Will Xi Drop Putin Like a Steaming Poo Poo Platter?

As noted,

China has presented itself as a defender of sovereign independence.
But its reluctance to denounce Russia’s aggression forces it into an awkward position.
Pooty's savage invasion of Ukraine is wreaking havoc with China's guise as a "defender of sovereign independence."

Of course, it has long had designs on Taiwan.

Repeating the same silly talking point does not change the fact that this does not place the Chinese government in any kind of 'awkward' position.
Repeating the same silly talking point does not change the fact that this does not place the Chinese government in any kind of 'awkward' position.
All the reports that I see differ significantly with your view.

Biden has united advanced democratic nations against Russia, and they comprise a huge market for China.

Xi has a problem.

China's leaders walking tightrope on Russia-Ukraine conflict

Moscow has been taken by surprise by the reticence of Beijing on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.
"Russia would have definitely counted on China's support when it invaded Ukraine. Though China is Russia's biggest trading partner- with total bilateral trade between the two countries valued at $112 billion in 2020 - it seems Beijing is at sixes and sevens in supporting Moscow in the current conflict," he added.
According to other experts, China's leaders are walking a very difficult tightrope on the issue of Ukraine. Last month, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected and maintained.
Wenbin emphasized that China has always believed that the security of one country cannot be based on the damage to the security of other countries.
A few days later on March 1, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in a telephonic conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba expressed concern over the damage borne by the Ukrainian civilians in the ongoing conflict.
Wang Yi also said that China is ready to play a role in the Ukrainian ceasefire.
On the issue of economic aid to Russia, experts believe that it is unlikely that China will immediately offer aid, but it could easily become the long-term buyer of gas and other resources that Russia can't sell to Western countries.
According to experts, even if China wants to support Russia in areas that are not subject to sanctions Beijing may face severe restrictions.
Mark Williams, the chief Asian economist at Capital Economics, said that the "financial sanctions that have been imposed on Russia by the West put significant practical constraints on China's dealings with Russia even where they don't restrict them directly." ...
(The last meeting, Chairman Xi's Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, were conspicuously befouled by the "ROC"'s cheating in women's figure skating - an embarrassing distraction from China's self-promotion.)

With the concerted, impactful actions by democratic nations punishing the Rooskie savage for his depravity in Ukraine, the KGB thug is increasingly dependent upon the Middle Kingdom, yet Xi's global designs require that he not blatantly show contempt for democratic values by propping up the repugnant Poot.

Jinping's ambition is ruthless, and as subtle as an enigmatic fortune cookie. Vlady's is ruthless, and as subtle as a ten-megaton borscht fart concealed in a matryoshka doll.

Mr. Putin has forced China into the awkward position of explaining how the invasion does not violate the principle of respect for national sovereignty that is, officially, a pillar of China’s foreign policy.
“They must feel like they’ve been played.” (John Culver, a retired CIA China Specialist.)
China must also view the punishment being inflicted upon Russia with Taiwan in mind. The paradigm will have been established and rehearsed.

One thing is for certain. You will not see Xi picking up on the aberrant view of Putin as being "savvy" or a "genius."

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China Seeks To Unify Public In Support For Russia

Pretty much everything. Brandon's clusterfucks have become the stuff of legend, both domestic and international.
"Pretty much everything" is the same as saying "pretty much nothing."
I understand that a cult of personality is unlikely to be logical, or reasonable, or consistent, or even coherent, and that it will lash out irrationally, but why does it latch onto such a dysfunctional, repulsive personality? A whiny, self-pitying, ignorant, narcissistic, chronic liar obsessed with petty vendettas?

I'll never understand.
Nor will I. Especially when his resume is one that brings out the worst in a human being. Nothing about him can be viewed in a positive light. "Orange man bad" is the best label for Trump.
Nor will I. Especially when his resume is one that brings out the worst in a human being. Nothing about him can be viewed in a positive light. "Orange man bad" is the best label for Trump.
Imagine an insipid skank who retains a "fixer" to pay hush money to bimbos he schtupps behind the backs of trophy wives having the most fanatical of bible humpers spewing adulation, the slickest of city slickers captivating the most bucolic of rubes, a boorish magus who can pull a big, beautiful wall out of his huge butt and dazzle the terminally naive who are so eager to shriek paranoid cynicism about indisputable reality, the bitter Vendetta Man, relentlessly and pathetically whining that everyone has been so mean to the Cry Baby Loser in his fantasy-packed grievance jamboree mutual therapy sessions.
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"Nope! There is no way that this MFer works on paper!"
The propaganda will quickly shift if Xi decides Putin's folly is detrimental to China's economy and ambitions.

He is not fawning over the "savvy genius."

“China would have liked this to have gone very, very well for Russia, and had it happened quickly and relatively uneventfully, they would have gained something from it,” says Australian National University international security professor John Blaxland. “But the untidy, very ugly scenes emerging from Ukraine are having the opposite effect. The crystallising of resolve internationally is really running against China’s interests in terms of its ability to divide and conquer and pursue its interests in the East China Sea, the South China Sea and Taiwan.”

Xi is no doubt watching what’s unfolding in Ukraine and the international community’s response with great interest,”
says Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) analyst David Engel.

“He may well be questioning the prudence of Putin’s move. He may well have been struck by the solidarity of Europeans … in rallying behind their neighbour, imposing sanctions and supplying weapons on a scale hitherto hard to imagine.”

“As he sees footage of destroyed Russian tanks and helicopters, and the sheer courage and resilience of Ukraine’s defenders, he may well be recalculating the prospective cost of a Taiwan invasion.”

Immediately after President Putin ordered the attack on Ukraine, China’s embassy ordered its citizens there to display Chinese flags “for safety”.

They were told to remove any “identifying symbols” for fear of retribution just two days later.

Then we start dealing with China and how THEY can go fuck themselves.
Man, I love that sentiment. Problem is:
  1. The left-wing ideology perfectly aligns with that of Xi Jinping and China
  2. Democrats don’t deal with anything. Ever. They just pass the buck and make excuses
China is the far more sophisticated and formidable adversary.
You sure about that? Just about every advancement and technology they enjoy was stolen. They work around the clock stealing intellectual property from around the world because they are incapable of innovating on their own.
The point that's not being suggested here is that this could become a war between America and Russia/China with lots of little pawns becoming involved on both sides.
The fact that you don’t understand that the United States has been at war with Russia and China for decades and decades is concerning.

And as far as bombs/missiles - stop being scared of it. It’s never going to happen. Both China & Russia are well aware:
  1. The United States is far superior to both of them combined
  2. They don’t just face the United States if they launch a single missile of any type (not just nuclear). They face England, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Israel, Germany, Australia, Japan, a
It would mean total annihilation for them, and that’s not what either of them want.
We sure can't do anything about them on our own.
Oh we could. But Democrats get in the way (just like they do with liberty, a good economy, prosperity, etc.).

There is literally nothing you people don’t find a way to fuck up. Even the simplest of things like supply & demand.
If anything China will join Russia and have a full scale invasion of Taiwan.
Jinping was wise on this one. He waited to see what the world’s response to Russia invading Ukraine would be. He wanted to measure the response before making his decision.
Under Trump's leadership, the U.S. trade deficit was the largest in a decade.
Bwahahaha!! You actually swallowed that propaganda piece? :lmao:

Under 🇺🇸President Trump🇺🇸
  • Record low unemployment
  • Record highs in the market
  • Lower taxes
  • Increased wages (highest among low-wage workers)
  • US became #1 in the world in oil production
  • Secured the borders
  • Defeated ISIS
  • Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the US
  • Resulting in 65-year high in manufacturing
  • Restored constitutional government
  • Funded HBC’s (Historically Black Colleges)
  • Record low unemployment for African-Americans
  • Signed prison reform for African-Americans
  • Pardoned African-Americans
  • Violent crime fell every year he’s was in office
  • Brokered Israel - Sudan peace agreement
  • Brokered Israel - Bahrain peace agreement
  • Brokered Israel - United Arab Emirates peace agreement
  • Brokered Israel - Morocco peace agreement
Literally unprecedented prosperity under President Trump.
You sure about that? Just about every advancement and technology they enjoy was stolen. They work around the clock stealing intellectual property from around the world because they are incapable of innovating on their own.
You can ignore China as a formidable international force if you need to. Strategic planners cannot afford to be so dismissive.

Moe Pinkerman had a little Joke Shop in the Bronx for nearly fifty years, and was beloved by generations of neighborhood kids. Prudently putting aside a little of his modest earnings every week, he finally closed his doors and set out to fulfill his lifelong dream of world travel.

Moe is currently rotting in Liangxiang Prison for sedition, exposing State secrets, apprehended in Tiananmen Square, demonstrating to a small gathering of locals how to escape Chinese handcuffs.
Bwahahaha!! You actually swallowed that propaganda piece? :lmao:

Under 🇺🇸President Trump🇺🇸
  • Record low unemployment...
Your fake, unsourced propaganda must be a scriptural reading for the weird worship of one dude.

As an example, under Trumpery, the economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate had increased by 1.6% to 6.3% by the time the Loser absconded.

The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8% since January, 2021 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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"Bye, bye."
The unemployment rate had increased by 1.6% to 6.3% by the time the Loser absconded.
Snowflake, that's what happens when Dumbocrat Governors literally forbid people from going to work. They shut down their states because they saw Trump was literally unbeatable after ushering in the greatest era of prosperity in US history.

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