Will you centerfielding fence-sitters vote Republican after watching this extreme incompetence of Dem leaders?

I’m curious if any of you have become inspired to help make sure Democrat’s don’t run anything, anywhere?
You don't have anything to be concerned about. President Donald Trump is never leaving office until he decides to officially retire in 10-15 years. Not only will he win in 2020, he will repeal the 2 term limit, so that he remains in office until he decides to retire and appoints Jared or Don Jr to be the next president.

I would like to see William Barr becoming the head of DOJ, DOD, and FBI, then moving on to be appointed to Supreme Court at the earliest opportunity. The democrats are already dead men walking, it is just a matter of 5-10 years until they there is not a single democrat remaining in office. They are losers and deadbeats. I personally refuse to speak to anyone who is a democrat.
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,
To me, the last great Republican we had was Theodore Roosevelt. All others since then, not so much.
you mean the person that first brought us the progressive party to this country???

doesnt seem so great to me,,,
that party was a lot different than what is out there today....
What more do you want from Trump and the GOP?
I’m curious if any of you have become inspired to help make sure Democrat’s don’t run anything, anywhere?
You don't have anything to be concerned about. President Donald Trump is never leaving office until he decides to officially retire in 10-15 years. Not only will he win in 2020, he will repeal the 2 term limit, so that he remains in office until he decides to retire and appoints Jared or Don Jr to be the next president.

I would like to see William Barr becoming the head of DOJ, DOD, and FBI, then moving on to be appointed to Supreme Court at the earliest opportunity. The democrats are already dead men walking, it is just a matter of 5-10 years until they there is not a single democrat remaining in office. They are losers and deadbeats. I personally refuse to speak to anyone who is a democrat.
So much for America and the Constitution.
I’m curious if any of you have become inspired to help make sure Democrat’s don’t run anything, anywhere?
Extreme incompetence of Democratic leaders?

Who's in charge during the current clusterfuck?

Not Democrats.

“But, but, but...STATES RIGHTS!”
“But, but, but...Mayoral responsibilities!”
Who is in charge of this clusterfuck?

Don't dodge the question.
Minneapolis, Seattle, Atlanta, St Louis, Baltimore, NYC, Lost Angeles....those cluster fucks?
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,
To me, the last great Republican we had was Theodore Roosevelt. All others since then, not so much.
you mean the person that first brought us the progressive party to this country???

doesnt seem so great to me,,,
that party was a lot different than what is out there today....
What more do you want from Trump and the GOP?

You're correct, Donald Trump is personally working on rewriting the US Constitution. As he stated, much of it is outdated and worthless crap. The whole free press and free speech BS has to go. It might have been something important 500 years ago, but now it just prevents the truth from coming out.
I’m curious if any of you have become inspired to help make sure Democrat’s don’t run anything, anywhere?
You don't have anything to be concerned about. President Donald Trump is never leaving office until he decides to officially retire in 10-15 years. Not only will he win in 2020, he will repeal the 2 term limit, so that he remains in office until he decides to retire and appoints Jared or Don Jr to be the next president.

I would like to see William Barr becoming the head of DOJ, DOD, and FBI, then moving on to be appointed to Supreme Court at the earliest opportunity. The democrats are already dead men walking, it is just a matter of 5-10 years until they there is not a single democrat remaining in office. They are losers and deadbeats. I personally refuse to speak to anyone who is a democrat.
The main point to reelect Trump is for the judges, and to hold the Senate.
I’m curious if any of you have become inspired to help make sure Democrat’s don’t run anything, anywhere?
Extreme incompetence of Democratic leaders?

Who's in charge during the current clusterfuck?

Not Democrats.

“But, but, but...STATES RIGHTS!”
“But, but, but...Mayoral responsibilities!”
Who is in charge of this clusterfuck?

Don't dodge the question.
Minneapolis, Seattle, Atlanta, St Louis, Baltimore, NYC, Lost Angeles....those cluster fucks?
Donald Trump should unleash the full military in all major American cities and put and stop to this demonstration crap right now. Shoot to kill anyone who is out on the streets. A few thousand dead Americans over a 24 hour period will put an instant stop to all this BS. Better to have a few innocent people shot in the cross fire, than to let guilty people get away.
I’m curious if any of you have become inspired to help make sure Democrat’s don’t run anything, anywhere?
You don't have anything to be concerned about. President Donald Trump is never leaving office until he decides to officially retire in 10-15 years. Not only will he win in 2020, he will repeal the 2 term limit, so that he remains in office until he decides to retire and appoints Jared or Don Jr to be the next president.

I would like to see William Barr becoming the head of DOJ, DOD, and FBI, then moving on to be appointed to Supreme Court at the earliest opportunity. The democrats are already dead men walking, it is just a matter of 5-10 years until they there is not a single democrat remaining in office. They are losers and deadbeats. I personally refuse to speak to anyone who is a democrat.
The main point to reelect Trump is for the judges, and to hold the Senate.

That is true, and his reelection is also to take full control over US and put it into the hands of Donald Trump. Ideally, Donald Trump should disband both the House and Senate. He doesn't need those branches of government like past presidents have. There is nothing they can do that Donald Trump can't do by himself.
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,

You don't know me stop pretending you do.

Usually I vote for the lesser of two evils...every since Kavanaugh I can't stomach leftist assholes

Now hush
the lessor of 2 evils just keeps evil running the show....

And not voting for either doesn’t?
it keeps my soul clean,,,

That’s a neat spin.
its a fact,,,
my vote has never resulted in the loss of freedom or property,,,yours has,,,
Haha...that’s awesome.
Tell me, do you honestly believe a viable third party will emerge at some point in your lifetime? When do you estimate that might be?
please stay on topic,,,

I am...the question is relevant as I struggle to understand how/why seemingly wise folks bow out of making a difference by casting a meaningless vote. My old man told me long ago, before I was of voting age...He said “son, for the most part you will probably always hate politicians, that said, come election time you won’t usually vote for the candidate you love, you’ll vote to keep the candidate you hate the most out of office.”
That resonated well with me at the time and boy was he right...I’ve never once fell in love with a candidate.
Again, I beg for enlightenment, explain how you reconcile your position to allow others to decide for you?
but I am making a difference by not voting for what I object to,,,

youre just mad I dont take your fathers stupid advise,,,

You missed my old mans point...He basically said “you will usually OBJECT to all politicians to a large degree but someone has to win.”
Explain how ending up with the candidate you hate the most is better than ending up with the candidate you hate least?
I'm talking about a party and their platform not individual candidates,,,

and due to party politics a candidate is judged by their party not their promises,,,

Maybe we can get Dont Taz Me Bro to help you explain why you choose not to cast an impactful vote?
I'l pass,,,

Thats too bad..l really want to be able to wrap my head around how you arrive at the position you do. I really wish you could articulate the logic behind it to us.
tell me,,,whats the republican plan for repealing all the anti 2nd amendment laws on the books???
both state and federal,,,
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,
To me, the last great Republican we had was Theodore Roosevelt. All others since then, not so much.
you mean the person that first brought us the progressive party to this country???

doesnt seem so great to me,,,
that party was a lot different than what is out there today....
not by much,,,the intent remains the same,,,communism,,,
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,

You don't know me stop pretending you do.

Usually I vote for the lesser of two evils...every since Kavanaugh I can't stomach leftist assholes

Now hush
the lessor of 2 evils just keeps evil running the show....

And not voting for either doesn’t?
evil is evil ....do you think if you vote for Dracula over Lucifer you are not going to get fucked?.....as long as people have that mindset not much is going to change....
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,

You don't know me stop pretending you do.

Usually I vote for the lesser of two evils...every since Kavanaugh I can't stomach leftist assholes

Now hush
the lessor of 2 evils just keeps evil running the show....

And not voting for either doesn’t?
it keeps my soul clean,,,

That’s a neat spin.
its a fact,,,
my vote has never resulted in the loss of freedom or property,,,yours has,,,
Haha...that’s awesome.
Tell me, do you honestly believe a viable third party will emerge at some point in your lifetime? When do you estimate that might be?
as long as those like you are around probably never.....
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,

You don't know me stop pretending you do.

Usually I vote for the lesser of two evils...every since Kavanaugh I can't stomach leftist assholes

Now hush
the lessor of 2 evils just keeps evil running the show....

And not voting for either doesn’t?
it keeps my soul clean,,,

That’s a neat spin.
its a fact,,,
my vote has never resulted in the loss of freedom or property,,,yours has,,,

That's probably because none of the people you voted for were actually elected. Given the power, they would be any different than anyone else.

so then nothing will ever change.....
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,

You don't know me stop pretending you do.

Usually I vote for the lesser of two evils...every since Kavanaugh I can't stomach leftist assholes

Now hush
the lessor of 2 evils just keeps evil running the show....

And not voting for either doesn’t?
it keeps my soul clean,,,

That’s a neat spin.
its a fact,,,
my vote has never resulted in the loss of freedom or property,,,yours has,,,

That's probably because none of the people you voted for were actually elected.

whats that got to do with what the republicans have done???

that is the topic,,,

What the Republicans have done is a far cry better than what would have happened if Hillary had been elected.

Can you even imagine what it would be like now, had that happened?
thats not a high bar,,
but if she won the repubes would at least still be focused on the constitution like they did with obama,,,

And yet, those same Republicans under Obama failed to stop the passing of the Affordable care Act, failed to prevent Obama from using the IRS to harass his political enemies, and his intel agencies from spying on a Republican who was running for President.

Say what you will about Trump, he has done a whole lot to keep those Democrats in the House from turning this country into something really nasty.
right now this country looks pretty nasty with the shit going on....
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,

You don't know me stop pretending you do.

Usually I vote for the lesser of two evils...every since Kavanaugh I can't stomach leftist assholes

Now hush
the lessor of 2 evils just keeps evil running the show....

And not voting for either doesn’t?
it keeps my soul clean,,,

That’s a neat spin.
its a fact,,,
my vote has never resulted in the loss of freedom or property,,,yours has,,,
Haha...that’s awesome.
Tell me, do you honestly believe a viable third party will emerge at some point in your lifetime? When do you estimate that might be?
please stay on topic,,,

I am...the question is relevant as I struggle to understand how/why seemingly wise folks bow out of making a difference by casting a meaningless vote. My old man told me long ago, before I was of voting age...He said “son, for the most part you will probably always hate politicians, that said, come election time you won’t usually vote for the candidate you love, you’ll vote to keep the candidate you hate the most out of office.”
That resonated well with me at the time and boy was he right...I’ve never once fell in love with a candidate.
Again, I beg for enlightenment, explain how you reconcile your position to allow others to decide for you?
the people you vote for make decisions for you do they not?.....do you back everything they do?....
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,

You don't know me stop pretending you do.

Usually I vote for the lesser of two evils...every since Kavanaugh I can't stomach leftist assholes

Now hush
the lessor of 2 evils just keeps evil running the show....

And not voting for either doesn’t?
it keeps my soul clean,,,

That’s a neat spin.
its a fact,,,
my vote has never resulted in the loss of freedom or property,,,yours has,,,
Haha...that’s awesome.
Tell me, do you honestly believe a viable third party will emerge at some point in your lifetime? When do you estimate that might be?
please stay on topic,,,

I am...the question is relevant as I struggle to understand how/why seemingly wise folks bow out of making a difference by casting a meaningless vote. My old man told me long ago, before I was of voting age...He said “son, for the most part you will probably always hate politicians, that said, come election time you won’t usually vote for the candidate you love, you’ll vote to keep the candidate you hate the most out of office.”
That resonated well with me at the time and boy was he right...I’ve never once fell in love with a candidate.
Again, I beg for enlightenment, explain how you reconcile your position to allow others to decide for you?
but I am making a difference by not voting for what I object to,,,

youre just mad I dont take your fathers stupid advise,,,

You missed my old mans point...He basically said “you will usually OBJECT to all politicians to a large degree but someone has to win.”
Explain how ending up with the candidate you hate the most is better than ending up with the candidate you hate least?
I'm talking about a party and their platform not individual candidates,,,

and due to party politics a candidate is judged by their party not their promises,,,

Maybe we can get Dont Taz Me Bro to help you explain why you choose not to cast an impactful vote?
I'l pass,,,

Thats too bad..l really want to be able to wrap my head around how you arrive at the position you do. I really wish you could articulate the logic behind it to us.
tell me,,,whats the republican plan for repealing all the anti 2nd amendment laws on the books???
both state and federal,,,

We both know they have no such plan...To prove my primary point, guess what the Democrats have in mind for the 2nd?
The sad truth is; this nation has become full of unAmerican filth whom can’t give two fucks about the BOR or the Constitution...many want a total rewrite. If the Republican Party were to push a platform to return us to a constitutional republic that our framers would be proud of they could never win a sizable election.
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,
To me, the last great Republican we had was Theodore Roosevelt. All others since then, not so much.
you mean the person that first brought us the progressive party to this country???

doesnt seem so great to me,,,
that party was a lot different than what is out there today....
What more do you want from Trump and the GOP?
i dont want nothing from the GOP and trumps big mouth just makes matters worse for him......he aint no different than the the 2 clods before him,all just half-assed leaders....
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,
To me, the last great Republican we had was Theodore Roosevelt. All others since then, not so much.
you mean the person that first brought us the progressive party to this country???

doesnt seem so great to me,,,
that party was a lot different than what is out there today....
not by much,,,the intent remains the same,,,communism,,,
I claim no party, just a conservative but I'll likely go straight republican. The demoquacks are way to focused on social issue crap. It's tiresome
if you go straight republican youre no conservative youre a republican,,,

You don't know me stop pretending you do.

Usually I vote for the lesser of two evils...every since Kavanaugh I can't stomach leftist assholes

Now hush
the lessor of 2 evils just keeps evil running the show....

And not voting for either doesn’t?
evil is evil ....do you think if you vote for Dracula over Lucifer you are not going to get fucked?.....as long as people have that mindset not much is going to change....

Thanks Harry...that’s actually a great metaphor to strengthen my case...If I know that only Dracula or Lucifer has a chance to win I would have to vote for the lesser of evils and vote for Dracula. I’d have to be a complete retard to write in Rocky Balboa if I know he has no chance to win.
Again, thanks bud.

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