Will people regain their sanity after Trump leaves office?

Sanity? Sanity narrowed the choice down to between the annoying orange and the hideous crone, taken from a crowd of blathering dipshits.

President Obama declared that Mrs. Clinton was the most qualified candidate ever to run for President- more qualified than Bill, or even himself.

That's why the DNC found it essential to rig the primaries in her favor.
Will people regain their sanity after Trump leaves office?

NO - TDS is permanent, irreversible....terminal...

The insanity didn't start with Trump. It started with Bush. Democrats are just not going to accept a non Democrat as president any more.

If you think what the dimwits are doing to Trump is insane, it's nothing compared to what they would do to another Republican president.
Republicans have not spent a lot of time building bipartisan good will in the last 20 years

I think things will get much rougher for Trump

Maybe, maybe not. If a group of Democrat Party leaders go to Mueller's office and tell him that they are no longer supporting him and he needs to leave, maybe he will and we can return to Political Normalcy.
Mueller works for DOJ that is under republican control
Is Trump a Russian agent?
If not...Putin owns him

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