Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Homophobia is not a republican only malaise. Homophobia, is a phobia exhibited by people that were taught from childhood that being a homo is a horrible thing. Democrats like you are trying to turn gays into a political football for you to carry on to the end zone. For the thousandth time, just because some democrats and some republicans are homophobic does not mean everyone in that party is homophobic. Just because some people in the democrat party are in the KKK does not mean YOU are in the KKK does it?

I never said everyone who is Republican is homophobic

But defining marriage as between one man and one woman was part of the Republican platform in 2012
98% of Republicans, when asked their position parrot....I believe marriage is between one man and one woman
It is republicans pushing legislation and state congressional amendments banning gay marriage
90% of Republicans voted against repeal of DADT
Which was also a part of SLIGHTLY EARLIER DEMOCRAT PLATFORMS. The dems merely changed slightly faster on this one topic, coincidentally right as the polls on the topic changed.

The whole country changed in its views of gay marriage

20 years ago you wouldn't find 10% of Americans who would support it. Today, it is well over 50% and growing

It is just Republicans are slow on the uptake. Ten years from now, Republicans will claim they always really supported it...they just wanted to leave it to the states

Actually, black democrats are a bigger problem........

Can you show me their vote on repeal of DADT?
Actually, that isn't possible....jim crow is a violation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the principals stated in the Declaration of Independence....

Jim Crow is what these religious rights bigots are after...the right to discriminate for "Religious" reason ...it should not be possible to disenfranchise minority American voters but that is what the GOP has been doing ...is your name Polly ANNA ?
You know that's not true, right?

The Right to Refuse Service
The Federal Civil Rights Act guarantees all people the right to "full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which precludes discrimination by businesses on the basis of disability.

In addition to the protections against discrimination provided under federal law, many states have passed their own Civil Rights Acts that provide broader protections than the Federal Civil Rights Act. For example, California's Unruh Civil Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals based on unconventional dress or sexual preference.

All men have the right to be born free and remain free as long as they commit no violence or fraud against others.

This was true even while your filthy party was slapping chains on men who had skin color they didn't like.

Laws which strip civil rights do not change the nature of the right, only the nature of the society and the legitimacy of the government which imposes such laws.

What Brian said is absolute fact, we have the RIGHT to engage in trade with whomever we please - that your filthy party pisses on civil rights and uses violence to infringe these rights, does not alter that the rights are their.
If they refuse to serve a gay person, you don't think the word will get out?

Then why does your filthy party insist on using the threat of violence to force them into involuntary servitude?

I agree that word will get out and harm businesses - thus FREEDOM is the right path. But you leftists NEVER give freedom a chance, you always engage in force with the threat of violence.

They don't want to lose business is why. They want to be cowardly about their discrimination because they know they can't survive on bigots business alone.

What you leftists can't grasp, is it is their right alone to decide if they can.

I used to support homosexuals - now I don't - because you are thugs. You lost the moral high ground when you decided to exact revenge from those whom you hate.
Actually, that isn't possible....jim crow is a violation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the principals stated in the Declaration of Independence....

Jim Crow is what these religious rights bigots are after...the right to discriminate for "Religious" reason ...it should not be possible to disenfranchise minority American voters but that is what the GOP has been doing ...is your name Polly ANNA ?

You do realize that in the case of the bakers...they had made cakes and other baked goods for the gay fascists before.....on many occasions...right? And that because they refused to make a wedding cake, just a wedding cake, the gay fascists are trying to destroy their lives...right? so who is the bigger bigot.......?
Then why does your filthy party insist on using the threat of violence to force them into involuntary servitude?

I agree that word will get out and harm businesses - thus FREEDOM is the right path. But you leftists NEVER give freedom a chance, you always engage in force with the threat of violence.

They don't want to lose business is why. They want to be cowardly about their discrimination because they know they can't survive on bigots business alone.

What you leftists can't grasp, is it is their right alone to decide if they can.

I used to support homosexuals - now I don't - because you are thugs. You lost the moral high ground when you decided to exact revenge from those whom you hate.

Hey cry baby ...your party supports those that assassinate Doctors at women's clinics, your party wants women o undergo vaginal probes for political reasons...your party supports the bombing of women's clinics.......you wing nut...your party wing nut central
No, forcing religious people to abandon their religion is bigotry of the worst sort......when you can go to any other bakery to get your cake, when they have made every other baked good for you for every other occasion......but you insist on using the government to strip those people of their livlihood, over a cake...you are the worst sort of bigot.............
Repercussions. You're afraid of repercussions.

But the violent criminal acts you describe aren't really in the realm of probability. But the scorn the community would hold you and your business, the loss of sales due to your bigotry, the way you would be ostracized, that's what really frightens you.

You claim you would face physical violence, but it's the economic loss that is most frightening.

A prominent sign citing you 'religious' beliefs prevent you from conducting business with any and all American citizens should be absolutely required. Such a posting warns those who believe all men are created equal that here is a public business that fails to live up to that ideal.

The sign should proudly explain the rationalization used by the bigoted business.

It should read: "My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ preached "Judge not lest ye be judged". Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse service to deviant Homosexuals"

That seems fair for everyone.

You leftists are the most violent and evil group in human history. You've murdered 200 million peace time civilians in the 20th century alone. Every action your filthy party takes is based on the implied threat of violence. You seek to strip the most basic of civil liberty from people. One would be a fool not to be cautious of violence when the left is involved.

This is how your filthy party conducts an investigation of a police shooting;


Only a fool fails to grasp that violence is the bedrock of leftism.
You're crazy. What makes you think these examples of violence are condoned, inspired or conducted by political forces?

But, look at the abortion doctor killed at his breakfast table. That was pure politics. Or the 168 Oklahoma City residents blown to smithereens. That was pure politics.

Yinz guys got guns, anger and a void where morality resides. The Right Wing violence has a track record. Left wing violence is concocted by your feeble imagination.
Actually, that isn't possible....jim crow is a violation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the principals stated in the Declaration of Independence....

Jim Crow is what these religious rights bigots are after...the right to discriminate for "Religious" reason ...it should not be possible to disenfranchise minority American voters but that is what the GOP has been doing ...is your name Polly ANNA ?

You do realize that in the case of the bakers...they had made cakes and other baked goods for the gay fascists before.....on many occasions...right? And that because they refused to make a wedding cake, just a wedding cake, the gay fascists are trying to destroy their lives...right? so who is the bigger bigot.......?
Yes they did....thus it is quite clear to all their hypocrisy.
NCAA President Mark Emmert said in a statement,

The NCAA national office and our members are deeply committed to providing an inclusive environment for all our events. We are especially concerned about how this legislation could affect our student-athletes and employees.

“We will work diligently to assure student-athletes competing in, and visitors attending, next week’s men’s Final Four in Indianapolis are not impacted negatively by this bill.

Moving forward, we intend to closely examine the implications of this bill and how it might affect future events as well as our workforce.

This is huge in a state so closely associated with college basketball as Indiana.

As Religious Tyranny Arrives, Religious Freedom Lovers Flee Indiana
Indiana is the latest state to proclaim religious tyranny, and the reaction (no NCAA?) is anything but what Hoosier bigots expected
Maybe it's a good thing Indiana is doing it. It reinforces their core message: We believe in the right to discriminate against anyone we hate because we can pretend it violates our "religious beliefs" (trying to remember what Jesus said about treating other people...but nothing quite matches this charade). We also believe that we shouldn't force business' to disclose this by posting signs because those damn (insert group of choice: fags, blacks, Jews, Catholics, etc) deserve to be publically humiliated by being publically turned away. Let's remember, our important legislative achievement here is far more critical than passing a budget, fixing the infrastructure, improving the economy. Discrimmination is the Republican mantra these days - just insert disclaimer: religious liberty.

What Indiana did is affirm the 1st Amendment.

It is good that you leftists have to openly fight to crush civil rights and be called on it. What you should do is have the Communists in the Senate once again try to repeal the 1st Amendment, like they did last October. Have Liz Warren campaign on a promise to repeal the bill of rights - show America exactly what the goal of the democratic party is.
Maybe it's a good thing Indiana is doing it. It reinforces their core message: We believe in the right to discriminate against anyone we hate because we can pretend it violates our "religious beliefs" (trying to remember what Jesus said about treating other people...but nothing quite matches this charade). We also believe that we shouldn't force business' to disclose this by posting signs because those damn (insert group of choice: fags, blacks, Jews, Catholics, etc) deserve to be publically humiliated by being publically turned away. Let's remember, our important legislative achievement here is far more critical than passing a budget, fixing the infrastructure, improving the economy. Discrimmination is the Republican mantra these days - just insert disclaimer: religious liberty.

What Indiana did is affirm the 1st Amendment.

It is good that you leftists have to openly fight to crush civil rights and be called on it. What you should do is have the Communists in the Senate once again try to repeal the 1st Amendment, like they did last October. Have Liz Warren campaign on a promise to repeal the bill of rights - show America exactly what the goal of the democratic party is.

Is this what you call "civil rights"?

Maybe it's a good thing Indiana is doing it. It reinforces their core message: We believe in the right to discriminate against anyone we hate because we can pretend it violates our "religious beliefs" (trying to remember what Jesus said about treating other people...but nothing quite matches this charade). We also believe that we shouldn't force business' to disclose this by posting signs because those damn (insert group of choice: fags, blacks, Jews, Catholics, etc) deserve to be publically humiliated by being publically turned away. Let's remember, our important legislative achievement here is far more critical than passing a budget, fixing the infrastructure, improving the economy. Discrimmination is the Republican mantra these days - just insert disclaimer: religious liberty.

What Indiana did is affirm the 1st Amendment.

It is good that you leftists have to openly fight to crush civil rights and be called on it. What you should do is have the Communists in the Senate once again try to repeal the 1st Amendment, like they did last October. Have Liz Warren campaign on a promise to repeal the bill of rights - show America exactly what the goal of the democratic party is.

Is this what you call "civil rights"?

I think Un pines for the 'good old days.."

Lets say a wife abusing religious wing nut in Indiana gets charged with domestic violence he can get out of it by claiming his religion teaches him that a husband has a right to discipline his wife and children as he sees fit..... that the domestic violence laws should not apply...
The law doesn't address gays at all. The language is pretty similar to 30 other states that have such laws and ALL of them are intended to remove ambiguity from the law re people with religious convictions. It protects Muslims, gays, Atheists, Christians et al equally.

Again if some of the numbnuts would just read the law instead of parroting what their leftist sources say about the law, they might actually get it. But then again probably not.

no, these laws do the exact opposite... discriminatory business is not a religious practice to be 'protected'.

there is an OBVIOUS slippery slope here, understood by those capable of grasping 'the nuance'.

We filed our brief to explain why the First Amendment does not give a commercial business license to offer services to the general public and then – in violation of a state’s public accommodation law – refuse to provide photography services to particular customers based on their race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other characteristic. Under Elane Photography’s proposal, customers could walk into the photography studio at Sears or JCPenny for a family portrait and be told they cannot have their picture taken because they are a Latino family, or a Jewish family, or a family with a child who has Down Syndrome. A photography studio could tell an interracial family that taking their portrait would create expression celebrating their interracial relationship and that it would violate the studio’s First Amendment rights to participate in that expression.

And this right to discriminate would apply not only to photography studios but also to countless other businesses that use words, pictures, or other forms of creative expression, including court reporting services, translation services, graphic-design agencies, architecture firms, sound technicians, print shops, and dance studios, almost any good or service involving computer code, makeup artists, hair stylists, florists, and countless other services that cater to the general public.

For 150 years, states have had public accommodation laws requiring businesses that choose to offer goods and services in the commercial marketplace to serve customers equally. Once a business decides to advertise its services to the public at large, it gives up the prerogative to pick and choose which customers to serve – even when that commercial service involves some form of speech or expression.

More generally, this case is one of many recent instances in which organizations and businesses have claimed a constitutional right to discriminate against LGBT customers in a variety of goods and services. In Vermont, the meeting and events director at the Wildflower Inn told a same-sex couple that they could not have “gay receptions” at the resort. In New Jersey, the owner of a wedding dress shop refused to sell a woman a wedding dress when she learned that she was marrying another woman. In Illinois, a bed and breakfast turned away a couple who asked to have a civil union reception at the facility, and then urged the couple to repent for their sins. In Hawaii, the owners of a hotel refused even to rent a room to a same-sex couple.

In all of these states, businesses are barred by state law from discriminating against customers based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, or religion, among other protected categories. But the owners of these businesses have claimed that they do not have to follow those laws because of their personal religious beliefs.

We do not let photography businesses – or any other business – turn away customers because of the their race, or because they are divorced, or because they use birth control. The same principles apply when the customer is a same-sex couple. Everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs, but when you operate a business in the public sphere those beliefs do not give you a right to discriminate.

Businesses Do Not Have a License to Discriminate American Civil Liberties Union

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