Will the Democrat Administrative Weakness Cause an Unwinnable World War III?


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Mark Levin Is very Concerned About Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden neglecting Funding Ships for the common defense (we're not competitive anymore to those who threaten us), and Chinese threats to nuke an end to America's good life and liberty, Russia killing off the people of Europe as Putin outlined earlier, and Chinese realization of leading the world into unthinkable pain with a huge military buildup. Please listen to his interview of his analyses. More here: Mark Levin Podcast

What say you?

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Mark Levin Is very Concerned About Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden neglecting Funding Ships for the common defense (we're not competitive anymore to those who threaten us), and Chinese threats to nuke an end to America's good life and liberty, Russia killing off the people of Europe as Putin outlined earlier, and Chinese realization of leading the world into unthinkable pain with a huge military buildup. Please listen to his interview of his analyses. More here: Mark Levin Podcast

What say you?

Levin is on FOX NEWS the network of FAKE NEWS and paid opinion at discretion of management.
Why would you listen or post from it?
Levin is on FOX NEWS the network of FAKE NEWS and paid opinion at discretion of management.
Why would you listen or post from it?
Democrats listen to paid for propaganda that originates from a cabal of wealthiest men in the world. Why wouldn't I listen to a little guy who may oppose them. The wealthiest men in the world gave deep state operatives in the Democrat party information that made them super rich, and a video of bragging VPOTUS Joe Biden showed how he got his billion-dollar cash bonanza from soon-to-be recipients of a 3 billion dollar foreign aid package that he threatened to cancel with his VP power if they didn't put a billion dollars in cash for him on Air Force Two in less than six hours. Of course they did. 2 billion in free money is better than nothing, so he took off what may have been something he paid for 5 residences for by pulling the same stunt ad infinitum when he was Senator for 44 years.

What I wonder is why would the Democrat deep state insert this unique fund raising extortionist of foreign aid packages into the people's White House. :cranky:

Do tell me because I don't have words, and I'm angry because I don't forget what leaders brag about not knowing they are protected by a cabal in the Main Stream Media who pick pockets of workers to make themselves filthy rich in order to buy their way into dark political oligarchies that command the common man to pay to the IRS their kids' future college money. Forking out free college money to people the Democrats select to be lock stepper Democrats sends a message to those who follow the Constitution, Christian beliefs, and who pay their own way in life without depending on gummint orders has a threat to take away the Bill of Rights and personal earnings and give it to people who believe in treasury thieves who launder their money in foreign aid packages with point men like former Vice President Joe Biden, the Obama era point man. It's a disgrace to see Communists in the Democrat Party getting all they want and more from the lying MSM press reporters who go after conservative Americans with all their power over opinions that are nothing but lies that create so much chaos, their secrecy and extortions go unknown for decades.

Two days ago I read about a Chinese plot to nuke the Yellowstone Volcano that has a potential to destroy every man, woman, and child in Western US and SW Canada. With a President who took Chinese shopping sprees, huge monetary gifts, and even expensive jewelry, how is he now going to stop them, with them having been so generous to him while he was VP and happy to have unthinkable wealth from jamming and scamming? Mr. White 6, why would you listen or defend such an assault on Constitutional recommendations that get voted down by a Congress that has lost its scruples? Are you blind and deaf to political foul play on the left? Their chatter is that Republicans are richer than them. They use secrecy to act like they're not richer, when they're far richer off all those 30% money back to the Democrat point men who heretofore made themselves and their cronies kingpins and Democrat women who made Mafiosi tactics their ticket to beating up on Republicans. You think that will go on forever? Maybe you don't give a damn.
Forking out free college money to people the Democrats select to be lock stepper Democrats sends a message to those who follow the Constitution, Christian beliefs, and who pay their own way in life without depending on gummint orders has a threat to take away the Bill of Rights and personal earnings and give it to people who believe in treasury thieves who launder their money in foreign aid packages with point men like former Vice President Joe Biden, the Obama era point man.
Diagram that sentence
Mark Levin Is very Concerned About Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden neglecting Funding Ships for the common defense (we're not competitive anymore to those who threaten us), and Chinese threats to nuke an end to America's good life and liberty, Russia killing off the people of Europe as Putin outlined earlier, and Chinese realization of leading the world into unthinkable pain with a huge military buildup. Please listen to his interview of his analyses. More here: Mark Levin Podcast

What say you?

Levin probably told Tucker, right before this interview, that he didn't believe a word he was about to say but we have to keep the Trumpers engaged for money.

Some people can't get enough lies.
Democrats listen to paid for propaganda that originates from a cabal of wealthiest men in the world. Why wouldn't I listen to a little guy who may oppose them. The wealthiest men in the world gave deep state operatives in the Democrat party information that made them super rich, and a video of bragging VPOTUS Joe Biden showed how he got his billion-dollar cash bonanza from soon-to-be recipients of a 3 billion dollar foreign aid package that he threatened to cancel with his VP power if they didn't put a billion dollars in cash for him on Air Force Two in less than six hours. Of course they did. 2 billion in free money is better than nothing, so he took off what may have been something he paid for 5 residences for by pulling the same stunt ad infinitum when he was Senator for 44 years.

What I wonder is why would the Democrat deep state insert this unique fund raising extortionist of foreign aid packages into the people's White House. :cranky:

Do tell me because I don't have words, and I'm angry because I don't forget what leaders brag about not knowing they are protected by a cabal in the Main Stream Media who pick pockets of workers to make themselves filthy rich in order to buy their way into dark political oligarchies that command the common man to pay to the IRS their kids' future college money. Forking out free college money to people the Democrats select to be lock stepper Democrats sends a message to those who follow the Constitution, Christian beliefs, and who pay their own way in life without depending on gummint orders has a threat to take away the Bill of Rights and personal earnings and give it to people who believe in treasury thieves who launder their money in foreign aid packages with point men like former Vice President Joe Biden, the Obama era point man. It's a disgrace to see Communists in the Democrat Party getting all they want and more from the lying MSM press reporters who go after conservative Americans with all their power over opinions that are nothing but lies that create so much chaos, their secrecy and extortions go unknown for decades.

Two days ago I read about a Chinese plot to nuke the Yellowstone Volcano that has a potential to destroy every man, woman, and child in Western US and SW Canada. With a President who took Chinese shopping sprees, huge monetary gifts, and even expensive jewelry, how is he now going to stop them, with them having been so generous to him while he was VP and happy to have unthinkable wealth from jamming and scamming? Mr. White 6, why would you listen or defend such an assault on Constitutional recommendations that get voted down by a Congress that has lost its scruples? Are you blind and deaf to political foul play on the left? Their chatter is that Republicans are richer than them. They use secrecy to act like they're not richer, when they're far richer off all those 30% money back to the Democrat point men who heretofore made themselves and their cronies kingpins and Democrat women who made Mafiosi tactics their ticket to beating up on Republicans. You think that will go on forever? Maybe you don't give a damn.
I certainly have no problem with you listening to people that mirror your opinions and views. If they try to project themselves as a news source, but clearly are not, that is a problem with them, not you and that is what this whole lawsuit is all about. Being taken as a news source, they have a moral obligation to back the truth as they know it, far and above any obligation to profit motivation and viewership. This time that profit motivation help feed a disinformation that led to an attempt to disrupt congress and an attack on the seat of government by those that bought into the false narrative they push, while know the truth, themselves.
Who do you watch listen to?
Unfortunately all of them, including FOX, to know what is being shoveled to whom. I just take all with a big grain of salt. With Fox's admissions, am just reassured I was correct about them all along. They are not even a good pretext for a news outlet, and filled with people of poor character, easily bought or commanded, no journalistic integrity to be found.
Unfortunately all of them, including FOX, to know what is being shoveled to whom. I just take all with a big grain of salt. With Fox's admissions, am just reassured I was correct about them all along. They are not even a good pretext for a news outlet, and filled with people of poor character, easily bought or commanded, no journalistic integrity to be found.
How many times did you hear that President Trump was a disgraceful disinformation man when Hillary Clinton bought a foreign spy from England to produce a salacious, almost unbelievable claim that President Trump compromised himself by colluding with Russia? Came out a couple of years later that no way did President Trump collude with Russians or any other foreign power to damage Hillary Clinton's chances of becoming President. He never did, and he said so. The press coordinators of his demise told lie after lie after lie, after lie. And many people who watched main stream media believed the lie. those who didn't believe the lie were owners of businesses who respect other businesses, because the quickest way to have someone's business fail is well known to lie in a way to hurt someone else, and someone who provided hospitality services to business owners who needed a good place to conduct a seminar would never lie, and would be willing to make amends if he made even the slightest mistake. Hillary went wrong, because she has no idea of the integrity it takes to run a business to the advantage and comfort of other people. She's the one with a history of profiting from the losses of their nest egg of senior citizens, a history of stiffing waitresses who knocked themselves out trying to give her the best services in the food industry, only to receive a glimpse of her coutured derriere going out the restaurant's front door. She treated her staff, friends, and advisers with such indignity and disdain 54 of them wound up dead, in jail or suicided following one or more of her beratings. Some who heard her diatribes say those beratings were issued with screams and sounds of objects being broken for real or imagined errors, and her calloused invectives made people distrust her acrimonious excoriations. Her unending revenge issues made her very unpopular, All Hillary's underlings took their survival serious enough to kiss her foot constantly. That's how she got away with lying for all those years. So much the First Lady from Hell who didn't win the presidency, then conned a spineless Barack Obama to advise his staff to go after Donald Trump with an impeachment early on in his administration. Her sycophants had a choice--destroy Trump or be destroyed by Hillary.

Fox has different masters than it had 10 years ago. Even so, they're doing their best to bring news from disengruntled countries who dealt with people with an evil eye toward damaging President Trump because CA Representative Maxine Waters told them so.
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How many times did you hear that President Trump was a disgraceful disinformation man when Hillary Clinton bought a foreign spy from England to produce a salacious, almost unbelievable claim that President Trump compromised himself by colluding with Russia? Came out a couple of years later that no way did President Trump collude with Russians or any other foreign power to damage Hillary Clinton's chances of becoming President. He never did, and he said so. The press coordinators of his demise told lie after lie after lie, after lie. And many people who watched main stream media believed the lie. those who didn't believe the lie were owners of businesses who respect other businesses, because the quickest way to have someone's business fail is well known to lie in a way to hurt someone else, and someone who provided hospitality services to business owners who needed a good place to conduct a seminar would never lie, and would be willing to make amends if he made even the slightest mistake. Hillary went wrong, because she has no idea of the integrity it takes to run a business to the advantage and comfort of other people. She's the one with a history of profiting from the losses of their nest egg of senior citizens, a history of stiffing waitresses who knocked themselves out trying to give her the best services in the food industry, only to receive a glimpse of her coutured derriere going out the restaurant's front door. She treated her staff, friends, and advisers with such indignity and disdain 54 of them wound up dead, in jail or suicided following one or more of her beratings. Some who heard her diatribes say those beratings were issued with screams and sounds of objects being broken for real or imagined errors, and her calloused invectives made people distrust her acrimonious excoriations. Her unending revenge issues made her very unpopular, All Hillary's underlings took their survival serious enough to kiss her foot constantly. That's how she got away with lying for all those years. So much the First Lady from Hell who didn't win the presidency, then conned a spineless Barack Obama to advise his staff to go after Donald Trump with an impeachment early on in his administration. Her sycophants had a choice--destroy Trump or be destroyed by Hillary.
Plenty of times. Perhaps you didn't take the paper back then. I suspect it was right on here, also. As for "The Hill", I knew better than to support her either, as she was just as disinformation spewing, disingenuous, and lacking in character as trump. Nobody worth a sh#t ran in that election for the two main parties, so I voted the Libertarian, Gary Johnson. All the rest of you people on REP and DEM sides, just fkd up. It pays, not to be tied to a party, like corralled herd animals.
Unfortunately all of them, including FOX, to know what is being shoveled to whom. I just take all with a big grain of salt. With Fox's admissions, am just reassured I was correct about them all along. They are not even a good pretext for a news outlet, and filled with people of poor character, easily bought or commanded, no journalistic integrity to be found.
Then you must hate cnn, and msnbc, Fox are angels comparably when it comes to the truth.
Then you must hate cnn, and msnbc, Fox are angels comparably when it comes to the truth.
At different times yes. Don't leave out the New York Times, the Washington "bleep" as the G Man called it and a few others (broadcast and print) on both sides of the political divide. I will retain more wrath for FOX as to their input into the damage done to the nation and the process and belief in elections in general.
At different times yes. Don't leave out the New York Times, the Washington "bleep" as the G Man called it and a few others (broadcast and print) on both sides of the political divide. I will retain more wrath for FOX as to their input into the damage done to the nation and the process and belief in elections in general.
The Dammage to elections was done by Democrats when they started the hanging chad BS, I suspect they new cheating through computers was easier
The Dammage to elections was done by Democrats when they started the hanging chad BS, I suspect they new cheating through computers was easier
That was Florida, and they did fk it up. Before that is was Daley's Chicago and before that something else by somebody else, undoubtedly. This time Trump, FOX and Fox/Trump lites. Light on thinking, that is.
That was Florida, and they did fk it up. Before that is was Daley's Chicago and before that something else by somebody else, undoubtedly. This time Trump, FOX and Fox/Trump lites. Light on thinking, that is.
I still think the unsolicited mail in ballots that did not require signature verification changed it, sue me
Plenty of times. Perhaps you didn't take the paper back then. I suspect it was right on here, also. As for "The Hill", I knew better than to support her either, as she was just as disinformation spewing, disingenuous, and lacking in character as trump. Nobody worth a sh#t ran in that election for the two main parties, so I voted the Libertarian, Gary Johnson. All the rest of you people on REP and DEM sides, just fkd up. It pays, not to be tied to a party, like corralled herd animals.
Truth tellers are better presidents than serial liars. With President Trump, peacemaking was going on in the Middle East. With President Biden, we're being threatened by Communist China not to just nuke America, but to nuke america that would take out most of the Western US and Southwestern Canada. What's left of American Indian Tribes would be enormously wiped out, their graves at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Frisco Bay would be part of the yellowstone trench. China better think of how hard it would be to have a tsunami wave rearranging their own coastline to several hundred kilometers in, taking out Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong.... What a footshoot that would be.
I still think the unsolicited mail in ballots that did not require signature verification changed it, sue me

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