Will we ever close the gap between white and blacks???

And they are identified as NUBIANS.

Is this really the state of liberal education? Seriously? Nubians bringing gold to the Pharoah means that the Egyptians were black.

It's time to despair over the country.
Amen! Rosie has a Master's in Urban Education!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
And they are identified as NUBIANS.

Is this really the state of liberal education? Seriously? Nubians bringing gold to the Pharoah means that the Egyptians were black.

It's time to despair over the country.

Homeschooled were ya? Couldn't be bothered to read upthread, couldja.

With the implication that Nubians were indeed black (none would have been allowed into segregated schools in the US) the required reading demonstrates that Nubians and Egyptians were interbreeding. Nubians actually took over Egypt altogether for a century. Modern Egyptians have Nubian blood.

My new friend Matthew didn't need to be told that ancient Nubia, aka Kush, is modern day Sudan.

Could Sudan, north and south, have both mixed race and predominently black African populations?

You bet yer dumbass who is too lazy to read links.

Regards from Rosie
My God Rosie, are you that impressed with someone knowing Nubia of yore is the Sudan of today?! I suppose in your role as an urban educator, this must be very impressive indeed. The state of urban education must be very sad.
Firstly, I think comparing jtpr312 to a baboon is very unfair to baboons.

Secondly, my admiration for Matthew is limitless. *He* didn't have to be told where Nubia was. You would think Meathead and jtpr could not use their ignorance as part of their excuses;but that seems to be too much to ask.

Thirdly, it is well known that racial superiority in archaeology was prevalent for more than 100 years and didn't begin to thaw until the middle of the last century. Any possible signs of advancement by non-whites was suppressed so as to not give certain people "ideas".

In matters of intellectual enquiry one goes where the scientific evidence leads one....unless one cannot overcome one's own inferiority.

These days it is unimaginable that Egyptian mummies were routinely unwrapped and the wrappings thrown away or given away. Mummies also used to be broken apart so differing "curiosities" could charge admission to see their particular mummy body part.

Such cavalier treatment of the human remains of antiquity is considered at best distasteful and at worst scientifically tragic - but such ignorance and racist disregard was overcome.

One last reminder - opinion can never refute anything.

Regards from Rosie

I had no need to address your comments on Nubia, as I addressed the point that they were NOT sub saharan negroids just as the Egyptians weren't. They Kushites were from Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt. You can whine and cry all you want, but the fact is the sub saharan negroid has never developed any type of great or lasting civilization, period. The Northern blacks can thanks the semitc influences for any civilizations they built.
There are no races, you pathetic baboon.

Please be less fucking stupid, for once in your meth-addled life.

There are no races? This is just such an asinine statement I don't even know how to begin addressing it. First let me ask. Is this statement based upon some scientific evidence or is is based soley on some head in your ass, liberal philosophy?

Of course you don't know how; you've proven yourself to be the intellectual equivalent of 'kaakaa peepee poopoo'. Thinking is, to say the least, not your strong suit.

And with your scientific illiteracy, what would be the point? Your obviously long felon record and incarceration stole those years from you where you might have actually got an education.

Dance, little trained monkey, dance!

First off, as far as race, or racial classification goes. Educate yourself.

Race Main - People and Households - U.S. Census Bureauwww.census.gov › People and HouseholdsCached
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Nov 28, 2012 – The racial categories included in the census questionnaire generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country and not an ...
Racial classification - Encyclopedia - The Free Dictionaryencyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Racial+classificationCached - Similar
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race, one of the group of populations regarded as constituting humanity. The differences that have historically determined the classification into races are ...
Racial classification - The Free Dictionarywww.thefreedictionary.com/Racial+classificationCached
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A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula. race 1 (r s). n. 1. A local geographic or global human population ...
The Races of Humanity - The Racial Compactwww.racialcompact.com/racesofhumanity.htmlCached - Similar
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In the system of racial classification outlined below the names assigned to the various subspecies and races are, with a few exceptions, based on geographical ...
Racial Classificationswww.latinamericanstudies.org/race.htmCached - Similar
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16 Racial Classifications of 18th century Latin America ... Milestone for Those of Mixed Race · Broward schools remove 'negro' from racial background form ...

Secondly, I have not one criminal conviction, for anything, not even a speeding ticket.

Thirdly, the only one acting like a trained monkey here is you. You regurgitate the bs you've been spoon fed, because that's all you can do.
The entire premise that Nubians were black and therefore closely related to sub-Saharan tribes is tenuous at best. Nubians were not a people of sub-Saharan origin. Geographically and morphological it is clear that even the descendants of the ancients today are not negroid, but are far more closely related to the Caucasoid peoples of the Arabian Peninsula, as are the Ethiopians and Somalis.

Racial Reality: Mesolithic Nubians Probably Weren't Negroid

It's extremely unlikely that Negroids would have penetrated so far north and east that early in time, and even more so considering that the later Nubians were Caucasoid, which requires the equally unlikely explanation of total population replacement after the Pleistocene. The continuity model that a robust, generalized early population evolved into Nubia's modern Caucasoid inhabitants makes a lot more sense.
Firstly, I think comparing jtpr312 to a baboon is very unfair to baboons.

Secondly, my admiration for Matthew is limitless. *He* didn't have to be told where Nubia was. You would think Meathead and jtpr could not use their ignorance as part of their excuses;but that seems to be too much to ask.

Thirdly, it is well known that racial superiority in archaeology was prevalent for more than 100 years and didn't begin to thaw until the middle of the last century. Any possible signs of advancement by non-whites was suppressed so as to not give certain people "ideas".

In matters of intellectual enquiry one goes where the scientific evidence leads one....unless one cannot overcome one's own inferiority.

These days it is unimaginable that Egyptian mummies were routinely unwrapped and the wrappings thrown away or given away. Mummies also used to be broken apart so differing "curiosities" could charge admission to see their particular mummy body part.

Such cavalier treatment of the human remains of antiquity is considered at best distasteful and at worst scientifically tragic - but such ignorance and racist disregard was overcome.

One last reminder - opinion can never refute anything.

Regards from Rosie

I had no need to address your comments on Nubia, as I addressed the point that they were NOT sub saharan negroids just as the Egyptians weren't. They Kushites were from Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt. You can whine and cry all you want, but the fact is the sub saharan negroid has never developed any type of great or lasting civilization, period. The Northern blacks can thanks the semitc influences for any civilizations they


Again....mere opinion does not refute ANYTHING.

Regards from Rosie
The entire premise that Nubians were black and therefore closely related to sub-Saharan tribes is tenuous at best. Nubians were not a people of sub-Saharan origin. Geographically and morphological it is clear that even the descendants of the ancients today are not negroid, but are far more closely related to the Caucasoid peoples of the Arabian Peninsula, as are the Ethiopians and Somalis.

Racial Reality: Mesolithic Nubians Probably Weren't Negroid

It's extremely unlikely that Negroids would have penetrated so far north and east that early in time, and even more so considering that the later Nubians were Caucasoid, which requires the equally unlikely explanation of total population replacement after the Pleistocene. The continuity model that a robust, generalized early population evolved into Nubia's modern Caucasoid inhabitants makes a lot more sense.

Racial Reality. Who? Powered by Blogger.

Really. My Jack Russell Terrier, "Snoopy" can have a Blogger blog. I can type it for him. They are FREE! W00t!

Guess that's the best you can do with a Liberal Farts degree like International Relations.

Regards from Rosie
There are no races? This is just such an asinine statement I don't even know how to begin addressing it. First let me ask. Is this statement based upon some scientific evidence or is is based soley on some head in your ass, liberal philosophy?

Of course you don't know how; you've proven yourself to be the intellectual equivalent of 'kaakaa peepee poopoo'. Thinking is, to say the least, not your strong suit.

And with your scientific illiteracy, what would be the point? Your obviously long felon record and incarceration stole those years from you where you might have actually got an education.

Dance, little trained monkey, dance!

First off, as far as race, or racial classification goes. Educate yourself.

Race Main - People and Households - U.S. Census Bureauwww.census.gov › People and HouseholdsCached
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Nov 28, 2012 – The racial categories included in the census questionnaire generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country and not an ...
Racial classification - Encyclopedia - The Free Dictionaryencyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Racial+classificationCached - Similar
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
race, one of the group of populations regarded as constituting humanity. The differences that have historically determined the classification into races are ...
Racial classification - The Free Dictionarywww.thefreedictionary.com/Racial+classificationCached
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula. race 1 (r s). n. 1. A local geographic or global human population ...
The Races of Humanity - The Racial Compactwww.racialcompact.com/racesofhumanity.htmlCached - Similar
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
In the system of racial classification outlined below the names assigned to the various subspecies and races are, with a few exceptions, based on geographical ...
Racial Classificationswww.latinamericanstudies.org/race.htmCached - Similar
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16 Racial Classifications of 18th century Latin America ... Milestone for Those of Mixed Race · Broward schools remove 'negro' from racial background form ...

Secondly, I have not one criminal conviction, for anything, not even a speeding ticket.

Thirdly, the only one acting like a trained monkey here is you. You regurgitate the bs you've been spoon fed, because that's all you can do.

A. Yawn. There is no biological/genetic characteristic known as 'race', poor dancing little monkey.

B. You've convicted yourself in the court of intellectual capacity and honesty. Guilty of being a whiny little goon, capable only of repeating talking points lent to you by your masters.

C. The ironic thing is, yet again, you wouldn't know.

Dance, slave monkey, dance!
Get over it RosieS. The only thing you seem able to communicate is that you've had some sort of politically correct indoctrination that you were dumb enough to follow. I suppose you consider education in highly-charged pc subject as valid, but I would liken it to Quran studies in a madras school. I spent a considerable amount of time in universities as an undergrad and graduate and the most asinine, self-righteous and ignorant pipsqueaks I'd ever run across were normally young women studying things exactly like urban education. With any insight, I expect you would already realize that much.

You are clearly attempting to argue above the station your background warrants. Case in point, a link to an article you posted which claims not only that the original native Americans were black, but that West Africa traded with Central America over 1000 years ago and was the impetus for the Olmec civilization. Do you actually have any idea how ditzy one must be to give credence to something so idiotic, much less to link it? Yet you appear to be offended by derision.

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