Will repubs cave in again on DHS funding and amnesty?

He can't get a dirty bill through the Senate, so he's splitting the baby to get that part he has to have that isn't what you little morons want.

He can get the original bill thru the senate if he will end the filibuster rule.
He can get the original bill thru the senate if he will end the filibuster rule.
And Obama will veto it if they do, so it won't happen since it does them absolutely no good.

If obama vetoes the bill then DHS shuts down and it's all obama's fault. It really puts obama on the spot. Now do you understand?
No, it doesn't. Because if they wanted to protect the nation, not play politics, they would have sent him a clean bill. Now you know.
A DHS shutdown will start in a few days unless congress OKs funding. Right now democrats are filibustering the bill that would both fund DHS and end executive amnesty. Republicans have the votes to end the filibuster rule and then ratify that bill. The bill would then go to obama and if he vetoes it, the DHS shutdown is his fault . The repubs are in charge here if they will just take charge.

Of course the GOP will cave. Like their disastrous shut down in 2013, this is all on them. And refusing to fund Homeland Security specifically? Its the weakest ground they could have chosen.

And to just compound the stupidity of their position, they're willing to shut down DHS in an awkward attempt to shut down Obama's immigration orders. Which Latino's will take as another attack from the GOP. And Obama's defense as another act of support by democrats.

The GOP's latest tactic is a stupid layer cake, with fail stacked atop fail. Slathered in idiocy. And topped with tremendous political cost the GOP and no benefit for anyone but Obama and democrats.

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