Willfully Ignorant? This might open you mind!

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
First, you must read this link. Next you must think (for some, their ignorance isn't willful; we will know who when they post the idiot-grams sure to follow); then you must become outraged as you understand how you've been lied to by the power elite and those who have written thousands of pages of tax code to benefit them.

But first read this:

Hillary Clinton Is Right About Pfizer
First, you must read this link. Next you must think (for some, their ignorance isn't willful; we will know who when they post the idiot-grams sure to follow); then you must become outraged as you understand how you've been lied to by the power elite and those who have written thousands of pages of tax code to benefit them.

But first read this:

Hillary Clinton Is Right About Pfizer
What is her solution?
Donald Trump’s tax plan goes after corporate ‘inversions’

Donald Trump says U.S. companies will no longer need to move abroad to take advantage of lower taxes if his tax plan becomes a reality.

Trump, the billionaire real-estate mogul currently leading the pack for the Republican presidential nomination, took aim squarely at so-called corporate tax inversions when he unveiled his tax-reform plan on Monday.

Trump’s plan would significantly cut the U.S. corporate tax rate, to 15%. The current top corporate rate is 35%.

“This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world,” Trump says in his tax plan.

Trump’s wide-ranging plan includes collapsing seven tax brackets for individuals into four, and making the highest individual income-tax rate 25% versus the current 39.6% rate. To pay for his proposals, he would end the tax break for “carried interest,” and levy a one-time tax of 10% on overseas profits of U.S. corporations, among other things. High-income earners would see the tax exemption on life-insurance interest phased out.

“Since we are making America’s corporate tax rate globally competitive, it is only fair that corporations help make that move fiscally responsible,” Trump’s plan says.

Trump joins both fellow Republican Jeb Bush and many Democrats in targeting inversions.

Both sides are against Inversions...............but they disagree on how to deal with it.............
So, what is her plan...................
Donald Trump’s tax plan goes after corporate ‘inversions’

Donald Trump says U.S. companies will no longer need to move abroad to take advantage of lower taxes if his tax plan becomes a reality.

Trump, the billionaire real-estate mogul currently leading the pack for the Republican presidential nomination, took aim squarely at so-called corporate tax inversions when he unveiled his tax-reform plan on Monday.

Trump’s plan would significantly cut the U.S. corporate tax rate, to 15%. The current top corporate rate is 35%.

“This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world,” Trump says in his tax plan.

Trump’s wide-ranging plan includes collapsing seven tax brackets for individuals into four, and making the highest individual income-tax rate 25% versus the current 39.6% rate. To pay for his proposals, he would end the tax break for “carried interest,” and levy a one-time tax of 10% on overseas profits of U.S. corporations, among other things. High-income earners would see the tax exemption on life-insurance interest phased out.

“Since we are making America’s corporate tax rate globally competitive, it is only fair that corporations help make that move fiscally responsible,” Trump’s plan says.

Trump joins both fellow Republican Jeb Bush and many Democrats in targeting inversions.

Both sides are against Inversions...............but they disagree on how to deal with it.............
So, what is her plan...................

Seems like a good question to be asked of her and everyone seeking the nomination from both parties.

However, the issue goes far beyond tax policy, it goes to the essential question of how and why this scheme gone on for so long, and evaluating its impact on our national economy and Main St. Americans.

If our tax dollars go to grants paying for basic research, shouldn't the American taxpayer receive some of the profit. In effect, my tax dollars are invested in a private company and only the company and its stock and bond holders receive a return, and even they only pay a capital gain on their profit.

The Right seems to want a fair tax, and the schemes they offer do nothing to make the plight of the working men and women more secure. We are in transition, and will decide soon weather we will remain a democratic republic, or one solely owned and purchased by a power elite whose influence on the law benefits them and harms the many.
I favor a Flat Tax and end the regulations.......................tiered


What do you prefer?????????????
First, you must read this link. Next you must think (for some, their ignorance isn't willful; we will know who when they post the idiot-grams sure to follow); then you must become outraged as you understand how you've been lied to by the power elite and those who have written thousands of pages of tax code to benefit them.

But first read this:

Hillary Clinton Is Right About Pfizer

"Pfizer reported more than $9 billion in losses in the United States from 2010 to 2012, while earning more than $43 billion in profits in the rest of the world, according to its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings. It received $2.2 billion in federal tax refunds over the three-year period".


We don't get screwed that badly up here but almost. I'm thinking the new Liberal government is going to help us out.

"Canada’s new Revenue Minister is a Quebec business woman with experience in municipal politics and a previous career in social work. Dianne Lebouthillier was sworn in this morning."

"Will she be hands on in helping the CRA reorganize to go after multinational tax evasion schemes and put a halt to the $199Billion Canadian parked in tax havens? It is an issue crucial to the operation of Canada’s economic health. Here’s hoping that her community and small business experience gives her the wisdom to make changes. And here's hoping that she can make that case at the cabinet table."
I had to laugh at the title of the thread because bed wetters are dedicated to ignorance.

Seeing "hitlary is right" almost made me snarf.

First, you must read this link. Next you must think (for some, their ignorance isn't willful; we will know who when they post the idiot-grams sure to follow); then you must become outraged as you understand how you've been lied to by the power elite and those who have written thousands of pages of tax code to benefit them.

But first read this:

Hillary Clinton Is Right About Pfizer

"Pfizer reported more than $9 billion in losses in the United States from 2010 to 2012, while earning more than $43 billion in profits in the rest of the world, according to its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings. It received $2.2 billion in federal tax refunds over the three-year period".


We don't get screwed that badly up here but almost. I'm thinking the new Liberal government is going to help us out.

"Canada’s new Revenue Minister is a Quebec business woman with experience in municipal politics and a previous career in social work. Dianne Lebouthillier was sworn in this morning."

"Will she be hands on in helping the CRA reorganize to go after multinational tax evasion schemes and put a halt to the $199Billion Canadian parked in tax havens? It is an issue crucial to the operation of Canada’s economic health. Here’s hoping that her community and small business experience gives her the wisdom to make changes. And here's hoping that she can make that case at the cabinet table."
12% rate there..........................Hello Burger King......................tax haven inversion................

Hmmm...............12% versus 35%.............and the last I heard............Clinton wants to increase that rate...............39%
First, you must read this link. Next you must think (for some, their ignorance isn't willful; we will know who when they post the idiot-grams sure to follow); then you must become outraged as you understand how you've been lied to by the power elite and those who have written thousands of pages of tax code to benefit them.

But first read this:

Hillary Clinton Is Right About Pfizer

Her and her Washington friends helped create this problem by constant expansion of the tax code.

I want any lefty on here who is willing to try and justify how it can take THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of pages to explain to our countrys population, how to send a % of your income in to support defense and building of roads! It is ridiculous, it should be universal between left and right to agree that it is ridiculous, and if you take away the power of the tax code from Washington by simplification, I would almost bet that a lot of partisanship would begin to dissipate.
First, you must read this link. Next you must think (for some, their ignorance isn't willful; we will know who when they post the idiot-grams sure to follow); then you must become outraged as you understand how you've been lied to by the power elite and those who have written thousands of pages of tax code to benefit them.

But first read this:

Hillary Clinton Is Right About Pfizer

"Pfizer reported more than $9 billion in losses in the United States from 2010 to 2012, while earning more than $43 billion in profits in the rest of the world, according to its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings. It received $2.2 billion in federal tax refunds over the three-year period".


We don't get screwed that badly up here but almost. I'm thinking the new Liberal government is going to help us out.

"Canada’s new Revenue Minister is a Quebec business woman with experience in municipal politics and a previous career in social work. Dianne Lebouthillier was sworn in this morning."

"Will she be hands on in helping the CRA reorganize to go after multinational tax evasion schemes and put a halt to the $199Billion Canadian parked in tax havens? It is an issue crucial to the operation of Canada’s economic health. Here’s hoping that her community and small business experience gives her the wisdom to make changes. And here's hoping that she can make that case at the cabinet table."
12% rate there..........................Hello Burger King......................tax haven inversion................

Hmmm...............12% versus 35%.............and the last I heard............Clinton wants to increase that rate...............39%

"Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society". -
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

If you want to rule the World you have to pay for the militarized society you need to accomplish that. Fortunately we don't want to control the World. Most of us just want to belong to it.
First, you must read this link. Next you must think (for some, their ignorance isn't willful; we will know who when they post the idiot-grams sure to follow); then you must become outraged as you understand how you've been lied to by the power elite and those who have written thousands of pages of tax code to benefit them.

But first read this:

Hillary Clinton Is Right About Pfizer

"Pfizer reported more than $9 billion in losses in the United States from 2010 to 2012, while earning more than $43 billion in profits in the rest of the world, according to its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings. It received $2.2 billion in federal tax refunds over the three-year period".


We don't get screwed that badly up here but almost. I'm thinking the new Liberal government is going to help us out.

"Canada’s new Revenue Minister is a Quebec business woman with experience in municipal politics and a previous career in social work. Dianne Lebouthillier was sworn in this morning."

"Will she be hands on in helping the CRA reorganize to go after multinational tax evasion schemes and put a halt to the $199Billion Canadian parked in tax havens? It is an issue crucial to the operation of Canada’s economic health. Here’s hoping that her community and small business experience gives her the wisdom to make changes. And here's hoping that she can make that case at the cabinet table."
12% rate there..........................Hello Burger King......................tax haven inversion................

Hmmm...............12% versus 35%.............and the last I heard............Clinton wants to increase that rate...............39%

"Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society". -
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

If you want to rule the World you have to pay for the militarized society you need to accomplish that. Fortunately we don't want to control the World. Most of us just want to belong to it.
When the investment capital goes offshore how do we pay for it.....................It pays Canada allowing this money to sit there.......just like it pays places like the UK and Ireland who have 12 and 12.5% rates as well.
I favor a Flat Tax and end the regulations.......................tiered


What do you prefer?????????????

That's not an easy question. A tax that is simple and progressive on income makes sense and reduces the threat of our becoming more and more of a plutocracy,though one must consider the number of jobs which will be lost when the tax code is reduced to several pages and the tax form to two or three.

I suppose that's too bad, but wranglers and blacksmiths adapted when motor vehicles replaced horses and as computers replace the amount of clerks needed to keep records.

Sales and value added taxes are regressive, and such taxes eventually bite the taxpaying public. Only when men and women of good will sit down and discuss tax policy can such a discussion take place. Today America is bereft of such good man and women in power as policy makers since they are dependent on "donations" for their election and reelection (donations come with ropes attached).

A so-called fair tax isn't, if we all pay 10% on our income our democratic republic will be no more, for every elected body will be purchased by the rich and do their bidding.
I had to laugh at the title of the thread because bed wetters are dedicated to ignorance.

Seeing "hitlary is right" almost made me snarf.

Idiot-Gram ^^^

Thanks to the author of this foolish post for proving my comment in the OP.
First, you must read this link. Next you must think (for some, their ignorance isn't willful; we will know who when they post the idiot-grams sure to follow); then you must become outraged as you understand how you've been lied to by the power elite and those who have written thousands of pages of tax code to benefit them.

But first read this:

Hillary Clinton Is Right About Pfizer

"Pfizer reported more than $9 billion in losses in the United States from 2010 to 2012, while earning more than $43 billion in profits in the rest of the world, according to its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings. It received $2.2 billion in federal tax refunds over the three-year period".


We don't get screwed that badly up here but almost. I'm thinking the new Liberal government is going to help us out.

"Canada’s new Revenue Minister is a Quebec business woman with experience in municipal politics and a previous career in social work. Dianne Lebouthillier was sworn in this morning."

"Will she be hands on in helping the CRA reorganize to go after multinational tax evasion schemes and put a halt to the $199Billion Canadian parked in tax havens? It is an issue crucial to the operation of Canada’s economic health. Here’s hoping that her community and small business experience gives her the wisdom to make changes. And here's hoping that she can make that case at the cabinet table."
12% rate there..........................Hello Burger King......................tax haven inversion................

Hmmm...............12% versus 35%.............and the last I heard............Clinton wants to increase that rate...............39%

"Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society". -
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

If you want to rule the World you have to pay for the militarized society you need to accomplish that. Fortunately we don't want to control the World. Most of us just want to belong to it.
When the investment capital goes offshore how do we pay for it.....................It pays Canada allowing this money to sit there.......just like it pays places like the UK and Ireland who have 12 and 12.5% rates as well.

I think profits earned in U.S.A. should stay there (as a general rule). Regulations to accomplish that goal could insure fairness for corps. within America. I don't object to retaliatory tariffs either. Remember republican "trust-busting" Teddy Roosevelt? Someone with his sensibility might be able to figure this out, modern economics are way too complicated for me. I'm of the moral economics bent. And morals are what civil societies rely on.

"Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

“Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.”
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

“Though those different plans were, perhaps, first introduced by the private interests and prejudices of particular orders of men, without any regard to, or foresight of, their consequences upon the general welfare of the society;”
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
The Right seems to want a fair tax, and the schemes they offer do nothing to make the plight of the working men and women more secure. We are in transition, and will decide soon weather we will remain a democratic republic, or one solely owned and purchased by a power elite whose influence on the law benefits them and harms the many.
You are an idiot and a liar. The right wants less government burden on everyone. If you don't include yourself as a person that's on you. Where we see public money we will see corruption, bank on it.

Businesses move offshore because America is run by morons that can't figure out how stupid it is to hurt those creating the wealth and jobs in this country. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It doesn't take an economist to understand it's harmful to the economy. Hillary is just more of the same. Many companies, like Milwaukee have just thrown in the towel and sold to the Chinese. A vote for Hillary is a vote for less jobs and business in America.
I favor a Flat Tax and end the regulations.......................tiered


What do you prefer?????????????

That's not an easy question. A tax that is simple and progressive on income makes sense and reduces the threat of our becoming more and more of a plutocracy,though one must consider the number of jobs which will be lost when the tax code is reduced to several pages and the tax form to two or three.

I suppose that's too bad, but wranglers and blacksmiths adapted when motor vehicles replaced horses and as computers replace the amount of clerks needed to keep records.

Sales and value added taxes are regressive, and such taxes eventually bite the taxpaying public. Only when men and women of good will sit down and discuss tax policy can such a discussion take place. Today America is bereft of such good man and women in power as policy makers since they are dependent on "donations" for their election and reelection (donations come with ropes attached).

A so-called fair tax isn't, if we all pay 10% on our income our democratic republic will be no more, for every elected body will be purchased by the rich and do their bidding.
The rich have been getting richer, Einstein. The scheme isn't working.
The Right seems to want a fair tax, and the schemes they offer do nothing to make the plight of the working men and women more secure. We are in transition, and will decide soon weather we will remain a democratic republic, or one solely owned and purchased by a power elite whose influence on the law benefits them and harms the many.
You are an idiot and a liar. The right wants less government burden on everyone. If you don't include yourself as a person that's on you. Where we see public money we will see corruption, bank on it.

Businesses move offshore because America is run by morons that can't figure out how stupid it is to hurt those creating the wealth and jobs in this country. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It doesn't take an economist to understand it's harmful to the economy. Hillary is just more of the same. Many companies, like Milwaukee have just thrown in the towel and sold to the Chinese. A vote for Hillary is a vote for less jobs and business in America.

Thanks once again for proving you are an ignorant partisan hack and an asshole. You either didn't read the link, or are too stupid to understand it.

That's on you.
The Right seems to want a fair tax, and the schemes they offer do nothing to make the plight of the working men and women more secure. We are in transition, and will decide soon weather we will remain a democratic republic, or one solely owned and purchased by a power elite whose influence on the law benefits them and harms the many.
You are an idiot and a liar. The right wants less government burden on everyone. If you don't include yourself as a person that's on you. Where we see public money we will see corruption, bank on it.

Businesses move offshore because America is run by morons that can't figure out how stupid it is to hurt those creating the wealth and jobs in this country. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It doesn't take an economist to understand it's harmful to the economy. Hillary is just more of the same. Many companies, like Milwaukee have just thrown in the towel and sold to the Chinese. A vote for Hillary is a vote for less jobs and business in America.

Thanks once again for proving you are an ignorant partisan hack and an asshole. You either didn't read the link, or are too stupid to understand it.

That's on you.
You were too lazy and sloppy to provide any content (like most libs) but I did look at it and saw they want to move the tax base to Ireland, hense my response.
The Right seems to want a fair tax, and the schemes they offer do nothing to make the plight of the working men and women more secure. We are in transition, and will decide soon weather we will remain a democratic republic, or one solely owned and purchased by a power elite whose influence on the law benefits them and harms the many.
You are an idiot and a liar. The right wants less government burden on everyone. If you don't include yourself as a person that's on you. Where we see public money we will see corruption, bank on it.

Businesses move offshore because America is run by morons that can't figure out how stupid it is to hurt those creating the wealth and jobs in this country. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It doesn't take an economist to understand it's harmful to the economy. Hillary is just more of the same. Many companies, like Milwaukee have just thrown in the towel and sold to the Chinese. A vote for Hillary is a vote for less jobs and business in America.

Thanks once again for proving you are an ignorant partisan hack and an asshole. You either didn't read the link, or are too stupid to understand it.

That's on you.
You were too lazy and sloppy to provide any content (like most libs) but I did look at it and saw they want to move the tax base to Ireland, hense my response.

The content was in the link, and the essence is obvious. Once again, I believe you are not very bright, totally brainwashed or a liar. I suspect all three.

Read the link, try if you can to think about it, and then post something of substance if you can (which I doubt).

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