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Will peace die?


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
http://news.yahoo.com/shocker-israels-barak-quits-politics-095602974.htmlJERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday abruptly announced he was quitting politics, injecting new turmoil into the Israeli political system weeks ahead of general elections.

Barak, Israel's most-decorated soldier and one-time prime minister, said he would stay on in his current post until a new government is formed following the Jan. 22 balloting.

His resignation could mean the departure of the most moderating influence on hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who holds a wide lead in polls and is expected to easily win re-election. Barak, who heads a small centrist faction in parliament, often served as Netanyahu's unofficial envoy to Washington to smooth over differences with the Obama White House.
http://news.yahoo.com/shocker-israels-barak-quits-politics-095602974.htmlJERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday abruptly announced he was quitting politics, injecting new turmoil into the Israeli political system weeks ahead of general elections.

Barak, Israel's most-decorated soldier and one-time prime minister, said he would stay on in his current post until a new government is formed following the Jan. 22 balloting.

His resignation could mean the departure of the most moderating influence on hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who holds a wide lead in polls and is expected to easily win re-election. Barak, who heads a small centrist faction in parliament, often served as Netanyahu's unofficial envoy to Washington to smooth over differences with the Obama White House.

A ceasefire is not peace. Peace is not the interruption of conflict, it is the resolution of conflict. And unless the palestinians/arabs admit defeat or finally accomplish driving all the jews into the sea, there will be no resolution of the conflict, and as such, no peace.
http://news.yahoo.com/shocker-israels-barak-quits-politics-095602974.htmlJERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday abruptly announced he was quitting politics, injecting new turmoil into the Israeli political system weeks ahead of general elections.

Barak, Israel's most-decorated soldier and one-time prime minister, said he would stay on in his current post until a new government is formed following the Jan. 22 balloting.

His resignation could mean the departure of the most moderating influence on hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who holds a wide lead in polls and is expected to easily win re-election. Barak, who heads a small centrist faction in parliament, often served as Netanyahu's unofficial envoy to Washington to smooth over differences with the Obama White House.

A ceasefire is not peace. Peace is not the interruption of conflict, it is the resolution of conflict. And unless the palestinians/arabs admit defeat or finally accomplish driving all the jews into the sea, there will be no resolution of the conflict, and as such, no peace.

Bravo!!!!! I dare say it would be close to impossible to possess a greater degree of ignorance about the conflict than what you just posted...remarkable

Truth hurts, doesnt it dipshit.

Where do you see the endgame for this going?
artfuldodger is a fool.

he is nothing but a partisan idiot if he doesnt understand that that post was spot on
http://news.yahoo.com/shocker-israels-barak-quits-politics-095602974.htmlJERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday abruptly announced he was quitting politics, injecting new turmoil into the Israeli political system weeks ahead of general elections.

Barak, Israel's most-decorated soldier and one-time prime minister, said he would stay on in his current post until a new government is formed following the Jan. 22 balloting.

His resignation could mean the departure of the most moderating influence on hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who holds a wide lead in polls and is expected to easily win re-election. Barak, who heads a small centrist faction in parliament, often served as Netanyahu's unofficial envoy to Washington to smooth over differences with the Obama White House.

A ceasefire is not peace. Peace is not the interruption of conflict, it is the resolution of conflict. And unless the palestinians/arabs admit defeat or finally accomplish driving all the jews into the sea, there will be no resolution of the conflict, and as such, no peace.

I hope the children of all of these people just tire of war.

A generational shift may save them.

that shift would have to be on both sides
Bravo!!!!! I dare say it would be close to impossible to possess a greater degree of ignorance about the conflict than what you just posted...remarkable

Truth hurts, doesnt it dipshit.

Where do you see the endgame for this going?

oh absolutely Marty...but those whom the "truth hurts" are Zionist Jews...you have no idea what you're talking about regarding this conflict, and I guess that is the area that never ceases to amaze me...Jews should logically be the most informed group regarding the conflict, but alas this is hardly the case

your the one looking like an idiot here
Bravo!!!!! I dare say it would be close to impossible to possess a greater degree of ignorance about the conflict than what you just posted...remarkable

Truth hurts, doesnt it dipshit.

Where do you see the endgame for this going?

oh absolutely Marty...but those whom the "truth hurts" are Zionist Jews...you have no idea what you're talking about regarding this conflict, and I guess that is the area that never ceases to amaze me...Jews should logically be the most informed group regarding the conflict, but alas this is hardly the case

Still no answer. What is the palestinian end game?

We know the Israeli endgame. Secure borders, no more attacks, and a final treaty using the current borders more or less.
Why do people keep spewing the bullshit they are fed by the media?

What ceasefire? Israel is flying drones over Gaza as we speak. Israel doesn't like peace.

Abbas is going with the statehood solution for their rights they deserve. And Hamas supports the UN bid.

Meanwhile, Israel is threatening heavy steps if Palestinians go for the most peaceful solution to the conflict.

How dare the Palestinians do exactly what Israel did to achieve statehood!
Why do people keep spewing the bullshit they are fed by the media?

What ceasefire? Israel is flying drones over Gaza as we speak. Israel doesn't like peace.

Abbas is going with the statehood solution for their rights they deserve. And Hamas supports the UN bid.

Meanwhile, Israel is threatening heavy steps if Palestinians go for the most peaceful solution to the conflict.

How dare the Palestinians do exactly what Israel did to achieve statehood!

Acutally the Israelis managed to win thier war.
Don't just look at this UN bid as the end. There are plans Israel has, even if it succeeds. Israel will refuse to everything. And they will take steps to completely destroy a chance for a Palestinian state. Israel won't allow a flourishing economy besides them. If the Palestinians do control their borders and trade. You will see Israel resorting to violence.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday abruptly announced he was quitting politics, injecting new turmoil into the Israeli political system weeks ahead of general elections. ... blah ... Will peace die?
What "peace"?
oh absolutely Marty...but those whom the "truth hurts" are Zionist Jews...you have no idea what you're talking about regarding this conflict, and I guess that is the area that never ceases to amaze me...Jews should logically be the most informed group regarding the conflict, but alas this is hardly the case

Still no answer. What is the palestinian end game?

We know the Israeli endgame. Secure borders, no more attacks, and a final treaty using the current borders more or less.

'endgame'??? you mired imbecile, do you have the ability to think for yourself??? Does someone need to sit you down and explain to you the most obvious dimensions of a conflict that the vast majority of the globe understands far too well???? Only Americans don't get it because they are willingly brain-washed by jewish media lies

and still no answer. You really are teh troll.
'endgame'??? you mired imbecile, do you have the ability to think for yourself??? Does someone need to sit you down and explain to you the most obvious dimensions of a conflict that the vast majority of the globe understands far too well???? Only Americans don't get it because they are willingly brain-washed by jewish media lies

and still no answer. You really are teh troll.

Marty you are genuinely stupid....you haven't the foggiest notion of the ideas you're proposing to discuss....you demand answers to questions that you--yourself scarcely understand....the Israelis want all the territory...the Palestinians are hanging on as best they can under the circumstances...what doesn't register for you here??? Gosh I can only wonder how Jews might behave under the same conditions they impose on the native population??? The whining would be deafening...

Why would the Israelis want terrority they voluntarily withdrew from years ago? Who really wants gaza anyhow? If the palestinians just gave up fighting and started building a country, Israel would let them go on thier merry way.

They wont however, because Hamas is selling them a bill of goods it cant cash in on. The sooner they realize it the better.

This was more of a response for the rest of the board, as you are a gutless hacktroll fucktard.
and still no answer. You really are teh troll.

Marty you are genuinely stupid....you haven't the foggiest notion of the ideas you're proposing to discuss....you demand answers to questions that you--yourself scarcely understand....the Israelis want all the territory...the Palestinians are hanging on as best they can under the circumstances...what doesn't register for you here??? Gosh I can only wonder how Jews might behave under the same conditions they impose on the native population??? The whining would be deafening...

Why would the Israelis want terrority they voluntarily withdrew from years ago? Who really wants gaza anyhow? If the palestinians just gave up fighting and started building a country, Israel would let them go on thier merry way.

They wont however, because Hamas is selling them a bill of goods it cant cash in on. The sooner they realize it the better.

This was more of a response for the rest of the board, as you are a gutless hacktroll fucktard.

That's exactly what they are doing! Israel is taking all measures to prevent them!

BBC News - Israel ministry paper proposes 'toppling' Abbas over UN bid

The position paper states that the "main goal of the State of Israel" is to deter the Palestinians from unilaterally seeking non-member observer state status at the UN, which should be seen as "crossing a red line that will require the harshest Israeli response".
http://news.yahoo.com/shocker-israels-barak-quits-politics-095602974.htmlJERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday abruptly announced he was quitting politics, injecting new turmoil into the Israeli political system weeks ahead of general elections.

Barak, Israel's most-decorated soldier and one-time prime minister, said he would stay on in his current post until a new government is formed following the Jan. 22 balloting.

His resignation could mean the departure of the most moderating influence on hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who holds a wide lead in polls and is expected to easily win re-election. Barak, who heads a small centrist faction in parliament, often served as Netanyahu's unofficial envoy to Washington to smooth over differences with the Obama White House.

A ceasefire is not peace. Peace is not the interruption of conflict, it is the resolution of conflict. And unless the palestinians/arabs admit defeat or finally accomplish driving all the jews into the sea, there will be no resolution of the conflict, and as such, no peace.

I hope the children of all of these people just tire of war.

You mean like we have?
Marty you are genuinely stupid....you haven't the foggiest notion of the ideas you're proposing to discuss....you demand answers to questions that you--yourself scarcely understand....the Israelis want all the territory...the Palestinians are hanging on as best they can under the circumstances...what doesn't register for you here??? Gosh I can only wonder how Jews might behave under the same conditions they impose on the native population??? The whining would be deafening...

Why would the Israelis want terrority they voluntarily withdrew from years ago? Who really wants gaza anyhow? If the palestinians just gave up fighting and started building a country, Israel would let them go on thier merry way.

They wont however, because Hamas is selling them a bill of goods it cant cash in on. The sooner they realize it the better.

This was more of a response for the rest of the board, as you are a gutless hacktroll fucktard.

'why would the Israelis want territory they withdrew from years ago"....you cannot be this fkg stupid can you??? they hardly withdrew you moron...oh yeah...let's see; an illegal blockade...routine incursions...air-strikes...curfews...seizures...targeted assassinations..etc....etc. Wow!!!!! what a "withdrawal"....dude you need some more patient than me to de-program you...what a mindless fkg imbecile...sigh !!!!!

This is all i got left at this point. Obvious troll is obvious.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qileP4bAzek]"Stupid!" from UHF - YouTube[/ame]

One needs to recognize the rhetorical value of Israel's public references to 'peace'...so long as these cynical, ruthless hucksters reference "peace" they gain the pervasive media perception of actively seeking peace---when in fact peace is no less than anathema to the Israeli/Nazis....there were countless opportunities for a peaceful solution to the conflict going back to the early seventies...each time the cunning Israeli swine undermined the efforts, in spite of proposed settlements that would have granted ridiculous territorial advantages to the Jews....Arab terrorism is not what frightened the Jews down to their jackboots---it is "peace" that is the greatest threat to them. Peace would force these animals to declare permanent borders and stay within them---that means an end to decades of expansion at the expense of the native population....the last thing these parasitical monsters desire is "peace'[/QUOTE]

This is the plan that was always floated under different names. What you and the rest of the Pro- Palestinian Kool- Aid drinkers don't have the mentality to understand is that Israel will not go back to Borders that the Arabs never recognized, allow " Right of Return" which would eventually make them the minority in their own Country.

When asked what the Palestinians are contributing to " negotiations" there is absolute silence; No more big mouths. The Palestinian Savages better get used to the fact that Israel will never go back to Borders that weren't recognized in the first place or allow " Right of Return"


Saudi Crown prince Abdullah floated an Arab peace plan that was discussed and modified at am Arab League summit conference in Beirut in March of 2002. The original plan called for peace with Israel in return for Israeli withdrawal from all territories. It was announced as such in a very idiosyncratic way, through a New York Times column by Thomas Friedman. In presenting the plan at the Beirut conference, Abdullah added a significant but ambiguous condition: return of the Palestinian refugees. However, he did not specify whether refugees were to be "returned" to Israel or to the Palestinian state that would be created.

The plan as adopted calls for Israeli withdrawal from all territories occupied since 1967 and return of the Palestine refugees to Israel in return for recognition of Israel and normal relations. The difference is that much more emphasis was placed on the refugee issue. A similar plan was offered by Arab states at the armistice negotiations in 1949. The number of refugees to be returned is not specified. A section included at the insistence of Lebanon reads,

" Assures the rejection of all forms of Palestinian patriation which conflict with the special circumstances of the Arab host countries"

assuaging Lebanese fears of permanent settlement of Palestinians in Lebanon. Inclusion of this clause may indicate that something less than full return of the refugees is contemplated. UN General Assembly Resolution 194, mentioned in the plan, asserts the right of Palestinian refugees who are willing to live in peace with their neighbors to return to Israel. As there are currently over three million such refugees with an exceedingly high birthrate, literal implementation of return would eventually mean the end of the Jewish state of Israel.
'why would the Israelis want territory they withdrew from years ago"....you cannot be this fkg stupid can you??? they hardly withdrew you moron...oh yeah...let's see; an illegal blockade...routine incursions...air-strikes...curfews...seizures...targeted assassinations..etc....etc. Wow!!!!! what a "withdrawal"....dude you need some more patient than me to de-program you...what a mindless fkg imbecile...sigh !!!!!

This is all i got left at this point. Obvious troll is obvious.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qileP4bAzek]"Stupid!" from UHF - YouTube[/ame]

what you have "left" is no more than what you began with---devout, unmediated ignorance...I remain awed by the fact that people like yourself offer up their commentary about issues they barely comprehend...but hey...this is America...and we have freedom of stupidity!!! :D

A ceasefire is not peace. Peace is not the interruption of conflict, it is the resolution of conflict. And unless the palestinians/arabs admit defeat or finally accomplish driving all the jews into the sea, there will be no resolution of the conflict, and as such, no peace.

Bravo!!!!! I dare say it would be close to impossible to possess a greater degree of ignorance about the conflict than what you just posted...remarkable

Truth hurts, doesnt it dipshit.

Where do you see the endgame for this going?

He doesn't really care. He's one of those "pro-Palestinian" types who would gladly see all "Palestinians" dead as long as they take some Jews with 'em. :D
Don't just look at this UN bid as the end. There are plans Israel has, even if it succeeds. Israel will refuse to everything. And they will take steps to completely destroy a chance for a Palestinian state. Israel won't allow a flourishing economy besides them. If the Palestinians do control their borders and trade. You will see Israel resorting to violence.

As soon as Palestine becomes a Nation the attacks from their soil will result in a Declaration of War and official occupation until the Government of Palestine can ensure no more attacks.

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