Zone1 Will this War Prepare the Way for the Rebuilding of the Temple?

Only if you ignore the rest of the chapter. From the first verse,

21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

A new heaven and new earth is spiritual.

It was the end of temple Judaism. It was a new beginning. The end of Roman law and occupation.
He also did not see the vast number of descendants he was promised, but they are there. We are very aware that the possession of the land was interrupted by 400 years of slavery in Egypt.

They weren't in Egypt. They were landless Canaanites in Canaan which was controlled by Egypt. They were apiru or habiru.
no, it is not, the words of liars written in a book - there would be heavenly markers were it divine providence.

personification of the heavens is a dime a dozen for who have no standing of their own.
You are entitled to your opinion
A new heaven and new earth is spiritual.

It was the end of temple Judaism. It was a new beginning. The end of Roman law and occupation.
wishful thinking on the part of the destroyers---Oct 7 had the same effect on the "SPIRITUAL LEADER" of millions of muslims ALI KHAMENEI His speech was INSPIRING---he salivated as he described the islamic carnage as so beautiful that he wanted to KISS the HOLY MUHAJADEEN who raped women and also ripped babies apart for ALLAH and his BF---muhummad. It was a lesson in islamic LAND AQUISITION
wishful thinking on the part of the destroyers---Oct 7 had the same effect on the "SPIRITUAL LEADER" of millions of muslims ALI KHAMENEI His speech was INSPIRING---he salivated as he described the islamic carnage as so beautiful that he wanted to KISS the HOLY MUHAJADEEN who raped women and also ripped babies apart for ALLAH and his BF---muhummad. It was a lesson in islamic LAND AQUISITION

Sad. Israel chose this course long ago.
The terrace upon which the hill of the Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock sit is very unstable. It's collapsed before and been rebuilt in the '60's I think. (Can't remember exactly)

The problem is that the current terrace (built by Herod) is unstable and unable to support a Jewish Temple. The tunnels underground through all the terrace fill have completely destabilized the terrace.
Then you have the issue of the historic value of the structures. The current Dome of the Rock has paintings and decorations dating back hundreds of years....not to mention that the cedar posts and columns are timbers provided by King David thousands of years ago. Then there's some artifacts that Solomon had made and then all the lost "pocket litter" that people have inadvertently dropped over the thousands of years.

Archeologists and Israeli Historians would want to sift through every single grain and pebble of the terrace before replacing it with fresh fill in this geologically highly unstable location. (Minor earthquakes are common) Then the retaining wall also will need to be's crumbling too. (After 2,000 years you would be tired as well)

Jerusalem Stone is a unique stone with a unique look and characteristics. Found only there in Israel. Of course the Temple would be built with it. And those materials are already numbered, lettered, and complete instructions for assembly.

The going up will be incredibly fast. The dismantling of existing structures....painfully slow. (Like years)
The terrace upon which the hill of the Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock sit is very unstable. It's collapsed before and been rebuilt in the '60's I think. (Can't remember exactly)

The problem is that the current terrace (built by Herod) is unstable and unable to support a Jewish Temple. The tunnels underground through all the terrace fill have completely destabilized the terrace.
Then you have the issue of the historic value of the structures. The current Dome of the Rock has paintings and decorations dating back hundreds of years....not to mention that the cedar posts and columns are timbers provided by King David thousands of years ago. Then there's some artifacts that Solomon had made and then all the lost "pocket litter" that people have inadvertently dropped over the thousands of years.

Archeologists and Israeli Historians would want to sift through every single grain and pebble of the terrace before replacing it with fresh fill in this geologically highly unstable location. (Minor earthquakes are common) Then the retaining wall also will need to be's crumbling too. (After 2,000 years you would be tired as well)

Jerusalem Stone is a unique stone with a unique look and characteristics. Found only there in Israel. Of course the Temple would be built with it. And those materials are already numbered, lettered, and complete instructions for assembly.

The going up will be incredibly fast. The dismantling of existing structures....painfully slow. (Like years)

Cedar posts from Solomon? 😂
They weren't in Egypt. They were landless Canaanites in Canaan which was controlled by Egypt. They were apiru or habiru.
More wishful thinking-----Egypt rampaged thruout the levant --including as far as Mesopotamia----neither Canaan nor Mesopotamia were COUNTRIES----there were various civilizations here and there---Egypt did not "control" Abraham's tent settlement or Judea later on
wishful thinking on the part of the destroyers---Oct 7 had the same effect on the "SPIRITUAL LEADER" of millions of muslims ALI KHAMENEI His speech was INSPIRING---he salivated as he described the islamic carnage as so beautiful that he wanted to KISS the HOLY MUHAJADEEN who raped women and also ripped babies apart for ALLAH and his BF---muhummad. It was a lesson in islamic LAND AQUISITION
Surada disagrees----it is not clear to me to what she disagrees---possibly she did not see the VICTORY speech of her SPIRITUAL LEADER ALI KHAMENEI
A new heaven and new earth is spiritual.

It was the end of temple Judaism. It was a new beginning. The end of Roman law and occupation.
The bottom line remains, Revelation does NOT say the temple will not be rebuilt.
They weren't in Egypt. They were landless Canaanites in Canaan which was controlled by Egypt. They were apiru or habiru.
The evidence is clear, they were there. Answer this if you're convinced they were not, from where did the army of Israelites come that kicked the Canaanites out of Canaan if they were living there the whole time?
The bottom line remains, Revelation does NOT say the temple will not be rebuilt.
have some compassion----the notion that the downing of the Temple in Jerusalem DESTROYED DA JOOOOOS is vital to the
psyche's of islamo nazis world-wide
have some compassion----the notion that the downing of the Temple in Jerusalem DESTROYED DA JOOOOOS is vital to the
psyche's of islamo nazis world-wide
I find it interesting how he gloms onto one verse and completely ignores the rest of the chapter. It's like the entire concept of context vanishes when they talk about the Bible.
The evidence is clear, they were there. Answer this if you're convinced they were not, from where did the army of Israelites come that kicked the Canaanites out of Canaan if they were living there the whole time?

There were skirmishes with Joshua , not battles .. it just more grandiose exaggeration.
I find it interesting how he gloms onto one verse and completely ignores the rest of the chapter. It's like the entire concept of context vanishes when they talk about the Bible.

That's silly . Revelation is a letter to the seven churches of the first century.
There were skirmishes with Joshua , not battles .. it just more grandiose exaggeration.
Is it your position that the Israelis never had a nation in that area? Because you have a very steep hill to climb if you want to claim that.
That's silly . Revelation is a letter to the seven churches of the first century.
You made a claim about the book that is patently false. I corrected you, yet you seem unable to accept the correction.
You are entitled to your opinion

no, it is your opinion that has no foundation and murdering people is a crime whether you like it or not.

who do you think the jews are - is a concern for everyone.
Is it your position that the Israelis never had a nation in that area? Because you have a very steep hill to climb if you want to claim that.

More like a vassal state under Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Assyrians, Romans etc.

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