Will the white race survive?

Bullshit. Blacks lived in white led countries in Africa and still did these things they were brought to the U.S. set free and have been given every opportunity and every hand out possible and yet they have done nothing with it..
they were?......who in the hell was those Black guys tending the White mans Cotton Fields.....Black Irish?....Real Dark Mexicans?......
Let's fast forward 100 years, there are no more "pure white" people. What does the world look like? And how is it suffering as a result of this condition?

Help me understand.

There won't be a world left. It will all look like Africa does now.

Big Hoss - I want to follow you, because I have honestly never given this thought.

The world will look like Africa as in significantly land barren? Socially repressed? Significantly black? Disease ridden? Poverty stricken?

I'd like to know who is white today? Russians? Swedes? Brits? Canadians? New Zealanders?

And will the West Indies, Asian and Middle Easteners allow the world to become Africa as well? In other words "is it solely the white popuations' responsibility to stop this crisis?"

There is no hidden agenda in my post.
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How many White people are there in this country alone? I don't know the exact number, but I know it's over a hundred million. Barring any kind of nuclear conflagration, or an asteroid strike, or the sun going super nova (all of which would also kill people regardless of race), why should any rational person believe that the survival of White people is in doubt?
In less then 30 years whites will be the minority in America, America will be a third world country

So, America can only be great if White people are in the majority?
There is no such thing as a biker neighborhood
I am talking about the racial make up of the state. :D But yes it is very mountainous.



Your kinda people........

Always more ignorant morons where the rest came from. Enjoy the ignore list. You are #12

Only number 12? Damn you mean I could have gotten on your list sooner??!!
Fuck!! :(
Overnight? no. Eventually? yes.

Bullshit. Blacks lived in white led countries in Africa and still did these things they were brought to the U.S. set free and have been given every opportunity and every hand out possible and yet they have done nothing with it..

Hahaha. This is the funniest post I've read in my short time on this board. To answer your question, no the white race will not survive. But you can co-opt another group's culture like you did the Aryans, ie Indians. Maybe you can claim the Nubian culture and start over, I'm sure they have some symbols you can corrupt.

What is so funny about it? Actually if you had learned history you would know the ancient indo-aryans were white it was the mixing with the people in the lands they conquered that made them the brown the people there are now.Another fact for ya Ancient Egyptians were White.
Bullshit. Blacks lived in white led countries in Africa and still did these things they were brought to the U.S. set free and have been given every opportunity and every hand out possible and yet they have done nothing with it..
they were?......who in the hell was those Black guys tending the White mans Cotton Fields.....Black Irish?....Real Dark Mexicans?......

Should have put a comma between that there. They were set free were they not?
Look at America in the 1950s, 20-30 years after the Eugenics movement was in full force- when the generation resulting from such efforts were the bulk of our military and work force.

Look at America today, 50 years past the 60's 'free love', 40 years after the neoleftists started advocating abortion as the easy and convenient alternative to responsibility, 30 years after someone taught Negroes how to make crack, and after repeated Amnesties for illegals and near-total non-enforcement of our southern border.

STD rates, Crime Rates, America's ranking on the Human Development Index, the American Education System's inability to compete internationally, rates of out-of-wedlock births...

The facts speak for themselves. Shamefully, the neoliberals refuse to let America learn from history.
Look at America in the 1950s, 20-30 years after the Eugenics movement was in full force- when the generation resulting from such efforts were the bulk of our military and work force.

Look at America today, 50 years past the 60's 'free love', 40 years after the neoleftists started advocating abortion as the easy and convenient alternative to responsibility, 30 years after someone taught Negroes how to make crack, and after repeated Amnesties for illegals and near-total non-enforcement of our southern border.

STD rates, Crime Rates, America's ranking on the Human Development Index, the American Education System's inability to compete internationally, rates of out-of-wedlock births...

The facts speak for themselves. Shamefully, the neoliberals refuse to let America learn from history.

No... actually.. it's 30 years of Reaganomics that is the problem.
Let's fast forward 100 years, there are no more "pure white" people. What does the world look like? And how is it suffering as a result of this condition?

Help me understand.

There won't be a world left. It will all look like Africa does now.

Big Hoss - I want to follow you, because I have honestly never given this thought.

The world will look like Africa as in significantly land barren? Socially repressed? Significantly black? Disease ridden? Poverty struck?

I'd like to know who is white today? Russians? Swedes? Brits? Canadians? New Zealanders?

And will the West Indies, Asian and Middle Easteners allow the world to become Africa as well? In other words "is it solely the white popuations' responsibility to stop this crisis?"

There is no hidden agenda in my post.

All of the above as far as what the world will look like. It has already started in England,U.S.,Canada,Russia.

White's would be from Russia and Europe and Australia. Asians might fight it because they have fought the mixing of their countries pretty well look at some of the immigration policies for Asian countries. The mid east will be wiped out with a nuclear war between Israel and the rest of the Arab nations. West Indies may be able to survive simple because most are islands and can continue to fish and keep agriculture going to survive well enough but as far as a modern society every being built again once white's are gone no it won't happen.There is proof that white's were in China and Egypt and India which is why the great periods these areas had was due to the White Population but mixing with the people they conquered slowly but surely destroyed the purity of the race there.
How many White people are there in this country alone? I don't know the exact number, but I know it's over a hundred million. Barring any kind of nuclear conflagration, or an asteroid strike, or the sun going super nova (all of which would also kill people regardless of race), why should any rational person believe that the survival of White people is in doubt?
In less then 30 years whites will be the minority in America, America will be a third world country

So, America can only be great if White people are in the majority?

Are you willing to find out?Look at the towns and areas that are not majority white. Like Detroit?
There won't be a world left. It will all look like Africa does now.

Big Hoss - I want to follow you, because I have honestly never given this thought.

The world will look like Africa as in significantly land barren? Socially repressed? Significantly black? Disease ridden? Poverty struck?

I'd like to know who is white today? Russians? Swedes? Brits? Canadians? New Zealanders?

And will the West Indies, Asian and Middle Easteners allow the world to become Africa as well? In other words "is it solely the white popuations' responsibility to stop this crisis?"

There is no hidden agenda in my post.

All of the above as far as what the world will look like. It has already started in England,U.S.,Canada,Russia.

White's would be from Russia and Europe and Australia. Asians might fight it because they have fought the mixing of their countries pretty well look at some of the immigration policies for Asian countries. The mid east will be wiped out with a nuclear war between Israel and the rest of the Arab nations. West Indies may be able to survive simple because most are islands and can continue to fish and keep agriculture going to survive well enough but as far as a modern society every being built again once white's are gone no it won't happen.There is proof that white's were in China and Egypt and India which is why the great periods these areas had was due to the White Population but mixing with the people they conquered slowly but surely destroyed the purity of the race there.

so ?
I'm doing my part Hosser, 3 beautiful white kids. Planning on a 4th in a year and a fifth down the line! So that will be 5 white kids for the next generation! Can't say they will be conservatives, since my wife is pretty liberal.

Oh wait were Jewish! Scratch that we don't count as white. I guess that 5 kids in for the non-white side. Sorry!
Bullshit. Blacks lived in white led countries in Africa and still did these things they were brought to the U.S. set free and have been given every opportunity and every hand out possible and yet they have done nothing with it..

Hahaha. This is the funniest post I've read in my short time on this board. To answer your question, no the white race will not survive. But you can co-opt another group's culture like you did the Aryans, ie Indians. Maybe you can claim the Nubian culture and start over, I'm sure they have some symbols you can corrupt.

What is so funny about it? Actually if you had learned history you would know the ancient indo-aryans were white it was the mixing with the people in the lands they conquered that made them the brown the people there are now.Another fact for ya Ancient Egyptians were White.

Were the ancient Chinese white as well? Were Adam and Eve white? Was Jesus white? Is God white?

When was the "history" written? What year was the first book on "white indo-aryans" written?

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