Will you convert?

While I do distance from a number of Christian beliefs, at the same time, I think it is safe to say that the majority of Christians accept, and even embrace, "freedom" as a corner-stone of our country. I cannot say the same of Islam as I understand it though. While a Christian might believe me a fool, and even a sinner damned to Hell, he doesn't not typically see my non-belief as a direct affront nor a threat... or perhaps they've merely learned from the atrocities that were committed in the past...

Would Muslims even be able to make the same "concessions" of their religious beliefs for "freedom" though? I'm just not sure they would.

As for slavery, I suppose it would depend on the tasks involved. I'd certainly not be keen to be a sex slave (though at 40+ I'm not sure that'd be a concern) but other tasks maybe... I'd probably get shot for my red-head temper and mouth, but if I could contain all that, I'm not so sure there would be a hell of a lot of difference between cleaning a house for money and cleaning a house for food and a place to live. Not an optimal situation for sure, but I think a viable alternative to death, and perhaps even exile. If one has nothing now, our current poor, perhaps such a situation would be little more of a change on the surface, in fact, perhaps even a less mentally burdensome change in their situation as a slave does not typically have to worry about paying rent, and if we presume that the threat of death would be somewhat universal. I think I'd make a horrible slave though, I can't cook, I despise cleaning, and I tend to ask far too many questions... I'd have to be like a banker slave or some shit lol
I was watching a video from one of the posts on here about what equates to a Muslim take-over in Germany and pondering if such a thing could be possible here in the US, and what I'd do if it were possible. On the one hand I think it might be a lot harder to do here because they'd have to basically scrap the Constitution, on the other, we are supposedly run by the will of the people and it's not like there's not quite a few that want to alter the constitution anyway, so if Muslim's became the majority, as they're apparently well on their way to do in Germany, it wouldn't be the situation we have here right now.

Now as a woman, it seems that my choices are a) become a Muslim or b) accept that as a non-Muslim, Muslim men have the religious "right" to rape me at any time. ( I have money, so obviously if it got to that point I'd leave and go to Japan who, at least at this point in time, the Muslim's have no chance of "peacefully over-throwing" in that manner, or maybe buy my own island or something, but supposing I had no choice but to stay for the sake of intellectual consideration. )

As an agnostic I'd probably faux convert to save myself from the abuse... I'm curious about others thoughts on the subject.
1. It's not possible.
2. No one is converting, unless they are.
How can you be so sure. We are not talking about a hostile take-over, we are talking about being out-bred. Not that I typically pay all that much attention to *cough* certain folks on this board, it's been argued before; in this case that African American's will be the majority after they "steal all the white women."

What do you feel makes such a scenario impossible. Was it not you, just last night, who said that the Constitution should be changed regarding guns? What in your mind would prevent a majority Muslim society in the US from revoking freedom of religion or women's rights? Though I suspect LGBT rights would be the first to go because they'd have some Christian support for that heh

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