Will Xi Drop Putin Like a Steaming Poo Poo Platter?

(The last meeting, Chairman Xi's Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, were conspicuously befouled by the "ROC"'s cheating in women's figure skating - an embarrassing distraction from China's self-promotion.)

With the concerted, impactful actions by democratic nations punishing the Rooskie savage for his depravity in Ukraine, the KGB thug is increasingly dependent upon the Middle Kingdom, yet Xi's global designs require that he not blatantly show contempt for democratic values by propping up the repugnant Poot.

Jinping's ambition is ruthless, and as subtle as an enigmatic fortune cookie. Vlady's is ruthless, and as subtle as a ten-megaton borscht fart concealed in a matryoshka doll.

Mr. Putin has forced China into the awkward position of explaining how the invasion does not violate the principle of respect for national sovereignty that is, officially, a pillar of China’s foreign policy.
“They must feel like they’ve been played.” (John Culver, a retired CIA China Specialist.)
China must also view the punishment being inflicted upon Russia with Taiwan in mind. The paradigm will have been established and rehearsed.

One thing is for certain. You will not see Xi picking up on the aberrant view of Putin as being "savvy" or a "genius."

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Oh isn't he cute with his funny faces.
That is because Xi is pretty savvy. He doesn't want the world telling him what to do in Xinjaing, Honk Kong or Taiwan.
Xi may soon be trying to scrape the Putin off his shiny brogues.

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Regularly stepping in Un (with whom Trump also fell in love) is quite enough.

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You really want to use the words "failed" or "faded" while defending Brandon?!
You really want to childishly mewl "Brandon" because the old coot who kicked the Cry Baby Loser's big, flabby tush in November, 2020, is deftly coordinating an international coalition in defense of a democratic nation under attack by a KGB thug the Loser calls a "savvy genius"?

You can be alienated from America, but please don't attack Congress again. That tantrum was not at all acceptable.
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Sure he has. This is such a central pillar to their principals that China still demands Taiwan is actually part of China.
As noted,

China has presented itself as a defender of sovereign independence.
But its reluctance to denounce Russia’s aggression forces it into an awkward position.
Pooty's savage invasion of Ukraine is wreaking havoc with China's guise as a "defender of sovereign independence."

Of course, it has long had designs on Taiwan.

You really want to childishly mewl "Brandon" because the old coot who kicked the Cry Baby Loser's big, flabby tush in November, 2020, is deftly coordinating an international coalition in defense of a democratic nation under attack by a KGB thug the Loser calls a "savvy genius"?

You can be alienated from America, but please don't attack Congress again. That tantrum was not at all acceptable.
No idea what you're whining about. Brandon is both failed and fading though not necessarily in that order. Nothing anyone can do about it until 2024 or he dies or quits for the good of the country.
Don't strain in a futile attempt at understanding.

Strut on over to one of the Cry Baby Loser's grievance jamborees and cheer for his savvy genius.
He doesn't even recognize his own argument, because he has no argument. Pay attention to each one of the losers responses on this forum and on this thread. This is nothing more than a grievance party, who support potentially, an indicted seditionist/obstructionist/ conspirator to defraud the U.S., and a financial crook, with multiple pending violations. And this is who they cheer for in 2024? Say it ain't so.
He doesn't even recognize his own argument, because he has no argument. Pay attention to each one of the losers responses on this forum and on this thread. This is nothing more than a grievance party, who support potentially, an indicted seditionist/obstructionist/ conspirator to defraud the U.S., and a financial crook, with multiple pending violations. And this is who they cheer for in 2024? Say it ain't so.
What a bunch of total shit. You are laughable.
Yeah, that's going to be the big problem this century. There's a slow-moving tragedy unfolding before out eyes, the consequences of which will be felt for decades, and you're worried about a protest in DC that happened over a year ago.
Four bankruptcies out of 100 businesses. You probably don't do math well, but that's a 96% success rate. The impeachments had a 100% failure rate in removing him from office btw. For Trump that's a 100% success rate, again since you find math such a challenge.
And how much inheritance money did he get that he pissed away?
You may have missed the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

The American electorate eagerly replaced the failed casino operator and faded reality tv performer with an experienced statesman who knows how to lead a coalition of NATO and other advanced democratic nations.

"Works well with others" is an essential attribute.

View attachment 610651
"WHAAAA! Why are they squeezing my wee hands? WHAAA!"

Back to the thread's topic - Will Xi Drop Putin Like a Steaming Poo Poo Platter? - that could well be the case:
... The Russian invasion likely does not sit well with Beijing's leadership. If it knew beforehand, it now risks being perceived as an enabler of Russian aggression. On the contrary, if China's leadership was truly blindsided, that suggests a failure on the part of its intelligence and foreign policy ministries.
If true, such duplicity, along with the glare of international opprobrium, could force China's leadership to re-evaluate its relationship with Russia. The conclusion may be that it is too much of a political burden — especially since China's economy relies very little on Russia but is dependent on Western trade.In just a week since the fighting started, the geopolitical landscape has rapidly changed, a shift that leaves China on the losing end. Meanwhile, Russia's aggression has succeeded in galvanizing the U.S., the European Union and Japan — precisely the same coalition that Washington has sought to contain China.
Continuing to stand by the Kremlin — especially if the assault on Ukraine becomes increasingly brutal, as seems likely — could also lend fodder to Beijing's critics abroad.

I know, Volodymyr! You keep reminding me!
You didn't fold when vital military funding was withheld to
pressure you to contrive fake criminal charges against me!
Your were a righteous dude then, as well!
We'll punish the 'savvy genius'!"

Hitting a nuclear plant in my mind, isn't just declaring war on Ukraine.
He doesn't even recognize his own argument, because he has no argument. Pay attention to each one of the losers responses on this forum and on this thread. This is nothing more than a grievance party, who support potentially, an indicted seditionist/obstructionist/ conspirator to defraud the U.S., and a financial crook, with multiple pending violations. And this is who they cheer for in 2024? Say it ain't so.
I understand that a cult of personality is unlikely to be logical, or reasonable, or consistent, or even coherent, and that it will lash out irrationally, but why does it latch onto such a dysfunctional, repulsive personality? A whiny, self-pitying, ignorant, narcissistic, chronic liar obsessed with petty vendettas?

I'll never understand.
I understand that a cult of personality is unlikely to be logical, or reasonable, or consistent, or even coherent, and that it will lash out irrationally, but why does it latch onto such a dysfunctional, repulsive personality? A whiny, self-pitying, ignorant, narcissistic, chronic liar obsessed with petty vendettas?

I'll never understand.
Sounds like your are describing the Jan.6th committee, shill.
I understand that a cult of personality is unlikely to be logical, or reasonable, or consistent, or even coherent, and that it will lash out irrationally, but why does it latch onto such a dysfunctional, repulsive personality? A whiny, self-pitying, ignorant, narcissistic, chronic liar obsessed with petty vendettas?

I'll never understand.
You have a cult following?! Hoowoodagessed?

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