Will the Trump Stock Market crash equal Bush’s?

Something not worth the oxygen it steals said:
Something not worth the oxygen it steals said:
Something no one bothered to read
something profoundly insightful
Something stupid again just for consistency I suppose

Back during the primaries I railed at Trump's supporters for believing a wall will be built. I knew you treasonous parasites would lay down in front of the construction equipment, terrorize the construction workers, sabotage the equipment and tie the courts up with asinine suits. I said so many times. I'd love to see some real obstacles built on the border, but pieces of shit like you hate the US more than you love anything virtuous or good.

Again, you are just too fucking stupid to be a real person. You're either a moonbat's posting bot, or a republicrat operative that does not need to be making bed wetters look this stupid. We should be pissed off at and hate the sociopaths that govern, not each other. You cast your pearls though, have fun finding them to try and buy food when the free shit runs out.

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I doubt it.

Unless the Fed has COMPLETELY changed their views on the subject, I am quite sure they will not let the equity markets fall too far before they step in to stop the carnage.

I think that would be a big mistake...but it would not be the first big mistake the Fed has made over the past 15+ years.
Are you referring to your posts? 'Cause that's old news. We've had you figured out for ages.

What are you? 12?

Figure out how to pay your own fuckin rent and food bill then come talk to us you piece of shit..

You call him 12 years old...and then you turn around and call him a piece of shit.

I would say it is you who is acting juvenile by getting so ridiculously worked up over basically nothing.
You mean the stock market crash that happened as soon as the meat puppet faggot became the nominee, or the one after it was elected POTUS? Or the one after Nanzi Pillousy became speaker?

You are seriously suggesting that the Housing crash and accompanying equity crash was remotely to do with Obama announcing his candidacy?

That is most ridiculous excuse I have yet heard.

If you even are hinting at such a thing...congratulations, you have just proven you know almost nothing about macroeconomics.

Have a nice day.
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It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy
/——/ It’s been 30 seconds since democRATs trashed America
In 2006 Nancy Pelosi took the gavel back for the Democrat Congress leadership, 1 year later the market tanks. Fast forward to today, Nancy Pelosi is about to take the gavel back for the Democrat Congress leadership "AGAIN", market starts to tank.. See any similarities there?

And which Democratic legislation caused the collapse in just six months?
So far, the Trump Dow Stock Market has dropped 4500 points in just five months

The Bush Market dropped 6500 points

Will the Trump collapse be worse than Bush?
Are you referring to your posts? 'Cause that's old news. We've had you figured out for ages.

What are you? 12?

Figure out how to pay your own fuckin rent and food bill then come talk to us you piece of shit..

You call him 12 years old...and then you turn around and call him a piece of shit.

I would say it is you who is acting juvenile by getting so ridiculously worked up over basically nothing.
He just another tRumpkin idiot.
The Stock Market is collapsing and all we hear from our President is the stupid wall

It’s the economy stupid
The Dow just suffered it's worst week since October of 2008. We are officially in a bear market.

dOnald tRump's crash just matched two parts of Bush's crash.
The Stock Market is collapsing and all we hear from our President is the stupid wall

It’s the economy stupid
Has it occured to you Trump, his family and fellow criminals know exactly what they’re doing to the market and have been buying and selling accordingly?
The Dow just suffered it's worst week since October of 2008. We are officially in a bear market.

dOnald tRump's crash just matched two parts of Bush's crash.

Trump President for 2 years, market rockets up; neo-Communists take the House, market craters
It is a house of cards propped up by the Feds after the last crash using cheap borrowed money.

One card on the bottom comes out the whole house falls..........A bubble machine..........
The Stock Market is collapsing and all we hear from our President is the stupid wall

It’s the economy stupid
Has it occured to you Trump, his family and fellow criminals know exactly what they’re doing to the market and have been buying and selling accordingly?

This is the same guy whose corporations declared bankruptcy at least 4 times and who built/bought 3 casinos in Atlantic City (even though the place had been slowly dying since the 1940's)...all of which went bankrupt?

No...I don't think he is remotely smart enough to take full advantage of this market.
The Stock Market is collapsing and all we hear from our President is the stupid wall

It’s the economy stupid
Has it occured to you Trump, his family and fellow criminals know exactly what they’re doing to the market and have been buying and selling accordingly?

This is the same guy whose corporations declared bankruptcy at least 4 times and who built/bought 3 casinos in Atlantic City (even though the place had been slowly dying since the 1940's)...all of which went bankrupt?

No...I don't think he is remotely smart enough to take full advantage of this market.
But he has new financial advisers in Moscow.

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