Will we ever close the gap between white and blacks???

It's always amusing to watch the racist idiots start shaking and sweating over the fact that Egypt is located in Africa. They fall all over each other, stammering and insisting. You can sense the sweat rolling down their necks as they scramble for distinctions they can find or fabricate. They panic when their worldview is in such peril. The qualifier "sub-Saharan" is then very conspicuously used as often as possible until they start to feel more secure in their irrational fear and hatred again.

What a bunch of clowns.
It's always amusing to watch the racist idiots start shaking and sweating over the fact that Egypt is located in Africa. They fall all over each other, stammering and insisting. You can sense the sweat rolling down their necks as they scramble for distinctions they can find or fabricate. They panic when their worldview is in such peril. The qualifier "sub-Saharan" is then very conspicuously used as often as possible until they start to feel more secure in their irrational fear and hatred again.

What a bunch of clowns.
Don't be an ass. China and Greece can be found on the contiguous geographical entity called Eurasia. Are we then supposed to assume Greeks and Chinese are the same. Did the Greeks build the Great Wall or the Chinese the Acropolis? Did Nigerians build the Pyramids and the Egyptians build...nothing I guess.

And we're at at it, stop being such a whoose! Argue an occasional point instead of petulantly self-righteously whining.
Sub-saharan is the designation for where the negroid race originated, and trying to make it seem that Egypt is part of the sub-saharan/negroid culture/race is nothing but bullcrap. They Egyptians were not negroids. There has NEVER been any modern or any adavanced negroid civilization. They have built no major cities, no great roads, no ports, no hospitals, no universities, no ocean going vessels, no air travel, no nothing. Quite the contrary, when left intact civilizatins by the white Europeans, such as was the case in Rhodesia, they have destroyed that civilization. White ruled Rhodesia exported beef and agricultural goods throughout africa and the world and the quality of life was pretty good. The negroes "took back" their nation, renamed it Zimbabwe, threw the Rhodesians off the farms they built and worked and gave the farms to their negro countrymen, now they are starving in Zimbabwe. Not being able to build or maintain a civilized, prosperous nation on their own is the story all over black africa and is repeated throughout the world, in every nation, where large numbers of negroes decide to emigrate to. Too many blame the negro's plight in this nation on slavery, but the truth is that it is the same in nations that never had a history of importing negro slaves and is the case in their own nations in africa. Now the left, especially the white guilt filled scrotes of the left, can whine, cry and deny this all they want, but the archeological, sociological, anthropoligical and historical evidence, not to mention current events, proves them to be an inferior race/culture that has not advanced at the same rate as the Mongoloid or Caucasoid races/cultures. This is a fact plain and simple.
It's always amusing to watch the racist idiots start shaking and sweating over the fact that Egypt is located in Africa. They fall all over each other, stammering and insisting. You can sense the sweat rolling down their necks as they scramble for distinctions they can find or fabricate. They panic when their worldview is in such peril. The qualifier "sub-Saharan" is then very conspicuously used as often as possible until they start to feel more secure in their irrational fear and hatred again.

What a bunch of clowns.
Don't be an ass. China and Greece can be found on the contiguous geographical entity called Eurasia. Are we then supposed to assume Greeks and Chinese are the same. Did the Greeks build the Great Wall or the Chinese the Acropolis? Did Nigerians build the Pyramids and the Egyptians build...nothing I guess.

And we're at at it, stop being such a whoose! Argue an occasional point instead of petulantly self-righteously whining.

Are you scared? Is your ridiculous little worldview bullt on a house of cards? Why don't you try growing a pair and stop living your life ruled by childish, irrational fear? It's pathetic.
Sub-saharan is the designation for where the negroid race originated, and trying to make it seem that Egypt is part of the sub-saharan/negroid culture/race is nothing but bullcrap. They Egyptians were not negroids. There has NEVER been any modern or any adavanced negroid civilization. They have built no major cities, no great roads, no ports, no hospitals, no universities, no ocean going vessels, no air travel, no nothing. Quite the contrary, when left intact civilizatins by the white Europeans, such as was the case in Rhodesia, they have destroyed that civilization. White ruled Rhodesia exported beef and agricultural goods throughout africa and the world and the quality of life was pretty good. The negroes "took back" their nation, renamed it Zimbabwe, threw the Rhodesians off the farms they built and worked and gave the farms to their negro countrymen, now they are starving in Zimbabwe. Not being able to build or maintain a civilized, prosperous nation on their own is the story all over black africa and is repeated throughout the world, in every nation, where large numbers of negroes decide to emigrate to. Too many blame the negro's plight in this nation on slavery, but the truth is that it is the same in nations that never had a history of importing negro slaves and is the case in their own nations in africa. Now the left, especially the white guilt filled scrotes of the left, can whine, cry and deny this all they want, but the archeological, sociological, anthropoligical and historical evidence, not to mention current events, proves them to be an inferior race/culture that has not advanced at the same rate as the Mongoloid or Caucasoid races/cultures. This is a fact plain and simple.

:lol: This weak old fool is the perfect example of what I was talking about.
It's unlikely the arabs did this


Great Zimbabwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





Ancient Egypt conquered Nubian territory in various eras, and incorporated parts of the area into its provinces. The Nubians in turn were to conquer Egypt under its 25th Dynasty.

Kingdom of Nubia


Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Kingdom of Kush survived longer than that of Egypt, invaded Egypt (under the leadership of king Piye), and controlled Egypt during the 8th century, Kushite dynasty.[24] The Kushites held sway over their northern neighbors for nearly 100 years, until they were eventually repelled by the invading Assyrians.

Yes, Eygpt was in decline under them...So it isn't saying much. Assyria kicked their ass as is typical for any other race against blacks in history.

But Anyways Rosie is right for about 100 years of eygpts history.


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Firstly, I think comparing jtpr312 to a baboon is very unfair to baboons.

Secondly, my admiration for Matthew is limitless. *He* didn't have to be told where Nubia was. You would think Meathead and jtpr could not use their ignorance as part of their excuses;but that seems to be too much to ask.

Thirdly, it is well known that racial superiority in archaeology was prevalent for more than 100 years and didn't begin to thaw until the middle of the last century. Any possible signs of advancement by non-whites was suppressed so as to not give certain people "ideas".

In matters of intellectual enquiry one goes where the scientific evidence leads one....unless one cannot overcome one's own inferiority.

These days it is unimaginable that Egyptian mummies were routinely unwrapped and the wrappings thrown away or given away. Mummies also used to be broken apart so differing "curiosities" could charge admission to see their particular mummy body part.

Such cavalier treatment of the human remains of antiquity is considered at best distasteful and at worst scientifically tragic - but such ignorance and racist disregard was overcome.

One last reminder - opinion can never refute anything.

Regards from Rosie
No, the sub-saharan african is an inferior race/culture.

There are no races, you pathetic baboon.

Please be less fucking stupid, for once in your meth-addled life.

There are no races? This is just such an asinine statement I don't even know how to begin addressing it. First let me ask. Is this statement based upon some scientific evidence or is is based soley on some head in your ass, liberal philosophy?

Of course you don't know how; you've proven yourself to be the intellectual equivalent of 'kaakaa peepee poopoo'. Thinking is, to say the least, not your strong suit.

And with your scientific illiteracy, what would be the point? Your obviously long felon record and incarceration stole those years from you where you might have actually got an education.

Dance, little trained monkey, dance!
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Seriously, you post and give credence for something like this and call others ignorant. This article actually argues that sub-Saharan Africans sailed across the Atlantic:


The ancient kingdoms of West Africa which occupied the Coastal forest belt from Cameroon to Guinea had trading relationships with other Africans dating back to prehistoric times. However, by 1500 B.C., these ancient kingdoms not only traded along the Ivory Coast, but with the Phoenicians and other peoples. They expanded their trade to the Americas, where the evidence for an ancient African presence is overwhelming.

FFS, Africans never discovered islands like Cape Verde just off the coast, yet they sailed all the way across the Atlantic?! I have seen fewer ditzier sites and run into fewer ditzier people, but then you must get that a lot.
The qualifier "sub-Saharan" is then very conspicuously used as often as possible until they start to feel more secure in their irrational fear and hatred again.


Well - it's true. It's the southern half of africa that is mostly black and mostly primitive. The northern half is more european.
It is largely a matter of historical record that Egyptians were not "negroid". Although their hair was generally darker and curlier than the Greeks and Romans, they were likened by historians of the time to those who came from the northern regions of India and were said to look unlike Ethiopians. Regardless, Ethiopians themselves were and are genetically related to the people of the Arabian Peninsula rather than those found in sub-Saharan Africa. Pigmentation of skin is superficial to race.

Afrocentric studies try desperately to cling to shreds of historical records in order to lay claim to any advanced civilization geographically feasible. Some of these records is the recording of Egyptians as "black". I am a native of Greece and I can tell you to this day that anyone with dark skin is referred to as "black", whether they are from India, Egypt or sub-Saharan Africa. The current nomenclature of "black" to mean specifically negroid is recent and by no means universal.

One such Afrocentric site was provided by Rosie:

RACEANDHISTORY.COM : Understanding how Race and History impact us today

A more accurate study can be fond here:

Descriptions of ancient Egyptians by others. | Mathilda’s Anthropology Blog.

Finally, for those who do not deny the existence of race, there is this:

Racial Reality - Index

The Egyptians left a historical record and they were certainly not black. But, who ya gonna beleive, the portraits left by the Egyptians or what blacks tell you?
Seriously, you post and give credence for something like this and call others ignorant. This article actually argues that sub-Saharan Africans sailed across the Atlantic:


The ancient kingdoms of West Africa which occupied the Coastal forest belt from Cameroon to Guinea had trading relationships with other Africans dating back to prehistoric times. However, by 1500 B.C., these ancient kingdoms not only traded along the Ivory Coast, but with the Phoenicians and other peoples. They expanded their trade to the Americas, where the evidence for an ancient African presence is overwhelming.

FFS, Africans never discovered islands like Cape Verde just off the coast, yet they sailed all the way across the Atlantic?! I have seen fewer ditzier sites and run into fewer ditzier people, but then you must get that a lot.

Refute it with reputable evidence. Your opinion about it is worthless.

Regards from Rosie
It is largely a matter of historical record that Egyptians were not "negroid". Although their hair was generally darker and curlier than the Greeks and Romans, they were likened by historians of the time to those who came from the northern regions of India and were said to look unlike Ethiopians. Regardless, Ethiopians themselves were and are genetically related to the people of the Arabian Peninsula rather than those found in sub-Saharan Africa. Pigmentation of skin is superficial to race.

Afrocentric studies try desperately to cling to shreds of historical records in order to lay claim to any advanced civilization geographically feasible. Some of these records is the recording of Egyptians as "black". I am a native of Greece and I can tell you to this day that anyone with dark skin is referred to as "black", whether they are from India, Egypt or sub-Saharan Africa. The current nomenclature of "black" to mean specifically negroid is recent and by no means universal.

One such Afrocentric site was provided by Rosie:

RACEANDHISTORY.COM : Understanding how Race and History impact us today

A more accurate study can be fond here:

Descriptions of ancient Egyptians by others. | Mathilda’s Anthropology Blog.

Finally, for those who do not deny the existence of race, there is this:

Racial Reality - Index

The Egyptians left a historical record and they were certainly not black. But, who ya gonna beleive, the portraits left by the Egyptians or what blacks tell you?

Mathilda's Anthropology Blog?!? ROFL

You are wrong and here is a reputable source saying so:

Black Pharaohs - National Geographic Magazine

Regards from Rosie
It's always amusing to watch the racist idiots start shaking and sweating over the fact that Egypt is located in Africa. They fall all over each other, stammering and insisting. You can sense the sweat rolling down their necks as they scramble for distinctions they can find or fabricate. They panic when their worldview is in such peril. The qualifier "sub-Saharan" is then very conspicuously used as often as possible until they start to feel more secure in their irrational fear and hatred again.

What a bunch of clowns.

I suppose you consider the north african berbers to be black as well?

Egypt is culturally and genetically middle eastern. that Egypt just happens to be in an area defined as 'Africa' does not mean that its inhabitants are negroes.
It is largely a matter of historical record that Egyptians were not "negroid". Although their hair was generally darker and curlier than the Greeks and Romans, they were likened by historians of the time to those who came from the northern regions of India and were said to look unlike Ethiopians. Regardless, Ethiopians themselves were and are genetically related to the people of the Arabian Peninsula rather than those found in sub-Saharan Africa. Pigmentation of skin is superficial to race.

Afrocentric studies try desperately to cling to shreds of historical records in order to lay claim to any advanced civilization geographically feasible. Some of these records is the recording of Egyptians as "black". I am a native of Greece and I can tell you to this day that anyone with dark skin is referred to as "black", whether they are from India, Egypt or sub-Saharan Africa. The current nomenclature of "black" to mean specifically negroid is recent and by no means universal.

One such Afrocentric site was provided by Rosie:

RACEANDHISTORY.COM : Understanding how Race and History impact us today

A more accurate study can be fond here:

Descriptions of ancient Egyptians by others. | Mathilda’s Anthropology Blog.

Finally, for those who do not deny the existence of race, there is this:

Racial Reality - Index

The Egyptians left a historical record and they were certainly not black. But, who ya gonna beleive, the portraits left by the Egyptians or what blacks tell you?

Mathilda's Anthropology Blog?!? ROFL

You are wrong and here is a reputable source saying so:

Black Pharaohs - National Geographic Magazine

Regards from Rosie

A claim that at one time Egypt was conquered and ruled by blacks from the south is not the same as the Egyptians themselves being a race of black people. Obviously from their own pictorial record, they weren't.

It's like saying that New York City had a black mayor, so all the people living there were black.
It's always amusing to watch the racist idiots start shaking and sweating over the fact that Egypt is located in Africa. They fall all over each other, stammering and insisting. You can sense the sweat rolling down their necks as they scramble for distinctions they can find or fabricate. They panic when their worldview is in such peril. The qualifier "sub-Saharan" is then very conspicuously used as often as possible until they start to feel more secure in their irrational fear and hatred again.

What a bunch of clowns.

I suppose you consider the north african berbers to be black as well?

Egypt is culturally and genetically middle eastern. that Egypt just happens to be in an area defined as 'Africa' does not mean that its inhabitants are negroes.

Egyptians are mixed race. Read my links.

Regards from Rosie
It's always amusing to watch the racist idiots start shaking and sweating over the fact that Egypt is located in Africa. They fall all over each other, stammering and insisting. You can sense the sweat rolling down their necks as they scramble for distinctions they can find or fabricate. They panic when their worldview is in such peril. The qualifier "sub-Saharan" is then very conspicuously used as often as possible until they start to feel more secure in their irrational fear and hatred again.

What a bunch of clowns.

I suppose you consider the north african berbers to be black as well?

Egypt is culturally and genetically middle eastern. that Egypt just happens to be in an area defined as 'Africa' does not mean that its inhabitants are negroes.

Egyptians are mixed race. Read my links.

Regards from Rosie

They are certainly more mixed today than they were historically. As we know from the portraits they left, they were a semetic people. The mixing that was done, was done with the Greeks, again, not a black race.
It is largely a matter of historical record that Egyptians were not "negroid". Although their hair was generally darker and curlier than the Greeks and Romans, they were likened by historians of the time to those who came from the northern regions of India and were said to look unlike Ethiopians. Regardless, Ethiopians themselves were and are genetically related to the people of the Arabian Peninsula rather than those found in sub-Saharan Africa. Pigmentation of skin is superficial to race.

Afrocentric studies try desperately to cling to shreds of historical records in order to lay claim to any advanced civilization geographically feasible. Some of these records is the recording of Egyptians as "black". I am a native of Greece and I can tell you to this day that anyone with dark skin is referred to as "black", whether they are from India, Egypt or sub-Saharan Africa. The current nomenclature of "black" to mean specifically negroid is recent and by no means universal.

One such Afrocentric site was provided by Rosie:

RACEANDHISTORY.COM : Understanding how Race and History impact us today

A more accurate study can be fond here:

Descriptions of ancient Egyptians by others. | Mathilda’s Anthropology Blog.

Finally, for those who do not deny the existence of race, there is this:

Racial Reality - Index

The Egyptians left a historical record and they were certainly not black. But, who ya gonna beleive, the portraits left by the Egyptians or what blacks tell you?

Mathilda's Anthropology Blog?!? ROFL

You are wrong and here is a reputable source saying so:

Black Pharaohs - National Geographic Magazine

Regards from Rosie
I can't imagine what I'm wrong about. There is no doubt that the Nubians took over Egypt for a relatively short spell in antiquity. I cannot imagine that makes Egyptian culture sub-Saharan or Egyptians negroid..

Anyway, once again I must say that I found the link you provided fascinating. Who woulda thunk that not only the original Americans were not Indians at all, but negroid Africans, and that Africans sailed across the Atlantic over 1000 years ago and founded the Olmec civilization.

Really, I've seldom if ever seen anything so...let's just say far-fetched.:D

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I suppose you consider the north african berbers to be black as well?

Egypt is culturally and genetically middle eastern. that Egypt just happens to be in an area defined as 'Africa' does not mean that its inhabitants are negroes.

Egyptians are mixed race. Read my links.

Regards from Rosie

They are certainly more mixed today than they were historically. As we know from the portraits they left, they were a semetic people. The mixing that was done, was done with the Greeks, again, not a black race.

Nubians bringing gold to the Pharaoh:


Regards from Rosie
And they are identified as NUBIANS.

Is this really the state of liberal education? Seriously? Nubians bringing gold to the Pharoah means that the Egyptians were black.

It's time to despair over the country.

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