Will The Moron-In-Chief Cancel The Upcoming Meet W/ Putin As He Should?

Glad POTUS is meeting with the Napoleon of Siberia and letting Putin know his many actions are unacceptable. As Churchill said: “to jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.”
Why would Trump miss the opportunities to create mass hysteria with the liberal left.
He plays them like a fiddle, and they fall for it every time
Somebody please pass the popcorn.
Yes, we get upset when the president works more on Russia’s behalf that his own country.

That’s how you can tell that we’re patriots.
When that actually happens please let me know. I will show concern.
But for now, it's just Trump playing in your head. :laughing0301:
Putin wants America to abandon its allies. So far, Trumpy has alienated Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, France, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and many more, while cozying up to dictators like Duarte, Erdogan, Putin, Kim Jong Un.

Now Trumpy is calling the EU our enemy. You’re either a fucking traitor, or a complete moron. Which is it?
Another TDS libtard sock account? Come on mods! Check those IP addresses!

Another reason why I am disappointed and embarrassed by Americans. Did you learn to insult strangers from Trump?? He's a pretty good teacher on this.

So it is just a coincidence that your username shows up days after someone else with an almost identical name and political views?

I was born at night, but it damn sure was not last night!

I also noted that said you were disappointed by Americans. Logically, that indicates you are not an American and have no skin in the game. Why not butt out?

I am surprised that you can be logical, something Trump has real problems with. I am an American and so is my father and his father. I have voted in every presidential election since I was 18. I don't know about this other person, but I would like to. What is their handle?

This Putin meeting is a pure win for Putin and a mutual admiration society meeting, nothing more. No agenda. Trump even said when asked what the purpose and goals of the meeting was: "I'll let you know after it's over."
Will the Narcissist-in-Chief cancel the Putin sham to take his updated orders or will the Failure-in-Chief flip off the citizens of this Nation and continue to dance to Putin's tune, given these new indictments disclosing the massive evidence pointing to Russia's meddling in our 2016 National election?

In my opinion, only a valued ally of Russia would believe the president should meet with that manipulative KGB cum Autocrat under the current circumstances with the indictments. But does the Fool-in-Chief have the common sense God gave a pissant to understand that and do the right thing for his 'subjects'?

Nope, Trump is keeping his enemies close, something that the retard libs don't understand.
Then why no Americans in his meeting with his Russian handler?
Why would Trump miss the opportunities to create mass hysteria with the liberal left.
He plays them like a fiddle, and they fall for it every time
Somebody please pass the popcorn.
Yes, we get upset when the president works more on Russia’s behalf that his own country.

That’s how you can tell that we’re patriots.
When that actually happens please let me know. I will show concern.
But for now, it's just Trump playing in your head. :laughing0301:
Putin wants America to abandon its allies. So far, Trumpy has alienated Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, France, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and many more, while cozying up to dictators like Duarte, Erdogan, Putin, Kim Jong Un.

Now Trumpy is calling the EU our enemy. You’re either a fucking traitor, or a complete moron. Which is it?
Idiots like you think Mexico or South Africa are our allies.
Will the Narcissist-in-Chief cancel the Putin sham to take his updated orders or will the Failure-in-Chief flip off the citizens of this Nation and continue to dance to Putin's tune, given these new indictments disclosing the massive evidence pointing to Russia's meddling in our 2016 National election?

In my opinion, only a valued ally of Russia would believe the president should meet with that manipulative KGB cum Autocrat under the current circumstances with the indictments. But does the Fool-in-Chief have the common sense God gave a pissant to understand that and do the right thing for his 'subjects'?
What? And risk the Pee Tape coming out?

Pee tape? Do tell.
Imagine if George W Bush went for a relaxed meeting with Osama Bin Laden right after 9/11...

Did I miss when Putin killed thousands of Americans on American soil?
Another who is controlled by their juvenile emotions. That one can't even make sense it's so fucked up.
Don’t be so hard on avatar. Mormons are home-schooled.

He is talking about you...

And I wish I was home schooled. I would have learned much more
Yes, because sister-wives are brainiacs.
Imagine if George W Bush went for a relaxed meeting with Osama Bin Laden right after 9/11...

Did I miss when Putin killed thousands of Americans on American soil?
Another who is controlled by their juvenile emotions. That one can't even make sense it's so fucked up.
Don’t be so hard on avatar. Mormons are home-schooled.

He is talking about you...

And I wish I was home schooled. I would have learned much more
Yes, because sister-wives are brainiacs.

Did I miss when Putin killed thousands of Americans on American soil?
Another who is controlled by their juvenile emotions. That one can't even make sense it's so fucked up.
Don’t be so hard on avatar. Mormons are home-schooled.

He is talking about you...

And I wish I was home schooled. I would have learned much more
Yes, because sister-wives are brainiacs.

Its projecting again
Another TDS libtard sock account? Come on mods! Check those IP addresses!

Another reason why I am disappointed and embarrassed by Americans. Did you learn to insult strangers from Trump?? He's a pretty good teacher on this.

So it is just a coincidence that your username shows up days after someone else with an almost identical name and political views?

I was born at night, but it damn sure was not last night!

I also noted that said you were disappointed by Americans. Logically, that indicates you are not an American and have no skin in the game. Why not butt out?

I am surprised that you can be logical, something Trump has real problems with. I am an American and so is my father and his father. I have voted in every presidential election since I was 18. I don't know about this other person, but I would like to. What is their handle?

This Putin meeting is a pure win for Putin and a mutual admiration society meeting, nothing more. No agenda. Trump even said when asked what the purpose and goals of the meeting was: "I'll let you know after it's over."
Putin is hated all over europe. Everywhere he goes there are placards calling him a murderer and screaming for his impeachment or jailing. The only admiration for him come from the RT crew that infests everywhere like a parasite.
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Lets say he follows all this advice form the so called experts and cancels the meeting with Putin what then? Everyone who thinks Putin stole the election from Hillary will have a nice feel good moment but other than that what did it accomplish and what will you do next?
Watching only FoxNews keeps you ignorant.


They’re now finding out that Russia may have deleted 500,000 voter registrations in a key state, which, from the available info, is Florida.
Why would Trump miss the opportunities to create mass hysteria with the liberal left.
He plays them like a fiddle, and they fall for it every time
Somebody please pass the popcorn.
Yes, we get upset when the president works more on Russia’s behalf that his own country.

That’s how you can tell that we’re patriots.
When that actually happens please let me know. I will show concern.
But for now, it's just Trump playing in your head. :laughing0301:
Putin wants America to abandon its allies. So far, Trumpy has alienated Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, France, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and many more, while cozying up to dictators like Duarte, Erdogan, Putin, Kim Jong Un.

Now Trumpy is calling the EU our enemy. You’re either a fucking traitor, or a complete moron. Which is it?
You don't play 'politics' well, do you? Optic posturing , goofball.
All those countries are still our allies. I really did think you were smarter than this, but you're proving me wrong.
Wow, better tell Putin...he seems to think they are harming the Russian economy and especially his fellow kleptocrat oligarchs.
Putin is just saying that to his political base.

Much like Trump is with his base.

Like I said, it's all political theater. .... :cool:
Why exactly shouldn’t he meet with Putin?

Is it bad to meet with world leaders now!
Can’t figure it out myself! When obummer was kissing up to Castro and Iran the libtards were all about meeting with world dictators! Hypocrites they are!
Putin is just saying that to his political base
Haha...riiiiight...so, it's true, and Putin is saying it, but he is just kidding, and actually holds the false belief that sanctions are not hurting the Russian economy.

This is your position. That's.....special.

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