Will you convert?


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
I was watching a video from one of the posts on here about what equates to a Muslim take-over in Germany and pondering if such a thing could be possible here in the US, and what I'd do if it were possible. On the one hand I think it might be a lot harder to do here because they'd have to basically scrap the Constitution, on the other, we are supposedly run by the will of the people and it's not like there's not quite a few that want to alter the constitution anyway, so if Muslim's became the majority, as they're apparently well on their way to do in Germany, it wouldn't be the situation we have here right now.

Now as a woman, it seems that my choices are a) become a Muslim or b) accept that as a non-Muslim, Muslim men have the religious "right" to rape me at any time. ( I have money, so obviously if it got to that point I'd leave and go to Japan who, at least at this point in time, the Muslim's have no chance of "peacefully over-throwing" in that manner, or maybe buy my own island or something, but supposing I had no choice but to stay for the sake of intellectual consideration. )

As an agnostic I'd probably faux convert to save myself from the abuse... I'm curious about others thoughts on the subject.
Besides, the ONLY way this would happen is if the citizens LET them.
I was watching a video from one of the posts on here about what equates to a Muslim take-over in Germany and pondering if such a thing could be possible here in the US, and what I'd do if it were possible. On the one hand I think it might be a lot harder to do here because they'd have to basically scrap the Constitution, on the other, we are supposedly run by the will of the people and it's not like there's not quite a few that want to alter the constitution anyway, so if Muslim's became the majority, as they're apparently well on their way to do in Germany, it wouldn't be the situation we have here right now.

Now as a woman, it seems that my choices are a) become a Muslim or b) accept that as a non-Muslim, Muslim men have the religious "right" to rape me at any time. ( I have money, so obviously if it got to that point I'd leave and go to Japan who, at least at this point in time, the Muslim's have no chance of "peacefully over-throwing" in that manner, or maybe buy my own island or something, but supposing I had no choice but to stay for the sake of intellectual consideration. )

As an agnostic I'd probably faux convert to save myself from the abuse... I'm curious about others thoughts on the subject.

Being a Muslim doesn't protect you from ISIS. Killing way more Muslims than non-Muslims. They're a violent cult and not actual Muslims. They're like if Nation of Islam went psychopathic and start killing everybody. NoI isn't actual Islam either, they just use the name to deceive stupid ignorant people. Same with ISIS.
@ TNHarley - Oh I agree completely, but that's the point - "peaceful take-over" it's what the German's were saying was occurring (and at least one Muslim leader in Germany, on camera, agreed that it was going to happen; he said by like 2030.) Once they have the majority vote, then they /would/ let it happen don't you think?

@D4E - I'm not talking specifically about ISIS here, I don't think the Muslim leader there in Germany was ISIS. I'll admit I don't know all that much about actual Muslim society/culture. So what are the options then? If Muslims out breed other groups, is there room in their teaching for freedom of religion? From what I've read there's not, but it's not something I've ever really studied, I've read about the religion, read some passages of the Koran, etc. but that's the difference between "book smart" and "street smart" right? So what is "normal" Muslim life like for non-believers then?
I was watching a video from one of the posts on here about what equates to a Muslim take-over in Germany and pondering if such a thing could be possible here in the US, and what I'd do if it were possible. On the one hand I think it might be a lot harder to do here because they'd have to basically scrap the Constitution, on the other, we are supposedly run by the will of the people and it's not like there's not quite a few that want to alter the constitution anyway, so if Muslim's became the majority, as they're apparently well on their way to do in Germany, it wouldn't be the situation we have here right now.

Now as a woman, it seems that my choices are a) become a Muslim or b) accept that as a non-Muslim, Muslim men have the religious "right" to rape me at any time. ( I have money, so obviously if it got to that point I'd leave and go to Japan who, at least at this point in time, the Muslim's have no chance of "peacefully over-throwing" in that manner, or maybe buy my own island or something, but supposing I had no choice but to stay for the sake of intellectual consideration. )

As an agnostic I'd probably faux convert to save myself from the abuse... I'm curious about others thoughts on the subject.

Being a Muslim doesn't protect you from ISIS. Killing way more Muslims than non-Muslims. They're a violent cult and not actual Muslims. They're like if Nation of Islam went psychopathic and start killing everybody. NoI isn't actual Islam either, they just use the name to deceive stupid ignorant people. Same with ISIS.
I always get a kick out shit like this LOL
I was watching a video from one of the posts on here about what equates to a Muslim take-over in Germany and pondering if such a thing could be possible here in the US, and what I'd do if it were possible. On the one hand I think it might be a lot harder to do here because they'd have to basically scrap the Constitution, on the other, we are supposedly run by the will of the people and it's not like there's not quite a few that want to alter the constitution anyway, so if Muslim's became the majority, as they're apparently well on their way to do in Germany, it wouldn't be the situation we have here right now.

Now as a woman, it seems that my choices are a) become a Muslim or b) accept that as a non-Muslim, Muslim men have the religious "right" to rape me at any time. ( I have money, so obviously if it got to that point I'd leave and go to Japan who, at least at this point in time, the Muslim's have no chance of "peacefully over-throwing" in that manner, or maybe buy my own island or something, but supposing I had no choice but to stay for the sake of intellectual consideration. )

As an agnostic I'd probably faux convert to save myself from the abuse... I'm curious about others thoughts on the subject.

Being a Muslim doesn't protect you from ISIS. Killing way more Muslims than non-Muslims. They're a violent cult and not actual Muslims. They're like if Nation of Islam went psychopathic and start killing everybody. NoI isn't actual Islam either, they just use the name to deceive stupid ignorant people. Same with ISIS.

I'm interested to know what makes you qualified to state categorically who is and who isn't a Muslim? Also, what is an 'actual Muslim' ?
I was watching a video from one of the posts on here about what equates to a Muslim take-over in Germany and pondering if such a thing could be possible here in the US, and what I'd do if it were possible. On the one hand I think it might be a lot harder to do here because they'd have to basically scrap the Constitution, on the other, we are supposedly run by the will of the people and it's not like there's not quite a few that want to alter the constitution anyway, so if Muslim's became the majority, as they're apparently well on their way to do in Germany, it wouldn't be the situation we have here right now.

Now as a woman, it seems that my choices are a) become a Muslim or b) accept that as a non-Muslim, Muslim men have the religious "right" to rape me at any time. ( I have money, so obviously if it got to that point I'd leave and go to Japan who, at least at this point in time, the Muslim's have no chance of "peacefully over-throwing" in that manner, or maybe buy my own island or something, but supposing I had no choice but to stay for the sake of intellectual consideration. )

As an agnostic I'd probably faux convert to save myself from the abuse... I'm curious about others thoughts on the subject.

I couldn't find any mention of suicide in my quick read through (was getting the kido breakfast heh,) though I don't doubt the truly faithful would die rather than convert. Still, interesting to read, and adds a different thought to my theoretical.

Would a Muslim majority simply throw everyone else out? Is that what they are doing in the ME perhaps? Though, as I understand the bits I've read, it doesn't actually matter where the non-believers go, merely that they exist? Or does one take it as more of a they inherit the earth merely by having the majority...

I think I would certainly rather be expelled than convert if that were a choice given...
I think, historically in any case, the infidel would sometimes be given 3 choices - depending on circumstances - such as the level of need for labour, for example. Convert; pay a tax and have very few rights; or be executed. I'm not sure women would be given these 'choices' though.
I couldn't find any mention of suicide in my quick read through (was getting the kido breakfast heh,) though I don't doubt the truly faithful would die rather than convert. Still, interesting to read, and adds a different thought to my theoretical.

Would a Muslim majority simply throw everyone else out? Is that what they are doing in the ME perhaps? Though, as I understand the bits I've read, it doesn't actually matter where the non-believers go, merely that they exist? Or does one take it as more of a they inherit the earth merely by having the majority...

I think I would certainly rather be expelled than convert if that were a choice given...

I think the besieged Jews at Messada (?sp) did this - all but the last man standing I think, as suicide is forbidden?
I'd convert..............the first rag head that got in my face.............into fucking ground 'sand monkey'.
My 308 Norma Magnum can vaporise a goat's head from 200 yards down range.
Ah, religious history is probably one of my weakest points as I have extreme difficulty comprehending the belief bit, it makes understanding the writing of various holy books near impossible for me (it is merely words on a page writ by a man, I simply cannot draw up the gut belief part necessary to read into it if that makes sense.)

Do you think paying a tax is an option with this Islamic religious position? Non-believer slaves kind of deal? Is there a precedence for that in history, I've heard of sex slaves, but little else along that vein.

I'm still waiting for the non ISIS position on such a "peaceful takeover" situation, but I have a feeling I'm not going to get it here. I have other boards which are more open to actual discussion/debate, rather than merely political argument, so I'm hopeful there is an alternative I've missed. Although, thus far... its not looking like a very encouraging situation for such a scenario on them either.
Well I'd have to leave before it got to that point or I likely wouldn't anymore, but yea, unless the Dem's can find a way to tax it all out of me, I do.
Good luck in your quest. But yes, the three options above exist in history. Three options wouldn't always be offered of course, it would depend on need, and essentially those who refused to convert and lived were like slaves. I'm not religious either, but find the history of religion fascinating. Maybe someone who knows more will add to the discussion. As a women, if faced with your scenario, I hope I would have the sense to get out whilst I still could :)
I was watching a video from one of the posts on here about what equates to a Muslim take-over in Germany and pondering if such a thing could be possible here in the US, and what I'd do if it were possible. On the one hand I think it might be a lot harder to do here because they'd have to basically scrap the Constitution, on the other, we are supposedly run by the will of the people and it's not like there's not quite a few that want to alter the constitution anyway, so if Muslim's became the majority, as they're apparently well on their way to do in Germany, it wouldn't be the situation we have here right now.

Now as a woman, it seems that my choices are a) become a Muslim or b) accept that as a non-Muslim, Muslim men have the religious "right" to rape me at any time. ( I have money, so obviously if it got to that point I'd leave and go to Japan who, at least at this point in time, the Muslim's have no chance of "peacefully over-throwing" in that manner, or maybe buy my own island or something, but supposing I had no choice but to stay for the sake of intellectual consideration. )

As an agnostic I'd probably faux convert to save myself from the abuse... I'm curious about others thoughts on the subject.

It seems the greater threat to our democratic principles and rule of law comes from the enemy within, those fundamentalist Christians who want to proselytize and impose organized religion's form of Authoritarianism on the American people.

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