Will trump punk out?

Obama and Clinton are leaving Trump with an awful mess. They've dragged us to the brink of WWIII. Russia shouldn't be our enemy. The Russian People have so much in common with the American People. Another Cold War or WWIII, is completely unnecessary. Hopefully Trump can reset Clinton/Obama's disastrous 'Reset Button.' WWIII can be averted. But Trump's got his hands full repairing Obama's awful damage. I wish him the best of luck.
Only wish that was true I despised republicans for the mess they left obama and was angry Obama left them in so much a better position and with not even a thank you
Obama and Clinton are leaving Trump with an awful mess. They've dragged us to the brink of WWIII. Russia shouldn't be our enemy. The Russian People have so much in common with the American People. Another Cold War or WWIII, is completely unnecessary. Hopefully Trump can reset Clinton/Obama's disastrous 'Reset Button.' WWIII can be averted. But Trump's got his hands full repairing Obama's awful damage. I wish him the best of luck.
Only wish that was true I despised republicans for the mess they left obama and was angry Obama left them in so much a better position and with not even a thank you

Trump's inheriting an incredibly dangerous mess. Obama and Clinton have dragged us closer to WWIII. These are incredibly dangerous times. He'll have to 'reset' Obama and Clinton's Russia 'Reset Button' debacle. It's a matter of life and death.
Obama and Clinton are leaving Trump with an awful mess. They've dragged us to the brink of WWIII. Russia shouldn't be our enemy. The Russian People have so much in common with the American People. Another Cold War or WWIII, is completely unnecessary. Hopefully Trump can reset Clinton/Obama's disastrous 'Reset Button.' WWIII can be averted. But Trump's got his hands full repairing Obama's awful damage. I wish him the best of luck.
Only wish that was true I despised republicans for the mess they left obama and was angry Obama left them in so much a better position and with not even a thank you

Trump's inheriting an incredibly dangerous mess. Obama and Clinton have dragged us closer to WWIII. These are incredibly dangerous times. He'll have to 'reset' Obama and Clinton's Russia 'Reset Button' debacle. It's a matter of life and death.
Under Obama we've been FAR less bilegerant and FAR more interested in negotiated settlements than the GOP has EVER demonstrated in the modern era.

The GOP has pushed for war against Iran, for greater military action in Syria, for increasing the US troop presence in Iraq (even against the will of Iraq, which Bush made sovereign!!), etc.

So, sorry dude - it was Bush who cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of US troops in war and it has been the GOP who have been interested in MORE of the same.

Today, we have Trump cozing up to Russia, which is slaughtering civilians in Syria, attacking our democracy, threatening Eastern Europe, etc.
Obama and Clinton are leaving Trump with an awful mess. They've dragged us to the brink of WWIII. Russia shouldn't be our enemy. The Russian People have so much in common with the American People. Another Cold War or WWIII, is completely unnecessary. Hopefully Trump can reset Clinton/Obama's disastrous 'Reset Button.' WWIII can be averted. But Trump's got his hands full repairing Obama's awful damage. I wish him the best of luck.
Only wish that was true I despised republicans for the mess they left obama and was angry Obama left them in so much a better position and with not even a thank you

Trump's inheriting an incredibly dangerous mess. Obama and Clinton have dragged us closer to WWIII. These are incredibly dangerous times. He'll have to 'reset' Obama and Clinton's Russia 'Reset Button' debacle. It's a matter of life and death.
Under Obama we've been FAR less bilegerant and FAR more interested in negotiated settlements than the GOP has EVER demonstrated in the modern era.

The GOP has pushed for war against Iran, for greater military action in Syria, for increasing the US troop presence in Iraq (even against the will of Iraq, which Bush made sovereign!!), etc.

So, sorry dude - it was Bush who cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of US troops in war and it has been the GOP who have been interested in MORE of the same.

Today, we have Trump cozing up to Russia, which is slaughtering civilians in Syria, attacking our democracy, threatening Eastern Europe, etc.

Hopefully Trump will help avert WWIII. He'll have to diffuse Obama and Clinton's ticking time bomb. We'll see what happens.
Yes, let's poke the bear on the way out so Obama can prove his manhood and leave his successor with WWIII
With the chump kissing Putins butt we have nothing to fear Putin won't take advantage of his buddy And pigs fly

And It's not poking the bear but letting ALL OUR friends and allies to know that we'll be there for them if worst comes to worst UNFORTUNATELY trump is leaning on the side of making enemies of our friends
Don't Cosset the Cossacks

The Eurine Union and NYETO are not our friends. Eastern Europe contains greedy cowardly parasites and belongs back in Russia's 300-year-old Sphere of Influence.
Everytime you say "what about Obama or Hillary" you are equating trump with them. And you getting capital letter butt hurt shows you know it. :p
To equate Obama with Trump is to bestow a greater service on Trump than he will ever deserve, to equate Hillary with anyone including Trump is to bestow a greater disservice on them than they deserve...As far as I'm concerned, Trump has already performed his greatest service to America, he should now ride off into the sunset as an American hero.
Everytime you say "what about Obama or Hillary" you are equating trump with them. And you getting capital letter butt hurt shows you know it. :p
To equate Obama with Trump is to bestow a greater service on Trump than he will ever deserve, to equate Hillary with anyone including Trump is to bestow a greater disservice on them than they deserve...As far as I'm concerned, Trump has already performed his greatest service to America, he should now ride off into the sunset as an American hero.
Hi O Silver Away
Everytime you say "what about Obama or Hillary" you are equating trump with them. And you getting capital letter butt hurt shows you know it. :p
To equate Obama with Trump is to bestow a greater service on Trump than he will ever deserve, to equate Hillary with anyone including Trump is to bestow a greater disservice on them than they deserve...As far as I'm concerned, Trump has already performed his greatest service to America, he should now ride off into the sunset as an American hero.
You are the one doing the equating, so you venerate Obama as well as Trump.

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