Will russia win the ukraine war thanks to china?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

Beginning at the 25:30 mark the video makes a strong case for russian victory thanks to china’s near monopoly over gunpowder needed by russia and NATO

The is just one more reason not to trade with china and rely on the chicoms for our basic material needs
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Beginning at the 25:30 mark the video makes a strong case for russian victory thanks to china’s near monopoly over gunpowder needed by russia and NATO

The is just one more reason not trade with china and rely on the chicoms for our basic material needs

Nah, more like thanks to the GOP in congress. They're the best friends the soviets have ever had.

Beginning at the 25:30 mark the video makes a strong case for russian victory thanks to china’s near monopoly over gunpowder needed by russia and NATO

The is just one more reason not trade with china and rely on the chicoms for our basic material needs

Russia has to be supplied by Red China and Iran. India is buying its oil at bargain basement prices and reselling it under their own name to doge sanctions. Even at that Russia still can't drive out Ukraine from its borders, all those hilarious claims that 'Russia is going to win the war any minute now !!!' They REALLY got em this time !!! lol
Nah, more like thanks to the GOP in congress. They're the best friends the soviets have ever had.
NATO is beholden to communist china for gunpowder

Thats not good news for our side

If could doom ukraine and taiwan to defeat

Beginning at the 25:30 mark the video makes a strong case for russian victory thanks to china’s near monopoly over gunpowder needed by russia and NATO

The is just one more reason not to trade with china and rely on the chicoms for our basic material needs

I don't know if they will win or not, or even what winning looks like outside of full control of Ukraine. Regardless, if they do win, yes, it will be primarily because of Chinas support.

Worse though, winning for China is their bigger goal which means bankrupting the U.S and replacing her currency as the global reserve.
India is buying its oil at bargain basement prices and reselling it under their own name to doge sanctions.
Biden and harris must know that but do nothing about it
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Beginning at the 25:30 mark the video makes a strong case for russian victory thanks to china’s near monopoly over gunpowder needed by russia and NATO

The is just one more reason not to trade with china and rely on the chicoms for our basic material needs

Nixon's greatest accomplishment was turning China and Russia against each other.

Trump made them best buddies again.
NATO is beholden to communist china for gunpowder

Thats not good news for our side

If could doom ukraine and taiwan to defeat

It seems you have been duped again..

Nixon's greatest accomplishment was turning China and Russia against each other.

Trump made them best buddies again.
trump had nothing to do with the invasion of ukraine

Thank biden and harris for that
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Biden and harris must know that but do nothing about it

They've even sold some of it to refineries here in Texas. They may have stopped after getting caught, but my bet is they just launder the ownership through a few more shell companies and the refineries buy it anyway.
We cant fight a war with russia and china with $6 m worth of gunpowder

Even if it is the right kind of powder, which it may or may not be

China has no interest in fighting a war.

How many countries have they invaded in the last 40 years?

But they are more than happy to sit back and let us waste trillions fighting stupid wars in the ME, and we seem more than happy to do it for them.
China has no interest in fighting a war.
The image of communist china as a cuddly harmless Panda bear is laughable

China has the biggest military in the world, that it is using to bully smaller nations around the South China Sea
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The image of communist china as a cuddly harmless Panda bear is laughable

I never said that, but then again a panada bear has big claws.

China has the biggest military in the world that it is using to bully smaller nations around the South China Sea

Are they doing anything worse than we have done?
And yet China hasn't invaded any of them.

They are squabbling over some tiny Islands that barely stick out of the Ocean.
It invaded Tibet

And is using its navy to violate Philippine territorial waters

Not to mention the constant threat to invade Taiwan

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