Zone1 Will truth ever be told of who partook in underage parties with Epstein?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Plastered all over the internet this weekend was a "new list" of names of people who flew on Epstein's plane.
One of those name was Tom Hanks... shock and awe. But wait... that is simply made up. On those hundreds of flight logs - Hank's name is simply not there. But all it took was one blogger on Twitter to say it was - and just like magic it was repeated everywhere. No one even checked.
And then that brought on more of the same old lies and insinuations.
The media brought up Trump again, and just like magic every time they brought up Trump they kept putting his name along side Prince Andrews... someone known to not just been on Epsteins plane - but pedo island. Thereby insinuating that that is where Trump also went.
Which is simply not true. It just isn't. The last log on Epsteins plane that list Trump is from the 1990s. all over a decade before Epstein plead guilty of prostitution in 2008. The fact is, the instant Epstein pled guilty, Trump dropped any and all connections with him and even banned him from Trump's resort. Not that Trump was ever really associated with Epstein in the first place. But that didn't stop ABCNEWS from calling the pair "best buds". Which is a complete fabrication. They have since never retracted that lie.
Trump, like 100s of other people, flew on the $billionaires plane to short domestic jaunts to attend fundraisers and other meetings. Not pedo island. But the media doesn't pause to insinuate Trump did by constantly listing his name with Andrews and others known to have went to pedo island.

With so much misinformation we will never know.
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After they are all dead and gone, and there's nobody to proscecute.
My only real interest is who, if any, were or are elected officials. Besides Clinton that is.
More than likely the Clinton machine went into action shortly after 2008 to cleanse any incriminatory information that would show the former President being there, and others they would want to protect. That is not factual known of course, but likely.
My only real interest is who, if any, were or are elected officials. Besides Clinton that is.
More than likely the Clinton machine went into action shortly after 2008 to cleanse any incriminatory information that would show the former President being there, and others they would want to protect. That is not factual known of course, but likely.
In yer wet wild dreams.
Its a puzzle that more names havent come out .I can see why some people might not want to get involved in this.Maybe they are scared.

But its also possible thaat only Epstein was involved in the trafficking and it was his personal thing.

Thats not an exciting answer but habeus corpus and all that.
Plastered all over the internet this weekend was a "new list" of names of people who flew on Epstein's plane.
One of those name was Tom Hanks... shock and awe. But wait... that is simply made up. On those hundreds of flight logs - Hank's name is simply not there. But all it took was one blogger on Twitter to say it was - and just like magic it was repeated everywhere. No one even checked.
And then that brought on more of the same old lies and insinuations.
The media brought up Trump again, and just like magic every time they brought up Trump they kept putting his name along side Prince Andrews... someone known to not just been on Epsteins plane - but pedo island. Thereby insinuating that that is where Trump also went.
Which is simply not true. It just isn't. The last log on Epsteins plane that list Trump is from the 1990s. all over a decade before Epstein plead guilty of prostitution in 2008. The fact is, the instant Epstein pled guilty, Trump dropped any and all connections with him and even banned him from Trump's resort. Not that Trump was ever really associated with Epstein in the first place. But that didn't stop ABCNEWS from calling the pair "best buds". Which is a complete fabrication. They have since never retracted that lie.
Trump, like 100s of other people, flew on the $billionaires plane to short domestic jaunts to attend fundraisers and other meetings. Not pedo island. But the media doesn't pause to insinuate Trump did by constantly listing his name with Andrews and others known to have went to pedo island.

With so much misinformation we will never know.
Those who have Epstein's client list have something to hold over the heads of said clients.

It's really no more complicated than that.
I think patriots need to be careful re. the Epstein, and related "pedo" incidents. We must not use the Left's bad methods, even when they can be used against the Left, because we then implicitly endorse those methods.

Case in point: there is a Democratic governor who, as a youth, appeared in 'blackface'. Our side tended to say, "Oh, oh, oh... look at the terrible racist!" We should rather have said,"Big deal! Let's look at his actual policies, now." Or, if we want to look at what he did when he was young, did he do something really racist? (And even then, people can change: [ I Was a Violent Klansman Who Deserved to Die ] ).

We should not imitate the faux indignation of the Leftist phonies. (Similarly with someone who wore a Nazi uniform to a costume party. Grow up!)

So ... with respect to 'pedo island'. We sloppily use the word "paedophile" to apply to two distinct kinds of situation (among others -- I'll leave out same-sex attractions here)

(1) people (really, males) who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children and who attempt to give expression to those attractions.
(2) people (really, males) who are attracted to post-pubescent but legally underage girls, and who attempt to give expression to those attractions.

There is an enormous difference beween someone who tries to have sex with a 7-year old, on the one hand, and a 17-year old, on the other. The first is a crime. The second is mainly stupidity, if they are a lot older than she is.

(Then, of course, there are borderline cases, like the supposedly-sexually-experienced 13 year old that Roman Polansky sodomized after drugging her, with the post-event support of most of our pious Hollywood liberals. ((But not, to her credit, of the leftist editor of the The Nation magazine, Katha Pollit, who wrote a scathing editorial about this: [ Roman Polanski Has a Lot of Friends ] )) )

Note that in the backward, very religious, American South, the age of consent (to marriage anyway) used to be, in some places, 12 years old. (Well worth reading:[ Age of consent - Wikipedia ] )

I have not followed the Epstein business closely, but ... if the 'pedo island' girls were post-pubescent teenagers close to, but still below, the legal age of consent (which, remember, has changed dramatically over time), recruited by that woman with the promise of money and fame, knowing what was expected of them in return ... that's really very different than seven-year-olds.

It's grubby, perhaps, and stupid on the part of the men involved, but not the same thing as giving candy to a seven year old, or taking them to watch homosexual masochists parade down the street in full regalia, or having them take part in sick things like this: [ Children as Sex Objects: Why NYC Gay Pride Parade Is Being Called a 'Celebration of Pedophilia' ]. (It's not just old straight reactionaries like me who feel like this. See these good people:
[ Gays Against Groomers ] )

We need to be adults and not act like hysterical/hypocritical Lefties. This issue above all others tempts people into eruptions of hypocritical demagogy. Let's not join the Left in this.

There was a young lady from Kent,
Who said she knew what it meant,
When men took her to dine,
Plied her with whiskey and wine,
She knew what it meant ... but she went.
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Those who have Epstein's client list have something to hold over the heads of said clients.

It's really no more complicated than that.

The entire reason that Epstein's island existed was to manufacture this information.

Of course.

We know Trump partied with him...and was a member of his club. Not hard to connect the dots.

One thirty year old photo.



Plastered all over the internet this weekend was a "new list" of names of people who flew on Epstein's plane.
One of those name was Tom Hanks... shock and awe. But wait... that is simply made up. On those hundreds of flight logs - Hank's name is simply not there. But all it took was one blogger on Twitter to say it was - and just like magic it was repeated everywhere. No one even checked.
And then that brought on more of the same old lies and insinuations.
The media brought up Trump again, and just like magic every time they brought up Trump they kept putting his name along side Prince Andrews... someone known to not just been on Epsteins plane - but pedo island. Thereby insinuating that that is where Trump also went.
Which is simply not true. It just isn't. The last log on Epsteins plane that list Trump is from the 1990s. all over a decade before Epstein plead guilty of prostitution in 2008. The fact is, the instant Epstein pled guilty, Trump dropped any and all connections with him and even banned him from Trump's resort. Not that Trump was ever really associated with Epstein in the first place. But that didn't stop ABCNEWS from calling the pair "best buds". Which is a complete fabrication. They have since never retracted that lie.
Trump, like 100s of other people, flew on the $billionaires plane to short domestic jaunts to attend fundraisers and other meetings. Not pedo island. But the media doesn't pause to insinuate Trump did by constantly listing his name with Andrews and others known to have went to pedo island.

With so much misinformation we will never know.
You could have asked the question without ever bringing Trump into the discussion as the questions stands on its own merit and worthy of conversation. But by tucking Trump into the middle of the post, the motivation of the post is questioned.

Onto the meat of topic.
Plastered all over the internet this weekend was a "new list" of names of people who flew on Epstein's plane.
One of those name was Tom Hanks... shock and awe. But wait... that is simply made up. On those hundreds of flight logs - Hank's name is simply not there. But all it took was one blogger on Twitter to say it was - and just like magic it was repeated everywhere. No one even checked.
And then that brought on more of the same old lies and insinuations.
The media brought up Trump again, and just like magic every time they brought up Trump they kept putting his name along side Prince Andrews... someone known to not just been on Epsteins plane - but pedo island. Thereby insinuating that that is where Trump also went.
Which is simply not true. It just isn't. The last log on Epsteins plane that list Trump is from the 1990s. all over a decade before Epstein plead guilty of prostitution in 2008. The fact is, the instant Epstein pled guilty, Trump dropped any and all connections with him and even banned him from Trump's resort. Not that Trump was ever really associated with Epstein in the first place. But that didn't stop ABCNEWS from calling the pair "best buds". Which is a complete fabrication. They have since never retracted that lie.
Trump, like 100s of other people, flew on the $billionaires plane to short domestic jaunts to attend fundraisers and other meetings. Not pedo island. But the media doesn't pause to insinuate Trump did by constantly listing his name with Andrews and others known to have went to pedo island.

With so much misinformation we will never know.

The very fact that we have not seen the actual list of Epstein's clients yet tells me two things with almost total certainty:

1. There are no prominent Republicans or conservatives on the list.
2. There are MANY prominent Democrats and leftists on the list, likely many of whom are currently in elected offices.

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