Will The Republican Caravan Scare Tactic Still Be A Thing One Second After The Elections on Nov 6th?

Will the Caravan Scare be a Story after Nov 6th, 2018?

  • I'm a Democrat/liberal and I think it WILL be

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I'm a Democrat/liberal and I think it WON'T be

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a Republican/conservative and I think it WILL be

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a Republican/conservative and I think it WON'T be

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I'm an independent/Centrist and I think it WILL be

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm an independent/Centrist and I think it WON'T be

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
Unlike the scare campaigns of the left, illegal immigration is a REAL issue. Therefore it will continue to be "a thing" after the election, as it has been "a thing" all along.
If your Trumpenfuhrer's doing half as good as you think he is, why isn't he running on his accomplishments?

He IS running on his accomplishments, you moron. Record low unemployment, higher earnings, higher GDP growth, better trade deals, getting hostages and political prisoners released from foreign countries, etc. It's YOUR party that resorts to slander and smears as standard campaign practice because they HAVE no accomplishments. If they have any, please list a few for us.
Excellent question.

I really don't know.

Sure, it is being used as political bait. But Trump/Trumpbots have proven how astronomically xenophobic they are...so I doubt even after the election that they will just ignore the dreaded 'Caravan'.
We will find out in less than a week.

I predict it won't be a featured story on FOXNEWS post 11/6/2018.

I strongly and sincerely hope you are right. But I fear it will still be a story after the election. Such is the sad state of the Right wing at this point in US history.
Standing up for our nation is sad to you?

Or will this "story" evaporate into the nethersphere immediately after the elections are over?

If the Republicans win,the caravan will turn around and go back to whence they came.

If the Dems win, they'll march right into California and libs will be greeting them at the border.

In either event, the Lame Stream Media is already trying to bury the story- even though it was a liberal plot to embarrass Trump, it looks like its backfiring on the left.
Probably, not liek the Kavanaugh RAPE bullshit that went away once he was confirmed.

What happened to FORD?

Aren't we all concerned about her?

Why isn't she all over the news anymore? You know, #metoo and all?

Back into obscurity with all the other whores fascist pieces of shit in the DNC use to destroy their enemies.

Does anyone even remember the squad of lying bitches they rented to bring down Herman Cain? We would be 6 years into his administration and a lot better off if this tactic failed.

Or will this "story" evaporate into the nethersphere immediately after the elections are over?

If the Republicans win,the caravan will turn around and go back to whence they came.

If the Dems win, they'll march right into California and libs will be greeting them at the border.

In either event, the Lame Stream Media is already trying to bury the story- even though it was a liberal plot to embarrass Trump, it looks like its backfiring on the left.
It was never a liberal plot. It has always been used by the Republicans to rile up their base.
Toned down, in the search for some new outrage to keep the division going strong. like Muller as a rapist, too funny.
Or will this "story" evaporate into the nethersphere immediately after the elections are over?

Excellent question.

I really don't know.

Sure, it is being used as political bait. But Trump/Trumpbots have proven how astronomically xenophobic they are...so I doubt even after the election that they will just ignore the dreaded 'Caravan'.

What's up with your poor victim Ford? Are you guys getting her the help she needs and continuing to investigate her claims?
Excellent question.

I really don't know.

Sure, it is being used as political bait. But Trump/Trumpbots have proven how astronomically xenophobic they are...so I doubt even after the election that they will just ignore the dreaded 'Caravan'.
We will find out in less than a week.

I predict it won't be a featured story on FOXNEWS post 11/6/2018.

I strongly and sincerely hope you are right. But I fear it will still be a story after the election. Such is the sad state of the Right wing at this point in US history.
Well Trump cannot sustain faux outrage. We pretty much universally don't want illegal immigration, but only a minority believe his bullshit about stuff like the wall, let alone the border patrol being OVERWELMED BY A CARAVAN, but he can gin up enough fear/anger/emotion short term so that the MSM continues to report that, or least through a news cycle

W of course played on emotions of fear and patriotism in selling his war. And the media and public opinion was all in. Even when we were killing 150K civilians, it was possible to rationalize it on the basis the Saddam and the sanctions killed too. But with around 4K killed and 25K wounded, the fun ended. But then, W had an actual terrorist attack by a foreign entitity that caused people to actually jump out of the Towers to avoid being burned alive. But the final casualty of the Iraq War was the Reagan Doctrine and the post-Vietnam US military. Now Russia is a credible conventional war threat.
He IS running on his accomplishments, you moron. Record low unemployment, higher earnings, higher GDP growth, better trade deals, getting hostages and political prisoners released from foreign countries, etc. It's YOUR party that resorts to slander and smears as standard campaign practice because they HAVE no accomplishments. If they have any, please list a few for us.
So why is your Trumpenfuhrer running around the country claiming that "this will be a campaign of Kavanaugh & Caravan" then?

More than now.

I agree with that.

This isn't some show...this is forcing the dems to the table to fix
the immigration laws.

He'll do whatever is available by law to stop these folks. The asylum folks
are going to be put in tent cities and stay there until their case comes up.
When it is denied, they'll be escorted back to the border.

I hop they enjoy those tents in the dead of winter...even in the desert it
can get quite chilly. Much more so than Guatemala.
Or will this "story" evaporate into the nethersphere immediately after the elections are over?
It will evaporate.

There was a big scary caravan coming to kill the pseudocons this past April. It had them shitting their pants.

But it never got here, and the pseudocons have already forgotten about it.

Now they are shitting their pants again over this one.

Fool a pseudocon once, shame on you. Fool a pseudocon 60, 70, 1000 times, and we are looking at some seriously stupid people. :lol:

I started a topic last week explaining the Caravan O'Death was not coming. Unfortunately, the forum search function is broken right now or I would link to it.
So why are posters like Grampa Murked U suggesting that it will continue to be "a thing" post Nov 6, 2018?

Because cartels are making money off the caravans and will go on organizing them.

Wait! Wait! I thought SOROS was behind organizing the caravans?? I just can't seem to get the propaganda straight these days...
More than now.

I agree with that.

This isn't some show...this is forcing the dems to the table to fix
the immigration laws.

He'll do whatever is available by law to stop these folks. The asylum folks
are going to be put in tent cities and stay there until their case comes up.
When it is denied, they'll be escorted back to the border.

I hop they enjoy those tents in the dead of winter...even in the desert it
can get quite chilly. Much more so than Guatemala.
Hey the kiddies in Kages worked so well for Trump. Redo!
More than now.

I agree with that.

This isn't some show...this is forcing the dems to the table to fix
the immigration laws.

He'll do whatever is available by law to stop these folks. The asylum folks
are going to be put in tent cities and stay there until their case comes up.
When it is denied, they'll be escorted back to the border.

I hop they enjoy those tents in the dead of winter...even in the desert it
can get quite chilly. Much more so than Guatemala.
Hey the kiddies in Kages worked so well for Trump. Redo!

It worked great.
He IS running on his accomplishments, you moron. Record low unemployment, higher earnings, higher GDP growth, better trade deals, getting hostages and political prisoners released from foreign countries, etc. It's YOUR party that resorts to slander and smears as standard campaign practice because they HAVE no accomplishments. If they have any, please list a few for us.
So why is your Trumpenfuhrer running around the country claiming that "this will be a campaign of Kavanaugh & Caravan" then?


What happened to your victim FORD?

'Will The Republican Caravan Scare Tactic Still Be A Thing One Second After The Elections on Nov 6th?'


There are approx. 11 Million illegals in this country.

Approximately 1500 illegals cross into our country EVERY DAY.

Behind this approx. 7k-illegal immigrant-wannabe caravan are 2 more forming/coming.

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