America's First-Ever Stalinist Trial

In my Criminal Justice class the professor said that justice in the United States depends upon whose court you are in, how good your lawyer is and how much money you have. What did Trump in, was, whose court he was in and the judge's instruction to the jury to, "go find a crime."
Good analysis, but it is important to also include that it was the judge, not the prosecution, who came up with a crime. And did so after the defense was done and not allowed any further rebuttal.
as a wise man once said "i yam waht I yam"

What you see is what you get.

But, I will never be a Trump worshipping drone like I have that going for me.
Nobody who can make a reasoned argument for his/her opinion is a drone.

And I'm sure you don't care to discuss Biden supporting drones who can make no reasoned argument based on any verifiable fact and generally can't even articulate an opinion that isn't just trolling in the first place.
Nobody who can make a reasoned argument for his/her opinion is a drone.

And I'm sure you don't care to discuss Biden supporting drones who can make no reasoned argument based on any verifiable fact and generally can't even articulate an opinion that isn't just trolling in the first place.

I dislike the Biden supporting drones as much as the Trump ones.

Partisanship is killing our country, and none of these people care.
I dislike the Biden supporting drones as much as the Trump ones.

Partisanship is killing our country, and none of these people care.
Partisanship is fine so long as it stay within fair play/law/rules. Having differing points of view and arguing out the merits of each will almost always results in better knowledge, understanding, problem solving, legislation than if there is only one point of view allowed.

Partisanship is not the problem. That one side wants there to be no partisanship but is disallowing, silencing, suppressing any differing expression of opinion is the problem. That one side would weaponize the process to cancel, silence, suppress any who oppose them is the problem.

Those on the right who have no compromise in them are a problem.
Those on the left who have no compromise in them are a problem.

There are a hell of a lot more of those on the left than there are on the right these days. And that's the problem.

Trump caught hell from the left because he isn't one of them, doesn't think like them, and he promotes good things for America that they hate.

Trump catches hell from the right because he doesn't demand his way or the highway but looks for ways to compromise and make deals to get things done. Because by rejecting the status quo and thinking outside the box, he got things done they didn't or couldn't do; said couldn't be done.

The problem is those on the right try to do things via due process and by respecting the Constitution and rule of law.

Those on the left no longer do. One of many glaring examples is in the OP of this thread.
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I dislike the Biden supporting drones as much as the Trump ones.

Partisanship is killing our country, and none of these people care.
Squeals the partisan.

Your support of chase oliver exposes you for the Marxist trash we've always known you to be.
Those on the right who have no compromise in them are a problem.
Those on the left who have no compromise in them are a problem.

This is what makes you so-called ''moderates'' the biggest threat to Individual liberty in America today.

Historically, they're just okay with all of the bad, anti-liberty legislation coming from both so-called sides of the party-of-one.

You're either a defender of the cause of liberty or you're an aggressor toward it.

Pick one.

There is no in-between.
This is what makes you so-called ''moderates'' the biggest threat to Individual liberty in America today.

Historically, they're just okay with all of the bad, anti-liberty legislation coming from both so-called sides of the party-of-one.

You're either a defender of the cause of liberty or you're an aggressor toward it.

Pick one.

There is no in-between.
But my idea of liberty and your idea of liberty may be at complete odds. And if we cannot figure out at way to close the chasm and arrive at a policy or laws or solution with which we can both accept and live, then the chasm remains and whatever policy or laws or solution exists will be deeply wrong to at least half of the people. Those who think they and they alone have all the truth that exists will almost always contribute more to our problems than to the solutions to those problems.

I am not saying there is no right or wrong. I am not saying there is no good or bad. I am not saying that there are no hills worth standing and dying on. But if we don't at least look at all sides of the problem, we aren't going to know where those hills are.
But my idea of liberty and your idea of liberty may be at complete odds. And if we cannot figure out at way to close the chasm and arrive at a policy or laws or solution with which we can both accept and live, then the chasm remains and whatever policy or laws or solution exists will be deeply wrong to at least half of the people.

We have a very good guide. It's called the Constitution.

Those who think they and they alone have all the truth that exists will almost always contribute more to our problems than to the solutions to those problems.

The Swamp thanks ''the moderate vote'' for its support...

From the Spectator. It's over. No one trusts the institutions. But the dunderheads here can be happy they got Trump.

It can be interesting to spend some time picking among the ruins of a once-great civilization. The ruins can be physical, as in they are, for example, in ancient Egypt or ancient Rome. But they can also be as it were metaphysical, as they are whenever a society somehow outlasts is animating vitalities.

The United States was built on the ideal of equality before the law. The very words now ring with a mournful quaintness. Who still believes them? As we troll through the vacated monuments of our civilization, we’ll often be reminded of David Hume’s observation that it is seldom that freedom is lost all at once.

Trump found guilty in America’s first-ever Stalinist trial
Alvin Bragg resurrected the DEAD MISDEMEANOR and created his Frankenstein case immediately after Trump declared he was running again. Had he not declared, neither this bullshit case nor the fake "Civil Fraud" case by Letitia James would have been pursued. Everyone with a modicum of common sense knows these cases were to stop Donald Trump from running.
Yet, here you are right in this very thread supporting a completely Stalinist move against a political enemy.

You keep using that word and have no clue what it means. At least you are good for a laugh.

So, do tell....does thinking being a "political opponent: make one above the law?
You keep using that word and have no clue what it means. At least you are good for a laugh.

So, do tell....does thinking being a "political opponent: make one above the law?

Literally a jurist from Stalin Soviet Union said. Hello?

Give me the man and I will give you the case against him

"Give me the man and I will give you the case against him" is a saying that was popularized in the Soviet Union and in Poland in the period of the People's Republic of Poland, attributed to the Stalinist-era Soviet jurist Andrey Vyshinsky

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