Will You Read Smith's Insurrection Indictment Of Trump?

Will You Read Smith's Indictment?

  • No, I will wait until I am told what to say about it

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Yes, I like to be informed with facts

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters
This pending indictment is not about classified documents sitting in boxes on a stage in a ballroom which tens of thousands of people visited.

This pending indictment is about Trump's attempt to overthrow our democracy.

Does it mention that Trump DID leave office when he was supposed to? Because he did. The power to determine which electors to count was always with Congress, as its always been. Trump didnt try to circumvent that.
Elections have always been a political process and both sides have in the past, Grand Standed and protested outcomes... both sides have denied the outcome in the past.... it's only now that one party is attempting to make the DOJ part of the political process...
This will end up being the biggest threat to our democracy, when now the DOJ can determine how far a politician is allowed to protest before his protest is considered Treason..

Even in the worst case, the acts of a violent protest (though not all those people who were there were violent) would never have been enough to overturn an election..the power was always with Congress to count the votes no matter what and which electors to throw out.
No one in their right mind would think a protest mob was a valid attempt to overturn an election... that angle however was used repeatedly and immediately because it offered up such a powerful visual... for Democrats to cry Treason.... because they know half of the American population cant find America on the map yet alone understand the political process of what it takes to ratify an election.

if Trump was forcibly going to overturn an election, he would have had to brought in the military and refused to leave office.
Does it mention that Trump DID leave office when he was supposed to? Because he did. The power to determine which electors to count was always with Congress, as its always been. Trump didnt try to circumvent that.
Elections have always been a political process and both sides have in the past, Grand Standed and protested outcomes... both sides have denied the outcome in the past.... it's only now that one party is attempting to make the DOJ part of the political process...
This will end up being the biggest threat to our democracy, when now the DOJ can determine how far a politician is allowed to protest before his protest is considered Treason..

Even in the worst case, the acts of a violent protest (though not all those people who were there were violent) would never have been enough to overturn an election..the power was always with Congress to count the votes no matter what and which electors to throw out.
No one in their right mind would think a protest mob was a valid attempt to overturn an election... that angle however was used repeatedly and immediately because it offered up such a powerful visual... for Democrats to cry Treason.... because they know half of the American population cant find America on the map yet alone understand the political process of what it takes to ratify an election.

if Trump was forcibly going to overturn an election, he would have had to brought in the military and refused to leave office.

You're thinking that facts will work on a group of people who really are not fact based.
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It has been very obvious the Trump cult did not read the stolen documents indictment of Trump. Their misstatements of the facts of the case gave away their willful blindness and willingness to parrot what they were told to parrot and bleev what they were told to bleev.

I am wondering if the cult will continue down the same road of pigheaded ignorance when the next indictment of Trump is handed down.

I mean, you look pretty stupid parroting talking points which have no connection to reality.

You can still read the stolen documents indictment. It's never too late: https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2023/06/trump-indictment.pdf
Hillary, Born in Kenya Barack and PedoPete all took documents, only Trump gets charged

Yeah, this will end well
Hillary, Born in Kenya Barack and PedoPete all took documents, only Trump gets charged

Yeah, this will end well
You are talking about the wrong case. The pending indictment is about Trump's attempted coup.

As for the documents, Trump was not charged for any of the documents he turned over, even though he fought bitterly to keep them for over a year.

So your idiotic talking point fails catastrophically.

You would know all this if you read the indictment, Yet you tards willfully refuse to do so and instead parrot the lies your propagandists feed you.

Simply astounding you allow yourselves to be led round by the rings in your noses!

Obama did not take any documents. Your propagandists have lied to you for, what, the ten thousandth time now?

All of Obama's presidential records were turned over the custody of the Archivist immediately upon his leaving office.
It is getting really tiresome showing how ignorant you tards are.

I would recommend you read this speech, but I know you are too dumb to understand the big words:

Democracy's Next Battle by Ronald Reagan.

I also believe every American should read this book, but you are DEFINITELY too stupid to understand the big words in it:

A leftover birther

Barack himself/herself was the first Birther. He told his publisher he was "born in Kenya." It's likely he was admitted to college and University as a foreign (born in Kenya) student

Sorry if you're a rube
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Barack himself/herself was the first Birther. He told his publisher he was "born in Kenya." It's likely he was admitted to college and University as a foreign (born in Kenya) student

Sorry, if you're a rube
Nice try, birther. But no cigar
Nice try, birther. But no cigar

Do you actually believe the Publisher just decided on her own that she HAD to list Obama's birthplace in his bio!?

Really?? Why just Born in Kenya Barack no one else on that issue?

Do you believe that publishers just print things without getting a sign off from the subject?

What if she wrote "Born in Kenya, likes to wear women's clothes and eats snakes"? Would that have been published without being proofread by Born in Kenya Barack?
Such an idiot thing to parrot.

We are a democratic republic. It is perfectly correct to refer to the US as a democracy and/or as a republic.

Don't be such a moron.

Trump attempted to turn us into a dictatorship. And he has been signaling he STILL wants to be dictator.

You are the parrot. Everything you write can be quoted, verbatim, from MSM sources. You are a mouthpiece that relays what you read from your favorite feel-good propaganda source. You are programmed with the exact words they want you to say, you believe it all with zero skepticism or ability to think critically, then you copy+paste it onto here. If Trump ends up in solitary confinement you won't have MSM headlines to masturbate over all day long. How will they get into a jail cell to cover Trump 24/7 with fake drama stories so they can keep showing you ads? You must have a sad and empty life. Hopeless political news junkie.
You are the parrot. Everything you write can be quoted, verbatim, from MSM sources. You are a mouthpiece that relays what you read from your favorite feel-good propaganda source. You are programmed with the exact words they want you to say, you believe it all with zero skepticism or ability to think critically, then you copy+paste it onto here. If Trump ends up in solitary confinement you won't have MSM headlines to masturbate over all day long. How will they get into a jail cell to cover Trump 24/7 with fake drama stories so they can keep showing you ads? You must have a sad and empty life. Hopeless political news junkie.

Fake news junkie
Such an idiot thing to parrot.

We are a democratic republic. It is perfectly correct to refer to the US as a democracy and/or as a republic.

Don't be such a moron.

Trump attempted to turn us into a dictatorship. And he has been signaling he STILL wants to be dictator.
The world elites did that. You as a Prog parrot the constitution until you do not. Now we vote to get paid off and to get favoritism. Trump is not a dictator. He followed decorum with the riots.

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