Will Putin Meet with Trump? a question to Putin on a press conference


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
Dec 20, Putin's Annual press conference, question about the church in Ukraine.

Marina Kim: if a meeting with Mr Trump is possible after he cancelled it himself, for example, in the immediate future. Are you ready for one?

Vladimir Putin: I do not know if we have a meeting or not, I said a number of times that we are ready.

I certainly believe that working with Russia is important in itself, and this includes economic cooperation, at least bearing in mind that we play a key role in the global energy market; cooperation in the field of nonproliferation and global security also matters, among other things. We have a lot to talk about. But we see what is happening there. Now power will change in Congress. Almost certainly, 100 percent sure, there will be new attacks on the current President. Under these conditions, whether he will be able to achieve any kind of direct dialogue with Russia, I do not know; you will have to ask them.

After all, please note, Trump won – this is an obvious fact no one seems to be arguing with, but they do not want to recognise his victory either. This actually shows disrespect for the voters – refusing to recognise his victory, doing everything to delegitimise the incumbent President.

The same applies to Britain: Brexit got the majority vote – but no one wants to implement it. What are they refusing to recognise? The referendum results. Democratic procedures are being dropped out of the equation, and destroyed; their value is being destroyed. That is what is happening there. This is a serious process. I have pointed out that Western analysts are already discussing this matter, both in the States, by the way, and in Britain. We must keep this in mind. But whatever happens, we still need to build bilateral relations. We are willing to. As soon as possible. As soon as the other side is ready, we will do this.

Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference
(Kremlin site ^)

JGalt , The Original Tree , many other Trump supporters who think Putin is happy when Trump has problems, you all are invited to this discussion.

Also I sure hope other Trump supporters like Dale Smith , JWBooth , skye , tinydancer , defcon4, Theowl32 , Tipsycatlover may be interested too. If not, sorry for bothering you.
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Wow. I never though I'd see the day when a communist Russian leader would have more of an understanding of American Democracy, than those who call themselves "Democrats."

These are fer sure strange times we be livin' in. :laughing0301:
Wow. I never though I'd see the day when a communist Russian leader would have more of an understanding of American Democracy, than those who call themselves "Democrats."

These are fer sure strange times we be livin' in. :laughing0301:
First of all, thanks for your time and attention. I told you before: Putin respects Trump and wishes him well for a number of reasons. It shows in all his speeches, interviews, comments which I have been watching since 2000. And I basically know all of them. Too bad Western Media hides them from you.

You know, Trump, Putin and American people have the same enemy: Deep State. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend (a saying).

Stephen Cohen:

6. Considering Washington’s inability to “isolate Russia,” considering Russia’s diplomatic successes in recent years, and considering the bitter fruits of US militarized and regime-change foreign policies (which long predate President Trump), perhaps it’s time for Washington to learn from Moscow rather than demand that Moscow conform to Washington’s thinking about—and behavior in—world affairs. If not, Washington is more likely to continue to isolate itself.

Russian Diplomacy Is Winning the New Cold War
The issue isn't whether Putin would meet with Trump. The issue is whether Trump would meet with Putin. President Trump is an excellent negotiator and from the start of his election, was open to doing trade and normalizing relations with Russia.

However since the entire Democrat Party believes that Trump's win and Hillary's loss had something to do with Russia, President Trump is in a bit of a conundrum: He has been hounded by the media for two straight years with the accusations of "Russian collusion", and should he appear too accommodating, the leftists here would howl to no end.

Truthfully, I don't see how anyone could put up with what President Trump has had to endure. Most people would try to over-correct in order to contradict the allegations being slung at him every day. It's almost like the "peaceful" left and the media are trying to goad him into doing something rash or warlike, in order to prove that he has no ties to Russia.

I see it as the left making full utilization of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" Number 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
The issue isn't whether Putin would meet with Trump. The issue is whether Trump would meet with Putin. President Trump is an excellent negotiator and from the start of his election, was open to doing trade and normalizing relations with Russia.

However since the entire Democrat Party believes that Trump's win and Hillary's loss had something to do with Russia, President Trump is in a bit of a conundrum: He has been hounded by the media for two straight years with the accusations of "Russian collusion", and should he appear too accommodating, the leftists here would howl to no end.

Truthfully, I don't see how anyone could put up with what President Trump has had to endure. Most people would try to over-correct in order to contradict the allegations being slung at him every day. It's almost like the "peaceful" left and the media are trying to goad him into doing something rash or warlike, in order to prove that he has no ties to Russia.

I see it as the left making full utilization of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" Number 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Deep State was very angry when Trump won. They were sure they cheated enough to supply crooked Hillary, another bi*ch of theirs, with the landslide victory.


Now their intentions are:
- to deligitimize Trump's presidency (Soros and his loyal Media helps them a lot);
- to hobble him as much as possible not to allow him to work and to succeed so that later they will be able to say: "See, he has not done much".

^That's what you can hear in any political program on mainstream Russian TV but not on American mainstream TV (except may be for Fox News). And it's a shame for American mainstream Media who's owned by Deep State.

Deep State became so powerful and so spread around for the last few decades, it has its puppets everywhere: in US Congress, in Media, it has its puppets as "leaders" of the majority of NATO countries, etc.

Besides, since Senate had to approve Trump's administration, there are not so many people Trump can really trust (from my point of view). Except for Rudi Giuliani. Trump had great advisors like Flynn and Roger Stone, however Deep State started "investigations" on them and separated them from Trump. I wish somebody started real investigations on real and major crooks like Obama, Soros, both Clintons and many others with the same enthusiasm.
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The issue isn't whether Putin would meet with Trump. The issue is whether Trump would meet with Putin. President Trump is an excellent negotiator and from the start of his election, was open to doing trade and normalizing relations with Russia.

However since the entire Democrat Party believes that Trump's win and Hillary's loss had something to do with Russia, President Trump is in a bit of a conundrum: He has been hounded by the media for two straight years with the accusations of "Russian collusion", and should he appear too accommodating, the leftists here would howl to no end.

Truthfully, I don't see how anyone could put up with what President Trump has had to endure. Most people would try to over-correct in order to contradict the allegations being slung at him every day. It's almost like the "peaceful" left and the media are trying to goad him into doing something rash or warlike, in order to prove that he has no ties to Russia.

I see it as the left making full utilization of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" Number 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Deep State was very angry when Trump won. They were sure they cheated enough to supply crooked Hillary, another bi*ch of theirs, with the landslide victory.

View attachment 235861

Now their intentions are:
- to deligitimize Trump's presidency (Soros and his loyal Media helps them a lot);
- to hobble him as much as possible not to allow him to work and to succeed so that later they will be able to say: "See, he has not done much".

^That's what you can hear in any political program on mainstream Russian TV but not on American mainstream TV (except may be for Fox News). And it's a shame for American mainstream Media who's owned by Deep State.

Deep State became so powerful and so spread around for the last few decades, it has its puppets everywhere: in US Congress, in Media, it has its puppets as "leaders" of the majority of NATO countries, etc.

Besides, since Senate had to approve Trump's administration, there are not so many people Trump can really trust (from my point of view). Except for Rudi Giuliani. Trump had great advisors like Flynn and Roger Stone, however Deep State started "investigations" on them and separated them from Trump. I wish somebody started real investigations on real and major crooks like Obama, Soros, both Clintons and many others with the same enthusiasm.


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