Wind Power okay'ed to kill Eagles!


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
That's right folks, the Green/Renewable Energy that has been forced upon us by the Government is now being issued a permit allowing Wind Turbines to legally kill Federally Protected Eagles.

How is it that something that is suppose to be Clean, Green, and Renewable be so destructive, so polluting, and now openly allowed to destroy a part of our fragile Environment.

Feds Set To Issue First Eagle Kill Permit To California Wind Facility | Wind | ReWire | KCET

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is preparing to issue its first-ever take permit to allow for the accidental killing of golden eagles at a California wind facility. Under the terms of the permit, the Shiloh IV Wind Project, a 100-megawatt wind facility in Solano County's Montezuma Hills near Rio Vista, will be allowed to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period without incurring penalties under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA).

Avian Conservation and Ecology: Mortality of Migratory Birds from Marine Commercial Fisheries and Offshore Oil and Gas Production in Canada

Fraser et al. (2006) specifically consider the impacts of oil sheens from daily operational discharges of produced waters on auk populations in Atlantic Canada using dilution models generated from the environmental assessment process for the White Rose platform (Husky Oil Ltd 2000). Assuming a worse-case scenario of sheens occurring 210 days/year and assuming mortality with exposure they estimate that between 52 and 1444 auks could be oiled in the 1 km² range surrounding one platform. For three operating platforms in Atlantic Canadian waters that discharge similar volumes of produced water the estimate was 156 to 4332 auks oiled annually because of oil sheens.

We damned near drove the eagles into extinction through the use of DDT, which you 'Conservatives' still claim to be harmless.
Avian Conservation and Ecology: Mortality of Migratory Birds from Marine Commercial Fisheries and Offshore Oil and Gas Production in Canada

Fraser et al. (2006) specifically consider the impacts of oil sheens from daily operational discharges of produced waters on auk populations in Atlantic Canada using dilution models generated from the environmental assessment process for the White Rose platform (Husky Oil Ltd 2000). Assuming a worse-case scenario of sheens occurring 210 days/year and assuming mortality with exposure they estimate that between 52 and 1444 auks could be oiled in the 1 km² range surrounding one platform. For three operating platforms in Atlantic Canadian waters that discharge similar volumes of produced water the estimate was 156 to 4332 auks oiled annually because of oil sheens.

We damned near drove the eagles into extinction through the use of DDT, which you 'Conservatives' still claim to be harmless.

What specifically constitutes an "oiled" bird? What are the various consequences of a bird getting "oiled". And why does this Canadian incident have anything to do with a bird getting smashed to death by a turbine blade in the U.S. :dunno:
Whether a high rise building, windmill, or drilling platform, there will be environmental impact. In the case of DDT, that impact was much too high for the benefits. In the case of the drilling platforms, windmills, and buildings, we presently judge the impacts to be acceptable. That does not mean that we should not be looking for ways to reduce the impacts.
Whether a high rise building, windmill, or drilling platform, there will be environmental impact. In the case of DDT, that impact was much too high for the benefits. In the case of the drilling platforms, windmills, and buildings, we presently judge the impacts to be acceptable. That does not mean that we should not be looking for ways to reduce the impacts.

Thank god George Bush was not a pedophile.
Whether a high rise building, windmill, or drilling platform, there will be environmental impact. In the case of DDT, that impact was much too high for the benefits. In the case of the drilling platforms, windmills, and buildings, we presently judge the impacts to be acceptable. That does not mean that we should not be looking for ways to reduce the impacts.

Thank god George Bush was not a pedophile.

Ok, that was just plain old weird.
That's right folks, the Green/Renewable Energy that has been forced upon us by the Government is now being issued a permit allowing Wind Turbines to legally kill Federally Protected Eagles.

How is it that something that is suppose to be Clean, Green, and Renewable be so destructive, so polluting, and now openly allowed to destroy a part of our fragile Environment.

Feds Set To Issue First Eagle Kill Permit To California Wind Facility | Wind | ReWire | KCET

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is preparing to issue its first-ever take permit to allow for the accidental killing of golden eagles at a California wind facility. Under the terms of the permit, the Shiloh IV Wind Project, a 100-megawatt wind facility in Solano County's Montezuma Hills near Rio Vista, will be allowed to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period without incurring penalties under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA).


Have you ever seen a modern wind genetator? They aren't very fast. And they are not very hard to see.
Actually, because of the blade length, that tip is moving pretty fast. And the raptors do not look for danger from above. So there is a problem with the mills and raptors. A problem I am sure we can find a cure for.
That's right folks, the Green/Renewable Energy that has been forced upon us by the Government is now being issued a permit allowing Wind Turbines to legally kill Federally Protected Eagles.

How is it that something that is suppose to be Clean, Green, and Renewable be so destructive, so polluting, and now openly allowed to destroy a part of our fragile Environment.

Feds Set To Issue First Eagle Kill Permit To California Wind Facility | Wind | ReWire | KCET

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is preparing to issue its first-ever take permit to allow for the accidental killing of golden eagles at a California wind facility. Under the terms of the permit, the Shiloh IV Wind Project, a 100-megawatt wind facility in Solano County's Montezuma Hills near Rio Vista, will be allowed to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period without incurring penalties under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA).


Have you ever seen a modern wind genetator? They aren't very fast. And they are not very hard to see.

I guess you have not put too much brain power into this, the blades travel at over a 100 mph. Maybe you should tell that to the eagles, the power company applying for kill permits, and the federal government that issues them.
Whether a high rise building, windmill, or drilling platform, there will be environmental impact. In the case of DDT, that impact was much too high for the benefits. In the case of the drilling platforms, windmills, and buildings, we presently judge the impacts to be acceptable. That does not mean that we should not be looking for ways to reduce the impacts.

Thank god George Bush was not a pedophile.

Ok, that was just plain old weird.

I guess it went over your head, old crock points out that other people or things killed birds, like its okay for Green Energy to be the new destructor of birds, so I used absurdity to make a point, I hope you get it now.
The damage done to birds by wind towers is insignificant compared to other
- forms of wind energy generation
- Cats
- Windows

The last two in particular are thousands of times more deadly.

This is a simple trade off equation, you'll get less avian deaths with wind than you do with oil.
The damage done to birds by wind towers is insignificant compared to other
- forms of wind energy generation
- Cats
- Windows

The last two in particular are thousands of times more deadly.

This is a simple trade off equation, you'll get less avian deaths with wind than you do with oil.

how many eagles are killed by a window or cat?

less with wind than oil? how do you build wind? how about the fiberglass blades, how is that fiberglass made, you have to use oil, and if you are building the world's largest wind farm, you are using the world's largest amount of oil to manufacture the fiberglass, largest amount of oil for the least amount of return that is.

So if you think Oil is problem, why increase its use to produce a less efficient form of energy?

Wind Turbines has increased consumption, consumption of Oil increased significantly, so Green Energy is also responsible for the damage Oil causes.

I am unaware of Oil killing Eagles, got a link?
The damage done to birds by wind towers is insignificant compared to other
- forms of wind energy generation
- Cats
- Windows

The last two in particular are thousands of times more deadly.

This is a simple trade off equation, you'll get less avian deaths with wind than you do with oil.

If it's ok for wind turbines to kill birds then it should be ok for hydrocarbons to kill birds.
Where's my goddamn waiver? :dunno:

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