Will Republicans soften up/cave on issues like immigration now that they think they struck gold in ‘Latinos’?

Will Republicans soften up/cave on issues like immigration now that they think they struck gold in ‘Latinos’?​

Here we go….the GOP doing exactly what Democrats did when they thought they struck gold with barely legals. How long before the GOP writes their own DACA policy?
Will the Trump “base” hold on as we watch the GOP pander to Mexico’s people?
The one (1) thing that is more important to them than votes? Racial purity.

On the other hand, they'll be refusing to certify elections they lose, so it may not matter.
The one (1) thing that is more important to them than votes? Racial purity.

On the other hand, they'll be refusing to certify elections they lose, so it may not matter.
It’s about keeping America American…It really has nothing to do with “racial purity”.
You or Unkotare could point us to one single predominantly brown community, city or state that is a place we’d want to emulate but you don’t…you don’t because you can’t.
Does that mean you’ve embraced the mass degradadtion of America or are you holding on to ‘brown people will change’?
There is no such thing as “barely legal.”
Sane real Americans know those here on stolen citizenships (most hispanics) are American by way of gross misinterpretation of the 14th.
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Sane real Americans know those here on a stolen citizenships (most hispanics) are American by way of gross misinterpretation of the 14th.
Fear, weakness, and the resulting bigotry do not change the law in my country.
Anyone born in the US is a US citizen. 100% as much as any other US citizen. Anyone naturalized as a US citizen is a US citizen. 100% as much as any other US citizen.

I hope that clears things up for some "people."
Oh no! Someone who doesn't look exactly like me!
Anyone born in the US is a US citizen. 100% as much as any other US citizen. Anyone naturalized as a US citizen is a US citizen. 100% as much as any other US citizen.

I hope that clears things up for some "people."
Yep….and anyone whose father stole them a million dollars cash from the pockets of U.S. taxpayers is a legitimate millionaire….ain’t that right Bleeding Heart Globalist?
I guess I need to add that the US Constitution does not change just because "someone" is really, really, really scared. Not the 1st Amendment, not the 2nd Amendment, not the 14th Amendment, not any other part.

I hope that clears things up for some "people."
I’ve already noticed it…the rhetoric on immigration and the border has suddenly become real methodical….everyone seems to be operating very carefully on this issue…they’re making sure that whatever is said fits the PC guideline laid out by the Boss, the Left.
So, will Republicans do what Republicans do and get leveraged into doing exactly what Democrats do…whore out the nation for constituency?
The republican swamp rats in washington were never big on border protection

Thats just an issue to pay lip service to because the republican base objects to the flood of illegal aliens
I’ve already noticed it…the rhetoric on immigration and the border has suddenly become real methodical….everyone seems to be operating very carefully on this issue…they’re making sure that whatever is said fits the PC guideline laid out by the Boss, the Left.
So, will Republicans do what Republicans do and get leveraged into doing exactly what Democrats do…whore out the nation for constituency?
Yes and NO...

Recent polls do indeed indicate a shift of about 35% of the Latino vote to Republicans. What they fail to tell you is these people want secured borders and a LEGAL path to citizenship like those who came before were required to do. They do not want a lower standard of living and they do not want criminal organizations and fear that they had in their home countries. Most are hard working and just want a better life. The Republicans really do not have to tip toe around on this issue. IF they are, they are making a huge mistake.
Color is an interpretation of wavelengths within the visible spectrum by the human eye. Anyone constantly referring to color is therefore obsessing over something they see (or imagine). Yes it is absurd that some people are obsessed to the point of being terrified by anyone whose skin is a different "color" than their own, but mental illness can take many forms.

I guess I need to add that the US Constitution does not change just because "someone" is really, really, really scared. Not the 1st Amendment, not the 2nd Amendment, not the 14th Amendment, not any other part.

I hope that clears things up for some "people."
Embracing the idea of a browner America is embracing the mass degradation of America based on that scary data.
Do you have the balls to engage in a discussion about this?
Color is an interpretation of wavelengths within the visible spectrum by the human eye. Anyone constantly referring to color is therefore obsessing over something they see (or imagine). Yes it is absurd that some people are obsessed to the point of being terrified by anyone whose skin is a different "color" than their own, but mental illness can take many forms.

It has nothing to do with “color”…and you know that.
It’s a behaviorial thing, a cultural deficiency thing that you won’t address…you won’t because you can’t.
Sad…that you cowards refuse to discuss scary shit.
Does the OP mean

Will Republicans finally stop ignoring Joe Biden's Impeachable Offenses of violating the US Constitution, US Laws, and his Oath of Office by facilitating and engaging in Iegal Immigration, Drug / Human / Child / Sex trafficking, Illegally transporting / trafficking minors / illegals across state lines, etc... now that Illegals have demonstrated how they are flexible Democrats for Conservatism and the Democratic Party (& the GOP does not embrace conservative principles / agendas they will lose Latinos / the Latino vote like the Democrats have)?

I completely agree with him in thst.
In addition: fear is an emotion

Children and weaklings are controlled by their emotions.
Men control their emotions.

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