will the Royal wedding be another waste of $$$$?

Generally, Americans at clueless about the history of the English monarchs, or how massive much of our culture comes from that small island.

If English history (1000 years) were taught in American schools, Americans would be glued to their TV sets at 4 AM this morning.
Ireland, Tasmania, India, etc., should definitely be discussed in the context of the glorious history of England, to say nothing of what they did in and with Africa, the Middle East, China...
tiny England conquered much of the world
the world's major language is English
,,,Africans, Native Americans, etc conquered,murdered , raped, warred on, decimated, displaced, tortured, etc just like the English [ whites ] did--but not on the scale of England because they did not have the technology,advances, etc
The 10 Most Common Languages
  • What are the world's most common languages? Estimating these most common language populations can be tricky, and there is a range of data available. ...
  • 1) Mandarin. ...
  • 2) Spanish. ...
  • 3) English. ...
  • 4) Hindi/Urdu. ...
  • 5) Arabic. ...
  • 6) Portuguese. ...
  • 7) Bengali.
  • 8) Russian
  • 9)Japanese
  • 10) Punjabi
The 10 Most Common Languages - Accredited Language Services
Aren’t all weddings a gigantic waste of money?

Agreed! People spend way too much on weddings. People put so much and time into weddings and not the marriage.

When my husband and I got hitched we had the ceremony in mosque which was free and then had wedding party at his parent's house.

We spent a total of $1200 and that's including my dress and his tux.

Meanwhile my friends spent $10,000+ on their weddings.
..my and my wife's family did not have the $$$ for a wedding--so we didn't have one
...I'm sure they could've managed to pay for something...but it wasn't like they had the $$$ available
we've been married for 25 years now
I am shocked by the cost of weddings and the lavish receptions couples have considering 50 percent end in divorce.
Generally, Americans at clueless about the history of the English monarchs, or how massive much of our culture comes from that small island.

If English history (1000 years) were taught in American schools, Americans would be glued to their TV sets at 4 AM this morning.
Ireland, Tasmania, India, etc., should definitely be discussed in the context of the glorious history of England, to say nothing of what they did in and with Africa, the Middle East, China...
tiny England conquered much of the world
the world's major language is English
,,,Africans, Native Americans, etc conquered,murdered , raped, warred on, decimated, displaced, tortured, etc just like the English [ whites ] did--but not on the scale of England because they did not have the technology,advances, etc
The 10 Most Common Languages
  • What are the world's most common languages? Estimating these most common language populations can be tricky, and there is a range of data available. ...
  • 1) Mandarin. ...
  • 2) Spanish. ...
  • 3) English. ...
  • 4) Hindi/Urdu. ...
  • 5) Arabic. ...
  • 6) Portuguese. ...
  • 7) Bengali.
  • 8) Russian
  • 9)Japanese
  • 10) Punjabi
The 10 Most Common Languages - Accredited Language Services
English is used in most countries.....we see the effect/might/etc of England
it's WORLD wide
all of these foreign language speakers come to the US and learn to speak English
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Generally, Americans at clueless about the history of the English monarchs, or how massive much of our culture comes from that small island.

If English history (1000 years) were taught in American schools, Americans would be glued to their TV sets at 4 AM this morning.
Ireland, Tasmania, India, etc., should definitely be discussed in the context of the glorious history of England, to say nothing of what they did in and with Africa, the Middle East, China...
tiny England conquered much of the world
the world's major language is English
,,,Africans, Native Americans, etc conquered,murdered , raped, warred on, decimated, displaced, tortured, etc just like the English [ whites ] did--but not on the scale of England because they did not have the technology,advances, etc
The 10 Most Common Languages
  • What are the world's most common languages? Estimating these most common language populations can be tricky, and there is a range of data available. ...
  • 1) Mandarin. ...
  • 2) Spanish. ...
  • 3) English. ...
  • 4) Hindi/Urdu. ...
  • 5) Arabic. ...
  • 6) Portuguese. ...
  • 7) Bengali.
  • 8) Russian
  • 9)Japanese
  • 10) Punjabi
The 10 Most Common Languages - Accredited Language Services
English is used in most countries.....we see the effect/might/etc of England
it's WORLD wide
all of these foreign language speakers come to the US and learn to speak English
Like I posted, English is 3rd.
Generally, Americans at clueless about the history of the English monarchs, or how massive much of our culture comes from that small island.

If English history (1000 years) were taught in American schools, Americans would be glued to their TV sets at 4 AM this morning.
Ireland, Tasmania, India, etc., should definitely be discussed in the context of the glorious history of England, to say nothing of what they did in and with Africa, the Middle East, China...
tiny England conquered much of the world
the world's major language is English
,,,Africans, Native Americans, etc conquered,murdered , raped, warred on, decimated, displaced, tortured, etc just like the English [ whites ] did--but not on the scale of England because they did not have the technology,advances, etc
The 10 Most Common Languages
  • What are the world's most common languages? Estimating these most common language populations can be tricky, and there is a range of data available. ...
  • 1) Mandarin. ...
  • 2) Spanish. ...
  • 3) English. ...
  • 4) Hindi/Urdu. ...
  • 5) Arabic. ...
  • 6) Portuguese. ...
  • 7) Bengali.
  • 8) Russian
  • 9)Japanese
  • 10) Punjabi
The 10 Most Common Languages - Accredited Language Services
English is used in most countries.....we see the effect/might/etc of England
it's WORLD wide
all of these foreign language speakers come to the US and learn to speak English
Like I posted, English is 3rd.
hahahah---be reasonable and admit I am right ..be a man [ unless you are a he-she ]
you don't want to admit it because you are so stubborn
....English is the most used world wide--in being with England conquering a massive empire
...you don't see Chinese/etc being used as much world wide because they didn't conquer as much
..not the more used per person, the most used world wide

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