America's First-Ever Stalinist Trial

So you have conceded; you're a Stalinist. We know. Too bad the USSR fell otherwise you could move there.

Only in the mind of a hyper partisan drone does believing one's political status does not make them above the law become "Stalinist".

This will blow your tiny, little mind, but being a politician does not make one above the law.
Only in the mind of a hyper partisan drone does believing one's political status does not make them above the law become "Stalinist".

This will blow your tiny, little mind, but being a politician does not make one above the law.

I already proved the point that you endorse LITERAL Stalinist tactics.
I already proved the point that you endorse LITERAL Stalinist tactics.

I am sure in your little mind you believe that to be true.

If someone is guilty of a crime, their political status should not matter.

But in the world of the hyper partisan it is the only thing that matters.
I am sure in your little mind you believe that to be true.

If someone is guilty of a crime, their political status should not matter.

But in the world of the hyper partisan it is the only thing that matters.

We are all "guilty of crimes" every blessed day, and if you don't know that you're more ignorant than I imagined. It's the application of the law that makes it just or unjust. You can just go talk to the wall if you think most Americans think this was just.
We are all "guilty of crimes" every blessed day, and if you don't know that you're more ignorant than I imagined. It's the application of the law that makes it just or unjust. You can just go talk to the wall if you think most Americans think this was just.

Yes, the application of the law...and for far too long our political class has been above the laws. People like you are cool with that, I am not.
We are all "guilty of crimes" every blessed day, and if you don't know that you're more ignorant than I imagined. It's the application of the law that makes it just or unjust. You can just go talk to the wall if you think most Americans think this was just.

It is sort of telling that you do not even dispute Trump being guilty, just that we all are guilty of some crime.
" What About BRICS And National Debt Jeopardizing Us Dollar As Reserve Currency ? "

* Legal Positivism Of Statute Contests For Misappropriation Of Funds And Fee Press Tactical Motives In Tabloid Propaganda *

From the Spectator. It's over. No one trusts the institutions. But the dunderheads here can be happy they got Trump.
It can be interesting to spend some time picking among the ruins of a once-great civilization. The ruins can be physical, as in they are, for example, in ancient Egypt or ancient Rome. But they can also be as it were metaphysical, as they are whenever a society somehow outlasts is animating vitalities.
The United States was built on the ideal of equality before the law. The very words now ring with a mournful quaintness. Who still believes them? As we troll through the vacated monuments of our civilization, we’ll often be reminded of David Hume’s observation that it is seldom that freedom is lost all at once.
Trump found guilty in America’s first-ever Stalinist trial
There is ignorance of the law .

There is rejection of invalid law .

There is acceptance of invalid law .

There is rejection of valid law .

There is acceptance of valid law .

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Only in the mind of a hyper partisan drone does believing one's political status does not make them above the law become "Stalinist".

This will blow your tiny, little mind, but being a politician does not make one above the law.
Squeals the hyper partisan drone.

You're too funny.
From the Spectator. It's over. No one trusts the institutions. But the dunderheads here can be happy they got Trump.

It can be interesting to spend some time picking among the ruins of a once-great civilization. The ruins can be physical, as in they are, for example, in ancient Egypt or ancient Rome. But they can also be as it were metaphysical, as they are whenever a society somehow outlasts is animating vitalities.

The United States was built on the ideal of equality before the law. The very words now ring with a mournful quaintness. Who still believes them? As we troll through the vacated monuments of our civilization, we’ll often be reminded of David Hume’s observation that it is seldom that freedom is lost all at once.

Trump found guilty in America’s first-ever Stalinist trial
It is sort of telling that you do not even dispute Trump being guilty, just that we all are guilty of some crime.
Yeah, we do. It is a shame trial run by a corrupt judge.

Trump committed no crime.

We all know it, yet here you are, LYING again.
I think it's about a 50/50 split between trolling and mental illness here. Well also, there is true evil.

which of the 3 do you fall under? Trolling, crazy or evil?

Or are you a combo of all 3?

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