Will the Democrat Administrative Weakness Cause an Unwinnable World War III?

Plenty of times. Perhaps you didn't take the paper back then. I suspect it was right on here, also. As for "The Hill", I knew better than to support her either, as she was just as disinformation spewing, disingenuous, and lacking in character as trump. Nobody worth a sh#t ran in that election for the two main parties, so I voted the Libertarian, Gary Johnson. All the rest of you people on REP and DEM sides, just fkd up. It pays, not to be tied to a party, like corralled herd animals.
People in my rural area keep corralled herd animals. The meat sells well in DC. And it's mm-mm good! <giggle>
People in my rural area keep corralled herd animals. The meat sells well in DC. And it's mm-mm good! <giggle>
Meat. It's what's for dinner!:cool:
Mark Levin Is very Concerned About Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden neglecting Funding Ships for the common defense (we're not competitive anymore to those who threaten us), and Chinese threats to nuke an end to America's good life and liberty, Russia killing off the people of Europe as Putin outlined earlier, and Chinese realization of leading the world into unthinkable pain with a huge military buildup. Please listen to his interview of his analyses. More here: Mark Levin Podcast

What say you?

While not in the midst of a 'WWIII', the US is currently in the middle of several wars:

1. Biden is literally waging a war against the US Constitution, US Rule of Law, and Americans (parents, Conservatives,anyone who opposes their fIled policies and agendas).

2. Biden / Democrats _ politicians are waging a 'Proxy War' against Putin / Russia in Ukraine.

3. Biden is facilitating an illegal invasion and SEVERAL wars aganinst the US from multiple enemies through his 'failed' Open Border picies - violations of Constitution and US law.

Biden has forfeited our sovereignty, national security, and his role in and responsibility to protect and drfrnd this country and its citizens.

3. Biden is aiding, abetting, and facilitating Mexican Cartels' war on the US. Cartels are becoming richer than they ever have been by engaging in drug, human, child, and sex trafficking. Not only is Biden not trying to stop them, he is facilitating and even perpetrating human / sex trafficking of illegals (to invlude children and women) across state lines, dumping them off without notifying state/local officials they are coming.

Cartels are.also making a fortune smuggling Fentynal from China into the US.

4. Xi and China are also waging war on multiple fronts, with Bidrn actively and passively helping them do so.


President Trump initiated a highly successful program designed to counter / stop Chinese espionage. The program rested in numerous hi-profile cases and convictions of Chinese spies. As soon as Biden entered office he shut the program down. Cases if Chinese espionage have risen sharply since.

B. CCP Pandemic Pass

Common sense has been restored now that US Intel report and others have confirmed COVID-19 was leaked from tbe Wuhan Lab, and China tried to hide it, exported it, and caused the pandemic that kiled millions around the world, including Americans.

-- When Trump suggested holding China accountable Xi threatened to MURDER millions of Americans by withholding drugs China manufactures and ships to the US. After Biden took over, his administration attempted to silence anyone who opposed their galse narrative by suggesting COVID came from the Wuhan Lab / China. Joe did his best to protect China while Fauci lied his ass off to protect himself.

Now that the universal truth that COVID was leaked ftom China's lab is out, Biden literally runs from reporters / questions asking if he will do ANYTHING in defense of the US to hold China accountable.


C. ChiCom Spy Ballon

We now know Biden / his administration watched the Spy Balloon take off from China, travel half way around the world, floen up tbe Aleution Islands, violated US sovereignty / air space, hover over US ICBM silos and stealth bases completing its mission, before exiting out of the eastern US.

Not once did Bidrn pick up the phone and call Xi to demand to know WTF was going on and demand he stop immediately. DAYS after the ChiCom spying Biden told a reporter he 'could not wait for his upcoming phone call with Xi to talk about the spy balloons'. 'Could not wait'?! Even days after letting China's spy balloon complete its mission Niden STILL had not called Xi?! WTF?


US Intel already reported the massive flood of extremely deadly Fentynal into the US is coming from CHINA through Mexican Cartels, killing thousands of Ameticans with drugs instead of a released deadly virus .. or guns/bombs.

Its been reported that enough ChiCom Fentynal has been smuggled into the US to kill every man, woman, and child in the US 5 times over.

Mao Biden has not closed his Open Border, has not made any attempt to secure the border, has not made any calls to his 'dear leader' Xi, has not threatened any action, has not targeted the drug shipments BEFORE they get to our borders, and has not targeted / threatened the Cartels smuggling the deadly poison into the US for China.

What has Biden done?

He LAUGHED while talking about the recent accidental Fentynal overdose of a US mother's son.

We haven"t even mentioned:

- Biden's war in Somalia, sending troops back in after he took office

- Biden's continued war in Yemen

- Biden removing the terrorist group the Houthis from tbe US terrorist list (while attempting to label parents as 'terrorists')

- Biden, his Sect of State, & his Under Sect of State all punlicly promising to blow up the NS2 pipeline if the Russians invaded Ukraine, the NS2 pipeline being blown up right after Russia invaded Ukraine, the three of them bragging about how it was blown up, and now a European country / ally asking the UN to investigate.

(Luckily for Biden the UN is worthless and will not do it. The last thing the US needs while fighting s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is to have Western European / NATO allied nations find out Biden/ the US cut their much-needed energy pipeline by blowing it up.)

Democrats used to be the ones who screamed, 'The US is NOT the world's policeman' and who opposed war, but now Biden and Democrats have the US in the middle of SEVERAL wars we are fighting in or being fought against us, which they are trying to ignore.

Mark Levin Is very Concerned About Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden neglecting Funding Ships for the common defense (we're not competitive anymore to those who threaten us), and Chinese threats to nuke an end to America's good life and liberty, Russia killing off the people of Europe as Putin outlined earlier, and Chinese realization of leading the world into unthinkable pain with a huge military buildup. Please listen to his interview of his analyses. More here: Mark Levin Podcast

What say you?

Putin is the one who keeps threatening nuclear warfare. Let's at least place the blame where it belongs.
Mark Levin Is very Concerned About Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden neglecting Funding Ships for the common defense (we're not competitive anymore to those who threaten us), and Chinese threats to nuke an end to America's good life and liberty, Russia killing off the people of Europe as Putin outlined earlier, and Chinese realization of leading the world into unthinkable pain with a huge military buildup. Please listen to his interview of his analyses. More here: Mark Levin Podcast

What say you?

Fox is not a reliable news source. But if trump was president, what do you think would happen ? He already acted very irresponsible saying, " He'd bomb Moscow. " With two hot heads in charge it would only be worse
China, Russia and Iran became threats to the U.S. Gov't rule of the world, dared to not bow down and do everything they were told and even worse openly defied them. That made them an enemy of our rulers, not an enemy of our people
Fox is not a reliable news source. But if trump was president, what do you think would happen ? He already acted very irresponsible saying, " He'd bomb Moscow. " With two hot heads in charge it would only be worse
If your information is furnished by the DNC or the MSM, you might consider your info belief could be mistaken. If you didn't learn from the Mueller Report's judgment, you would know the false information was furnished by Mme. Clinton who faked forgetfulness in order to avoid being disciplined. All the painting President Trump the Good didn't have a drop of water in it, muchch less the truth: Trump was framed with lies, and for some reason, you bought the farm of paying for the wealth of Biden and his thespians who think a good story must have a bad guy in it, for the purpose of grabbing more power to the.selves. The truth is President Trump marches to the tempo of the Constitution, and not bad choices. Love, beautress.
How many times did you hear that President Trump was a disgraceful disinformation man when Hillary Clinton bought a foreign spy from England to produce a salacious, almost unbelievable claim that President Trump compromised himself by colluding with Russia? Came out a couple of years later that no way did President Trump collude with Russians or any other foreign power to damage Hillary Clinton's chances of becoming President. He never did, and he said so. The press coordinators of his demise told lie after lie after lie, after lie. And many people who watched main stream media believed the lie. those who didn't believe the lie were owners of businesses who respect other businesses, because the quickest way to have someone's business fail is well known to lie in a way to hurt someone else, and someone who provided hospitality services to business owners who needed a good place to conduct a seminar would never lie, and would be willing to make amends if he made even the slightest mistake. Hillary went wrong, because she has no idea of the integrity it takes to run a business to the advantage and comfort of other people. She's the one with a history of profiting from the losses of their nest egg of senior citizens, a history of stiffing waitresses who knocked themselves out trying to give her the best services in the food industry, only to receive a glimpse of her coutured derriere going out the restaurant's front door. She treated her staff, friends, and advisers with such indignity and disdain 54 of them wound up dead, in jail or suicided following one or more of her beratings. Some who heard her diatribes say those beratings were issued with screams and sounds of objects being broken for real or imagined errors, and her calloused invectives made people distrust her acrimonious excoriations. Her unending revenge issues made her very unpopular, All Hillary's underlings took their survival serious enough to kiss her foot constantly. That's how she got away with lying for all those years. So much the First Lady from Hell who didn't win the presidency, then conned a spineless Barack Obama to advise his staff to go after Donald Trump with an impeachment early on in his administration. Her sycophants had a choice--destroy Trump or be destroyed by Hillary.

Fox has different masters than it had 10 years ago. Even so, they're doing their best to bring news from disengruntled countries who dealt with people with an evil eye toward damaging President Trump because CA Representative Maxine Waters told them so.
Is there an off button on this idiot?

He certainly had an issue with Mr. Oswald, who visited the Russians a few weeks before his assassanation of one of my favorite Presidents when I was in my senior year at high school. That fateful day was Nov. 23, and all six of our school's cheerleaders were on our way to cheer for our school's competition as a good will outreach to avoid any hostilities on or off the football field by trading cheerleaders from each school's pregame pep rallies. We heard the President Kennedy was shot and that it was likely he would not survive the assassination attempt. Our dear sponsor told us to act happy and not to cry. So we did our job of acting happy and when we got back in our sponsor's station wagon, we shed our tears. By that time, we heard he had died from his lethal wounds. :(
Love, beautress
He certainly had an issue with Mr. Oswald, who visited the Russians a few weeks before his assassanation of one of my favorite Presidents when I was in my senior year at high school. That fateful day was Nov. 23, and all six of our school's cheerleaders were on our way to cheer for our school's competition as a good will outreach to avoid any hostilities on or off the football field by trading cheerleaders from each school's pregame pep rallies. We heard the President Kennedy was shot and that it was likely he would not survive the assassination attempt. Our dear sponsor told us to act happy and not to cry. So we did our job of acting happy and when we got back in our sponsor's station wagon, we shed our tears. By that time, we heard he had died from his lethal wounds. :(
Love, beautress
November 22nd, 1963.
"American Democrats are more likely to choose Russia as their chief enemy: 53% name Russia and 30% name China. Republicans are of the opposite opinion, with only 12% naming Russia and 76% naming China."

And only a few are in favor of peace under capitalism-a war of all against all.
He certainly had an issue with Mr. Oswald, who visited the Russians a few weeks before his assassanation of one of my favorite Presidents when I was in my senior year at high school. That fateful day was Nov. 23, and all six of our school's cheerleaders were on our way to cheer for our school's competition as a good will outreach to avoid any hostilities on or off the football field by trading cheerleaders from each school's pregame pep rallies. We heard the President Kennedy was shot and that it was likely he would not survive the assassination attempt. Our dear sponsor told us to act happy and not to cry. So we did our job of acting happy and when we got back in our sponsor's station wagon, we shed our tears. By that time, we heard he had died from his lethal wounds. :(
Love, beautress
It was actually Nov. 22nd, my Father's birthday.
While not in the midst of a 'WWIII', the US is currently in the middle of several wars:

1. Biden is literally waging a war against the US Constitution, US Rule of Law, and Americans (parents, Conservatives,anyone who opposes their fIled policies and agendas).

2. Biden / Democrats _ politicians are waging a 'Proxy War' against Putin / Russia in Ukraine.

3. Biden is facilitating an illegal invasion and SEVERAL wars aganinst the US from multiple enemies through his 'failed' Open Border picies - violations of Constitution and US law.

Biden has forfeited our sovereignty, national security, and his role in and responsibility to protect and drfrnd this country and its citizens.

3. Biden is aiding, abetting, and facilitating Mexican Cartels' war on the US. Cartels are becoming richer than they ever have been by engaging in drug, human, child, and sex trafficking. Not only is Biden not trying to stop them, he is facilitating and even perpetrating human / sex trafficking of illegals (to invlude children and women) across state lines, dumping them off without notifying state/local officials they are coming.

Cartels are.also making a fortune smuggling Fentynal from China into the US.

4. Xi and China are also waging war on multiple fronts, with Bidrn actively and passively helping them do so.


President Trump initiated a highly successful program designed to counter / stop Chinese espionage. The program rested in numerous hi-profile cases and convictions of Chinese spies. As soon as Biden entered office he shut the program down. Cases if Chinese espionage have risen sharply since.

B. CCP Pandemic Pass

Common sense has been restored now that US Intel report and others have confirmed COVID-19 was leaked from tbe Wuhan Lab, and China tried to hide it, exported it, and caused the pandemic that kiled millions around the world, including Americans.

-- When Trump suggested holding China accountable Xi threatened to MURDER millions of Americans by withholding drugs China manufactures and ships to the US. After Biden took over, his administration attempted to silence anyone who opposed their galse narrative by suggesting COVID came from the Wuhan Lab / China. Joe did his best to protect China while Fauci lied his ass off to protect himself.

Now that the universal truth that COVID was leaked ftom China's lab is out, Biden literally runs from reporters / questions asking if he will do ANYTHING in defense of the US to hold China accountable.

View attachment 762571

C. ChiCom Spy Ballon

We now know Biden / his administration watched the Spy Balloon take off from China, travel half way around the world, floen up tbe Aleution Islands, violated US sovereignty / air space, hover over US ICBM silos and stealth bases completing its mission, before exiting out of the eastern US.

Not once did Bidrn pick up the phone and call Xi to demand to know WTF was going on and demand he stop immediately. DAYS after the ChiCom spying Biden told a reporter he 'could not wait for his upcoming phone call with Xi to talk about the spy balloons'. 'Could not wait'?! Even days after letting China's spy balloon complete its mission Niden STILL had not called Xi?! WTF?


US Intel already reported the massive flood of extremely deadly Fentynal into the US is coming from CHINA through Mexican Cartels, killing thousands of Ameticans with drugs instead of a released deadly virus .. or guns/bombs.

Its been reported that enough ChiCom Fentynal has been smuggled into the US to kill every man, woman, and child in the US 5 times over.

Mao Biden has not closed his Open Border, has not made any attempt to secure the border, has not made any calls to his 'dear leader' Xi, has not threatened any action, has not targeted the drug shipments BEFORE they get to our borders, and has not targeted / threatened the Cartels smuggling the deadly poison into the US for China.

What has Biden done?

He LAUGHED while talking about the recent accidental Fentynal overdose of a US mother's son.

We haven"t even mentioned:

- Biden's war in Somalia, sending troops back in after he took office

- Biden's continued war in Yemen

- Biden removing the terrorist group the Houthis from tbe US terrorist list (while attempting to label parents as 'terrorists')

- Biden, his Sect of State, & his Under Sect of State all punlicly promising to blow up the NS2 pipeline if the Russians invaded Ukraine, the NS2 pipeline being blown up right after Russia invaded Ukraine, the three of them bragging about how it was blown up, and now a European country / ally asking the UN to investigate.

(Luckily for Biden the UN is worthless and will not do it. The last thing the US needs while fighting s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is to have Western European / NATO allied nations find out Biden/ the US cut their much-needed energy pipeline by blowing it up.)

Democrats used to be the ones who screamed, 'The US is NOT the world's policeman' and who opposed war, but now Biden and Democrats have the US in the middle of SEVERAL wars we are fighting in or being fought against us, which they are trying to ignore.


Most American so-called leaders and half of Americans, maybe more, are basically akin to rabid dogs.

And we all know that there is only one way to deal with a rabid dog!!!
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Mark Levin sells airtime on the radio. Hysterical crap is all he has for the most part to draw listeners with.

The Savage Weener was much more entertaining. So is that guy who sounds like an obnoxious teenager, Chris Something Or Other. He's funny most of the time.

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