Will Nancy Pelosi allow a Vote?

Will Nancy Pelosi allow a vote on the New Trade Deal between Mexico, Canad and the U.S.A.?

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And BTW -- "stupid" in America is really a function of party politics.. And THAT is getting fixed.. It's ALMOST at the tipping point where there are MORE "independents" than loyal members of BOTH sad and retarded parties..

So, it's a perfect time to "come out" and join a MAJORITY... :banana:

Last time I looked. Independents (including Libertarians and Greens) were at 44% and climbing...

It will keep climbing but the third parties need to draw a true independent candidate and not those like Stein or Johnson if they wish to climb up and dethrone one or both major parties!

Rand Paul need to stop caucusing with the GOP and go full Libertarian and Sanders along with Warren and even Cortez should be on the Green ticket...

Sooner or later a third party will rise and hopefully it will bring some sanity to D.C. and across this nation.

As it stand right now the bill for the trade agreement look like it could be what Trump will use against the Democrats in 2020 and they do not even realize they are being played...

Those Libertarian and Green Parties will just oppose each other as strongly as Republicans and Democrats, so what would that accomplish? We would just have 4 parties instead of two.

Guess you haven't really thought it through then.. Almost every position that the Libertarians have supported over the years, we've been ridiculed over it.. But we WERE CORRECT on the vast MAJORITY of those policy positions and in the last decade MOST have implemented... We were just 25 years ahead of "public opinion"...

That's the difference right there Admiral... THAT party STANDS FOR SOMETHING.. Has principles.. WILL find ways to restore choices and liberties... WILL end govt corporate collusion.. WILL be fiscally responsible...

The 2 brand name parties have put the govt on hold with a lousy auto pilot.. While they battle each other to death for power... It's PRINCIPLES vs power.. Winning is not "party domination".. Winning is being CORRECT and USEFUL on issues and solutions....

Of course the Greens are wrong on most everything.... But THEY also have principles and I love their spunk for that.. Parties are really the problem tho.. The solution is to cut out the gigantic mafia between the people and their Congress and Exec branch... And find PRINCIPLED people who are BETTER choices and will run seriously for office.. Having just 10% Independents in Congress would drain the swamp faster than Trump ever will.....

I said it a long time ago if Libertarians and Greens could take five seats each in the Senate and fifty each in the House you would see the Democrats and GOP scream bloody murder.

That should be the focus to fix this nation and not the two party system that act as a one party system for the select few...

If you're still not an official Indie or Libertarian -- just look at the title of this thread. "Will Nancy Pelosi ALLOW....."....

There's your problem.. Only 4 people in Congress matter at all once the Grand Duopoly parties infested that house and made it over in their image... The other 531 seats there are virtually irrelevant and SILENT as to any solutions that don't pass leadership dick shaking..

The Founders would not RECOGNIZE Congress today.. The actually warned about 2 parties locked in opposition as one of their worst fears.. And Speaker of the House was a TOKEN POSITION, not a party winner's prize...
And BTW -- "stupid" in America is really a function of party politics.. And THAT is getting fixed.. It's ALMOST at the tipping point where there are MORE "independents" than loyal members of BOTH sad and retarded parties..

So, it's a perfect time to "come out" and join a MAJORITY... :banana:

Last time I looked. Independents (including Libertarians and Greens) were at 44% and climbing...

It will keep climbing but the third parties need to draw a true independent candidate and not those like Stein or Johnson if they wish to climb up and dethrone one or both major parties!

Rand Paul need to stop caucusing with the GOP and go full Libertarian and Sanders along with Warren and even Cortez should be on the Green ticket...

Sooner or later a third party will rise and hopefully it will bring some sanity to D.C. and across this nation.

As it stand right now the bill for the trade agreement look like it could be what Trump will use against the Democrats in 2020 and they do not even realize they are being played...

Those Libertarian and Green Parties will just oppose each other as strongly as Republicans and Democrats, so what would that accomplish? We would just have 4 parties instead of two.

Guess you haven't really thought it through then.. Almost every position that the Libertarians have supported over the years, we've been ridiculed over it.. But we WERE CORRECT on the vast MAJORITY of those policy positions and in the last decade MOST have implemented... We were just 25 years ahead of "public opinion"...

That's the difference right there Admiral... THAT party STANDS FOR SOMETHING.. Has principles.. WILL find ways to restore choices and liberties... WILL end govt corporate collusion.. WILL be fiscally responsible...

The 2 brand name parties have put the govt on hold with a lousy auto pilot.. While they battle each other to death for power... It's PRINCIPLES vs power.. Winning is not "party domination".. Winning is being CORRECT and USEFUL on issues and solutions....

Of course the Greens are wrong on most everything.... But THEY also have principles and I love their spunk for that.. Parties are really the problem tho.. The solution is to cut out the gigantic mafia between the people and their Congress and Exec branch... And find PRINCIPLED people who are BETTER choices and will run seriously for office.. Having just 10% Independents in Congress would drain the swamp faster than Trump ever will.....

I said it a long time ago if Libertarians and Greens could take five seats each in the Senate and fifty each in the House you would see the Democrats and GOP scream bloody murder.

That should be the focus to fix this nation and not the two party system that act as a one party system for the select few...

If you're still not an official Indie or Libertarian -- just look at the title of this thread. "Will Nancy Pelosi ALLOW....."....

There's your problem.. Only 4 people in Congress matter at all once the Grand Duopoly parties infested that house and made it over in their image... The other 531 seats there are virtually irrelevant and SILENT as to any solutions that don't pass leadership dick shaking..

The Founders would not RECOGNIZE Congress today.. The actually warned about 2 parties locked in opposition as one of their worst fears.. And Speaker of the House was a TOKEN POSITION, not a party winner's prize...

They call the President or Oval Office a dictatorship but has anyone realize Speaker and Senate Leader can be as bad?

2020 is going to be a fun year...


If Trump win again while losing the Popular Vote you will see the left go fully nuts and if Warren win then expect calls for overthrowing the government by radicals...

I voted third party since 2000 except for Romney...
Why these Democrats want to make a trade deal with Trump

It seem moderate Democrats are pressuring a vote on the new trade deal between Canada, Mexico and America, so will they get their wish or will the Cortez faction of the party win this battle?

If she was smart she would work out a deal with the Repub Senate leaders to bring up for a vote some of the bills sent to them.
Lets hope they don't I have looked at some of the bill that have been sent over and I don't suggest any of them get passed. Example: Civil Rights Law that makes Gays a special rights and this just allow for Gay behavior in the work place. Like cross dressing and e,t,c./ Another sends $700,000 to the Muzzys to help make the elections more FAIR. They wrote the law and Funded it.
And BTW -- "stupid" in America is really a function of party politics.. And THAT is getting fixed.. It's ALMOST at the tipping point where there are MORE "independents" than loyal members of BOTH sad and retarded parties..

So, it's a perfect time to "come out" and join a MAJORITY... :banana:

Last time I looked. Independents (including Libertarians and Greens) were at 44% and climbing...

It will keep climbing but the third parties need to draw a true independent candidate and not those like Stein or Johnson if they wish to climb up and dethrone one or both major parties!

Rand Paul need to stop caucusing with the GOP and go full Libertarian and Sanders along with Warren and even Cortez should be on the Green ticket...

Sooner or later a third party will rise and hopefully it will bring some sanity to D.C. and across this nation.

As it stand right now the bill for the trade agreement look like it could be what Trump will use against the Democrats in 2020 and they do not even realize they are being played...

Those Libertarian and Green Parties will just oppose each other as strongly as Republicans and Democrats, so what would that accomplish? We would just have 4 parties instead of two.

Guess you haven't really thought it through then.. Almost every position that the Libertarians have supported over the years, we've been ridiculed over it.. But we WERE CORRECT on the vast MAJORITY of those policy positions and in the last decade MOST have implemented... We were just 25 years ahead of "public opinion"...

That's the difference right there Admiral... THAT party STANDS FOR SOMETHING.. Has principles.. WILL find ways to restore choices and liberties... WILL end govt corporate collusion.. WILL be fiscally responsible...

The 2 brand name parties have put the govt on hold with a lousy auto pilot.. While they battle each other to death for power... It's PRINCIPLES vs power.. Winning is not "party domination".. Winning is being CORRECT and USEFUL on issues and solutions....

Of course the Greens are wrong on most everything.... But THEY also have principles and I love their spunk for that.. Parties are really the problem tho.. The solution is to cut out the gigantic mafia between the people and their Congress and Exec branch... And find PRINCIPLED people who are BETTER choices and will run seriously as Independents for office..Indies in Congress don't HAVE to watch their speech or votes or get tortured by a Pelosi or McConnell. Having just 10% Independents in Congress would drain the swamp faster than Trump ever will.....

Knock yourself out enjoying that pipe dream.
And BTW -- "stupid" in America is really a function of party politics.. And THAT is getting fixed.. It's ALMOST at the tipping point where there are MORE "independents" than loyal members of BOTH sad and retarded parties..

So, it's a perfect time to "come out" and join a MAJORITY... :banana:

Last time I looked. Independents (including Libertarians and Greens) were at 44% and climbing...

It will keep climbing but the third parties need to draw a true independent candidate and not those like Stein or Johnson if they wish to climb up and dethrone one or both major parties!

Rand Paul need to stop caucusing with the GOP and go full Libertarian and Sanders along with Warren and even Cortez should be on the Green ticket...

Sooner or later a third party will rise and hopefully it will bring some sanity to D.C. and across this nation.

As it stand right now the bill for the trade agreement look like it could be what Trump will use against the Democrats in 2020 and they do not even realize they are being played...

Those Libertarian and Green Parties will just oppose each other as strongly as Republicans and Democrats, so what would that accomplish? We would just have 4 parties instead of two.

Guess you haven't really thought it through then.. Almost every position that the Libertarians have supported over the years, we've been ridiculed over it.. But we WERE CORRECT on the vast MAJORITY of those policy positions and in the last decade MOST have implemented... We were just 25 years ahead of "public opinion"...

That's the difference right there Admiral... THAT party STANDS FOR SOMETHING.. Has principles.. WILL find ways to restore choices and liberties... WILL end govt corporate collusion.. WILL be fiscally responsible...

The 2 brand name parties have put the govt on hold with a lousy auto pilot.. While they battle each other to death for power... It's PRINCIPLES vs power.. Winning is not "party domination".. Winning is being CORRECT and USEFUL on issues and solutions....

Of course the Greens are wrong on most everything.... But THEY also have principles and I love their spunk for that.. Parties are really the problem tho.. The solution is to cut out the gigantic mafia between the people and their Congress and Exec branch... And find PRINCIPLED people who are BETTER choices and will run seriously for office.. Having just 10% Independents in Congress would drain the swamp faster than Trump ever will.....

I said it a long time ago if Libertarians and Greens could take five seats each in the Senate and fifty each in the House you would see the Democrats and GOP scream bloody murder.

That should be the focus to fix this nation and not the two party system that act as a one party system for the select few...

If you're still not an official Indie or Libertarian -- just look at the title of this thread. "Will Nancy Pelosi ALLOW....."....

There's your problem.. Only 4 people in Congress matter at all once the Grand Duopoly parties infested that house and made it over in their image... The other 531 seats there are virtually irrelevant and SILENT as to any solutions that don't pass leadership dick shaking..

The Founders would not RECOGNIZE Congress today.. The actually warned about 2 parties locked in opposition as one of their worst fears.. And Speaker of the House was a TOKEN POSITION, not a party winner's prize...

No, that was ONE of the Founding Fathers who warned against a two-party system but have you ever considered what he was thinking?

Also, your comment about the Speaker is dead wrong. You need to research more instead of coming up with your own pet theory.
Why these Democrats want to make a trade deal with Trump

It seem moderate Democrats are pressuring a vote on the new trade deal between Canada, Mexico and America, so will they get their wish or will the Cortez faction of the party win this battle?
Pelosi has completely lost control of the House:

POTUS DJT. Trump Says He Feels Pelosi Is “No Longer Speaker of the House”, Media Opens up a Can of Dumb in Response.

Even though the transcript of the July phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky proves that there was no quid pro quo discussion, impeachment fever continues to gain momentum in the fever swamps of the Democratic party.

Trump, who has insisted all along that the media and Democrats have manufactured outrage over a non-story, was asked today after the transcript was released about whether or not he’d spoken to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the impeachment issue. Here’s what he said:

“No, she’s lost her way,” Trump said, responding to a question regarding whether he tried to strike a deal on impeachment with Pelosi.​

“She’s been taken over by the radical Left. She may be radical Left herself, but she really has lost her way,” Trump continued. “I spoke to her about guns yesterday. She didn’t even know what I was talking about.”​

“The whole party is taken over by the Left,” Trump said. “They’ve been taken over by a radical group of people, and Nancy Pelosi, as far as I’m concerned, unfortunately, she’s no longer the speaker of the House.”​

Pelosi is only officially Speaker of the House, she’s not really running the show anymore. Members of the AOC-led Squad, who have long pushed for impeachment, are among the House’s de facto far left leaders right now.

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