Will Whites Vote for Obama?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
NYT pecks at the truth:

Occidental Observer

Mabry's central point—that whites won't vote for a too-black candidate—isn't necessarily wrong. But he stops short about why: Even in this age of near-maximum saturation of political correctness and egalitarian dogma, many whites simply balk at embracing blacks. To white advocates, of course, this is perfectly natural and easily explained: Blacks are a different race with markedly different behavior patterns, intelligence levels and value systems.
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NYT pecks at the truth:

Occidental Observer

Mabry's central point—that whites won't vote for a too-black candidate—isn't necessarily wrong. But he stops short about why: Even in this age of near-maximum saturation of political correctness and egalitarian dogma, many whites simply balk at embracing blacks. To white advocates, of course, this is perfectly natural and easily explained: Blacks are a different race with markedly different behavior patterns, intelligence levels and value systems.


You do realize your article uses (incorrect) Kid Rock lyrics to try and make its point? However, Kid Rock's lyrics aren't "black like mayors".. It's "mack like mayors, ball like Lakers".
If you are pinning your hopes Obama will lose on this shit, You may end up being very upset in November. I hope he loses, but I doubt he loses just cause he is black.
I don't think White America is the same as it was in the 50's or 60's, at least I would hope so.
whites will vote for obama. they have no other choice. mccain means $5 gas. if you could work for a mean white or nice black boss, who you gonna pick. this is going to be an easy election.
The majority of voters are white. If he wins, then whites voted for him no matter which way you look at it.
Geez, and blacks may not vote for him because he's white which is also a different race. It is possible he won't get a single vote in Fall.
I think by the time the general election process gets to November, the public will have been educated as to just what kind of a true scum bag hussein is, and that's why he won't get elected, not because he's black.
i dunno. im white. ill be voting for him.

Barack Obama's victory stirs Mississippi ghosts

n the town where three civil rights workers were slain in 1964, his candidacy uniquely resonates. The county supported him in the primary

PHILADELPHIA, MISS. -- Some places are defined by a single event. Roswell, N.M., will always be known for space aliens, Dallas for assassination. And this little town in the Piney Woods of eastern Mississippi will forever be the site of one of the most brutal crimes of the civil rights era.

But Philadelphia -- situated in a county once dubbed Bloody Neshoba -- can now add a remarkable footnote to its most nefarious chapter: The rural county where three men were killed for trying to help black people vote has cast the majority of its ballots to put a black man in the White House.

Barack Obama's victory stirs Mississippi ghosts - Los Angeles Times
I am White. I will not be voting for Obama. The reason for this has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

I will not be voting for McCain, either.
How about everybody that is not White, boycotts from here on out and doesnt vote for any White person, male or female.
one main reason is because he did not vote, or was not culled into voting for, an invasion of iraq. Another main reason is because his politics does not have roots clear back to the 60s. Another is the tone of his political machine this side of a vitriolic neocon "president or bust" campaign.

any other questions?
why is obama scum? we all know mccain is, but what do you know about obama? seems like a jfk type to me. and judge mccain as harshly. ps you aren't educated on the facts so don't vote. best for everyone. mccain should only get 1 percent of vote. everyone else is dumb or racist.
this just in. obama beating mccain in every demographic he is supposedly having trouble with. lol. first general election poll. and it'll only get worse. so start talking about how obama will be a bad president because you r the same wed. as u were monday no matter what you hear on tuesday.

he,s winning hispanics, whites, independants, women, poor. this isn't even interesting. mccain only has white men. lol
this just in. obama beating mccain in every demographic he is supposedly having trouble with. lol. first general election poll. and it'll only get worse. so start talking about how obama will be a bad president because you r the same wed. as u were monday no matter what you hear on tuesday.

he,s winning hispanics, whites, independants, women, poor. this isn't even interesting. mccain only has white men. lol

This just in ... polls say what the people conducting the polls want them to; therefore, worthless. DOn't know which one you claim to be spouting off here, but I heard one yesterday that wasn't even close to your wishful thinking.

Matter of fact, based on last night's little conversation with you, you don't even know why you're voting for Obama. I figure Obama's got THAT demograph hands down.
NYT pecks at the truth:

Occidental Observer

Mabry's central point—that whites won't vote for a too-black candidate—isn't necessarily wrong. But he stops short about why: Even in this age of near-maximum saturation of political correctness and egalitarian dogma, many whites simply balk at embracing blacks. To white advocates, of course, this is perfectly natural and easily explained: Blacks are a different race with markedly different behavior patterns, intelligence levels and value systems.

Dumb and blind leftwingnuts will vote for Obama and those who don't want an inexperienced knucklehead as President promising nothing he can deliver really except tax hikes won't.

Skin color is irrelevant to all but the racist blacks who will vote for Obama no matter what and the racist whites who will vote for McCain no matter what.

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