will the 'gun debate' tear this country apart?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
i listen to both sides and hear voices that are loud and unyielding.....i hate to tell ya..there is going to be bans on ak 15 and the like. Whine all you want about being a responsible gun owner and why limit your rights? it is time to realize there are no 'unlimited' rights. The slippery slope is starting with a ban on bump stocks. Times are changing.

now the other side...forget taking peoples guns...the best you can hope for is stopping the sale of certain firearms and ammo. no one is going to register or give up their guns simple as that.. the ussc has rules my right o protection outweighs your fear of guns. i am not sure city dwellers understand why rural people have guns. I can explain. Protection from 4 legged and 2 legged vermin. i have birdshot for one...hollow points for the other.

as a liberal gun owner, i must admit liberals are much more judgemental when they find out i am not for banning guns and that i own guns. when conservatives find out there is a liberal in their mist at the range or just when people are getting together to shot....i take flack till we begin to shoot...

so where is this going....is there a compromise, your opines?
Well having been thru this before...........................odds are someone is going to rob me and steal my guns. Not bloody likely Someone is dead and its not me.
there is going to be bans on ak 15 and the like

Please ... the last time they tried a partial ban an 'assault weapons' they handed a majority to the Republicans in both houses. So ... please, please, please make that an issue in 2018.


Democrats can only win when middle America stays home on voting day. There isn't a better way to bring them out than starting in with the 'bitter clingers / deplorables' schtick.
i listen to both sides and hear voices that are loud and unyielding.....i hate to tell ya..there is going to be bans on ak 15 and the like. Whine all you want about being a responsible gun owner and why limit your rights? it is time to realize there are no 'unlimited' rights. The slippery slope is starting with a ban on bump stocks. Times are changing.

now the other side...forget taking peoples guns...the best you can hope for is stopping the sale of certain firearms and ammo. no one is going to register or give up their guns simple as that.. the ussc has rules my right o protection outweighs your fear of guns. i am not sure city dwellers understand why rural people have guns. I can explain. Protection from 4 legged and 2 legged vermin. i have birdshot for one...hollow points for the other.

as a liberal gun owner, i must admit liberals are much more judgemental when they find out i am not for banning guns and that i own guns. when conservatives find out there is a liberal in their mist at the range or just when people are getting together to shot....i take flack till we begin to shoot...

so where is this going....is there a compromise, your opines?

An asshole like Hogg vs what?
Prohibition did not work... Laws prohibiting popular firearms will not work... Making a law to prohibit a weapon for the way it looks is foolishness and I personally think that this movement is all about cosmetics...
As is so often the case, a false issue occults the real one(s).
The two party dictatorship is the problem with government.
The materialistic obsessions of the country account for what ails society.
All value is based on human life, thus only human life has anything like 'real' value.
All else is illusion.
The country needs to be torn apart. Clearly it isn’t working for the vast majority of Americans.

Expect a big war soon. It is the way of the ruling class.
i listen to both sides and hear voices that are loud and unyielding.....i hate to tell ya..there is going to be bans on ak 15 and the like. Whine all you want about being a responsible gun owner and why limit your rights? it is time to realize there are no 'unlimited' rights. The slippery slope is starting with a ban on bump stocks. Times are changing.

now the other side...forget taking peoples guns...the best you can hope for is stopping the sale of certain firearms and ammo. no one is going to register or give up their guns simple as that.. the ussc has rules my right o protection outweighs your fear of guns. i am not sure city dwellers understand why rural people have guns. I can explain. Protection from 4 legged and 2 legged vermin. i have birdshot for one...hollow points for the other.

as a liberal gun owner, i must admit liberals are much more judgemental when they find out i am not for banning guns and that i own guns. when conservatives find out there is a liberal in their mist at the range or just when people are getting together to shot....i take flack till we begin to shoot...

so where is this going....is there a compromise, your opines?

If it was just the guns - possibly there could be compromise.

But the ones screaming for gun control have pretty much dropped off the American cracker altogether. They see the Constitution as a mere impediment, and with that there can be no compromise.
i listen to both sides and hear voices that are loud and unyielding.....i hate to tell ya..there is going to be bans on ak 15 and the like. Whine all you want about being a responsible gun owner and why limit your rights? it is time to realize there are no 'unlimited' rights. The slippery slope is starting with a ban on bump stocks. Times are changing.

now the other side...forget taking peoples guns...the best you can hope for is stopping the sale of certain firearms and ammo. no one is going to register or give up their guns simple as that.. the ussc has rules my right o protection outweighs your fear of guns. i am not sure city dwellers understand why rural people have guns. I can explain. Protection from 4 legged and 2 legged vermin. i have birdshot for one...hollow points for the other.

as a liberal gun owner, i must admit liberals are much more judgemental when they find out i am not for banning guns and that i own guns. when conservatives find out there is a liberal in their mist at the range or just when people are getting together to shot....i take flack till we begin to shoot...

so where is this going....is there a compromise, your opines?

If it was just the guns - possibly there could be compromise.

But the ones screaming for gun control have pretty much dropped off the American cracker altogether. They see the Constitution as a mere impediment, and with that there can be no compromise.

One of them even said in a speech yesterday: "They'll give an inch, and we're going to take a mile". (To paraphrase)

So..don't give the gun-grabbers an inch. :)
If the anti gun side continues to blame the 2nd Amendment, the NRA, ordinary gun owners, stores who sell guns, companies who make guns etc for crazy people shooting up schools then yes, the gun debate will tear this country apart.

That Cruz piece of sh*t set off dozens of red flags that he was a dangerous wacko before he killed anybody. Nothing was done. The day he entered the school and started shooting, a cop there at the scene did nothing. Wackos and law enforcement are the issues here, not further inconveniencing the law abiding when they buy a gun or banning certain guns or gun accessories because they "shoot fast".
IMHO, there is something that will eventually "tear this country apart," but the issue of guns is not it.
^^^ To me, it could end up being a little bit of everything since no two people are ever going to agree on everything.

God bless you always!!!


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