Will you condemn this murder?

I suggest making this case carry-on as an example of how civilized people have empathy and HURT for innocent lives, no matter on which side, compared to this terror fetishers who dance on the grave of their enemies...if they ever get to be buried. This way it'll be beyond doubt that it's not the propaganda that makes them send their own kids to explode while they keep their lives to produce more and more martyrs.
If you had "empathy and HURT for innocent lives" you would have posted words to that effect earlier, Lepuss's first post was to blame children
"Bloody kids! hopefully they'll be caught and put behind bars. What the actual fuck?!"
Will you condemn this murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

She was talking about the arsonists.
The burning of toddler is due to the growing hostility fumed by fanatics in both Israeli and Palestinian side. Before this child was burned, a child of ours was run over or stabbed in its sleep. It's the growing hostility, which by the way, Btselem is only helping to evoke

Are you justifying the act ?
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Justifying is like saying: 'yeah they deserved it"-
Will you condemn this murder Page 17 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
(simple logic- hell= God's punishment, if God still punishes them their murder is justified)

But Lipush was merely explaining the REASON behind the violence,
her view of the situation. NOT JUDGING anyone or cursing or saying the filthiest things You've mentioned when given an opportunity to CONDEMN MURDERS OF NUMEROUS CHILDREN which you disgracefully declined.

How low can you be to even compare it...:disbelief:
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Coyote, fanger, rylah, et al,

No matter what sort of society it is, no matter the dynamics, no matter the trial and tribulations of the citizenry, part and parcel of the human element is crime and criminal behaviors. It is just part of what people experience everywhere.

I suggest making this case carry-on as an example of how civilized people have empathy and HURT for innocent lives, no matter on which side, compared to this terror fetishers who dance on the grave of their enemies...if they ever get to be buried. This way it'll be beyond doubt that it's not the propaganda that makes them send their own kids to explode while they keep their lives to produce more and more martyrs.
If you had "empathy and HURT for innocent lives" you would have posted words to that effect earlier, Lepuss's first post was to blame children
"Bloody kids! hopefully they'll be caught and put behind bars. What the actual fuck?!"
Will you condemn this murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

She was talking about the arsonists.

Crime and Law Enforcement is what it is. And criminal activity, no matter the reason, needs to be depoliticized and put in the proper perspective. In the case of Palestine and Israel, there are both good people (hopefully the majority) and bad people (hopefully the small minority). The heinous nature of some crimes does, from time-to-time, spark a community backlash that is taken by the emotion invokes by the nature of some crimes; especially if the perpetrator is perceived to be from a certain segment of the community. However, crime is not to be equated with socio-political conflict. That may be part of the underlying cause, but it is the human dynamic that is the true nature of the perpetrator. A rapist, murderer, arsonist, vandal, shoplifter --- or other such criminal --- has a base nature that allows them to psychologically commit the crime. I have a propensity to drive rather risque -- disregarding traffic laws; sorry --- it's my nature.

Don't confuse the activities of violent criminal offenders with that of politically hostile activists. While some violent criminal offenders use the excuse for freedom fighting and self-determination --- and even religion --- as a justification for their motivation, they are --- at their core --- really abnormal behaviors relative to most of the constituents within a normal population.

Those that fall in the realm of what we euphemistically call "Normal People," have no real propensity to commit violent offenses such as murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault and battery, robbery, arson, sexual offenses, mopery with the intent to creep or crawl, and other such seriousness. There are, however, those people that are violent; and there will be some in every sample of every population you take.

The original discussion centered around the "arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank." I don't know enough about the case and the investigative outcomes to make a comment specifically. But I would not jump to the conclusion that this unknown suspect was motivated by the political climate --- just yet. Nor would I jump to the conclusion that the target of the arson was the "18-month-old boy" (emphasized in the media article) or the family; not until there is some more information.

Most Respectfully,
Justifying is like saying: 'yeah they deserved it"-
Will you condemn this murder Page 17 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
(simple logic- hell= God's punishment, if God still punishes them their murder is justified)

But Lipush was merely explaining the REASON behind the violence,
her view of the situation. NOT JUDGING anyone or cursing or saying the filthiest things You've mentioned when given an opportunity to CONDEMN MURDERS OF NUMEROUS CHILDREN which you disgracefully declined.

How low can you be to even compare it...:disbelief:
your link leads to your own post, here is another opportunity to condemn the burning to death of a Palestinian child by zionist extremists will you say it?
Justifying is like saying: 'yeah they deserved it"-
Will you condemn this murder Page 17 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
(simple logic- hell= God's punishment, if God still punishes them their murder is justified)

But Lipush was merely explaining the REASON behind the violence,
her view of the situation. NOT JUDGING anyone or cursing or saying the filthiest things You've mentioned when given an opportunity to CONDEMN MURDERS OF NUMEROUS CHILDREN which you disgracefully declined.

How low can you be to even compare it...:disbelief:
your link leads to your own post, here is another opportunity to condemn the burning to death of a Palestinian child by zionist extremists will you say it?

Cheap trick you slick ugly racist creatue, there's no one convicted yet.

and if your disgracefulness wants to see me condemning the crime of an arab baby whose murderers still not convicted you can ACTUALLY see me here, doing just that:Will you condemn this murder Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now go and smear/fudge your filth off on someone else

I mean the filth that made you justify numerous murders of 2,4 and 1 year old children :
Will you condemn this murder Page 17 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Coyote, fanger, rylah, et al,

The original discussion centered around the "arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank." I don't know enough about the case and the investigative outcomes to make a comment specifically. But I would not jump to the conclusion that this unknown suspect was motivated by the political climate --- just yet. Nor would I jump to the conclusion that the target of the arson was the "18-month-old boy" (emphasized in the media article) or the family; not until there is some more information.

Most Respectfully,


This incidence is the latest in a number of similar arson attacks by religious extremists...Israeli authorities don't seem to be in much doubt.

While the target may not have been specifically the baby, the person or persons responsible for this knew they were firebombing a house that people lived in at a time when people would there. To say that they weren't targeting people is like saying the murderers of the Fogel family just happened to be passing by with their knives. Fire, knives - the intent is to kill people.

What has been really striking in all this is the emphasis on "suspected", "alleged", "don't jump to conclusions" which I agree with but is a concern that has sadly been lacking when the perpetrator is assumed to be Palestinian.
May all zionists burn in Hell, there, do you like that better?

Fanger, if you knew how horrific hell was you would not wish your worst enemy to go there. Not for a second. You should also know that God does not send little children to hell. He takes them to heaven. All of them. Your hatred is destroying you. It's a grief to watch anyone self destruct. I am going to be praying for you. I am telling you that with a sincere heart because I think it is quite possible you are coming to the end of yourself and will soon be willing to let the LORD come in and heal whatever it is that is troubling you so deeply.
Just for the record, Fanger just said those children may burn in hell. I guess, just for the reason of being Israelis or Jews.

An adult person who pretends to be respectful just said terrorized children, some of them just babies, will burn in hell just for their ethnic belonging.

Just shows you the wickedness that is hidden beneath the surface of some of the posters here. Not even the roughest of Pro-Israelis ever said dead Palestinian children belong in hell.

He didn't even have the decency of posting this in English so all will know what he said. He chose cowardice, too.

I rest my case here.

Yes, that is disgusting thing to say. They are just children - they didn't ask to be there, they aren't involved in any conflict. They have done nothing wrong.

And as for the "roughest pro-Israeli's"? They have been just as wicked. I've seen them cheer killed Palestinian children as "one less potential terrorist". They are no better.

Maybe we should remember these are just kids caught up in their parents conflict - Palestinian or Jewish.

I don't recall any friends here on board say those babies will rot in hell. Babies are innocent, and if that saying came out from one of us, then it's shameful and should not be repeated.

By anyone, at any time.

That wasn't what she said. She said they said it was one less terrorist and that in itself is something that shouldn't have been said.
jeremiah suggested they may have been attacked by their own, again no empathy Will you condemn this murder Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

As you do not know me, you do not know what empathy I feel, Fanger. I do feel empathy for the loss of the child but unlike you I am not so quick to accuse these Jewish Settlers of being the responsible party when I know the history of Hamas to kill their own people, stage attacks and then blame them on the Israeli's and so on. My hope is that they find out who did it quickly so that we can see justice be done and the anger that is building subside. For the good of everyone.

The Israeli authorities should be very aggressive in the search for who did this - even as they did for the Fogel family case. If the people see that there has been a very thorough investigation and search for the killers (killer) and that the Israeli authorities did not slack in any way on this case it will be helpful to all involved.
jeremiah suggested they may have been attacked by their own, again no empathy Will you condemn this murder Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

As I said that some days ago,fanger, it obviously troubles you a great deal. With that said, I said Hamas - not the people who Hamas holds in captivity through fear and intimidation - still as it troubled you - I apologize for that statement. I do not know who did it. I hope we find out very soon who did.
Coyote, et al,

Yes, I have to agree.

Coyote, fanger, rylah, et al,

The original discussion centered around the "arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank." I don't know enough about the case and the investigative outcomes to make a comment specifically. But I would not jump to the conclusion that this unknown suspect was motivated by the political climate --- just yet. Nor would I jump to the conclusion that the target of the arson was the "18-month-old boy" (emphasized in the media article) or the family; not until there is some more information.

Most Respectfully,


This incidence is the latest in a number of similar arson attacks by religious extremists...Israeli authorities don't seem to be in much doubt.

While the target may not have been specifically the baby, the person or persons responsible for this knew they were firebombing a house that people lived in at a time when people would there. To say that they weren't targeting people is like saying the murderers of the Fogel family just happened to be passing by with their knives. Fire, knives - the intent is to kill people.

What has been really striking in all this is the emphasis on "suspected", "alleged", "don't jump to conclusions" which I agree with but is a concern that has sadly been lacking when the perpetrator is assumed to be Palestinian.

The concept is just as applicable to some of the criminal activity and events associated with the Palestinians.

And you are very correct, I have seen many cases in which the observers make assumptions and associations that are not held in evidence. My favorite of late was the indirect fire mission that lead to the death of several boys on the beach. While it was (ultimately) true that the impacts were a result of Israeli fires, it did not come from the Naval elements at some considerable stand-off range.

I think that the emotion raised on both sides --- as a result of a very prolonged conflict, has had an adverse effect on many. In some cases, the effect is the compulsion to kill what they believe is the enemy; the expression of a criminal mind.

Most Respectfully,
Coyote, et al,

Yes, I have to agree.

Coyote, fanger, rylah, et al,

The original discussion centered around the "arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank." I don't know enough about the case and the investigative outcomes to make a comment specifically. But I would not jump to the conclusion that this unknown suspect was motivated by the political climate --- just yet. Nor would I jump to the conclusion that the target of the arson was the "18-month-old boy" (emphasized in the media article) or the family; not until there is some more information.

Most Respectfully,


This incidence is the latest in a number of similar arson attacks by religious extremists...Israeli authorities don't seem to be in much doubt.

While the target may not have been specifically the baby, the person or persons responsible for this knew they were firebombing a house that people lived in at a time when people would there. To say that they weren't targeting people is like saying the murderers of the Fogel family just happened to be passing by with their knives. Fire, knives - the intent is to kill people.

What has been really striking in all this is the emphasis on "suspected", "alleged", "don't jump to conclusions" which I agree with but is a concern that has sadly been lacking when the perpetrator is assumed to be Palestinian.

The concept is just as applicable to some of the criminal activity and events associated with the Palestinians.

And you are very correct, I have seen many cases in which the observers make assumptions and associations that are not held in evidence. My favorite of late was the indirect fire mission that lead to the death of several boys on the beach. While it was (ultimately) true that the impacts were a result of Israeli fires, it did not come from the Naval elements at some considerable stand-off range.

I think that the emotion raised on both sides --- as a result of a very prolonged conflict, has had an adverse effect on many. In some cases, the effect is the compulsion to kill what they believe is the enemy; the expression of a criminal mind.

Most Respectfully,
Fair Comment Rocco..steve
May all zionists burn in Hell, there, do you like that better?

Right alongside all islamonazis and mohamedens, wont be any room for the other evil bastards of the world when the islamonazis and mohamedens start arriving.
Just for the record, Fanger just said those children may burn in hell. I guess, just for the reason of being Israelis or Jews.

An adult person who pretends to be respectful just said terrorized children, some of them just babies, will burn in hell just for their ethnic belonging.

Just shows you the wickedness that is hidden beneath the surface of some of the posters here. Not even the roughest of Pro-Israelis ever said dead Palestinian children belong in hell.

He didn't even have the decency of posting this in English so all will know what he said. He chose cowardice, too.

I rest my case here.

Yes, that is disgusting thing to say. They are just children - they didn't ask to be there, they aren't involved in any conflict. They have done nothing wrong.

And as for the "roughest pro-Israeli's"? They have been just as wicked. I've seen them cheer killed Palestinian children as "one less potential terrorist". They are no better.

Maybe we should remember these are just kids caught up in their parents conflict - Palestinian or Jewish.

I don't recall any friends here on board say those babies will rot in hell. Babies are innocent, and if that saying came out from one of us, then it's shameful and should not be repeated.

By anyone, at any time.

They didn't say that. They just said "one less terrorist". Which is pretty grim and crappy in my opinion.

And factual which you don't like, as I keep advising you try reading the Koran in its abrogated form and see just how vile the muslims are

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