Win or Lose, Trump's new GOP is here to stay

Thank god for that! Now just take Trump's policies and mix it with Tucker Carlson's and we have an unbeatable force for decades to come!
Doubtful. As soon as he loses they will all claim they never liked him anyway, just like all the current tRumplings do for Bush.

First of all that's stupid. I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now.

And second, this is a tired, Democrat trope. Don't you have any of your own material? Don't you have anything to say other than going again with the Democrat echo chamber?

Then how did W get elected twice?

You all worshipped his butt!!!

Try reading the discussion again because you whiffed on it the first time.

Also, I voted for Harry Browne and Badnarik, sorry Sport

Whoever you voted for, millions voted fro W - and if you really don't know any it's either because they're embarrassed to admit it or you live with your head in the sand.

That's one way to look at it, and if so, explains how the polls could be so wrong. People who will vote for Trump say they won't because the left has been able to demonize him so badly. Remember how you people were bitching up a storm because the exit polls showed Kerry the winner hands down? How did that happen? People don't tell the truth to pollsters.

Thank god for that! Now just take Trump's policies and mix it with Tucker Carlson's and we have an unbeatable force for decades to come!
Doubtful. As soon as he loses they will all claim they never liked him anyway, just like all the current tRumplings do for Bush.

First of all that's stupid. I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now.

And second, this is a tired, Democrat trope. Don't you have any of your own material? Don't you have anything to say other than going again with the Democrat echo chamber?

Then how did W get elected twice?

You all worshipped his butt!!!

Try reading the discussion again because you whiffed on it the first time.

Also, I voted for Harry Browne and Badnarik, sorry Sport

Whoever you voted for, millions voted fro W - and if you really don't know any it's either because they're embarrassed to admit it or you live with your head in the sand.

That's one way to look at it, and if so, explains how the polls could be so wrong. People who will vote for Trump say they won't because the left has been able to demonize him so badly. Remember how you people were bitching up a storm because the exit polls showed Kerry the winner hands down? How did that happen? People don't tell the truth to pollsters.

I think you and Richard are talking about similar but different things.

Richard is claiming people were "embarrassed" by their own votes as if we thought we did something wrong.

You're pointing out accurately that we're afraid of psycho leftists to say out loud in public that we support Trump

Thank god for that! Now just take Trump's policies and mix it with Tucker Carlson's and we have an unbeatable force for decades to come!

and what do you win?

tax breaks for everyone?

so even liberals will pay less in taxes?

every constitutional right YOU get I get, too!

gays are still out and nobody is going to put them back in the closet
pot is still being decriminalized and legalized all over the country
interracial relationships are common
divorce is easy to get
gays, blacks, women are in powerful and important positions in politics, the military, business
we just had a black president
women are running for president
gays are running for president
and even conservatives would vote for a gay, a black or a woman!

so other than trump as eternal ruler and big tax breaks for me......what do you get out of this?

Thank god for that! Now just take Trump's policies and mix it with Tucker Carlson's and we have an unbeatable force for decades to come!
Doubtful. As soon as he loses they will all claim they never liked him anyway, just like all the current tRumplings do for Bush.

First of all that's stupid. I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now.

And second, this is a tired, Democrat trope. Don't you have any of your own material? Don't you have anything to say other than going again with the Democrat echo chamber?

Then how did W get elected twice?

You all worshipped his butt!!!

Try reading the discussion again because you whiffed on it the first time.

Also, I voted for Harry Browne and Badnarik, sorry Sport

Whoever you voted for, millions voted fro W - and if you really don't know any it's either because they're embarrassed to admit it or you live with your head in the sand.

That's one way to look at it, and if so, explains how the polls could be so wrong. People who will vote for Trump say they won't because the left has been able to demonize him so badly. Remember how you people were bitching up a storm because the exit polls showed Kerry the winner hands down? How did that happen? People don't tell the truth to pollsters.

I think you and Richard are talking about similar but different things.

Richard is claiming people were "embarrassed" by their own votes as if we thought we did something wrong.

You're pointing out accurately that we're afraid of psycho leftists to say out loud in public that we support Trump

Actually I decided instead of challenging him, agree with him. Okay......people are embarrassed to say they voted for a Republican President. You win Richard. Then HTF can anybody site polls and say Trump is in trouble? All I'm doing is using his argument and turning it back around on him.

"Folks, you can't tell anybody they are wrong. It's something they have to decide for themselves. All you can do is give them the information to come to the conclusion they are wrong."
Rush Limbaugh
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Thank god for that! Now just take Trump's policies and mix it with Tucker Carlson's and we have an unbeatable force for decades to come!
Doubtful. As soon as he loses they will all claim they never liked him anyway, just like all the current tRumplings do for Bush.

First of all that's stupid. I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now.

And second, this is a tired, Democrat trope. Don't you have any of your own material? Don't you have anything to say other than going again with the Democrat echo chamber?

Then how did W get elected twice?

You all worshipped his butt!!!

Try reading the discussion again because you whiffed on it the first time.

Also, I voted for Harry Browne and Badnarik, sorry Sport

Whoever you voted for, millions voted fro W - and if you really don't know any it's either because they're embarrassed to admit it or you live with your head in the sand.

That's one way to look at it, and if so, explains how the polls could be so wrong. People who will vote for Trump say they won't because the left has been able to demonize him so badly. Remember how you people were bitching up a storm because the exit polls showed Kerry the winner hands down? How did that happen? People don't tell the truth to pollsters.

I think you and Richard are talking about similar but different things.

Richard is claiming people were "embarrassed" by their own votes as if we thought we did something wrong.

You're pointing out accurately that we're afraid of psycho leftists to say out loud in public that we support Trump

Actually I decided instead of challenging him, agree with him. Okay......people are embarrassed to say they voted for a Republican President. You win Richard. Then HTF can anybody site polls and say Trump is in trouble? All I'm doing is using his argument and turning it back around on him.

"Folks, you can't tell anybody they are wrong. It's something they have to decide for themselves. All you can do is give them the information to come to the conclusion they are wrong."
Rush Limbaugh

Very good. That is a great point
Huge deficits, recession, riots, constant bailouts.... what a success story.

Huge deficits: The Democrats proposed a pork-stimulus bill for 3 trillion. Republicans countered with cutting it down to 1 trillion. Democrats took their ball and went home until Trump said he was going to issue a EO to settle the matter.

Recession: Trump is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic. Democrats will fail with that stance.

Riots: Democrats are rioting in Democrat cities with Democrat leadership, over a career criminal who was killed by a police officer in another Democrat city. That's the Republicans fault?

Bailouts: Who wants to bailout cities who irresponsibly overspent for many years?
Huge deficits, recession, riots, constant bailouts.... what a success story.

Huge deficits: The Democrats proposed a pork-stimulus bill for 3 trillion. Republicans countered with cutting it down to 1 trillion. Democrats took their ball and went home until Trump said he was going to issue a EO to settle the matter.

Recession: Trump is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic. Democrats will fail with that stance.

Riots: Democrats are rioting in Democrat cities with Democrat leadership, over a career criminal who was killed by a police officer in another Democrat city. That's the Republicans fault?

Bailouts: Who wants to bailout cities who irresponsibly overspent for many years?
Deficits were a trillion before the pandemic. Trump is the deficit king.

Trump is responsible for the failed pandemic response. We have the most death of any country.

Those cities been democrat for years. The riots are thanks to trumps poor leadership.

You forget the farmer bailout? Trump was bailing before the pandemic too.

Country goes to ruin and you clowns still support the conman.
Huge deficits, recession, riots, constant bailouts.... what a success story.

Huge deficits: The Democrats proposed a pork-stimulus bill for 3 trillion. Republicans countered with cutting it down to 1 trillion. Democrats took their ball and went home until Trump said he was going to issue a EO to settle the matter.

Recession: Trump is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic. Democrats will fail with that stance.

Riots: Democrats are rioting in Democrat cities with Democrat leadership, over a career criminal who was killed by a police officer in another Democrat city. That's the Republicans fault?

Bailouts: Who wants to bailout cities who irresponsibly overspent for many years?
Deficits were a trillion before the pandemic. Trump is the deficit king.

Trump is responsible for the failed pandemic response. We have the most death of any country.

Those cities been democrat for years. The riots are thanks to trumps poor leadership.

You forget the farmer bailout? Trump was bailing before the pandemic too.

Country goes to ruin and you clowns still support the conman.

Donald Trump followed all the advice by US experts on the virus, including Fauci, Brix, CDC and FDA. Trump was no more in control of the deaths than he is of a hurricane with the exception of rewarding institutions for reporting Covid cases and deaths. If Trump wants to dramatically bring the numbers down, he should rescind the rebates to hospitals and doctors treating Covid patients.

Trump did have deficits, but the most of our deficits is because of Covid, which the Democrats want to spend even more on. The last time we didn't have deficit spending was during the Clinton years with a Republican House.

Trump has no control over Democrat cities with the riots. He cannot control the Summer of Love. That's up to them. Even when Trump sent Homeland Security to protect federal structures, who was it that cried he should get out?

Trump bailed out farmers due to his actions with our trading partners in order to get better trade deals. They were suffering because of it, so Trump felt that they were owed TEMPORARY relief until the matters were settled.

You are not going to convince people that everything is Trump's fault when the Democrats played the same game. It's not going to work.
Huge deficits, recession, riots, constant bailouts.... what a success story.

Huge deficits: The Democrats proposed a pork-stimulus bill for 3 trillion. Republicans countered with cutting it down to 1 trillion. Democrats took their ball and went home until Trump said he was going to issue a EO to settle the matter.

Recession: Trump is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic. Democrats will fail with that stance.

Riots: Democrats are rioting in Democrat cities with Democrat leadership, over a career criminal who was killed by a police officer in another Democrat city. That's the Republicans fault?

Bailouts: Who wants to bailout cities who irresponsibly overspent for many years?
Deficits were a trillion before the pandemic. Trump is the deficit king.

Trump is responsible for the failed pandemic response. We have the most death of any country.

Those cities been democrat for years. The riots are thanks to trumps poor leadership.

You forget the farmer bailout? Trump was bailing before the pandemic too.

Country goes to ruin and you clowns still support the conman.

Donald Trump followed all the advice by US experts on the virus, including Fauci, Brix, CDC and FDA. Trump was no more in control of the deaths than he is of a hurricane with the exception of rewarding institutions for reporting Covid cases and deaths. If Trump wants to dramatically bring the numbers down, he should rescind the rebates to hospitals and doctors treating Covid patients.

Trump did have deficits, but the most of our deficits is because of Covid, which the Democrats want to spend even more on. The last time we didn't have deficit spending was during the Clinton years with a Republican House.

Trump has no control over Democrat cities with the riots. He cannot control the Summer of Love. That's up to them. Even when Trump sent Homeland Security to protect federal structures, who was it that cried he should get out?

Trump bailed out farmers due to his actions with our trading partners in order to get better trade deals. They were suffering because of it, so Trump felt that they were owed TEMPORARY relief until the matters were settled.

You are not going to convince people that everything is Trump's fault when the Democrats played the same game. It's not going to work.
Glad you are still full of shit. Trump half assed the fight on corona and left it to the states. Now he owns the most death and crushed the economy.

Well he ran a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy. That is as bad as it gets.

Trump has no control, you should just stop there.

Trump had to bail out farmers cause his failed tariff policy ruined them. He also hurt manufacturing and steel is a disaster.

4 years into trump and you have only excuses. Country is in a bad way. Good leaders don't let this happen.
Huge deficits, recession, riots, constant bailouts.... what a success story.

Huge deficits: The Democrats proposed a pork-stimulus bill for 3 trillion. Republicans countered with cutting it down to 1 trillion. Democrats took their ball and went home until Trump said he was going to issue a EO to settle the matter.

Recession: Trump is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic. Democrats will fail with that stance.

Riots: Democrats are rioting in Democrat cities with Democrat leadership, over a career criminal who was killed by a police officer in another Democrat city. That's the Republicans fault?

Bailouts: Who wants to bailout cities who irresponsibly overspent for many years?
Deficits were a trillion before the pandemic. Trump is the deficit king.

Trump is responsible for the failed pandemic response. We have the most death of any country.

Those cities been democrat for years. The riots are thanks to trumps poor leadership.

You forget the farmer bailout? Trump was bailing before the pandemic too.

Country goes to ruin and you clowns still support the conman.

Donald Trump followed all the advice by US experts on the virus, including Fauci, Brix, CDC and FDA. Trump was no more in control of the deaths than he is of a hurricane with the exception of rewarding institutions for reporting Covid cases and deaths. If Trump wants to dramatically bring the numbers down, he should rescind the rebates to hospitals and doctors treating Covid patients.

Trump did have deficits, but the most of our deficits is because of Covid, which the Democrats want to spend even more on. The last time we didn't have deficit spending was during the Clinton years with a Republican House.

Trump has no control over Democrat cities with the riots. He cannot control the Summer of Love. That's up to them. Even when Trump sent Homeland Security to protect federal structures, who was it that cried he should get out?

Trump bailed out farmers due to his actions with our trading partners in order to get better trade deals. They were suffering because of it, so Trump felt that they were owed TEMPORARY relief until the matters were settled.

You are not going to convince people that everything is Trump's fault when the Democrats played the same game. It's not going to work.
Glad you are still full of shit. Trump half assed the fight on corona and left it to the states. Now he owns the most death and crushed the economy.

Well he ran a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy. That is as bad as it gets.

Trump has no control, you should just stop there.

Trump had to bail out farmers cause his failed tariff policy ruined them. He also hurt manufacturing and steel is a disaster.

4 years into trump and you have only excuses. Country is in a bad way. Good leaders don't let this happen.

He is a good leader. Do you know why the stock market is recovering? Because people have confidence in his leadership. They know if anybody can pull us out of this, it's President Trump. Amazingly, new housing startups were 20% higher in July.

We do not live in an autocracy. Trump cannot make orders against the Congress, the Constitution, our medical experts, or the court. He has limited ability in what he can do. So tell us all, what did Trump not do that he should have done within his limitations as President?

Amid Trump's trading policy battles, we had over a million more jobs than Americans who could possibly work them. That's what you call hurting steel and manufacturing?

Thank god for that! Now just take Trump's policies and mix it with Tucker Carlson's and we have an unbeatable force for decades to come!
Doubtful. As soon as he loses they will all claim they never liked him anyway, just like all the current tRumplings do for Bush.

First of all that's stupid. I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now.

And second, this is a tired, Democrat trope. Don't you have any of your own material? Don't you have anything to say other than going again with the Democrat echo chamber?

Then how did W get elected twice?

You all worshipped his butt!!!

Try reading the discussion again because you whiffed on it the first time.

Also, I voted for Harry Browne and Badnarik, sorry Sport

Whoever you voted for, millions voted fro W - and if you really don't know any it's either because they're embarrassed to admit it or you live with your head in the sand.

I know lots of W voters and they all say W was better than Gore and Kerry, you're full of shit.

This is a tired Democrats trope along with that Trump won't leave the White House.

First, get your own material and stop parroting Democrats. And second, grow the hell up. No one is embarrassed they voted for W or Trump

It was you that said:

" I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now. "

So I guess your just a lying bag of shit that changes their argument when you know you lost!

Thank god for that! Now just take Trump's policies and mix it with Tucker Carlson's and we have an unbeatable force for decades to come!
Doubtful. As soon as he loses they will all claim they never liked him anyway, just like all the current tRumplings do for Bush.

First of all that's stupid. I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now.

And second, this is a tired, Democrat trope. Don't you have any of your own material? Don't you have anything to say other than going again with the Democrat echo chamber?

Then how did W get elected twice?

You all worshipped his butt!!!

Try reading the discussion again because you whiffed on it the first time.

Also, I voted for Harry Browne and Badnarik, sorry Sport

Whoever you voted for, millions voted fro W - and if you really don't know any it's either because they're embarrassed to admit it or you live with your head in the sand.

I know lots of W voters and they all say W was better than Gore and Kerry, you're full of shit.

This is a tired Democrats trope along with that Trump won't leave the White House.

First, get your own material and stop parroting Democrats. And second, grow the hell up. No one is embarrassed they voted for W or Trump

It was you that said:

" I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now. "

So I guess your just a lying bag of shit that changes their argument when you know you lost!

What the fuck are you talking about? I said all along that W voters aren't embarrassed. You drunk off your ass before noon? You should be embarrassed with Republicans running W and the best you could come up with were Gore and Kerry. You gave the election away with your horrible ability to pick candidates.

No one says I should have voted for Gore or Kerry who voted for W. That's just stupid. Your candidates were so much worse

Thank god for that! Now just take Trump's policies and mix it with Tucker Carlson's and we have an unbeatable force for decades to come!
Doubtful. As soon as he loses they will all claim they never liked him anyway, just like all the current tRumplings do for Bush.

First of all that's stupid. I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now.

And second, this is a tired, Democrat trope. Don't you have any of your own material? Don't you have anything to say other than going again with the Democrat echo chamber?

Then how did W get elected twice?

You all worshipped his butt!!!

Try reading the discussion again because you whiffed on it the first time.

Also, I voted for Harry Browne and Badnarik, sorry Sport

Whoever you voted for, millions voted fro W - and if you really don't know any it's either because they're embarrassed to admit it or you live with your head in the sand.

I know lots of W voters and they all say W was better than Gore and Kerry, you're full of shit.

This is a tired Democrats trope along with that Trump won't leave the White House.

First, get your own material and stop parroting Democrats. And second, grow the hell up. No one is embarrassed they voted for W or Trump

It was you that said:

" I don't know anyone who supported W and doesn't now. "

So I guess your just a lying bag of shit that changes their argument when you know you lost!

Well, you met one now. I voted from him twice. As bad as he was, the alternatives were worse.

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