat government we have now is SO GOOD at SO MANY things, that we really need to supersize it and put absolute MORONS like those 12 surviving Dem Prez candidates in position to MUCK UP every aspect of this country.

AS THO -- the REAL EXPERTS and geniuses of energy, medical, technology knowledge are ALL THERE just for the price of a vote. And THESE critters are PAYING YOU to vote for them with your money..

How stupid is America???
I voted "yes" a vote will be allowed because of the limited flauntiness of NAFTA Too.
Why these Democrats want to make a trade deal with Trump

It seem moderate Democrats are pressuring a vote on the new trade deal between Canada, Mexico and America, so will they get their wish or will the Cortez faction of the party win this battle?

You kidding?? That kid is a Boston Univ graduate of economics... She'll destroy that evil plot to improve US trade relations like she chased Amazon out of NYCity.. She'll roast them with theory, facts and figures...


What makes you think that the new Canada/USA/Mexico will improve trade with Canada and Mexico? You do know that Trump got nothing in this deal for the US, and that Canada, in particular is the big winner here. Canada and Mexico had already agreed to 75% American content on cars in the TPP that Trump pulled out of.

Trump is the WORST negotiator ever. He gets nothing and gives away everything.
Democrats from the Blue Dog side better notice what Trump could do and if does what I believe he is going to do then he win by a landslide!

There ARE NO MORE "blue dog Democrats" dammit.. The DNC hunted those critters into extinction and left the 45% of Southern Dems with NO ONE to vote for... They're gone.. So are all the Civil Libertarians in the Dem party that used to list as on my side. THEY are gone... It's all bigger more muscular govt..

AS THO the big fat government we have now is SO GOOD at SO MANY things, that we really need to supersize it and put absolute MORONS like those 12 surviving Dem Prez candidates in position to MUCK UP every aspect of this country.

AS THO -- the REAL EXPERTS and geniuses of energy, medical, technology knowledge are ALL THERE just for the price of a vote. And THESE critters are PAYING YOU to vote for them with your money..

How stupid is America???

How Stupid is America?

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump tell you how far we have fallen into the retardation of how we vote!

Of course choice number two in 2016 caused a good deal of people to go Green or Libertarian and 2020 could see that increase even further...

I mean Pelosi is Speaker of the House!

So how stupid are the American voter?

Simple, they watch news networks thinking Sean Hannity is a Journalist without understanding he is a spin doctor on political points.

They watch Rachel Maddow and think her commentary is unbiased while anyone with a damn brain knows she work for a news agency that spin their news stories to fit the Democratic Party agenda...

Do not even get me started on CNN and it retarded viewership that will watch Don Lemon and wonder if a black hole caused a plane to disappear!

How stupid are the American Voter?

Some still believe Hillary Clinton won the Election in 2016 and that Trump work for Putin!

How stupid can the Ameeican Voter be?

They actually believe we are a Democracy while they recite the Pledge of Allegiance with the damn word Republic in it!

How stupid can the American voter be?

Some believe Donald Trump is an actual CONSERVATIVE even though they got the CON part correct he is not CONSERVATIVE and never has been!

How stupid can the American voter be?

Some believe Cortez is Liberal minded and just Socialist when the woman is full blown Communist and would revoke the American voters rights if she could!

How stupid could the Aneeican voter be?

They keep on voting the same two party system into office thinking they will get different results!

How stupid can the American voter be?

They worry more about tabloid issues and gloss over the important stuff that mean more for the American People like that Trade agreement!

How stupid can the American voter be?

Do you need anymore examples because I have plenty from thinking you would keep your doctor to idiots thinking passing gun control laws will stop mass murders while they ignore the genocide on the South Side of Chi-town!

Do you think I have any confidence in the American voter since George H.W. Bush days?

If you even write yes I will melt!
Democrats from the Blue Dog side better notice what Trump could do and if does what I believe he is going to do then he win by a landslide!

There ARE NO MORE "blue dog Democrats" dammit.. The DNC hunted those critters into extinction and left the 45% of Southern Dems with NO ONE to vote for... They're gone.. So are all the Civil Libertarians in the Dem party that used to list as on my side. THEY are gone... It's all bigger more muscular govt..

AS THO the big fat government we have now is SO GOOD at SO MANY things, that we really need to supersize it and put absolute MORONS like those 12 surviving Dem Prez candidates in position to MUCK UP every aspect of this country.

AS THO -- the REAL EXPERTS and geniuses of energy, medical, technology knowledge are ALL THERE just for the price of a vote. And THESE critters are PAYING YOU to vote for them with your money..

How stupid is America???

How Stupid is America?

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump tell you how far we have fallen into the retardation of how we vote!

Of course choice number two in 2016 caused a good deal of people to go Green or Libertarian and 2020 could see that increase even further...

I mean Pelosi is Speaker of the House!

So how stupid are the American voter?

Simple, they watch news networks thinking Sean Hannity is a Journalist without understanding he is a spin doctor on political points.

They watch Rachel Maddow and think her commentary is unbiased while anyone with a damn brain knows she work for a news agency that spin their news stories to fit the Democratic Party agenda...

Do not even get me started on CNN and it retarded viewership that will watch Don Lemon and wonder if a black hole caused a plane to disappear!

How stupid are the American Voter?

Some still believe Hillary Clinton won the Election in 2016 and that Trump work for Putin!

How stupid can the Ameeican Voter be?

They actually believe we are a Democracy while they recite the Pledge of Allegiance with the damn word Republic in it!

How stupid can the American voter be?

Some believe Donald Trump is an actual CONSERVATIVE even though they got the CON part correct he is not CONSERVATIVE and never has been!

How stupid can the American voter be?

Some believe Cortez is Liberal minded and just Socialist when the woman is full blown Communist and would revoke the American voters rights if she could!

How stupid could the Aneeican voter be?

They keep on voting the same two party system into office thinking they will get different results!

How stupid can the American voter be?

They worry more about tabloid issues and gloss over the important stuff that mean more for the American People like that Trade agreement!

How stupid can the American voter be?

Do you need anymore examples because I have plenty from thinking you would keep your doctor to idiots thinking passing gun control laws will stop mass murders while they ignore the genocide on the South Side of Chi-town!

Do you think I have any confidence in the American voter since George H.W. Bush days?

If you even write yes I will melt!

You don't realize it, but you're damn good Independent or even Libertarian material.. I'll eventually convert you.. Won't even hurt...
And BTW -- "stupid" in America is really a function of party politics.. And THAT is getting fixed.. It's ALMOST at the tipping point where there are MORE "independents" than loyal members of BOTH sad and retarded parties..

So, it's a perfect time to "come out" and join a MAJORITY... :banana:

Last time I looked. Independents (including Libertarians and Greens) were at 44% and climbing...
She should hold off until Moscow Mitch brings all the House bills they passed, up for a vote in the Senate?


Yeah, why is it now Mitch McConnell is the enemy when he plays the same game Harry Reid played the six years he was in the Senate as leader under Obama?

You know very well those Bill's you want voted on will never pass, so let try to pass ones that might have a fighting chance...

I know you want the GOP on record for 2020 but the society already knows where most of them stand on the Bill's that are not being voted on...

Edit Note:

Corrected my mistake about Reid tenure in the Senate...

Bill's what? Something that belonged to Bill? What was it?

Learn the difference in plural and possessive.
Why these Democrats want to make a trade deal with Trump

It seem moderate Democrats are pressuring a vote on the new trade deal between Canada, Mexico and America, so will they get their wish or will the Cortez faction of the party win this battle?

You kidding?? That kid is a Boston Univ graduate of economics... She'll destroy that evil plot to improve US trade relations like she chased Amazon out of NYCity.. She'll roast them with theory, facts and figures...


What makes you think that the new Canada/USA/Mexico will improve trade with Canada and Mexico? You do know that Trump got nothing in this deal for the US, and that Canada, in particular is the big winner here. Canada and Mexico had already agreed to 75% American content on cars in the TPP that Trump pulled out of.

Trump is the WORST negotiator ever. He gets nothing and gives away everything.

You do realize that the TPP was with more countries than Canada and Mexico. right?
She should hold off until Moscow Mitch brings all the House bills they passed, up for a vote in the Senate?


Yeah, why is it now Mitch McConnell is the enemy when he plays the same game Harry Reid played the six years he was in the Senate as leader under Obama?

You know very well those Bill's you want voted on will never pass, so let try to pass ones that might have a fighting chance...

I know you want the GOP on record for 2020 but the society already knows where most of them stand on the Bill's that are not being voted on...

Edit Note:

Corrected my mistake about Reid tenure in the Senate...

Bill's what? Something that belonged to Bill? What was it?

Learn the difference in plural and possessive.


Is that all you have?

I swear you troll this board just for no other reason to be the damn grammar police!

Do you have any response to the article or are you here just to troll?
She should hold off until Moscow Mitch brings all the House bills they passed, up for a vote in the Senate?


Yeah, why is it now Mitch McConnell is the enemy when he plays the same game Harry Reid played the six years he was in the Senate as leader under Obama?

You know very well those Bill's you want voted on will never pass, so let try to pass ones that might have a fighting chance...

I know you want the GOP on record for 2020 but the society already knows where most of them stand on the Bill's that are not being voted on...

Edit Note:

Corrected my mistake about Reid tenure in the Senate...

Bill's what? Something that belonged to Bill? What was it?

Learn the difference in plural and possessive.


Is that all you have?

I swear you troll this board just for no other reason to be the damn grammar police!

Do you have any response to the article or are you here just to troll?

My response gets lost when having to sift through your illiterate posts to try to discern what the hell you are saying. Learn to write!

If no one points it out to you, all that will happen is you will continue to be a dumbass who cannot write.
And BTW -- "stupid" in America is really a function of party politics.. And THAT is getting fixed.. It's ALMOST at the tipping point where there are MORE "independents" than loyal members of BOTH sad and retarded parties..

So, it's a perfect time to "come out" and join a MAJORITY... :banana:

Last time I looked. Independents (including Libertarians and Greens) were at 44% and climbing...

It will keep climbing but the third parties need to draw a true independent candidate and not those like Stein or Johnson if they wish to climb up and dethrone one or both major parties!

Rand Paul need to stop caucusing with the GOP and go full Libertarian and Sanders along with Warren and even Cortez should be on the Green ticket...

Sooner or later a third party will rise and hopefully it will bring some sanity to D.C. and across this nation.

As it stand right now the bill for the trade agreement look like it could be what Trump will use against the Democrats in 2020 and they do not even realize they are being played...
And BTW -- "stupid" in America is really a function of party politics.. And THAT is getting fixed.. It's ALMOST at the tipping point where there are MORE "independents" than loyal members of BOTH sad and retarded parties..

So, it's a perfect time to "come out" and join a MAJORITY... :banana:

Last time I looked. Independents (including Libertarians and Greens) were at 44% and climbing...

It will keep climbing but the third parties need to draw a true independent candidate and not those like Stein or Johnson if they wish to climb up and dethrone one or both major parties!

Rand Paul need to stop caucusing with the GOP and go full Libertarian and Sanders along with Warren and even Cortez should be on the Green ticket...

Sooner or later a third party will rise and hopefully it will bring some sanity to D.C. and across this nation.

As it stand right now the bill for the trade agreement look like it could be what Trump will use against the Democrats in 2020 and they do not even realize they are being played...

Those Libertarian and Green Parties will just oppose each other as strongly as Republicans and Democrats, so what would that accomplish? We would just have 4 parties instead of two.
I voted NO but not for the reason you listed.
If Pelosi gives Trump a trade victory pre election I will be shocked.

And the thing is it is only a PR victory, the new deal is just a couple minor tweaks with a pretty new name. That is why Mexico was so quick to ratify it

Thats why I would swap a number of Democratic bills for this one... So Election, Guns and something else...

Hey I would the fucker the wall if I get enough back...
And BTW -- "stupid" in America is really a function of party politics.. And THAT is getting fixed.. It's ALMOST at the tipping point where there are MORE "independents" than loyal members of BOTH sad and retarded parties..

So, it's a perfect time to "come out" and join a MAJORITY... :banana:

Last time I looked. Independents (including Libertarians and Greens) were at 44% and climbing...

It will keep climbing but the third parties need to draw a true independent candidate and not those like Stein or Johnson if they wish to climb up and dethrone one or both major parties!

Rand Paul need to stop caucusing with the GOP and go full Libertarian and Sanders along with Warren and even Cortez should be on the Green ticket...

Sooner or later a third party will rise and hopefully it will bring some sanity to D.C. and across this nation.

As it stand right now the bill for the trade agreement look like it could be what Trump will use against the Democrats in 2020 and they do not even realize they are being played...

Those Libertarian and Green Parties will just oppose each other as strongly as Republicans and Democrats, so what would that accomplish? We would just have 4 parties instead of two.

Guess you haven't really thought it through then.. Almost every position that the Libertarians have supported over the years, we've been ridiculed over it.. But we WERE CORRECT on the vast MAJORITY of those policy positions and in the last decade MOST have implemented... We were just 25 years ahead of "public opinion"...

That's the difference right there Admiral... THAT party STANDS FOR SOMETHING.. Has principles.. WILL find ways to restore choices and liberties... WILL end govt corporate collusion.. WILL be fiscally responsible...

The 2 brand name parties have put the govt on hold with a lousy auto pilot.. While they battle each other to death for power... It's PRINCIPLES vs power.. Winning is not "party domination".. Winning is being CORRECT and USEFUL on issues and solutions....

Of course the Greens are wrong on most everything.... But THEY also have principles and I love their spunk for that.. Parties are really the problem tho.. The solution is to cut out the gigantic mafia between the people and their Congress and Exec branch... And find PRINCIPLED people who are BETTER choices and will run seriously as Independents for office..Indies in Congress don't HAVE to watch their speech or votes or get tortured by a Pelosi or McConnell. Having just 10% Independents in Congress would drain the swamp faster than Trump ever will.....
And BTW -- "stupid" in America is really a function of party politics.. And THAT is getting fixed.. It's ALMOST at the tipping point where there are MORE "independents" than loyal members of BOTH sad and retarded parties..

So, it's a perfect time to "come out" and join a MAJORITY... :banana:

Last time I looked. Independents (including Libertarians and Greens) were at 44% and climbing...

It will keep climbing but the third parties need to draw a true independent candidate and not those like Stein or Johnson if they wish to climb up and dethrone one or both major parties!

Rand Paul need to stop caucusing with the GOP and go full Libertarian and Sanders along with Warren and even Cortez should be on the Green ticket...

Sooner or later a third party will rise and hopefully it will bring some sanity to D.C. and across this nation.

As it stand right now the bill for the trade agreement look like it could be what Trump will use against the Democrats in 2020 and they do not even realize they are being played...

Those Libertarian and Green Parties will just oppose each other as strongly as Republicans and Democrats, so what would that accomplish? We would just have 4 parties instead of two.

Guess you haven't really thought it through then.. Almost every position that the Libertarians have supported over the years, we've been ridiculed over it.. But we WERE CORRECT on the vast MAJORITY of those policy positions and in the last decade MOST have implemented... We were just 25 years ahead of "public opinion"...

That's the difference right there Admiral... THAT party STANDS FOR SOMETHING.. Has principles.. WILL find ways to restore choices and liberties... WILL end govt corporate collusion.. WILL be fiscally responsible...

The 2 brand name parties have put the govt on hold with a lousy auto pilot.. While they battle each other to death for power... It's PRINCIPLES vs power.. Winning is not "party domination".. Winning is being CORRECT and USEFUL on issues and solutions....

Of course the Greens are wrong on most everything.... But THEY also have principles and I love their spunk for that.. Parties are really the problem tho.. The solution is to cut out the gigantic mafia between the people and their Congress and Exec branch... And find PRINCIPLED people who are BETTER choices and will run seriously for office.. Having just 10% Independents in Congress would drain the swamp faster than Trump ever will.....

I said it a long time ago if Libertarians and Greens could take five seats each in the Senate and fifty each in the House you would see the Democrats and GOP scream bloody murder.

That should be the focus to fix this nation and not the two party system that act as a one party system for the select few...
One of their few sane Reps said all that's left to do is give big pharma less than ten years on their patents and we got a deal. In other words, they spend their time and money inventing wonder drugs and the rest of the world gets to copy the formula as a generic in a couple years and sell it for peanuts....typical leftist hatred of the rainmakers.
I voted NO but not for the reason you listed.
If Pelosi gives Trump a trade victory pre election I will be shocked.

And the thing is it is only a PR victory, the new deal is just a couple minor tweaks with a pretty new name. That is why Mexico was so quick to ratify it

Thats why I would swap a number of Democratic bills for this one... So Election, Guns and something else...

Hey I would the fucker the wall if I get enough back...

If you are writing about Repealing the Second Amendment you would not have enough votes in the Senate nor would the States ratify it.

If you are writing about assault weapons ban then ask why Obama, Pelosi and Reid fail to pass a new one?

Simple, they knew it would cost them in a general election.

So any gun control measure is dead on arrival and will be shot down in the Senate...

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