Will Trump ever be sworn in as president?

I'm not so sure. He's developing some serious conflicts of interest and ethics problems. Then, there's also that potential problem with "faithless electors" on December 19. What if they develop a conscience?
If you had ever developed any intellect, you wouldn't need to ask asinine questions.
Good for you. All the more reason for Democrats and liberals to arm themselves. I'll continue asking them to.

You fucking femanized pantie wastes are more a danger to yourselves than anyone else.
Bring it.

You're the one talking about bringing it, you wimpy mother fucker, get off your ass and do something. All this talk is really getting boring.
Yet you're still responding. :rolleyes:

What can I say, I enjoy pissing on girlymen. Why don't you get your ass in the streets, then I won't have to fuck with you.
You piss on girly men? :cuckoo:

Fucking Trump supporters :dunno:
You fucking femanized pantie wastes are more a danger to yourselves than anyone else.
Bring it.

You're the one talking about bringing it, you wimpy mother fucker, get off your ass and do something. All this talk is really getting boring.
Yet you're still responding. :rolleyes:

What can I say, I enjoy pissing on girlymen. Why don't you get your ass in the streets, then I won't have to fuck with you.
You piss on girly men? :cuckoo:

Fucking Trump supporters :dunno:

Oh, you don't want to know what kind of fetishes Trump supporters have.
Trump will be inaugurated.

To address the OP directly, I don't see how there are 37 Republican electors ready to switch against Trump. Even if some of these electors were Cruz people in states he did well in, I just don't see it happening.

There may be ethics issues within his conflicts of interest down the road, but I don't see that escalating into impeachable territory until something actually comes out that proves wrongdoing occurred.

I think we should expect a tumultuous administration because nothing about him or many of the choices he's made regarding his cabinet/advisers is normal.
You fucking femanized pantie wastes are more a danger to yourselves than anyone else.
Bring it.

You're the one talking about bringing it, you wimpy mother fucker, get off your ass and do something. All this talk is really getting boring.
Yet you're still responding. :rolleyes:

What can I say, I enjoy pissing on girlymen. Why don't you get your ass in the streets, then I won't have to fuck with you.
You piss on girly men? :cuckoo:

Fucking Trump supporters :dunno:

You mad grilybro? I really hope you are, mad enough to get off your fat ass, put you coat on and hit the streets. That's where you belong.
Bring it.

You're the one talking about bringing it, you wimpy mother fucker, get off your ass and do something. All this talk is really getting boring.
Yet you're still responding. :rolleyes:

What can I say, I enjoy pissing on girlymen. Why don't you get your ass in the streets, then I won't have to fuck with you.
You piss on girly men? :cuckoo:

Fucking Trump supporters :dunno:

You mad grilybro? I really hope you are, mad enough to get off your fat ass, put you coat on and hit the streets. That's where you belong.

Bring it.

You're the one talking about bringing it, you wimpy mother fucker, get off your ass and do something. All this talk is really getting boring.
Yet you're still responding. :rolleyes:

What can I say, I enjoy pissing on girlymen. Why don't you get your ass in the streets, then I won't have to fuck with you.
You piss on girly men? :cuckoo:

Fucking Trump supporters :dunno:

Oh, you don't want to know what kind of fetishes Trump supporters have.
You best hope so; any other result would tear this country apart.
Electors who failed in their duties would be unwise to go home again. Ever.

You'll be there to "scare" them, yeah?
I'm not so sure. He's developing some serious conflicts of interest and ethics problems. Then, there's also that potential problem with "faithless electors" on December 19. What if they develop a conscience?

Donald Trump's Potential Conflicts of Interest Continue To Mount

Donald Trump Meets With His Indian Business Partners Despite Blind Trust Promises
Honestly, Trump should count every day that he wakes up alive as a blessing
You could say that about anyone of us...
Bring it.

You're the one talking about bringing it, you wimpy mother fucker, get off your ass and do something. All this talk is really getting boring.
Yet you're still responding. :rolleyes:

What can I say, I enjoy pissing on girlymen. Why don't you get your ass in the streets, then I won't have to fuck with you.
You piss on girly men? :cuckoo:

Fucking Trump supporters :dunno:

Oh, you don't want to know what kind of fetishes Trump supporters have.
You hildaskank panty-sniffers crack me up.
I'm not so sure. He's developing some serious conflicts of interest and ethics problems. Then, there's also that potential problem with "faithless electors" on December 19. What if they develop a conscience?

Donald Trump's Potential Conflicts of Interest Continue To Mount

Donald Trump Meets With His Indian Business Partners Despite Blind Trust Promises

He is one corrupt son of a bitch. He'll be impeached within a year anyway.
He has ever right to wrap up any business he has before being sworn in. Apparently you don't understand the meaning of the word "corrupt".
I'm not so sure. He's developing some serious conflicts of interest and ethics problems. Then, there's also that potential problem with "faithless electors" on December 19. What if they develop a conscience?

Donald Trump's Potential Conflicts of Interest Continue To Mount

Donald Trump Meets With His Indian Business Partners Despite Blind Trust Promises

You're drowning Lakhota, you're drowning. Quick, there's a straw on the water, grab it and try to save yourself.
Yep. And it's looking like republican states, who have the highest participation rates in welfare and food stamps programs, have finally gone a step too far in their demands. At least I hope. It's getting about time for there to be a reckoning.

Republicans can come down hard on welfare recipients and they won't lose one vote because the people collecting government goodies in those red states are Democrat voters.
Yep. And it's looking like republican states, who have the highest participation rates in welfare and food stamps programs, have finally gone a step too far in their demands. At least I hope. It's getting about time for there to be a reckoning.

Republicans can come down hard on welfare recipients and they won't lose one vote because the people collecting government goodies in those red states are Democrat voters.
Yeah sure Ray. Go ask all those patriotic, Trump groveling farmers to give up their government subsidies.
And when is Trump going to release his taxes? What the hell is in those goddamn things that he won't reveal?

Why should he release them? It's driving you libs batshit and it's funny as all hell. Kind of like playing with your dog using a laser pen. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I'm not so sure. He's developing some serious conflicts of interest and ethics problems. Then, there's also that potential problem with "faithless electors" on December 19. What if they develop a conscience?

Donald Trump's Potential Conflicts of Interest Continue To Mount

Donald Trump Meets With His Indian Business Partners Despite Blind Trust Promises
Honestly, Trump should count every day that he wakes up alive as a blessing
I'm sure the Secret Service will be on the lookout for Clinton supporters.
Then they'll have to be on the lookout for the majority of the country
Nah, half of the Democrats who voted for Clinton are Sanders supporters who would rather kill Clinton than Trump.
Sander's supporters are about to get the biggest, and perhaps only, reality check of their entire lives. They can go down with the ship, or fight the people trying to sink it. I hope they make the right choice.
Just the opposite is true, Sanders supporters are about to take over the party or if they fail, to leave the party, and that would end it. They understand the Democratic Party has lost its soul, it reason for being, and they understand it was the Clintons who took it from them, and they are trying to return the party to its core values.

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