America's First-Ever Stalinist Trial

which of the 3 do you fall under? Trolling, crazy or evil?

Or are you a combo of all 3?

Thank you for admitting their are no arguments left on this. A few more days and you rats will try to abandon the ship in droves. But we have the receipts
Thank you for admitting their are no arguments left on this. A few more days and you rats will try to abandon the ship in droves. But we have the receipts

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

sorry sweetheart, I do not give a fuck who wins the next election, my life will not change one iota and the country is fucked either way.

But I am damn happy you have given up all pretenses of not putting Trump before Jesus
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

sorry sweetheart, I do not give a fuck who wins the next election, my life will not change one iota and the country is fucked either way.

But I am damn happy you have given up all pretenses of not putting Trump before Jesus

I quote:

"The country is F'ed either way"

That is the best concession of defeat ever. Right, it's all backfiring, we knew this.
I quote:

"The country is F'ed either way"

That is the best concession of defeat ever. Right, it's all backfiring, we knew this.

I am glad you agree that no matter who wins the country is fucked.

When you are choosing between gonorrhea or syphilis there is no winning choice, just two fucked ones.
We are all "guilty of crimes" every blessed day, and if you don't know that you're more ignorant than I imagined. It's the application of the law that makes it just or unjust. You can just go talk to the wall if you think most Americans think this was just.

Are you guilty of crimes every day? Have you defrauded a bank or charity, laundered money?
I do find this projectionist of Stalinism on Democrats by Trumpists amusing given that Trumpist represent Leninism/Stalinism In its purest form. Steve Bannon, the prime architect of the MAGA movement, has described hitself as a proud Leninist. Bannon says heâs a Leninist: that could explain the White Houseâs new tactics | Victor Sebestyen

MAGA itself refects Stalinist tactics and philosophy.

Look at MAGA rhetoric and actions and compare It to Leninist/Stalinist rhetoric and actions. It is eerily similar.

Their Opponents and the Press are “Enemies of the People.”

Total Devotion to an individual leader.

Disdain of the Rule of law.

And above all, their fantasy to see the Whole state apparatus collapse.

It is therefore no surprise that they attack the jury in Trump’s case because discrediting the jury/legal system, as well as the whole election fraud lie, is nothing more then their attempt to discredit our system of government as a prelude to bringing it all down.
Are you guilty of crimes every day? Have you defrauded a bank or charity, laundered money?

When you all crow about "no one is above the law", you're crowing for a nation with TOO MANY LAWS in the first place. JUSTICE means you weigh out the severity of the crime and judge accordingly. Since you all trampled that because one man broke you, maybe after the red wave comes we'll start prosecuting you for some of these.

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.

From the Spectator. It's over. No one trusts the institutions. But the dunderheads here can be happy they got Trump.

It can be interesting to spend some time picking among the ruins of a once-great civilization. The ruins can be physical, as in they are, for example, in ancient Egypt or ancient Rome. But they can also be as it were metaphysical, as they are whenever a society somehow outlasts is animating vitalities.

The United States was built on the ideal of equality before the law. The very words now ring with a mournful quaintness. Who still believes them? As we troll through the vacated monuments of our civilization, we’ll often be reminded of David Hume’s observation that it is seldom that freedom is lost all at once.

Trump found guilty in America’s first-ever Stalinist trial
I've always said, "The Land of the Free", is purely a marketing slogan. Some believe it. Now, Kim and Putin often jail and kill their opposition to stay in power, the Democrats in the USA have caught up with the jailing part.

Ah, the old "I know what you are, but what am I?" retort.

Always a classic at first grade recess time.

Not to brag, because it's low-hanging fruit, but I've reduced a lot of them to first grade name-calling these days. It's not difficult. They're all 13 yo girls when it comes to Trump...really, a lot of things. I've been a 13 yo girl and grew up so......
Not to brag, because it's low-hanging fruit, but I've reduced a lot of them to first grade name-calling these days. It's not difficult. They're all 13 yo girls when it comes to Trump...really, a lot of things. I've been a 13 yo girl and grew up so......

Is that your goal?

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