Will obama use obamacare like he does the IRS to screw his enemies?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Of course he will. IRS controls obamacare too and you can bet they are under orders to see that conservatives get screwed on health care. Same thing with the expanded medicaid. This is the big problem with govt controlled heath care. It's one more way the govt can punish it's enemies.
Does obama have a list of every NRA member? Of course. You can be sure the NRA sold him that list long ago.
Will obama use obamacare like he does the IRS to screw his enemies?

What do you mean, "WILL he"?

The high unsubsidized rates for people who earn more, are right there in the law and its attending regulations, and have been for months if not years. Accompanied by the higher tax rates those people must pay at the same time, to subsidize those who earn less.

Obamacare is simply a scheme to transfer more and more money from those who earn more, to those who earn less. "Health care" was merely its excuse.

He told Joe the Plumber in an unguarded moment that he wanted to "spread the wealth around".

And now it's DONE.

His enemies have always been well-off people with few votes. And now he's screwing them good. And benefitting people who are less well off, but who have lots of votes. It's been the Democrat formula for years.

And to answer your question, yes, he's using Obamacare to do more of the same... as planned.
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Obamacare is simply a scheme to transfer more and more money from those who earn more, to those who earn less. "Health care" was merely its excuse.

He told Joe the Plumber in an unguarded moment that he wanted to "spread the wealth around".

It's socialism and the GOP needs to say that but they won't. I'm hoping the economy crashes. Maybe then the idiot american will wake up and see that socialism and diversity spread the poverty around.

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