Will you sign the petition for Alfie's life?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition
The horror out of the U.K. concerning sick 23-month-old baby Alfie Evans continues. Earlier on Tuesday, Alfie was effectively sentenced to death yet again by the U.K. court system after a judge denied the the parents’ request to travel to Italy to seek further treatment.

Now, with the child off of life-support since Monday evening and battling for his life, the baby’s parents have been forced to give Alfie mouth-to-mouth while sitting in a hospital.

“Evans’ parents are giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in a desperate bid to keep him alive after a court ruled he cannot be flown to Italy for treatment,” reported The Sun on Tuesday evening. “Tom Evans tonight said he and Alfie’s mum Kate are trying to help Alfie’s breathing after ‘his lips turned blue.'”

Keep reading…

If Italy says they want to save the boy, let them try.

But it's all about murdering kids with the left.
How does the British legal system block parents from taking their child to another country for medical care?
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but can that judge be charged with attempted murder and then actual murder should the child not make it?

God bless you and that baby and its parents always!!!

What's it all about?
Just a hunch but I am thinking the doctors screwed up and now everyone's covering their asses. The child was having problems and the parents were being told nothing was wrong. Then last December he got a lung infection and started having seizures. The poor baby has been in the hospital since. The hospital sued the parents and took over custody (btw, Teresa May says children do not belong to their parents and courts there must be in agreement). The doctors claim the child is brain dead and there is no hope so they took him off of life support and stopped any measures that would keep him alive (death by starvation and dehydration). The hospital was sure the child would die when life support was remove but the little guy is hanging in there. The child is not brain dead as he has movements from tickling etc. The Vatican will take the child into their children's hospital and give him care and try to find out what is causing the neurological problems but the courts will not allow the parents to life flight the child to Italy. Italy even gave the child citizenship. The family is Christian. rod told me check and see if the hospital is being ran by Muslims. I looked a bit into and they have had some issues there with Muslim caretakers and sanitation but was tired last night so haven't checked further into it. Some of the ladies I know from over there say that this hospital has a record of problems for patients but they were not specific.

Summing it all up basically state sponsored murder of a child. You can bet they would treat the royals children over there that away.

My son was said to be brain dead before he was two. He was on life support and they tested him several times each day to make sure their machine was not in error. No brain wave activities at all and no movements. They claimed he would be a vegetable if he survived. He came out of the coma and regain full brain activity. I don't buy into this child is brain dead like doctors there are saying.
Thanks for the link! I just now did my signing of the petition.

God bless you and the baby always!!!

Thank you Holly!
Hopefully the state will release him to leave the country so the life flight they have there on standby can get him to a facility that cares!
Same condition as the last kid this happened to. Brain deteriorated beyond repair, organs unable to function on their own, constant seizures... poor kid
Are you referring to Charlie Gard? Because if you are you are in error. Charlie's parents didn't want him suffering at the hands of the madmen there that were using him as a guinea pig. I am friends with the ladies that have been standing up in defense of these children.
Government over reach and the result of socialized medicine
The claim from Theresa May is their children belong to the state. They want that same type chit to be the rule of law here and it has been headed that away for a lot of years now. It is time to turn the beast back downward where it belongs. Britain took in way too many foreigners with a whole different outlook and we need to make sure we do not allow that to happen here.
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition

Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Government over reach and the result of socialized medicine
The claim from Theresa May is their children belong to the state. They want that same type chit to be the rule of law here and it has been headed that away for a lot of years now. It is time to turn the beast back downward where it belongs. Britain took in way too many foreigners with a whole different outlook and we need to make sure we do not allow that to happen here.

Leftists believe children belong to society or the state....they could not be more wrong

What is happening with this child is a travesty but wait and watch leftist assholes try to defend it
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition

Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.

Lie...you have your precious ObunglesCare. Oh wait......
Government over reach and the result of socialized medicine
The claim from Theresa May is their children belong to the state. They want that same type chit to be the rule of law here and it has been headed that away for a lot of years now. It is time to turn the beast back downward where it belongs. Britain took in way too many foreigners with a whole different outlook and we need to make sure we do not allow that to happen here.

Leftists believe children belong to society or the state....they could not be more wrong

What is happening with this child is a travesty but wait and watch leftist assholes try to defend it
Corporatacrats believe the same thing. It has to be a balance or liberty is dead.
Government over reach and the result of socialized medicine
The claim from Theresa May is their children belong to the state. They want that same type chit to be the rule of law here and it has been headed that away for a lot of years now. It is time to turn the beast back downward where it belongs. Britain took in way too many foreigners with a whole different outlook and we need to make sure we do not allow that to happen here.

Leftists believe children belong to society or the state....they could not be more wrong

What is happening with this child is a travesty but wait and watch leftist assholes try to defend it
Corporatacrats believe the same thing. It has to be a balance or liberty is dead.

My problem with this is Italy granted the child citizenship, there is a plane waiting on standby to take Alfie there and the Vatican hospital has agreed to take the child. England should stand down

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