Will someone please turn up the green house gases

Greenland, Antarctica Ice Melt Accelerates : Discovery News

Greenland, Antarctica Ice Melt Accelerates
Seth Borenstein, Associated Press

Going... Going... | Discovery News Video Sept. 23, 2009 -- New satellite information shows that ice sheets in Greenland and western Antarctica continue to shrink faster than scientists thought and in some places are already in runaway melt mode.

British scientists for the first time calculated changes in the height of the vulnerable but massive ice sheets and found them especially worse at their edges. That's where warmer water eats away from below.

In some parts of Antarctica, ice sheets have been losing 30 feet a year in thickness since 2003, according to a paper published online Thursday in the journal Nature.
Greenland, Antarctic Ice 'in Runaway Melt Mode' - Biology | Astronomy | Chemistry | Physics - FOXNews.com

WASHINGTON — New satellite information shows that ice sheets in Greenland and western Antarctica continue to shrink faster than scientists thought and in some places are already in runaway melt mode.

British scientists for the first time calculated changes in the height of the vulnerable but massive ice sheets and found them especially worse at their edges. That is where warmer water eats away from below. In some parts of Antarctica, ice sheets have been losing 30 feet a year in thickness since 2003, according to a paper published online Thursday in the journal Nature.

Some of those areas are about a mile thick, so they still have plenty of ice to burn through. But the drop in thickness is speeding up. In parts of Antarctica, the yearly rate of thinning from 2003 to 2007 is 50 percent higher than it was from 1995 to 2003.
American Thinker is a far right wing publication with no standing in scientific circles. One just as well quote an article from the old Pravda.

lol so because its a right wing site...discredit everything and don't eve read the fucking article.

Try reading it...you may actually learn something about your precious Infalliable IPCC

That's Old Rocks - he has turned an issue of science and made it purely partisan - much like the IPCC.

He and his kind are getting pretty riled up of late with all of the data indicating considerable cooling of the earth's climate and more and more in the sciences now willing to speak out against this silly carbon tax scheme...

There is no data indicating considerable cooling of the earth's climate. In fact, given what is the normal variation with the ENSO and solar cycles, it has much to warm the last ten years.

As far as the measures to alleviate the problem, I did not even address them in this thread. I simply posted what the real scientists are finding, not the prostitutes like Watts, Lindzen, and the rest of the people that have sold their integrity for the energy companies money.
And yet the dumbass ecohippies are nice and warm in their oil heated/powered homes or took a destructive aircraft to someplace warm to practice entitlement consumerism somewhere nice.

Anyone else feel like forcing these morons to live by the lifestyle they are trying to inflict on everyone else? How long will they be supporting this crap then as the rest of us enjoy the virtues of a modern Western society?

This is evidence critics of global warming are pretty clueless about the effects. (hint: it doesn't mean every single place earth will heat at the same rate)

I'm also guessing if these people were polled and asked to name the area of the world's largest desert that less than 2 percent would get it right and state antarctica. Most would say the sahara because they go by rumor versus education.
And his supporters have the audacity to be angry at Pat Robertson.

And yes Pat said something incredibly stupid, but it's on par with Danny IMHO.

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