Williard Looking To Announce VP Nom Early To Divert From Tax Returns

What are y'all lefties going to do when the "tax return" issue dries up? Talk about what a great job Barry Hussein is doing? The hypocrisy is stunning. Barry appointed a treasury secretary who admitted cheating on his taxes because he was too dumb to fill out the form and lefties seem to think that inexperience and stupidity is the new American dream.

Do you not care what your right wing masers do? Or will you obediently vote for them no matter how corrupt or what damning information may come out about them?

Who am I kidding, you right wing idiots would vote for Osama Bin Ladin if he was alive as long as he had an (R) next to his name.
With the fire lit under Willard's feet and growing by they day for him to release his tax returns like Obama and his own father has done, plus with a mounting stack of republicans calling for him to do so as well, it's looking like Willard may announce his VP nom early as a deflection.

Romney mulls early VP announcement | The Raw Story

that would be like totally awesome.

another vp choice made in panic.
With the fire lit under Willard's feet and growing by they day for him to release his tax returns like Obama and his own father has done, plus with a mounting stack of republicans calling for him to do so as well, it's looking like Willard may announce his VP nom early as a deflection.

Romney mulls early VP announcement | The Raw Story

IF he announces early, I don't see it as deflecting from Bain Specifically.

Just that he needs to take the lead on issues, rather than being stuck in response-mode.

All the topics being generated, right now, are out there from the Obama campaign.
Romney needs to start setting the tone.

Announcing a VP, right now, could direct our beloved 24hr-instant news media toward that topic.

Pawlenty? I could live with that choice.
Jindhal would be a solid pick.
So would Rubio, but don't expect it.
There is no fire to release the tax returns, except among democrats.

Don't sell the Rs short. I think its easy to assume that all rw's are dumb but there are some intelligent ones, you know. This jerk is running for PRESIDENT, for Pete's sake. As he said, that's why he had to fire his illegal lawn crew and that is why he has to stop lying and sneaking around about his tax returns.

Mitt Romney Taxes Controversy Shows He's Still A Tough Sell

Months after he mathematically locked up the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney remains a political hairball that GOP insiders -- conservative and otherwise -- wish they could cough up before the convention in Tampa, Fla., next month.

My question is, since it is becoming more and more likely that Mittens is not electable and since there is a chance that the efforts to steal and/or buy the election may not go as they want, is is possible the GObP will dump him?
Deflecting away from topics that are embarassing? Reminds me of obama.
Except he won't.

They are just going to keep stringing the Media along.

Personally? I think Pawlenty got it. But look for Jindal if he gets desperate.

I still think it will be someone who most of us say 'Who is that?" to.

It might be.

Susana Martinez would be a refreshing choice.

Well, she certainly fits the 'who is that?' part ;)

According to Wiki...
She is considered a potential pick for Vice President on the Republican presidential ticket in 2012, but has stated numerous times she would not run.
Even slimeball, Rick Perry appeared on camera, saying Mittens should fess up and release all his tax returns.

Mittens says he's afraid of what the Obama people will find.
Deflecting away from topics that are embarassing? Reminds me of obama.

After the right wing trash were going insane Obama released his birth certificate. Then when the right wing trolls kept going ballistic he released his long form birth certificate.

It's time for Willard to grow up and release his tax returns like Obama and his own father have done.
Last edited:
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
4.3 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $10 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up. Unemployment is down.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.


This is fucking laughable...



Actually, I do believe Chris made a mistake ... The stock market has tripled.
I thought we were primarily focusing on Romney's timing for a VP pick.

If it's just going to turn into another bain/tax return bullshit thread, fuck it. I'm out
What are y'all lefties going to do when the "tax return" issue dries up? Talk about what a great job Barry Hussein is doing? The hypocrisy is stunning. Barry appointed a treasury secretary who admitted cheating on his taxes because he was too dumb to fill out the form and lefties seem to think that inexperience and stupidity is the new American dream.

Uh, you rw's need to remember that this "issue" is of Mittens' own making. The left didn't start this. Mittens is a sneaky liar. He knew he would have this question come up AGAIN, just as it did the last time he lost.

As for President Barry, check my signature space for links to his incredible accomplishments.

The real hypocrisy is from the right that would call for Obama's head if he refused to release his tax returns. But, rw's have a much lower standard for their own.
I thought we were primarily focusing on Romney's timing for a VP pick.

If it's just going to turn into another bain/tax return bullshit thread, fuck it. I'm out

Like it or not, Mittens' own behavior is going to take him down.
Romney has three opportunities to mitigate the Bain and tax attacks from the Obama crowed.

The veep selection, the Olympics, and the Republlican convention are prop moments that should work for him.

I think, but may be mistaken, that Romney will try to survive the attacks until the Olympics divert a lot of attention, following immediately with the veep selection, then driving into the convention for a huge hoop-la.

If he can work that he goes into the final several weeks in good shape.
Yup. Who wants to talk about the economy, jobs or the general state of the country when you can deflect with Romneys tax returns.

When a fabulously wealthy American pays virtually no taxes (legally--no one is alleging potential wrongdoing on any count other than his claims to have falsified SEC documents), that's a powerful confirmation of one of Obama's core themes on the stump: somewhere along the line, our public policy has stopped serving average families and instead has been serving the interests of the Mitt Romneys.

Romney may well be the personification of much of what's wrong with current economic policy in this country. And it doesn't help that his policies are aimed at doubling down on that approach to a degree that would make George W. Bush blush. If it was merely a deflection, he could release his returns, ride things out for a few days, and be done with it. But he recognizes that the issue is much bigger than a few days of unflattering press.

Will said Romney is "losing [the argument] at this point in a big way" in the debate over his tax returns, which the Obama campaign has hammered on in the past week.

"The cost of not releasing the returns are clear," Will said. "Therefore, he must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them."
Yup. Who wants to talk about the economy, jobs or the general state of the country when you can deflect with Romneys tax returns.

When a fabulously wealthy American pays virtually no taxes (legally--no one is alleging potential wrongdoing on any count other than his claims to have falsified SEC documents), that's a powerful confirmation of one of Obama's core themes on the stump: somewhere along the line, our public policy has stopped serving average families and instead has been serving the interests of the Mitt Romneys.

Romney may well be the personification of much of what's wrong with current economic policy in this country. And it doesn't help that his policies are aimed at doubling down on that approach to a degree that would make George W. Bush blush. If it was merely a deflection, he could release his returns, ride things out for a few days, and be done with it. But he recognizes that the issue is much bigger than a few days of unflattering press.

Will said Romney is "losing [the argument] at this point in a big way" in the debate over his tax returns, which the Obama campaign has hammered on in the past week.

"The cost of not releasing the returns are clear," Will said. "Therefore, he must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them."

What are y'all lefties going to do when the "tax return" issue dries up? Talk about what a great job Barry Hussein is doing? The hypocrisy is stunning. Barry appointed a treasury secretary who admitted cheating on his taxes because he was too dumb to fill out the form and lefties seem to think that inexperience and stupidity is the new American dream.

Maybe they got that impression from the 'W' episode.
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
4.3 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $10 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up. Unemployment is down.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.


This is fucking laughable...



Actually, I do believe Chris made a mistake ... The stock market has tripled.

But but Wall Street is bad full of those evil 1 percenters.

One day good one day bad,its fun to watch.

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