Will Republicans own up to their mistake this midterm or continue on with the same?

Will Republican vote blue to fix their Trump mistake?

  • yes

  • nio

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Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies, institutions & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
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Please vote blue before Oreo loses what’s left of has addled mind. He’s not happy with Trump and would like you to help sooth his hurt feelings.
Mistake? It''s the Dems who keep losing. It's hard to take a poll seriously from someone who can't spell the word "no."
No, the Republican Rank and File is in no mood to surrender the nation to the Far Left.

Right now, Trump has a record of achievement, one that which really does justice to the Party of Lincoln and Helms.
In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Repukes will never admit they put a clown in office. If anything they are resolute in support regardless of outcome.
In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies & the free press in this country. He has divided this country, spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is a National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Only mistake is not taking your sorry ass and shipping you to CUBA, you know the Socialist paradise that Obama opened for you. Just leave your passport at the border, because law abiding US citizens are tired of you. Dumbass.


In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Repukes will never admit they put a clown in office. If anything they are resolute in support regardless of outcome.

Clowns? Bwaaaaahhaaaahhhaaaaaaa…..

Trump was not a mistake. Trump is the fix for the mistake that is most of the Republican Party and the entire Democratic Party.

The real question should be: Will voters bolster the support for this POTUS by electing Conservative Republicans to assist him in the next two years or hamper him be electing Democrats or Moderate Republicans?

BRW - the whole Impeachment thing is a Red Herring as the Democrats will not have the votes to convict in the Senste.
The losers of America will never know they lost so how could they change their vote now?^^^^^^^^
In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Repukes will never admit they put a clown in office. If anything they are resolute in support regardless of outcome.

Clowns? Bwaaaaahhaaaahhhaaaaaaa…..

So you admit you are a clown?
No, the Republican Rank and File is in no mood to surrender the nation to the Far Left.

Right now, Trump has a record of achievement, one that which really does justice to the Party of Lincoln and Helms.

The GOP party was not sure how to take Trump and slow to warm up to him, but Trump and the GOP are coming together in full stride just at the right time like the Perfect Storm.
In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

You do know how our elections work in the United States right? Trump is not up for election this year , Pablo.

No, the Republican Rank and File is in no mood to surrender the nation to the Far Left.

Right now, Trump has a record of achievement, one that which really does justice to the Party of Lincoln and Helms.

The GOP party was not sure how to take Trump and slow to warm up to him, but Trump and the GOP are coming together in full stride just at the right time like the Perfect Storm.

The difference with The Trumpster is that he is decisive and gets things done, taking his promises seriously.

A lot different than previous Republicans who failed to follow through with their promises after the 2010 and 2014 elections to erase Obamacare. Trump actually had the chutzpah to do what he said.

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