Will The Republican Caravan Scare Tactic Still Be A Thing One Second After The Elections on Nov 6th?

Will the Caravan Scare be a Story after Nov 6th, 2018?

  • I'm a Democrat/liberal and I think it WILL be

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I'm a Democrat/liberal and I think it WON'T be

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a Republican/conservative and I think it WILL be

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a Republican/conservative and I think it WON'T be

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I'm an independent/Centrist and I think it WILL be

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm an independent/Centrist and I think it WON'T be

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
He IS running on his accomplishments, you moron. Record low unemployment, higher earnings, higher GDP growth, better trade deals, getting hostages and political prisoners released from foreign countries, etc. It's YOUR party that resorts to slander and smears as standard campaign practice because they HAVE no accomplishments. If they have any, please list a few for us.
So why is your Trumpenfuhrer running around the country claiming that "this will be a campaign of Kavanaugh & Caravan" then?

So, you have no accomplishments to list? Just what I thought.
Who knows I’m wondering if the Democrats will break their silence on impeachment after the midterms? That was a big deal to them until they realized it wasn’t helping them for the midterms if they take back the House will they stay silent or will it be all Russia and impeachment again?
Which Democrats have you seen talking about impeachment? List them.

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Unlike the scare campaigns of the left, illegal immigration is a REAL issue. Therefore it will continue to be "a thing" after the election, as it has been "a thing" all along.
The country has a record-breaking 7.1 million jobs available. Republicans know that they can’t do those jobs. The Republican’s jobs are unskilled labor less than minimum-wage. Those are the jobs they’re afraid immigrants will take.

Very few of those 7.1 million jobs will be filled by the unskilled labor already here, or those on their way here. They will be taking the jobs of unskilled Americans, and they will be reducing the wages for everyone who needs those jobs.

Then why not enforce all the laws and prosecute the criminals who hire those undocumented workers?

When was the last time you saw an employer face any legal consequences for their crimes of hiring an undocumented worker?

The minute they hire an undocumented worker, that employer becomes a criminal. Yet no one cares about those criminals. They're worse than the undocumented worker, they have the choice to hire a person who is legally here. They know they're breaking the law but they don't care because of greed.

Those employers are just as guilty of reducing wages for everyone as those undocumented workers.

So when I see conservatives start screaming about and demonizing those criminal employers who are blatantly breaking the law without any consequences I'll finally take their hysteria seriously.

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Who knows I’m wondering if the Democrats will break their silence on impeachment after the midterms? That was a big deal to them until they realized it wasn’t helping them for the midterms if they take back the House will they stay silent or will it be all Russia and impeachment again?
Which Democrats have you seen talking about impeachment? List them.

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Corey Booker
Maxine Watters
Kamala Harris
Elizabeth Warren
Al green
Nancy Pelosi
Beto O'Rourke
Or will this "story" evaporate into the nethersphere immediately after the elections are over?
It will evaporate.

There was a big scary caravan coming to kill the pseudocons this past April. It had them shitting their pants.

But it never got here, and the pseudocons have already forgotten about it.

Now they are shitting their pants again over this one.

Fool a pseudocon once, shame on you. Fool a pseudocon 60, 70, 1000 times, and we are looking at some seriously stupid people. :lol:

I started a topic last week explaining the Caravan O'Death was not coming. Unfortunately, the forum search function is broken right now or I would link to it.
So why are posters like Grampa Murked U suggesting that it will continue to be "a thing" post Nov 6, 2018?
Because the 2020 presidential campaign starts on the 7th.

Republicans never let any of their lies go to waste.
The Democrats did a 180 on illegal immigration, they supported building a fence, deportation, reducing immigration, now these same liberal mouth pieces promote and support sanctuary cities and call anyone opposed to unbridled immigration racists. Even Governor Brown, Biden, Obama, Clinton....... once stood against uncontrolled immigration, Go figure, now listen to their crap, these same politicians and media now claim this is all about politics and will vanish after the midterms, sad to say once again they are mistaken. The flow of illegal immigrants is destroying the middle class, exhausting federal and state resources, and its just going to vanish? I guess if your a democrat then it is all about politics and ignoring federal law.

Might help if you knew the def of liberal.
No Latin in college?
No college?
Immigrants will earn more, work harder than our white supremist rubes
The Democrats did a 180 on illegal immigration, they supported building a fence, deportation, reducing immigration, now these same liberal mouth pieces promote and support sanctuary cities and call anyone opposed to unbridled immigration racists. Even Governor Brown, Biden, Obama, Clinton....... once stood against uncontrolled immigration, Go figure, now listen to their crap, these same politicians and media now claim this is all about politics and will vanish after the midterms, sad to say once again they are mistaken. The flow of illegal immigrants is destroying the middle class, exhausting federal and state resources, and its just going to vanish? I guess if your a democrat then it is all about politics and ignoring federal law.

Might help if you knew the def of liberal.

What is it?
Or will this "story" evaporate into the nethersphere immediately after the elections are over?
I answered myself earlier.

But this is just so you guys can all look back on the posters who swore it was "THEE BIGGEST DEAL, like, EVERR!!!" and how they're not even whispering about it...just 1 day after the election.

Exactly. Like. I. Said.

11 pages of the radical far rightwing shills of USMB denying what they KNEW was true...as usual.


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