Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Answer the question: Why should anyone of worried about the rights of black people if they didn't have any?
The reason you have to ask that question is because you are an entitled privileged white bigot who likes to pretend intellectuality...you lack all of it intellect, emotional skills , communication skills...you a slacker...
If you are anti gay and back the Indiana bill you ought to do a background check on any Doctor or surgeon you deal with to make sure that they are not gay. If a gay Doctor tends to your medical need Jesus is getting whipped .....
You are welcome to show me any anti-gay legislation being passed at any level of government by Democrats.......otherwise STFU
Hey, nimrod. It was illegal in just about every state. But if you really want an example: DOMA, was anti-gay legislation signed by Bill Clinton, and supported by nearly every democrat.

DOMA was bad legislation demanded by Republicans

Thankfully, it was overturned by the courts.......most of it
Oh? Why did the democrats listen to republican demands? Why did Clinton bend over and sign it.

Why indeed? Could it have been a {GASP} compromise of some sort?
How do you know it was the democrats compromising and not the republicans? I can remember quite a few homophobic statements from Clinton, and Obama. How many times did they have to state that they believe in marriage being between a man and a woman? Was that a compromise too?

In June of 1996 Clinton states, “I remain opposed to same-sex marriage. I believe marriage is an institution for the union of a man and a woman. This has been my long-standing position, and it is not being reviewed or considered.”

In 1998 Barrack Obama said, "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage."

Twenty years ago - a whole lot of people felt that way.

Look at how the country has changed since then.

A solid majority now support same sex marriage.

Times, and people, evolve.
You are welcome to show me any anti-gay legislation being passed at any level of government by Democrats.......otherwise STFU
Hey, nimrod. It was illegal in just about every state. But if you really want an example: DOMA, was anti-gay legislation signed by Bill Clinton, and supported by nearly every democrat.

DOMA was bad legislation demanded by Republicans

Thankfully, it was overturned by the courts.......most of it
Oh? Why did the democrats listen to republican demands? Why did Clinton bend over and sign it.

Clinton was an idiot

At the time, nobody envisioned that gay marriage would be actively pursued. But Republicans were afraid of it

Bad legislation any way you look at it
Homophobia is not a republican only malaise. Homophobia, is a phobia exhibited by people that were taught from childhood that being a homo is a horrible thing. Democrats like you are trying to turn gays into a political football for you to carry on to the end zone. For the thousandth time, just because some democrats and some republicans are homophobic does not mean everyone in that party is homophobic. Just because some people in the democrat party are in the KKK does not mean YOU are in the KKK does it?

Sorry, but religious Freedom in the First Amendment trumps the other laws......
DOMA was bad legislation demanded by Republicans

Thankfully, it was overturned by the courts.......most of it
Oh? Why did the democrats listen to republican demands? Why did Clinton bend over and sign it.

Clinton was an idiot

At the time, nobody envisioned that gay marriage would be actively pursued. But Republicans were afraid of it

Bad legislation any way you look at it
Homophobia is not a republican only malaise. Homophobia, is a phobia exhibited by people that were taught from childhood that being a homo is a horrible thing. Democrats like you are trying to turn gays into a political football for you to carry on to the end zone. For the thousandth time, just because some democrats and some republicans are homophobic does not mean everyone in that party is homophobic. Just because some people in the democrat party are in the KKK does not mean YOU are in the KKK does it?

I never said everyone who is Republican is homophobic

But defining marriage as between one man and one woman was part of the Republican platform in 2012
98% of Republicans, when asked their position parrot....I believe marriage is between one man and one woman
It is republicans pushing legislation and state congressional amendments banning gay marriage
90% of Republicans voted against repeal of DADT
Which was also a part of SLIGHTLY EARLIER DEMOCRAT PLATFORMS. The dems merely changed slightly faster on this one topic, coincidentally right as the polls on the topic changed.

The whole country changed in its views of gay marriage

20 years ago you wouldn't find 10% of Americans who would support it. Today, it is well over 50% and growing

It is just Republicans are slow on the uptake. Ten years from now, Republicans will claim they always really supported it...they just wanted to leave it to the states
Hey, nimrod. It was illegal in just about every state. But if you really want an example: DOMA, was anti-gay legislation signed by Bill Clinton, and supported by nearly every democrat.

DOMA was bad legislation demanded by Republicans

Thankfully, it was overturned by the courts.......most of it
Oh? Why did the democrats listen to republican demands? Why did Clinton bend over and sign it.

Clinton was an idiot

At the time, nobody envisioned that gay marriage would be actively pursued. But Republicans were afraid of it

Bad legislation any way you look at it
Homophobia is not a republican only malaise. Homophobia, is a phobia exhibited by people that were taught from childhood that being a homo is a horrible thing. Democrats like you are trying to turn gays into a political football for you to carry on to the end zone. For the thousandth time, just because some democrats and some republicans are homophobic does not mean everyone in that party is homophobic. Just because some people in the democrat party are in the KKK does not mean YOU are in the KKK does it?

Sorry, but religious Freedom in the First Amendment trumps the other laws......

My religion hates guns

Should I be able to refuse service to gun owners?
If you are anti gay and back the Indiana bill you ought to do a background check on any Doctor or surgeon you deal with to make sure that they are not gay. If a gay Doctor tends to your medical need Jesus is getting whipped .....

Sorry...of course you lefties missed the point......the baker in particular sold cakes and cookies and cupcakes to gay couples all the time......they just refused to be a participant in a religious service by providing a cake for it......so when a doctor is getting married to a doctor of the same sex.....they can't compel a baker to bake them a cake......a Doctor can be gay all day long.......and that won't be a problem till he tries to force a religious person to violate their religious beliefs.....
Oh? Why did the democrats listen to republican demands? Why did Clinton bend over and sign it.

Clinton was an idiot

At the time, nobody envisioned that gay marriage would be actively pursued. But Republicans were afraid of it

Bad legislation any way you look at it
Homophobia is not a republican only malaise. Homophobia, is a phobia exhibited by people that were taught from childhood that being a homo is a horrible thing. Democrats like you are trying to turn gays into a political football for you to carry on to the end zone. For the thousandth time, just because some democrats and some republicans are homophobic does not mean everyone in that party is homophobic. Just because some people in the democrat party are in the KKK does not mean YOU are in the KKK does it?

I never said everyone who is Republican is homophobic

But defining marriage as between one man and one woman was part of the Republican platform in 2012
98% of Republicans, when asked their position parrot....I believe marriage is between one man and one woman
It is republicans pushing legislation and state congressional amendments banning gay marriage
90% of Republicans voted against repeal of DADT
Which was also a part of SLIGHTLY EARLIER DEMOCRAT PLATFORMS. The dems merely changed slightly faster on this one topic, coincidentally right as the polls on the topic changed.

The whole country changed in its views of gay marriage

20 years ago you wouldn't find 10% of Americans who would support it. Today, it is well over 50% and growing

It is just Republicans are slow on the uptake. Ten years from now, Republicans will claim they always really supported it...they just wanted to leave it to the states

Actually, black democrats are a bigger problem........
DOMA was bad legislation demanded by Republicans

Thankfully, it was overturned by the courts.......most of it
Oh? Why did the democrats listen to republican demands? Why did Clinton bend over and sign it.

Clinton was an idiot

At the time, nobody envisioned that gay marriage would be actively pursued. But Republicans were afraid of it

Bad legislation any way you look at it
Homophobia is not a republican only malaise. Homophobia, is a phobia exhibited by people that were taught from childhood that being a homo is a horrible thing. Democrats like you are trying to turn gays into a political football for you to carry on to the end zone. For the thousandth time, just because some democrats and some republicans are homophobic does not mean everyone in that party is homophobic. Just because some people in the democrat party are in the KKK does not mean YOU are in the KKK does it?

Sorry, but religious Freedom in the First Amendment trumps the other laws......

My religion hates guns

Should I be able to refuse service to gun owners?

Yes.....I'll go down the street or go on line......see...that is how you deal with that........I am not going to take away a person's livlihood just because I want them to support my beliefs.....
Repercussions. You're afraid of repercussions.

But the violent criminal acts you describe aren't really in the realm of probability. But the scorn the community would hold you and your business, the loss of sales due to your bigotry, the way you would be ostracized, that's what really frightens you.

You claim you would face physical violence, but it's the economic loss that is most frightening.

A prominent sign citing you 'religious' beliefs prevent you from conducting business with any and all American citizens should be absolutely required. Such a posting warns those who believe all men are created equal that here is a public business that fails to live up to that ideal.

The sign should proudly explain the rationalization used by the bigoted business.

It should read: "My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ preached "Judge not lest ye be judged". Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse service to deviant Homosexuals"

That seems fair for everyone.

You leftists are the most violent and evil group in human history. You've murdered 200 million peace time civilians in the 20th century alone. Every action your filthy party takes is based on the implied threat of violence. You seek to strip the most basic of civil liberty from people. One would be a fool not to be cautious of violence when the left is involved.

This is how your filthy party conducts an investigation of a police shooting;


Only a fool fails to grasp that violence is the bedrock of leftism.
If you are anti gay and back the Indiana bill you ought to do a background check on any Doctor or surgeon you deal with to make sure that they are not gay. If a gay Doctor tends to your medical need Jesus is getting whipped .....

Sorry...of course you lefties missed the point......the baker in particular sold cakes and cookies and cupcakes to gay couples all the time......they just refused to be a participant in a religious service by providing a cake for it......so when a doctor is getting married to a doctor of the same sex.....they can't compel a baker to bake them a cake......a Doctor can be gay all day long.......and that won't be a problem till he tries to force a religious person to violate their religious beliefs.....
you right wing nut miss the point...these "Religious Rights" are a cover for bigotry...you are re framing bigotry to disguise it as "Religious Freedom" ...Indiana will pay a heavy price for being run by wing nuts...its a smoke screen its an octopus throwing ink .....
Last edited:

Times, and people, evolve.

The Tea Party is devolving not evolving...they want to take the US back to Jim Crow times...

Actually, that isn't possible....jim crow is a violation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the principals stated in the Declaration of Independence....all things the Tea Party supports and tries to protect....it is the democrats, and their hate of any limits on their power that are the problem....they started jim crow, after they lost a war to keep blacks as slaves...after Republicans.....the earliest form of Tea Partier.....fought them to free those slaves.....
Clinton was an idiot

At the time, nobody envisioned that gay marriage would be actively pursued. But Republicans were afraid of it

Bad legislation any way you look at it
Homophobia is not a republican only malaise. Homophobia, is a phobia exhibited by people that were taught from childhood that being a homo is a horrible thing. Democrats like you are trying to turn gays into a political football for you to carry on to the end zone. For the thousandth time, just because some democrats and some republicans are homophobic does not mean everyone in that party is homophobic. Just because some people in the democrat party are in the KKK does not mean YOU are in the KKK does it?

I never said everyone who is Republican is homophobic

But defining marriage as between one man and one woman was part of the Republican platform in 2012
98% of Republicans, when asked their position parrot....I believe marriage is between one man and one woman
It is republicans pushing legislation and state congressional amendments banning gay marriage
90% of Republicans voted against repeal of DADT
Which was also a part of SLIGHTLY EARLIER DEMOCRAT PLATFORMS. The dems merely changed slightly faster on this one topic, coincidentally right as the polls on the topic changed.

The whole country changed in its views of gay marriage

20 years ago you wouldn't find 10% of Americans who would support it. Today, it is well over 50% and growing

It is just Republicans are slow on the uptake. Ten years from now, Republicans will claim they always really supported it...they just wanted to leave it to the states

Actually, black democrats are a bigger problem........

Can you show me their vote on repeal of DADT?
If you are anti gay and back the Indiana bill you ought to do a background check on any Doctor or surgeon you deal with to make sure that they are not gay. If a gay Doctor tends to your medical need Jesus is getting whipped .....

Sorry...of course you lefties missed the point......the baker in particular sold cakes and cookies and cupcakes to gay couples all the time......they just refused to be a participant in a religious service by providing a cake for it......so when a doctor is getting married to a doctor of the same sex.....they can't compel a baker to bake them a cake......a Doctor can be gay all day long.......and that won't be a problem till he tries to force a religious person to violate their religious beliefs.....
you right wing nut miss the point...these "Religious Rights" are a cover for bigotry...you are re framing bigotry to disguise its as "Religious Freedom" ...Indian will pay a heavy price for being run by wing nuts...its a smoke screen its an octopus throwing ink .....

No, forcing religious people to abandon their religion is bigotry of the worst sort......when you can go to any other bakery to get your cake, when they have made every other baked good for you for every other occasion......but you insist on using the government to strip those people of their livlihood, over a cake...you are the worst sort of bigot.............
Hey, nimrod. It was illegal in just about every state. But if you really want an example: DOMA, was anti-gay legislation signed by Bill Clinton, and supported by nearly every democrat.

DOMA was bad legislation demanded by Republicans

Thankfully, it was overturned by the courts.......most of it
Oh? Why did the democrats listen to republican demands? Why did Clinton bend over and sign it.

Clinton was an idiot

At the time, nobody envisioned that gay marriage would be actively pursued. But Republicans were afraid of it

Bad legislation any way you look at it
Homophobia is not a republican only malaise. Homophobia, is a phobia exhibited by people that were taught from childhood that being a homo is a horrible thing. Democrats like you are trying to turn gays into a political football for you to carry on to the end zone. For the thousandth time, just because some democrats and some republicans are homophobic does not mean everyone in that party is homophobic. Just because some people in the democrat party are in the KKK does not mean YOU are in the KKK does it?

Sorry, but religious Freedom in the First Amendment trumps the other laws......
Take it away, Justice Scalia:

We have never held that an individual's religious beliefs excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that the State is free to regulate.
On the contrary, the record of more than a century of our free exercise jurisprudence contradicts that proposition.

And, also (quoting Justice Frankfurter):

Conscientious scruples have not, in the course of the long struggle for religious toleration, relieved the individual from obedience to a general law not aimed at the promotion or restriction of religious beliefs.

Also, too:

Subsequent decisions have consistently held that the right of free exercise does not relieve an individual of the obligation to comply with a "valid and neutral law of general applicability on the ground that the law proscribes (or prescribes) conduct that his religion prescribes (or proscribes)."

And, finally:

It may fairly be said that leaving accommodation to the political process will place at a relative disadvantage those religious practices that are not widely engaged in;

but that unavoidable consequence of democratic government must be preferred to a system in which each conscience is a law unto itself or in which judges weigh the social importance of all laws against the centrality of all religious beliefs.


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