Will Republicans Make 2020 About Trump's Integrity?

How many Senate Republicans will stake their electoral futures on the honesty of Donald Trump and his family members?

These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics

"Democrats faced a more challenging Senate map in 2018 than Republicans, in part because they had more seats up for election. But in 2020, the GOP will have to defend more Senate seats than Democrats. As of now, there will be 22 Republican Senate seats on the line, while Democrats will only need to protect 12 seats..."

Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)... "
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)..."
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)"

Foreign emoluments?
Domestic emoluments?
Obviously, all politicians are corrupt, since they could never raise enough money to get elected if they didn't follow ruling class scripture.
But Trump's presidency rests on a foundation of fraud that will likely crumble over the next 19 months.
Will Republicans sacrifice their party on the altar of Trump?
I sure hope so.

Georgie, you are in a very small minority if you believe that any politician has integrity, dumkopf!
Georgie, you are in a very small minority if you believe that any politician has integrity, dumkopf!
Name a politician who's told as many lies as Trump has over the past two years:

The New York Times used a full page to print all of 'Trump's lies' since taking office

Remember when Trump railed against corruption on the campaign trail? He lied about that too. He not only only refused to divest from the more than 500 businesses he owns, he set up a trust (administered by his sons) that he can withdraw money from at any time.

Anyone claiming to be concerned about the hypocrisy and corruption of Clinton and Obama who supports Trump is a hypocrite, at best.

Its ridiculous for the NY Times to claim anyone "lies", their own record of lying dates back a century.

As far as "divesting", that would be silly. The Trump Organization is the family business that feeds not just Trump but also his children and grandchildren. There is no reason to leave a whole family destitute just because the patriarch is serving as President. The Kennedy family didn't divest when they served.

As far as whether the Trump family will be enriched by the Presidency, probably not as much as others. Remember the Obama Crime Family's wealth increased a hundredfold during their reign of error. I don't think Trump will get that kind of gain at all.
As far as "divesting", that would be silly. The Trump Organization is the family business that feeds not just Trump but also his children and grandchildren. There is no reason to leave a whole family destitute just because the patriarch is serving as President. The Kennedy family didn't divest when they served.
Have you conveniently forgotten about the POTUS salary?

Donald Trump: All the President's Profits

"The overlap between Trump's business activities and his role as president has given rise to allegations that he is leveraging his office for personal gain.

"These charges are laid out in a series of lawsuits, which allege that Trump is violating the Emoluments Clauses of the US Constitution, by accepting payments or benefits from foreign states as well as federal and state governments.

"The attorney general for the District of Columbia, Karl Racine, calls the Emoluments Clauses the United States' 'oldest anti-corruption law.'

"With the attorney general of Maryland, Racine has brought a lawsuit (known as D.C. and Maryland v. Trump) focused on the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, and the payments or benefits from foreign and domestic governments the president may be receiving there."

Emoluments are defined as, basically a gift or bribe:
The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.

The "emoluments" lawsuit is in-progress, and it will be tied up in the courts indefinitely because of appeal after appeal after appeal. Even the founders had to have their own businesses, so normal business activities are not "emoluments".

D.C. and Maryland v. Trump - Wikipedia
"Richard Blumenthal, et al. v. Donald J. Trump, No. 1:17-cv-01154 (D.D.C. 2017), is a casepending before the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

"The plaintiffs, 30 Senators and 166 Representatives,[5] allege that the defendant, Donald Trump, is in violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause, a constitutional provision that bars the president or any other federal official from taking gifts or payments from foreign governments without the approval of Congress, of which the plaintiffs form a minority of about 35%...."

"Because Defendant has failed to come to Congress and seek consent before accepting foreign emoluments that have been confirmed through public reporting, it is impossible to know whether Defendant is accepting other foreign emoluments that have not yet been made public.

"Indeed, through his personal attorney, Defendant has indicated that he does not believe the Constitution requires him to seek or obtain Congress’s consent before accepting benefits arising out of exchanges between foreign states and his businesses."

Blumenthal v. Trump - Wikipedia
Well, it seems that Congress is gonna get to see at least the last 6 years of his tax returns, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop it.

Wonder if they are going to make them public?
How many Senate Republicans will stake their electoral futures on the honesty of Donald Trump and his family members?

These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics

"Democrats faced a more challenging Senate map in 2018 than Republicans, in part because they had more seats up for election. But in 2020, the GOP will have to defend more Senate seats than Democrats. As of now, there will be 22 Republican Senate seats on the line, while Democrats will only need to protect 12 seats..."

Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)... "
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)..."
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)"

Foreign emoluments?
Domestic emoluments?
Obviously, all politicians are corrupt, since they could never raise enough money to get elected if they didn't follow ruling class scripture.
But Trump's presidency rests on a foundation of fraud that will likely crumble over the next 19 months.
Will Republicans sacrifice their party on the altar of Trump?
I sure hope so.
They made the last election about his integrity and Hillary won...
They made the last election about his integrity and Hillary won...
Trump made the last election about "draining the swamp"

How has that worked out?

Actually, its worked out pretty well so far. Swamp creatures like Comey and McCabe are history. The Deep State's hate for President Trump shows how effective he's been.
Actually, its worked out pretty well so far. Swamp creatures like Comey and McCabe are history. The Deep State's hate for President Trump shows how effective he's been.
Trump presides over the most corrupt administration in recent US History:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

"Donald Trump promised to drain the Washington swamp. Instead, he has surrounded himself with family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest."
, misuse of public funds
, influence peddling
, self-enrichment
, working for foreign governments
, failure to disclose information
and violating ethics rules
. Some are under investigation
or facing lawsuits
, others have resigned
and five have either been convicted or pleaded guilty
, including three for lying to government officials
. Scandals plague all administrations, but Trump’s is only two years old and the allegations keep on coming
If Republicans were smart, they would bury Trump before the lying con man buries their party:

Who in the Republican Party would you support for President in 2020 and could actually vanquish the Democrats?

Republicans only see one man who could do that, only one with the guts to stand up to the barrage of Liberal Calumnies, and his name is Donald J. Trump.

Who else do you think is a winning candidate in 2020?
Who in the Republican Party would you support for President in 2020 and could actually vanquish the Democrats?
Since I haven't voted for a Republican OR Democrat POTUS candidate in over 25 years, I'm probably the wrong person to ask. From what I've seen over the last two years, there isn't a single Republican I could support for any elected office much less POTUS. Are you expecting a primary opponent for Trump in 2020?
Well, it seems that Congress is gonna get to see at least the last 6 years of his tax returns, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop it.

Wonder if they are going to make them public?

Sure there is something President Trump can do about it. He can sue and they fight it through the courts.
Do lefties really want to open up the "integrity" can o' worms? The primary democrat candidate has been outed as a compulsive pervert. The democrat governor of Va. advocates infanticide while he admits to racist photographs and meanwhile the Va. Lt. Gov has been accused of rape by a credible victim but nobody on the left demands his resignation. The other democrat candidates range from socialist hypocrites to strange characters like Beto who apparently once had a fantasy about something he called "ass waxing and ball scrubbing".
Well, it seems that Congress is gonna get to see at least the last 6 years of his tax returns, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop it.

Wonder if they are going to make them public?
I guess that will depend on whether or not Team Trump can run out the clock in court until November, 2020? We might need the next Edward Snowden to make his returns public.
How many Senate Republicans will stake their electoral futures on the honesty of Donald Trump and his family members?

These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics

"Democrats faced a more challenging Senate map in 2018 than Republicans, in part because they had more seats up for election. But in 2020, the GOP will have to defend more Senate seats than Democrats. As of now, there will be 22 Republican Senate seats on the line, while Democrats will only need to protect 12 seats..."

Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)... "
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)..."
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)"

Foreign emoluments?
Domestic emoluments?
Obviously, all politicians are corrupt, since they could never raise enough money to get elected if they didn't follow ruling class scripture.
But Trump's presidency rests on a foundation of fraud that will likely crumble over the next 19 months.
Will Republicans sacrifice their party on the altar of Trump?
I sure hope so.
If they [Republicans] were smart, they would make it about the lack of integrity of the Democrats. Far more grist to chew on there.
If they [Republicans] were smart, they would make it about the lack of integrity of the Democrats. Far more grist to chew on there.
If Republicans were smart, they would bury Trump before the lying con man buries their party:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s."

Key words being, "If Republicans Were Smart". Which they are not. They are to easily led and easily lied to.
Well, it seems that Congress is gonna get to see at least the last 6 years of his tax returns, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop it.

Wonder if they are going to make them public?

Sure there is something President Trump can do about it. He can sue and they fight it through the courts.

Not according to a law passed in 1924 during the Teapot Dome scandal.

Congress Really Can Demand, And Get, Trump's Tax Returns. Here's How

By law, taxpayer information is supposed to remain confidential. But as University of Virginia law professor George Yin, author of a 2017 article on the law, told NPR, Congress didn't like being dependent on the executive branch to provide tax records.

When the "committee access" provision, as it's known, became law in 1924, Congress had been dealing with taxpayers' information in the Teapot Dome scandal afflicting the Harding administration and in a controversy involving former Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Like Trump, he had served in government while refusing to avoid conflicts of interest by letting go of his holdings.
If Republicans were smart, they would bury Trump before the lying con man buries their party:

Who in the Republican Party would you support for President in 2020 and could actually vanquish the Democrats?

Republicans only see one man who could do that, only one with the guts to stand up to the barrage of Liberal Calumnies, and his name is Donald J. Trump.

Who else do you think is a winning candidate in 2020?
Who in the Republican Party would you support for President in 2020 and could actually vanquish the Democrats?
Since I haven't voted for a Republican OR Democrat POTUS candidate in over 25 years, I'm probably the wrong person to ask. From what I've seen over the last two years, there isn't a single Republican I could support for any elected office much less POTUS. Are you expecting a primary opponent for Trump in 2020?

I don't see anyone in the Republican Party who thinks they can vanquish Creepy Joe or Pocahontas or Crazy Bernie next year, except for Trump.

As a result, he isn't going to be challenged.

You said in the post I responded to that if "Republicans were smart" they would dump President Trump. But unless someone else has a plan for victory against the far left Dems, they have to go to the man who does have a plan
Well, it seems that Congress is gonna get to see at least the last 6 years of his tax returns, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop it.

Wonder if they are going to make them public?
I guess that will depend on whether or not Team Trump can run out the clock in court until November, 2020? We might need the next Edward Snowden to make his returns public.

Nope, they won't be able to run out the clock, and, like it or not, Trump has no say in whether or not the IRS will give Congress Trump's tax returns. It's been a law since 1924 when the Teapot Dome scandal happened.
How many Senate Republicans will stake their electoral futures on the honesty of Donald Trump and his family members?

These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics

"Democrats faced a more challenging Senate map in 2018 than Republicans, in part because they had more seats up for election. But in 2020, the GOP will have to defend more Senate seats than Democrats. As of now, there will be 22 Republican Senate seats on the line, while Democrats will only need to protect 12 seats..."

Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)... "
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)..."
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)"

Foreign emoluments?
Domestic emoluments?
Obviously, all politicians are corrupt, since they could never raise enough money to get elected if they didn't follow ruling class scripture.
But Trump's presidency rests on a foundation of fraud that will likely crumble over the next 19 months.
Will Republicans sacrifice their party on the altar of Trump?
I sure hope so.

I would advise the Psychocrats not to make "integrity" an issue because they do not have any.
In fact the FBIgate coup is the worst political scandal in the history of our country.
deep-state-swamp-ben-garrison_1_orig-800x500_c (1).jpg
Do lefties really want to open up the "integrity" can o' worms? The primary democrat candidate has been outed as a compulsive pervert. The democrat governor of Va. advocates infanticide while he admits to racist photographs and meanwhile the Va. Lt. Gov has been accused of rape by a credible victim but nobody on the left demands his resignation. The other democrat candidates range from socialist hypocrites to strange characters like Beto who apparently once had a fantasy about something he called ass shining.
Maybe the solution is for a majority of US voters to STOP "choosing" between two wings of the same bird of prey?

The New Patriotism | Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website
Well, it seems that Congress is gonna get to see at least the last 6 years of his tax returns, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop it.

Wonder if they are going to make them public?
I guess that will depend on whether or not Team Trump can run out the clock in court until November, 2020? We might need the next Edward Snowden to make his returns public.

Nope, they won't be able to run out the clock, and, like it or not, Trump has no say in whether or not the IRS will give Congress Trump's tax returns. It's been a law since 1924 when the Teapot Dome scandal happened.
Nope, they won't be able to run out the clock, and, like it or not, Trump has no say in whether or not the IRS will give Congress Trump's tax returns. It's been a law since 1924 when the Teapot Dome scandal happened.
Does Trump's Treasury Secretary have to sign off on releasing the president's tax returns?

Steve Mnuchin's Controversial History With the Foreclosure Crisis
Well, it seems that Congress is gonna get to see at least the last 6 years of his tax returns, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop it.

Wonder if they are going to make them public?
I guess that will depend on whether or not Team Trump can run out the clock in court until November, 2020? We might need the next Edward Snowden to make his returns public.

Nope, they won't be able to run out the clock, and, like it or not, Trump has no say in whether or not the IRS will give Congress Trump's tax returns. It's been a law since 1924 when the Teapot Dome scandal happened.
Nope, they won't be able to run out the clock, and, like it or not, Trump has no say in whether or not the IRS will give Congress Trump's tax returns. It's been a law since 1924 when the Teapot Dome scandal happened.
Does Trump's Treasury Secretary have to sign off on releasing the president's tax returns?

Steve Mnuchin's Controversial History With the Foreclosure Crisis

Nope. It is under the control of the Congress. Trump can't stop it.
How many Senate Republicans will stake their electoral futures on the honesty of Donald Trump and his family members?

These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics

"Democrats faced a more challenging Senate map in 2018 than Republicans, in part because they had more seats up for election. But in 2020, the GOP will have to defend more Senate seats than Democrats. As of now, there will be 22 Republican Senate seats on the line, while Democrats will only need to protect 12 seats..."

Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)... "
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)..."
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)"

Foreign emoluments?
Domestic emoluments?
Obviously, all politicians are corrupt, since they could never raise enough money to get elected if they didn't follow ruling class scripture.
But Trump's presidency rests on a foundation of fraud that will likely crumble over the next 19 months.
Will Republicans sacrifice their party on the altar of Trump?
I sure hope so.
They made the last election about his integrity and Hillary won...
They made the last election about his integrity and Hillary won...
Trump made the last election about "draining the swamp"

How has that worked out?

Actually, its worked out pretty well so far. Swamp creatures like Comey and McCabe are history. The Deep State's hate for President Trump shows how effective he's been.
Actually, its worked out pretty well so far. Swamp creatures like Comey and McCabe are history. The Deep State's hate for President Trump shows how effective he's been.
Trump presides over the most corrupt administration in recent US History:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

"Donald Trump promised to drain the Washington swamp. Instead, he has surrounded himself with family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest."
, misuse of public funds
, influence peddling
, self-enrichment
, working for foreign governments
, failure to disclose information
and violating ethics rules
. Some are under investigation
or facing lawsuits
, others have resigned
and five have either been convicted or pleaded guilty
, including three for lying to government officials
. Scandals plague all administrations, but Trump’s is only two years old and the allegations keep on coming
This is so ironic.
Considering the fact that Democrats created Obamacare..which costs us trillions....and are responsible for $152 billion in extra ANNUAL expenditures paying for all of the illegals they've encouraged to come to the US. Then there's their Green New Deal proposal which will cost us $92 TRILLION DOLLARS.

We spend more money paying for Democrat's fuckups than we do for anything else.
How many Senate Republicans will stake their electoral futures on the honesty of Donald Trump and his family members?

These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics

"Democrats faced a more challenging Senate map in 2018 than Republicans, in part because they had more seats up for election. But in 2020, the GOP will have to defend more Senate seats than Democrats. As of now, there will be 22 Republican Senate seats on the line, while Democrats will only need to protect 12 seats..."

Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)... "
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)..."
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)"

Foreign emoluments?
Domestic emoluments?
Obviously, all politicians are corrupt, since they could never raise enough money to get elected if they didn't follow ruling class scripture.
But Trump's presidency rests on a foundation of fraud that will likely crumble over the next 19 months.
Will Republicans sacrifice their party on the altar of Trump?
I sure hope so.
If they [Republicans] were smart, they would make it about the lack of integrity of the Democrats. Far more grist to chew on there.
If they [Republicans] were smart, they would make it about the lack of integrity of the Democrats. Far more grist to chew on there.
If Republicans were smart, they would bury Trump before the lying con man buries their party:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s."
Read My reply, then do the research on the Democrats and then stfu.
It's possible the Democratic nomination will get personal and ugly, and that the survivor will be brought down several notches.

Down to Trump's level. So yeah, who knows what things will look like by comparison.

The race to the bottom continues, yay!

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